Chapter 1751 yes, senator
It is impossible to prepare the army for war. Increased military expenditure will certainly stimulate the economy to a certain extent, but it is only 1927. According to Rock's memory, there are at least ten years before World War II. Now those so-called " "Advanced weapons" will become outdated weapons in ten years. Don't forget that there is still an economic crisis. Southern Africa is starting large-scale infrastructure construction to deal with the impact of the economic crisis, so military spending has to be slowed down.

October is approaching the end of the year, and Congress is discussing the budget submitted by the federal government.

Compared with this year, the federal government's budget for infrastructure construction, major engineering projects, and social welfare security has greatly increased. Last year, the federal government's budget was only 8.9 million rand. The economic crisis broke out in the middle of the year. In order to alleviate the impact of the economic crisis, the federal government, In the middle of the year, about 1.5 million rand was urgently added to the financial allocation, and about 2 million rand bonds were issued, and finally the federal government's expenditure reached 12.4 billion.

This year's budget is even more excessive. Considering the continued impact of the economic crisis, the budget submitted by the federal government has reached 13.5 billion, which has caused great controversy in Congress.

For reference, the UK spent just £7.7m last year.

Corresponding to the fiscal budget, the total revenue of governments at all levels in the Southern African Federation last year was about 9.5 million rand, of which customs revenue was about 1.9 million, consumption tax was 1.7 million, and land tax, income tax and property tax totaled about 4.5 million. Operating income of 1.1 million.

The operating income of the federal government refers to the dividends obtained by the federal government from social investment. After several rounds of adjustments by the federal government, the proportion of shares held by the federal government in the basic industries related to people's livelihood is increasing year by year, and this part of income will also increase year by year in the future. The growth rate depends on the investment intensity of the federal government.

Also for reference, the British government's fiscal revenue last year was about 8.1 million pounds.

Looking at it this way, the governments of this era are almost conscientious governments, and none of them operate in debt. If it were not for the additional financial allocation and the issuance of national bonds in the middle of the year, the financial situation in southern Africa would be very healthy.

It is also because of this that next year the federal government of Southern Africa will definitely continue to operate in debt, and the fiscal deficit will increase. This has aroused the concerns of many federal lawmakers. necessary worry.

"Heh, you don't need to talk about the future. Your worries now are superfluous. Although the federal government's spending is increasing, it depends on how much the federal government's spending will generate. Those spending on infrastructure construction and major engineering projects are all Taxes will be generated in every link of the process, and finally they will be returned to the treasury through taxation. Isn’t this what you have always hoped for?” Aiden is a staunch supporter of the federal government and fully supports the budget submitted by the federal government.

"There were already enough projects invested last year. This year we should tighten the budget properly and maintain a fiscal balance. Otherwise, we will encounter emergencies like the economic crisis. How should we deal with it?" Arthur Black, a congressman from Cape, does not support the federal government. The government, however, is a bit conservative in thinking and cannot accept Rock's way of investing with debt.

"In the event of an emergency, you can continue to issue national debt. Don't you know how popular the federal government's national debt is? The first two national debts issued by the federal government this year did not flow into the market at all, and they were all divided up by financial institutions. The current situation That is, financial institutions all over the world have confidence in the federal government of Southern Africa, but the members of Congress have the least confidence. It’s better to just disband such a parliament!” Aiden fired directly, and he pointed out that Congress’s weekly A regular meeting is enough, why not change it to once a year?

To become a member of Congress, most people are usually very busy. It is a waste of life to waste a good time on congressional wrangling.

This is also the reason why Rock, Stoudemire, and Henry don't personally participate in Congress. The key is that they don't have time, and so do others. Therefore, most of the members of Congress are the spokespersons of various forces, and they have to listen to the words of the benefactors behind the scenes. , There are very few members of Congress who really rely on their strength.

This is also the reason why the federal government's budget has caused heated discussions. The budget cannot take care of all aspects. People in the civilian field are not happy when there are too many purchases of military weapons. Food is a strategic resource that must be stockpiled. Isn't it the case for weapons and ammunition?Needless to say, other aspects such as culture, education and health, the cake is so big, one more bite here, one less bite there, it is difficult to adjust to everyone.

"Member Aiden, pay attention to your words—" Buck reminded in time that the member of Congress advocated the dissolution of Congress, and he was almost crazy.

But it’s not surprising, the Italian parliament has been dissolved, and the German parliament may not last for a few days. In another time and space, Hindenburg appointed Mustache as prime minister on January 1. On February 30, the parliamentary arson case broke out, and then Germany Just run wildly on the road out of control.

"It's not impossible to dissolve the parliament. The more critical the time is, the more we need a firm voice. It is always a big taboo to get out of many schools. Even if the parliament is not dissolved, the power should be limited!" Nyasaland MP Luis also said. A staunch supporter of the federal government, after Roque became prime minister, the role of parliament became less and less, it might as well be dissolved.

"Gentlemen, the existence of Parliament is not a restriction on the federal government, but a supervision. If Parliament is dissolved, then who will supervise the federal government?" Arthur Blake disagrees with Eden and Lewis. The situation in southern Africa , not yet to the point of dissolving Parliament.

"Mr. Black, since you said that, is there any problem with the federal government's budget next year?" Aiden was aggressive. Some people said nicely that as long as they have power in their hands, they must maximize power without limit.

To put it bluntly, you have to listen to me on my territory——

"Of course there is. The federal government's budget for next year will provide too little subsidy to Cape. If half of the budget is given to Cape, someone will probably lift their feet up." Louis' mouth was too bad, and his feet were in the air. It's too beautiful to see.

"Is there no problem with debt investment? We don't want to restrict the behavior of the federal government, but we just hope that the federal government can be more stable—" Arthur Black insisted that in the federal government's budget for next year, there is indeed not much support for Cape Town. But compared with the three states of Nyasaland, Rhodesia, and Transvaal, which have no support, Cape is too lucky.

The three states of Nyasaland, Rhodesia, and Transvaal said: We dare not think about support, just don’t ask too much from our three states.

But this can't be blamed on the federal government. It's a game of chess in southern Africa, and Roque can't help it.

"Without the federal government's debt investment, the federal government can't even pay your salary!" Aiden was sharp, and he wanted the horse to run, and he wanted the horse not to eat grass, which probably meant this.

"Gentlemen, calm down, let us focus on next year's budget instead of other weird things—" Buck hammered, the budget must be passed as soon as possible, and the federal government must not delay for too long. The government is still waiting for the rice to go to the pot.

"Let's vote directly. If you agree, please raise your hand. If you disagree, shut up and let the result speak." Aiden raised his hand directly after speaking.

Louis didn't speak, but immediately raised his hand.

Some of the other congressmen raised their hands, some talked a lot, and more people were still waiting for Buck to speak.

"Okay, then let's vote with a show of hands—" Buck obeyed the public opinion, and raised his hand after speaking.

The speaker has already raised his hand, and more and more members will raise their hands soon.

Arthur Black's face was gray and defeated. He had expected this result a long time ago. As long as he entered the show of hands voting procedure, he would lose.

"Ha, it seems that someone also knows how unpopular he is—" Aiden was complacent, and there was no need to wait for the votes to be counted, which must be more than two-thirds.

At the end of the meeting, Aiden hurried to Stoudemire to report today's results.

"Don't talk to that idiot Black, if it's not to appease the old Cape people, it won't be his turn anyway." Stoudemire doesn't like Arthur Black either, and this kind of guy will be kicked out of Congress sooner or later.

"Is the lord treating Rhodesia a bit harshly, there is no support for a penny, and there is a tax increase, how good is that-" Aiden also has opinions on Rock.

"Let's see how Locke treats Nyasaland—" Stoudemire was also dissatisfied, but he was still convinced by Rock himself.

Rock is not targeting Rhodesia. Nyasaland, as Rock's territory, not only does not have a penny of help, but also has to increase taxes.

This left Stoudemire with nothing to say. Although Rock was harsh, he took his own territory first, and no one could fault him.

As for those picky people, Stoudemire can only hehe, some people always shut themselves in rooms without windows, and refuse to see what changes are happening in the outside world. Sooner or later, such people will Be eliminated.

"The federal government has given a lot of orders to Nyasaland enterprises—" Aiden was cautious. He didn't mean to provoke the relationship between Stoudemire and Rock, but just wanted to win more benefits for Rhodesia.

Regarding the orders, the federal government has indeed placed a lot of orders for Nyasaland enterprises, but this is not because Roque is using public interests for personal gain, but because most of the heavy industries in southern Africa are concentrated in Nyasaland. The increase in orders by the federal government mainly The purpose is to stimulate economic recovery.

The significance of heavy industry to a country does not need to be emphasized. It is not only Nyasaland enterprises that benefit from the increase in orders, but the entire upstream and downstream industrial chains have benefits. Rhodesia enterprises actually receive a lot of orders, especially Rhodesia For agricultural companies, the federal government has 500 million orders next year. With the scale of Rhodesia, it will take nearly two months to complete these orders.

Two months is a long time, don't be too greedy, you can't rely on the federal government, you still have to explore your own potential.

ps: The third update full of sincerity, long live the great Labor Day——

(End of this chapter)

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