Chapter 1758

Just when the organizing committee decided to separate the German delegation from the French delegation, several athletes from the French delegation were plotting to teach the Germans a profound lesson and let the Germans feel the iron fist of the French. .

"—The southern Africans must be on guard. We can't give people an excuse. We must first create the facts——Chris, you have to provoke the Germans in the restaurant and deliberately provoke the Germans. After the Germans make a move, Sai Si, teach the Germans a lesson!" Roger Ducre, the men's saber runner-up in the last Olympic Games, is the brains of the French team.

"No problem, I will definitely teach the German guy a lesson!" Jean Seth laughed and showed his biceps. In the last Olympic Games, Jean Seth won the No. .3.

Both No.1 and No.2 are Americans, so Jean Seth is not worried about being blasted.

"Seth, you will follow me closely at that time, and you must protect me—" Chris was a little worried. He is an equestrian athlete, and fighting with people is not his strong point.

In order to reduce the burden of horse racing, equestrian athletes have higher requirements for athletes. For other sports, the stronger the athlete's physical strength, the better, and the stronger the body, the better. Equestrian sports require athletes to be as petite as possible, and as light as possible. It is more conducive to getting good grades.

That being said, Jean Seth's body is actually not that strong. The light weight standard is 130 pounds, which is less than 60 kilograms in conversion, which is not in the same class as those super heavyweights that often weigh more than 200 pounds.

At this point, a certain fish looked down——

Great, the fish head has only a head and no body.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you!" Seth vowed, with a weight of less than 60 kilograms, he didn't know where the confidence came from.

With the experience of the Commonwealth Games, the layout of the Olympic Village this time is more reasonable, the environment is more beautiful, and the service is naturally better.

There are a total of 12 restaurants in the Athletes Village, which provide catering for 24 hours according to the customs of different athletes.

This is mainly for Indians.

You may not believe it, but there are nearly 200 ethnic groups in India. Although there are only a few main religions, there are countless sects. Some sects do not eat beef, some do not eat pork, and some do not eat anything. , some sects eat everything—

Regarding not eating anything, Gandhi had a total of 18 words of hunger strike in his life.

There is also an eminent monk in India who claimed that he did not eat, drink or excrete for 78 years. This is probably only possible for a mud bodhisattva.

With a plan, the French kept a close eye on the Germans. At this time, the organizing committee had not had time to separate the French delegation from the German delegation. Therefore, when several German athletes were found dining in the restaurant, Roger Ducre and Jean Seth was on the move.

"Seth, follow me, you must protect me—" Chris was nervous, he didn't expect these Germans to be so tall, each of them was over 1.9 meters tall, and a rough estimate was at least two It's a meter away, how do you beat this shit?
"Play basketball, otherwise you wouldn't be so tall—" Jean Seth was also a little apprehensive. He was only a little over 1.6 meters tall. Standing next to a basketball player who was two meters taller, he looked like a pet.

"It's okay, tall people have a high center of gravity, and their feet are unstable. It's easy to knock them down—" Roger Ducree encouraged his teammates. Fencers also require physical flexibility, and the gap in body size is as big as that of basketball players.

There's no way around that, as top American wrestlers like Rock still have a huge gap in stature compared to top basketball players.

Needless to say, the lightweight of Jean Seth, the gap is probably between children and adults.

"Come on, Chris, I'll protect you—" Jean Seth summoned up his courage, and had no choice but to shoot.

Chris hummed a song in a trembling voice, tremblingly followed several tall athletes, then picked the shortest athlete, and slammed into it viciously.

Then a hilarious accident happened.

The weight difference between Chris and the opponent is too big. Although Chris took the initiative to bump into it, but the opponent just staggered and stood firmly, but Chris was directly rebounded and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" When the other party turned his head, Chris was surprised to find that the other party seemed to be Chinese.


Chinese in the German delegation!
The generalization of Europe seems to have started in Germany at first, and the instigator was Wilhelm II.

Although his head was muddled, but seeing the other party's hearty smile and the extended hand, Chris still subconsciously handed it over.

"What the hell are you doing!" Jean Seth came on the stage, yelling and rushing forward, shaking his fists like Don Quixote bravely rushing towards the windmill.

Several basketball players were a little dazed.

At this time, Jean Seth rushed to the athlete who was two meters away, hugged the opponent's waist with both hands skillfully, twisted his body and swung his hips, trying to throw the opponent down.

Surprisingly, the other party didn't move at all, so the agreed position was unstable?

"Hey, what are you doing?" An athlete next to him suppressed a smile.

At this time, Jean Seth also realized that something was wrong. The other party seemed to be using French instead of German.

"Aren't you German?" Roger Ducres arrived belatedly.

No way, equestrians pay attention to rhythm and elegance, so the slow speed is understandable.

"Of course not, we are Southern Africans—" A yellow-skinned athlete with black hair, black eyes, laughed, and tore off his skirt, showing Roger Ducre the orange, white, and blue national flag of Southern Africa.

The flag of the Weimar Republic is also tricolor, but black, red and gold.

Orange white blue and black red gold, the difference is still very big.

"Sorry, it was just a joke—" Roger Ducres immediately realized that this was an oolong.

"I don't think he's joking!" The athlete who was still being held by Jean Seth had a black face, and he didn't notice it from a distance. It was only when he walked into Roger Ducre that he realized that this person was so strong that it was outrageous. His body was as thick as a door panel, and his arms were thicker than Jean Seth's thighs. He raised his hand casually and lifted Jean Seth up easily.

Jean Seth was stupefied, and his eyes on the black-faced athlete were as high as a mountain.

"I'm sorry, we got the wrong person—" Roger Ducre immediately apologized, it's not a good idea to provoke southern Africans in southern Africa.

"Excuse me, are you looking for us?" At this time, a cold voice came from the side.

Roger Ducre followed the sound.

The rightful owner finally arrived, and next to the pinnacle brand icon on their chests, the black, red and gold tricolor flags were very eye-catching.

The costumes of the German delegation are sponsored by Pinnacle.

"Here it comes, it's finally here—" Roger Ducres signaled to Chris.

Chris's expression was broken.

Is it just to touch porcelain in such a large crowd?
This is not good!
"Wow, brother, you have a great figure!" Here Jean Seth looked at the athlete who was holding him with one hand with a look of admiration.


The word is not appropriate here either.

But it doesn't matter, that's pretty much what it means.

"Jean, can you come down first!" Roger Ducre felt that he was going crazy, and everything was in chaos.

"Come on, come on—" Jean Seth ran over in a series of voices, with a look of fear on his face: "—I suspected just now that that guy could kill me with one punch!"

"Do something right, or I'll punch you—no, I'll stab you!" Roger Ducre did not forget that he was a fencer.

"I'll knock you down before that!" Jean Seth was dissatisfied, everyone is a medalist, who do you look down on.

Chris is not a medalist, and he is now watching the German athlete across from him swallow his saliva.

Not greedy, but nervous.

The Germans on the opposite side are probably playing football. Nima’s calves are thicker than Chris’s neck, and her thighs are about the same as Chris’s waist. Just now, the basketball players in southern Africa easily beat Jean Seth with one hand. Picking it up, Chris suspected that if he rushed over so directly, he would be kicked to death by the opponent.

This is really not an exaggeration, an excellent professional football player can kill a cow with one kick.

Once in Serie A, a player missed a shot and hit the audience. A stadium staff member was hit by a football. As a result, he had internal hemorrhage and had to remove his spleen.

This is still football, if it is kicked directly, then you can prepare for the funeral.

"Why don't we just forget about it—" Chris retreated, and the people on the opposite side were not easy to mess with.

"There are more of them than us—" Jean Seth also wanted to quit. He is a sub-lightweight, and he can compete with someone of a similar level. The opponent is a heavyweight and a super-heavyweight, which is not a level at all. .

Don't be superstitious about four or two breaking a thousand catties. There is a saying in traditional martial arts that one force can break ten games. The huge difference in physical fitness is similar to the difference in weapons on the battlefield. Why is Bruce Lee great? Only one every year.

"Let's let them go today, we'll talk about it another day!" Roger Ducres said harshly before leaving.


"Cowardly Frenchman!"

"Come on, let's compete!"

The Germans were still reluctant, looking at the backs of Roger Ducre and others to provoke.

The adjustment of the organizing committee came at the right time. In the afternoon, the German delegation was relocated to the other side of the athletes' village, away from the apartment building where the French delegation lived.

Rock was not in the mood to solve these messy things among the athletes. After the congressional arson case, Mustache dissolved the congress, cleared all other German political parties except the National Workers Party, and established a dominant position in Germany.

Mustache still attaches great importance to southern Africa. After stabilizing Germany, Mustache sent Gustav Krupp to southern Africa to strive for greater support from southern Africa.

Gustav Krupp is also an old acquaintance of Roque. He had cooperated with Roque before the World War. Mustache also took great pains for southern Africa.

ps: Just now a buddy complained to me, saying that your update is not as high as India’s new one, I said you are right——

(End of this chapter)

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