Chapter 1759
During the World War, the British Vickers Company used Krupp's technology to produce artillery shells for the UK. After the war, it paid patent fees based on the number of German casualties, which put Krupp in an awkward position.

At the same time, the Weimar Republic paid a large amount of subsidies to Krupp. With these two sums of money, Krupp completed a magnificent turnaround in less than a year after the war and became a first-class military enterprise in Germany and Europe again.

Gustav Krupp has always been inclined to the German Workers' Party. Now Gustav, in addition to being the head of Krupp, is also the president of the German Industry Union and the chairman of the fund committee that donates to the German Workers' Party. It can be said to be one of the beard masters.

A considerable part of southern Africa’s investment in Germany is through Krupp, so the federal government of southern Africa attaches great importance to Krupp’s visit. Gustav Krupp even stayed in Rhodes The family estate in Pretoria.

The Rhodes family's manor in Pretoria is also well-known. George V lived here when he came to southern Africa. Gustav Krupp was good at dancing. For the dinner, the invited guests are all Germans who have made achievements in various fields in southern Africa, including Ade and Abu.

Abu readily accepted the appointment, but Los Angeles was far away from Pretoria, and Abu couldn't arrive in time.

Ade rejected Gustav's invitation on the grounds that he was unwell. For the elderly, it is understandable——

Rock also received the invitation, but Rock refused to attend on the grounds of his busy schedule. It is said that only about 30 guests attended Gustav's dinner that night, and none of them were very important. Brad's office recorded them one by one. It doesn't have to be liquidated, at least you have to know it in your heart.

"Gustav didn't do anything out of the ordinary. The dinner was a fundraiser for the German Workers' Party. Although Professor Causol was not present, he sent someone to send 10000 rand—but this morning, Professor Causol gave his wife The foundation donated [-] rand—" Sidney Milner suppressed a smile, Zach gradually retreated behind the scenes due to physical reasons, Sidney Milner was the second director of Brad's office appointed by Rock Candidates.

"Heh heh heh, there's absolutely no need for Professor Kausol to be like this—" Rock laughed, and Abu was too cautious. With his status, even if he donated to the Workers' Party, Rock would not take it seriously.

Abu is now one of the leading figures in the field of science and technology in southern Africa. From a professor to a world-renowned millionaire, Abu's story is widely circulated and talked about, and he has become one of the representatives of the southern African dream .

For a long time, Abramovich has been very restrained on issues related to Germany. After winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Star Award at the same time, several well-known universities, including Cambridge in the United Kingdom and Harvard in the United States, as well as Heidelberg University School of Medicine where Abramovich worked before They all offered an olive branch to Abu, hoping that Abu could go to teach, even for academic exchanges.

Abramovich rejected all invitations and stayed at Nyasaland University wholeheartedly. During this period, he even rejected invitations from Johannesburg Medical School and the Ministry of Health of the federal government.

For people like Abu, Roque has nothing to say. If you repay me with a gentleman of the country, I will treat you with a soldier of the country.

"Mr. Gustav Krupp also proposed to Edward Shipyard that he hoped to visit Edward Shipyard and see the former Germania Shipyard engineers and technicians working in Edward Shipyard." Sidney Milner There was a mocking sneer at the corner of his mouth, it was too late for Gustav to regret it now.

The Germania Shipyard was a naval shipyard that built submarines for Germany during World War I.

After the end of the World War, the Edward Shipyard absorbed a large number of engineers from the Germania Shipyard, and even relocated the entire Germania Shipyard to Port Edward, which also laid a good foundation for the Edward Shipyard to build "ghost submarines".

It can be said that without the Germania shipyard, there would be no ghost submarine.

"Don't even think about it. If he wants to buy a ghost submarine, he should contact the Ministry of Defense directly—it doesn't work, Germany doesn't have the ability to equip submarines now." Rock directly vetoed it, not giving Gustav Krupp any chance.

Maybe Gustav Krupp has no bad intentions, just pure nostalgia.

But Roque didn't want to take risks. Although most Germans are very knowledgeable about current affairs, some Germans are just stubborn. If they are bewitched by Gustav Krupp and want to return to Germany——

So simply don't give Gustav Krupp any chance.

According to the requirements of the "Contract of Versailles", Germany can't even build naval warships, not to mention submarines, so Gustav Krupp's thinking is useless.

It can’t be said that it’s a waste of time. Brad’s office learned a long time ago that Gustav Krupp has been secretly building a naval dock in the Netherlands, and at the same time conducting artillery research in Sweden. This person is still ambitious and capable power.

Later, Gustav Krupp came to the Palace of Justice as a guest, and Roque personally received him.

This is a standard German, with a bald head, large forehead, deep eye sockets, and a mustache like a mustache. He is not tall, strong and powerful, quick in action, neatly dressed, and has a sonorous and powerful voice, giving people a feeling of trustworthiness. .

"——Germany is on the right path of revival. We have hardworking and capable people and the determination to build a country from the ashes. Now we have a strong leader. I believe that as long as Germany is given enough time, Germany will You will definitely be able to rise again—my lord, all your investments will be rewarded handsomely!" Gustav is proficient in English, he is good at using body movements to enhance the appeal of language, and he clenched his fists on his chest at every turn. Action, which Roque used to see often in Mustache's video material.

It seems that Gustav Krupp was really influenced by the mustache.

"Southern Africa is different from the United Kingdom and the United States, and even more different from the despicable French. In the World War, Germany can be said to have been defeated by Southern Africa, but the vast majority of Germans do not hate Southern Africa. You are worthy opponents. We have always been grateful for not giving the Germans pain other than the war—" Gustav Krupp had a good impression of southern Africa, which feels strange, although Gustav Krupp's tone It seemed that he was not convinced, but Rock didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt a little better.

Then Rock understood why William II chose Gustav Krupp as the head of Krupp.

Gustav Krupp, whose original name was Gustav von Bohlen Under Halbach, was a former Prussian diplomat—

Hey, what a nice name——

In 1902, Krupp's second-generation president, Friedrich Alfred Krupp, committed suicide because of a homosexual scandal exposed by the press, leaving only one daughter, Beta Krupp.

In order for Krupp to succeed, William II personally selected Gustav as Beta Krupp's husband, and allowed Gustav to bear the surname "Krupp".

Referring to the Chinese tradition, Gustav is the door-to-door son-in-law.

As a diplomat, there is no doubt about Gustav's language ability. His flattery is just right and without trace, which is called realm.

Of course, this is also because the Southern African Expeditionary Force did not give the Germans pain other than war.

After the end of the World War, the Southern African Expeditionary Force did not station troops in Germany. The troops stationed in Germany were Americans.

With the virtue of the Americans, the crimes committed during their stay in Germany are too numerous to record, so even though the Americans have given a lot of assistance to the Germans, the vast majority of Germans are not grateful to the United States. Instead, they put the Germans on the battlefield. Southern Africa, which was completely conquered, won more respect from the Germans.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the humanitarian aid given to Germany in southern Africa after the end of the World War.

We must know that during the Paris Peace Conference, when the Allies had not decided what to do with Germany, southern Africa had already begun to assist Germany.

In fact, it didn't cost much, just some canned food, clothes and so on, which attracted many high-quality German talents to immigrate to southern Africa. This is the real profit.

"Germany is now in an unprecedented difficult period. Thousands of Germans are living like animals. The leftovers dumped by restaurants can attract dozens of Germans to loot them. Tenants are empty-handed. Landlords have left their homes. to work, middle-aged people commit suicide in despair—Lord, help us—” Gustav Krupp’s eyes were red, the economic crisis has entered its second year, people in Britain and the United States have starved to death, and the situation in Germany can be imagined Know.

That is, after the unemployed population in the UK exceeded 250 million, the unemployed population in the United States has exceeded 1000 million.

The total population of the United States has just exceeded 1000 million, and [-] million unemployed people——

Rock can't even understand that the United States is already in this situation, and it still has the ability to assist Germany——

"I know, I understand, I understand—" Rock sighed deeply, struggling inwardly.

Even though he was struggling, Roque did not agree to aid Germany on the spot.

The Germans are indeed very pitiful, but the principle cannot be changed. It is still based on that willingness. Rock does not want to aid Germany with money or materials, and in the end they all turn into bullets and shells and hit southern Africa.

But what Rock didn't expect was that Ade and Abu came to find Rock the next morning.

This time Rock finally had no reason to refuse.

Rock can reject Gustav Krupp, but cannot reject Adelaide and Abramovich.

Ade and Abu don't know who Mustache is.

They just hope that southern Africa can give ordinary Germans some help within their ability.

(End of this chapter)

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