Chapter 1767 Squadron

No matter how chaotic Europe is, it will never be as chaotic as the Far East. Once Japan expands abroad, it will definitely be the Chinese who will suffer the most.

Rock's purpose is simple. The arms race is a double-edged sword. While stimulating the economy, it may also cause a devastating blow to the economy.

The most favorable condition in southern Africa is that it is rich in resources, whether it is human resources or natural resources. It is easy to build a ship. Anyway, now Indian Rand no longer needs gold guarantees. Start the money printing machine and print as much as you want.

Theoretically speaking, the same is true for Japan. As long as the money printing machine is started, there will be as much yen as you want.

However, someone has to pay for the money to be printed. Americans do not recognize the yen, so even if the Japanese print the yen, it cannot be turned into a resource. Doing business with the Americans still has to use dollars or gold.

Rock now wants to use the arms race to completely drag down the Japanese economy. When the entire Japan is tied to the chariot by the United Fleet, Japan will have to embark on the road of external expansion.

At this time, the "open door" of the United States will come in handy. Starting from its own interests, the United States will not allow Japan to expand abroad.

To Rock's surprise, Hoover did not immediately respond to Rock's proposal.

It is also understandable that in the Far East, the sphere of influence of Britain and France is shrinking, and the United States and Japan have finally reached a certain sense of balance. If Southern Africa strengthens its military presence in East Asia, the balance between the United States and Japan will also be broken. .

Rock is not in a hurry. The influence of the United States in Europe is far inferior to that of another time and space. Southern Africa has largely replaced the position of the United States in Europe in another time and space. Therefore, the United States has quietly adjusted in recent years. East Asia is the key development direction. Even if the U.S. government is not in a hurry to expand Japan in East Asia, U.S. capital is also in a hurry.

In view of the serious differences between southern Africa and Japan, the naval meeting was suspended for three days, with Ramsey MacDonald coordinating in the middle, Hoover frequently contacted Washington, and the French and Italians were busy fanning the flames.

Rock was not in a hurry, and took a day off to attend the Imperial Conference.

The Imperial Council was equally divided as the Naval Council.

The purpose of the British Empire Conference is very simple, trying to transfer the economic crisis to the overseas dominions and colonies through policy adjustments.

To put it simply, the UK wants overseas dominions and colonies to provide food and industrial raw materials at cheaper prices in order to stabilize the political situation in the UK.

At the same time, the United Kingdom also hopes that the overseas dominions and colonies will buy more British products. In this regard, in order to limit the export of southern African commodities, Stanley Baldwin even proposed a commodity quota system, requiring southern Africa to reduce commodity sales in the Commonwealth. The sales of goods.

In response to such unreasonable demands, Yang Smotz has rich experience. Instead of directly confronting Stanley Baldwin, he wooed Canada and Australia to jointly demand that the British government should give overseas dominions a fairer status.

At the same time Jan Smolts did not forget India.

Didn’t Ramsey McDonald want to discuss with India on the establishment of a responsible government before, because of the strong opposition of the Congress, the responsible government ended without a problem.

Now that the old story in India is brought up again, it is okay for the UK to continue to use India’s human resources, or to use India as a dumping ground for British products, or even send food to the UK if the Indians themselves are hungry. India’s only requirement is Become an Overseas Dominion of the United Kingdom, gaining the same status as Southern Africa, Canada, and Australia.

It's a pity that southern Africa, Canada, and Australia are dissatisfied with the status quo of the Dominion, and India still wants the status of the Dominion.

Stanley Baldwin would naturally not make similar mistakes that Ramsay MacDonald dared not do. Therefore, like the Navy Conference, the Imperial Conference was equally divided and did not make any progress.

Rock is very busy in London every day. He has to communicate with friends in the UK, keep in touch with the spokespersons of the European continent, encourage southern African businessmen in the UK, and coordinate interests with the leaders of the Commonwealth member states. I have to eat three dinners a day and rush to the market non-stop, which is much more tiring than when I was in southern Africa.

"The support of Germany by the United Kingdom, the United States, and southern Africa has caused widespread concern in Paris. Many people think it is a betrayal of the interests of the allies. Don't forget that the Germans are hungry wolves. Once Germany regains its strength, the whole world will be destroyed. The shadow of the war is looming, and the Germans and Russians have been in frequent contact recently. Once the Germans and Russians reach some kind of alliance, the tragedy of the World War will repeat itself.” In order to curb southern Africa’s aid to Germany, French Prime Minister Pohn Calais came to London on purpose from Paris.

For France, the biggest threat comes from Germany.

For Europe as a whole, the biggest threat comes from Russia.

France and Germany are feuds. No matter which country has the upper hand, either the Junkers or the bourgeoisie will be in power. This result can be accepted by the whole of Europe.


Once Russia rises, it will be a complete subversion for the capitalist world. Therefore, after the end of the world war, Britain and France did not recuperate for the first time, but carried out armed intervention against Russia.

In the end, everyone knows that the armed intervention failed completely. Since then, Russia has been excluded from the League of Nations.

For this situation, Russia is definitely not reconciled, so during this period, Russia and Germany have more frequent contacts.

"How is your Maginot Line repaired?" Rock knew something, but he couldn't tell Pongale.

In fact, even if Roque said it, Poengale probably wouldn't believe it. No matter how you look at it, there is no sign of Germany recovering its strength in a short time.

At least in France, Poengale can't do it.

"The Maginot Line can only give the French psychological comfort, but it cannot play a practical role. If the world war breaks out again, Germany will rush into France from the Arden Forest just like the last world war, and France will have no way to fight back." Power." Poengale is not stupid, and he is very clear about the role of the Maginot Line.

It's useless to be clear. The problem in France is like this. Everyone knows the problem, but no one can find a perfect solution to the problem.

Therefore, solving the problem is the best choice.

In the last world war, France lost a whole generation. After the war, the French government failed to appease the veterans in time, so now there are no people in France who are willing to serve as soldiers to defend the country.

The French government really had no choice, so it opened the country to introduce new immigrants for blood transfusions, trying to use the power of the new immigrants to defend France.

The problem is that the new immigrants to France want to enjoy the fruits of France's economic construction, not to shed blood and sacrifice for France, so the French government can only invest huge sums of money to build the Maginot Line of Defense, trying to keep the enemy out of the country.

The idea is good, but it cannot be realized.

Because of the relationship between France and Belgium, the Maginot Line of Defense did not include the French-Belgian border, which left a huge hidden danger to France's security.

At this time, we can see the problem in France. Pongale also knows that the Maginot line of defense cannot play its due role, but Pongale can't help it.

"Then why spend so much money building the Maginot Line, it's better to use the limited funds to build a powerful fleet, at least when the world war breaks out, a powerful fleet can maintain the security of the French colonies." Rock Tips, count the time, France should already have a similar plan.

"We are considering building a Dunkirk-class battleship, but it will take time." Poengale does not hide it, and this kind of thing cannot be concealed. Although the Dunkirk-class battleship is not as big as the BIG7, it has a full load displacement of more than 3 Ton, such a big warship is on the berth, and the cover can't cover it.

At the outbreak of World War I, the total tonnage of the French Navy reached 69 tons, with another 25.7 tons under construction.

In the "Washington Naval Treaty", the French Navy received a total of 17.78 tons of capital ship quota. According to the "Washington Naval Treaty", France can build new capital ships in 1927.

Now that 1927 has passed, the construction of the French capital ship has not yet started, which shows the difficulty of the French government's financial situation.

"If the French government agrees, some warships in southern Africa can be stationed in St. Roque." Roque is also worried about the safety of France. Although St. Roque is not large, it is also the territory of southern Africa. If the Atlantic Fleet is stationed, it may be able to form a threat to Germany. Certain deterrent effect.

At least more time to retreat can be bought, and San Roque is not far from Dunkirk.

"No, no, no, what we are discussing is not to garrison troops in St. Roque, but to reduce support to Germany." Poengale directly refused. What he wanted was the support of Roque, but Roque wanted to launch the warships of the Atlantic Fleet. Entering San Roque, which is a completely different matter.

"Raymond, as you know, aiding Germany is not a decision made by Southern Africa—" Rock felt relieved at this time, saying that the support for Germany is far inferior to that of the United States and the United Kingdom in Southern Africa.

Not even as good as Russia.

"Locke, France has agreed with Southern Africa to strengthen its military presence in the Mediterranean Sea, so don't go any further." Poengale was very dissatisfied. He was referring to the Southern African squadron in Cyprus, but this was also a different matter.

The three major fleets in southern Africa in name actually have a squadron in the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. The size of these two fleets is not large. Not to mention, Rock almost forgot.

"Raymond, it's not about making progress. Southern Africa and France are allies, not enemies—" Rock has a lot of meaning. Whether it's an enemy or a friend depends on the attitude of the French.

(End of this chapter)

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