Chapter 1757 Three Wife
Stanley Baldwin was hospitalized due to illness, and he made it clear that he did not want to take over the mess left by Ramsay McDonald. George V searched around, and found sadly that Ramsay McDonald still had to stay in office , so George V tasked Ramsay Macdonald with forming a coalition government again.

In order to ensure smooth politics and harmonious people, this time the Labor Party must not only unite with the Liberal Party, but also unite with the Conservative Party.

Pull all the three major parties into the coalition government, this time you will not be able to play tricks.

After all, George V underestimated the disturbing nature of the British people. After the establishment of the coalition government, the power of the Conservative Party in the cabinet rose sharply. The Labor Party was very dissatisfied with the current cabinet. Most members of the Labor Party believed that Ramsay MacDonald Ramsay Macdonald argued that he had to compromise in the public interest by "selling out" the Labor Party to keep his prime ministership.

This reason was obviously unconvincing. On April 4, the leader of the Labor Party, Henderson, fired Ramsey McDonald, Philip Snowden, and Thomas, and the three of them formed the National Labor Party.

It looks good now. There was a "three-traitor cabinet" in France before, which was exported crazily by the British.

Now that the "three traitor cabinets" have also appeared in the UK, it is finally the French's turn to ridicule.

But before it was the French's turn to speak, Stanley Baldwin exploded and demanded an immediate general election.

Macdonald's inability to refuse Stanley Baldwin's demands has been eye-popping as the Conservatives reemerged as the largest party in the UK parliament after the Labor split.

In this general election, the coalition government won a total of 554 seats in parliament, of which the Conservative Party accounted for 470 seats, the National Labor Party led by MacDonald accounted for 13 seats, and the National Liberal Party 64 seats. 288 seats.

The Labor Party is not the worst, the worst is the Liberal Party led by Lloyd George.

The Liberal Party won only 4 seats in this general election. Thinking back to the glory when the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party took turns in power, it has only been 20 years, and the Liberal Party has fallen to this point. It is really embarrassing.

The Conservative Party, which has regained 470 seats, has made a comeback and won the status of the largest party in the British Parliament. The power of the coalition government has also fallen into the hands of the Conservative Party. The top Conservative Party controls, and the only room for Ramsey McDonald to play is in the diplomatic field.

In any case, the establishment of the coalition government has brought a glimmer of hope to the precarious British political arena.
When the news spread to southern Africa, Rock was dumbfounded again, really unable to figure out why Ramsay MacDonald did this.

It was already June of 1928, and the time passed so fast. In the past, there were more than 100 chapters in a year, but now only 1500 words have been used in half a year. war.

Unlike the United Kingdom, which is struggling in the political vortex and economic crisis, southern Africa has been calm for the past six months. After the spring break, southern Africa returned to normal. The federal government continued to lead large-scale infrastructure investment. Water conservancy projects have also started smoothly.

The adjustment of industry and agriculture is in-depth. The federal government gives full play to the role of industry associations. Led by Nyasaland Company, Rhodesia Company, and Fawalt Steel Group, the industry associations have begun to formulate fair business regulations for the industry. Determine the production scale, price level, market allocation, wage standards, and working hours of each enterprise to prevent overproduction caused by blind competition, thereby strengthening the government's control and regulation of industrial production.

See if there is any internal smell.

In terms of agriculture, support farms based on the original price protection system.

After the economic crisis broke out, farms in southern Africa were inevitably affected. Some farms had to reduce the area of ​​arable land and slaughtered a large number of livestock to reduce losses.

At this time, the federal government gave farmers financial subsidies to stabilize the prices of agricultural products, and at the same time tried their best to help farms recover their losses. In April, the federal government issued agricultural bonds. The most active buyers of bonds were not banks, but farmers in southern Africa.

It has to be said that even if the farms in southern Africa suffer serious losses, the farmers are still very strong, at least they will not fall to the point of bankruptcy.

We must know that before the outbreak of the economic crisis, in southern Africa, the annual income of ordinary farms could reach about 2000 rand.

At that time, the rand had not yet depreciated. The per capita income in southern Africa was only 200 rand, and 2000 rand was equivalent to the annual income of ten adults.

For farmers, the outbreak of the economic crisis only means reducing the high consumption of luxury goods, and has almost no impact on other aspects, let alone the spectacle of horse-drawn sedans in the United States.

The reason is simple, both diesel and gasoline are too cheap in southern Africa.

For Roque, entering June, the biggest advantage is the upcoming Olympic Games. Now, delegations from many countries have come to Pretoria ahead of schedule, and the influx of tourists has brought great benefits to Pretoria. For more consumption, Southern African companies flocked to show their capabilities, and launched Olympic-related products one after another. The market was once hot and the supply exceeded demand.

"There are already delegations from 32 countries staying in the Athletes Village, and it is expected that 46 countries will send delegations to participate in the Olympic Games. The number of athletes will exceed 3000, and the number of female athletes may exceed 300—" Hawley told the organizing committee Report to the organizing committee members at the meeting.

This organizing committee is a bit miserable. There are five directors and deputy directors in total, and only two work. In addition to Hawley, the governor of the Transvaal, the other work is the mayor of Pretoria, Shi strange.

"Have the athletes' village and sports venues been prepared?" Winston was completely integrated into the role of Governor of Southern Africa, indifferent to the farce in the UK, and even the British team didn't care.

"It's all ready. Most of the venues are left after the Commonwealth Games. Only the athletes' village has been built. After the Olympics, the athletes' village can also be sold. Overall, the income and expenditure are basically balanced." Huo Li slightly regretted that compared with the Commonwealth Games, the enthusiasm of the sponsors has indeed declined, but the impact is not great. Although the income has decreased, the expenditure has also been greatly reduced. Overall, it is still a good deal.

Of course, for the Transvaal and Pretoria, the potential benefits of the Olympic Games cannot be ignored.

It is expected that nearly 70 tourists will flock to Pretoria during the Olympic Games, which makes the Transvaal State Government and the Pretoria City Government ecstatic, but also gives Pretoria its reception capacity. put forward higher requirements.

You must know that Pretoria, as the capital of Southern Africa, has a fixed population of only 50 people.

In order to better receive tourists from all over the world, the Pretoria City Government has further upgraded the service facilities. In Pretoria, there are more than 300 hotels and hotels, and there are more than 2000 homestays that can provide temporary accommodation. The city government of Pretoria recruited about 6000 volunteers to do their best to provide services for tourists who came to Pretoria during the Olympic Games.

Of course, the influx of a large number of tourists has also brought some problems to Pretoria. For example, yesterday, a prince of the Najd Sultanate took off his clothes and took a bath next to the hot spring in the Church Square in Pretoria. There was an attack on the police who came to stop him, and he was arrested by the Pretoria police.

This is not the first time the princes of the Najd Sultanate have gaffes.

The reason for saying "the princes" is that there are too many princes in the Najd Sultanate. Up to now, the Najd Sultanate has 39 princes, one more than the number of wives of the king of the Najd Sultanate.

Ali Rashid can only marry four wives in theory. To unify the Najd Sultanate, marriage is the most effective way, so Ali Rashid divorced and married at the same time. The number of wives married by Ming media alone is as high as 38.

That's not all, there is another legend that the number of wives of Ali Rashid exceeds 300.

With such a large number of wives, the number of sons must be even greater. The nine sons born to each dragon are different. Ali Rashid attaches different importance to the children, and some princes are negligent in discipline and have bad tempers.

The prince mentioned above who took off his clothes and took a bath in public, lost his composure because of drinking too much.


Also overdose!
I don't know if Ali Rashid will be pissed off if he finds out.

This is not an exception. Last year, a prince in the Sultanate of Najd brutally killed a Persian official in the Persian Empire. The reason was that the unlucky Persian official refused the rum that the prince handed him. Killed by the prince on the spot.

Do you still remember Hassan who conspired with Saeed in the Neji oil field in Port Elizabeth? It is said that Hassan has been placed under house arrest, and ended up the same as these people, not only losing his freedom, but also losing his right to inherit the throne.

For princes, this is the worst punishment.

"Yesterday in the athletes' village, there were some conflicts between the German delegation and the French delegation. Thanks to our security personnel intervening in time, the situation did not escalate further." Hawley reported everything one by one. After that, it sent a delegation to participate in the Olympic Games for the first time.

Taking into account the history of Germany and France, the organizing committee is also ill-considered, and should try to avoid the opportunity for the German and French delegations to meet.

"Arrange them in different athletes' villages, and send special personnel to protect the German delegation." Rock is really not giving special care to the Germans. At this time, we must pay attention to the international influence. Pretoria Massacre", that's a lot of fun.

This stalk originated from the Munich tragedy. If you don’t know it, please use Baidu.

(End of this chapter)

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