Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1752 Governor's decision

Chapter 1752 Governor's decision

"Aiden, you need to figure out the relationship between the parliament and the federal government." Stoudemire's voice was stern. This was Aiden. If it were someone else, Stoudemire didn't have the patience to remind him at all. Tool people don't need to think.

After all, Aiden had been working hard by Stoudemire's side for decades. When the old Cecil Rhodes passed away, without Aiden's assistance, Stoudemire could not have successfully taken over the South African company.

People have feelings, and Stoudemire couldn't bear to see Aiden lose his life in the evening.

Now Stoudemire and Rock have formed a solid alliance of interests, and they are still in-laws. Aiden shouldn't and can't say these words.

As for the relationship between the Federal Government of Southern Africa and the Federal Parliament.

Unlike the United Kingdom, southern Africa implements a governor-general system. In name, the British king is the supreme leader of southern Africa, then the governor-general, and then the prime minister.

The power of the British Parliament is enormous, and the rights of the prime minister are restricted by the parliament. Any policy that the UK wants to introduce needs to be submitted to the parliament by the prime minister's office for approval, and can only be implemented after the third reading.

Southern Africa is the same in form as the United Kingdom, and the power of the prime minister is also restricted by the parliament. In Philip's era, the parliament rejected the proposals of the prime minister's office many times, and the relationship was once tense.

It would definitely be different if it were a strong prime minister. The current federal parliament has almost become a vassal of the Palace of Justice, leaving only a supervisory role. If the parliament can't figure out the situation, Roque may really dissolve the parliament.

In fact, the British Prime Minister also has the right to dissolve the Parliament, but it needs to be approved by the King of England. As long as the King agrees, the Prime Minister can dissolve the Parliament and hold a general election. Stanley Baldwin misjudged the situation last time, so the Conservative Party lost power.

"Yes, I understand—" Aiden wasn't against the federal government either, just complaining.

Opposing the federal government is treason, and Stoudemire will clean up the door without Roque's action.

"It's an eventful time now, and we all need to work together. Don't care about temporary gains and losses. After these few years, Rhodesia will reach a new level." Stoudemire's current situation is also OK, and money is endless. Already one of the richest men in the world, Stoudemire began to pursue things other than money.

Aiden's work is very busy. In addition to the federal parliamentarian, Aiden is also the chairman of the Johannesburg Mining Union and the general manager of De Beers Unified Mining Company.

There are now more than 70 gold mines in the Rand mining area. De Beers Unified Mining Company and Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd. under the name of Rock account for half of the total. Hawley, Governor of Randsva, said that after the gradual elimination of African-American workers in southern Africa, the operation of the Rand mining area was affected to a certain extent. The large number of African-American workers left forced the mine to upgrade equipment and use more advanced technology. This is quite controversial.

This is normal. Although the efficiency of construction machinery is high, it is expensive and requires maintenance. The cost is higher than directly using African workers to mine in the most primitive way.

Not everyone has the awareness of Rock and Stoudemire.

"Construction machinery is too expensive. The price of a scraper is close to 5000 rand, which is about the same as the price of a Lord car. With this money, you can hire [-] workers. The efficiency is even lower than that of a shovel." The opportunity is higher.” At the Mining Union meeting, Tommy Brent, the general manager of Nathaniel, clearly expressed his opposition to the cleanup of African-American workers.

Nathaniel Company is a mining company with a British background. It owns two gold mines in the Rand mining area, both of which are relatively small.

After the establishment of the federal government, the large-scale and high-yield gold mines changed hands several times, and they were all monopolized by large companies such as De Beers Consolidated Mining Company and Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd., leaving leftovers to other companies.

It can’t be said that leftovers are leftovers. Rand gold mines are generally of high grade, and the ore with a gold content of more than ten grams per ton is more valuable for mining. The first gold mine obtained by Rock has a grade of only about five grams, and now it has become a favorite. cake.

The grade of the two gold mines owned by Nathaniel Company is only about five grams, and the reserves are not too high.

Gold mines with hundreds of millions of ounces in the Rock Gold Mine are called high reserves.

The Rock Gold Mine has mined a total of 1500 million ounces of gold since it was mined. According to the current exchange rate between rand and gold, it is worth about 4.65 million rand.

The price comparison here refers to the selling price of gold in the market, not the official price. Rand has now been unbound from gold and cannot be directly exchanged for gold.

In the southern African market, the price of gold is currently maintained at about one rand per gram.

"If you hire two thousand workers, you have to pay them a monthly salary, and you have to take care of them to eat, drink, and sleep. The loader only needs to be refueled, and it can be used for at least one year. In this way, the loader is more cost-effective." Marty The general manager of Erda Mining Company, Mike, also has the surname Matilda, and is a distant relative of Phyllis. According to seniority, Mike should be called Uncle Rock.

"The loader can't be used for one year at all. In my mine, the loader was completely damaged after only one month, and it can't be repaired at all." Tommy Brent was very angry. is not the same at all.

"Then I don't know why. Anyway, in the mine of our Matilda Mining Company, the loader has been running for six months, and it is still normal now." Mike sneered, no matter how good the loader is, it needs maintenance .

The Rand mining area is not big or small, but there are just dozens of gold mines, and a little bit of trouble can be known to everyone in half a day.

The scraper purchased by Nathaniel Company was indeed completely damaged after only one month, and then Nathaniel Company approached Nyasaran Heavy Industry for compensation, claiming that the quality of the scraper produced by Nyasaran Heavy Industry was not good. qualified.

The scraper is a necessary equipment for gold mining. In the underground, the scraper sends the blasted ore to the belt conveyor to be transported out of the ground. In the past, this work was done manually.

For product quality, Nyasaran Heavy Industries still attaches great importance to it. After learning the news, it immediately sent people to Nathaniel Company to investigate the situation.

This incident had a great impact at the time. Some mines that had signed the contract requested to return the goods, and more mines that had not signed the contract were in a wait-and-see state.

The results of the investigation came out quickly. The complete damage of the scraper was not a quality problem, but Nathaniel’s improper use and failure to perform regular maintenance on the scraper as required, so the scraper was damaged in less than a month.

This result was spread as a joke in the Rand mining area. The expensive Lord car still needs regular maintenance, not to mention the heavy-duty construction machinery.

This kind of thing is actually very normal. For the same two cars, one is regularly maintained and meticulously maintained. The environment of use is a spacious and smooth expressway in the city. I don’t want to take any bad roads. The service life will naturally be longer. After a few years, it will look like Still like new.

A car that has been used in harsh outdoor environments for a long time, never maintained, 24 hours a day, and the owner has the habit of violent driving, it will definitely not take long for the car to be ruined.

It's certainly not a quality issue.

"In any case, the federal government should not interfere with the normal operations of enterprises. We have the right to choose whether to use workers or construction machinery." Tommy Brent was furious. He was responsible to the company's shareholders, and the company's profits fell. , Tommy Brent is fully responsible.

"Mr. Brent, if your Nathaniel Company does not comply with the federal government's regulations, then the Mining Union will remove your Nathaniel Company and take back your sales quota—" Aiden said bluntly, 5 grams per Ton grade, in the Rand mining area is a mine with low gold content. It is different outside the Rand mining area, and some people are willing to take over.

"There is also this sales quota, which is also very unreasonable. We can sell the mined gold to whomever we want. The mining alliance collected our money, not only did not protect the interests of the mine, but also conducted a Many restrictions, is this reasonable? Is it reasonable? Is it reasonable?” Tommy Brent questioned Sanlian, hoping to get more support.

However, the situation was different from what Tommy Brent had imagined. Among the dozen or so members of the Mining Alliance, no one supported Tommy Brent's question, not even anyone who echoed it.

Everyone was looking at Tommy Brent with mocking eyes, including those who had a good relationship with Tommy Brent on weekdays.

"Is this guy crazy?" Aiden whispered to Holly without deliberately lowering his voice.

It's useless to press it down, the conference room is not big, and everyone can hear clearly.

"How long has it been since we cleaned up the portal last time?" Holly sneered. Some people just don't know the current affairs. The mining alliance has developed steadily in the past few years. Some people probably think that Aiden and Holly can't hold a knife anymore.

This can't be blamed on Tommy Brent, nor is it forced to lower his intelligence. The last time the Mining Alliance cleaned up the door, Nathaniel Company hadn't been established yet.

"Hehe, it's almost 20 years—" Aiden couldn't remember, it was too long.

"Well, Tommy, I'll give you a month to find a buyer. If it doesn't work, Upper Katanga United Mining Co., Ltd. can take over Nathaniel's gold mine." Hawley is not negotiating, It's an obvious grab.

"Your Excellency Governor, what do you mean?" Tommy Brent's face was pale, so shameless——

"What do you mean? You also know that I am the governor. I took my precious time to attend the meeting. I didn't come to listen to your complaints. Since you don't want to do it, then get out of the way, don't give me I'm looking for trouble, don't make trouble for yourself!" Hawley rants directly, in the Palace of Justice, Hawley behaved like a chick, leaving the Palace of Justice, Hawley is the governor of the Transvaal.

ps: The last chapter was not a name change, 1593 is applying for lifting the ban, the code word code is hi, just like this, accidentally crossed the line——

(End of this chapter)

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