Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1768 It's All Routines

Chapter 1768 It's All Routines
In the eyes of the French, Roque not only did not agree to reduce aid to the Germans, but instead tried to increase the garrison in Saint-Roch, which is an inch.

Rock was also upset. Compared with southern Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States provided greater assistance to Germany. Raymond Pongale did not go to the British and Americans, but to southern Africa. Could it be that southern Africa is more It's hard to bully.

Three days later, the Naval Conference resumed, and Ramsay MacDonald did not know how much work, Tanaka Yoshiichi finally agreed to Southern Africa to participate in the Naval Conference in an independent capacity.

Now Rock can finally be sure that Japan is not yet ready to go to Japan, otherwise Yoshiichi Tanaka has returned to Japan now, and he will not pretend to be a snake at all.

Like the information obtained by Rock, Ramsay MacDonald's main purpose is to disarm and restrict cruisers at the same time.

Taking into account the impact of the economic crisis, the participating countries agreed to extend the validity period of the "Washington Naval Treaty" to 1936. The provisions of the second part are the right to build new capital ships to replace old ships, but for capital ships over 3 years old, countries can carry out modification or performance upgrades on their own.

The modification here is mainly aimed at the air defense weapon system.

At the end of the World War, the giant ship cannon doctrine was still the mainstream. Although the aircraft carrier emerged during the World War, it did not receive the attention of all countries.

With the rapid development of aviation technology in the past two years, naval aviation has become an increasing threat to warships. When building destroyers and cruisers, various countries have strengthened their air defense systems to deal with the threat of aircraft to warships.

Newly built warships can improve the air defense system, while previously built warships can only be modified.

Nagato and Mutsu are named here. These two battleships did not have air defense systems at all when they were built, so there is an urgent need to install air defense weapons. Other countries have similar needs, especially France and Italy. Some of these two domestic warships are old. It has been more than 20 years, but they are unable to build new warships, and can only rely on renovation and upgrades to support their appearance. It is really pitiful.

Considering the situation of France and Italy, France and Italy are not restricted by the London Naval Conference, and can still implement the provisions of the second part of Chapter 3 of the "Washington Naval Treaty", and build new battleships to replace retired capital ships.

This clause is dispensable for France and Italy. Even if the restrictions on France and Italy are relaxed, France and Italy will not have the strength to build new battleships in the short term.

So this clause is more like an insult to France and Italy.

The French don't know why, but the Italians are very angry anyway.

For cruisers, the London Naval Conference officially classified cruisers with a displacement of more than 1850 tons and less than 6.1 tons into two classes. The main difference is the caliber of the main gun. Those with a main gun with a caliber of more than 6.1 inches are Class A, and those with a caliber of less than [-] inches are Class A. Grade B.

6.1 inches, converted to about 155 mm.

Like the Washington Naval Conference, the London Naval Conference also imposed restrictions on the tonnage of the two classes of cruisers. The United States hopes to get more heavy cruisers to cooperate with capital ships. Therefore, on heavy cruisers, the total tonnage of the United States must not exceed 18 tons. It shall not exceed 14.65 tons, and Japan shall not exceed 10.8 tons.

The United Kingdom hopes that more light cruisers will protect overseas interests, so the United Kingdom gets a quota of 19.2 tons for light cruisers, that is, B-class cruisers, the United States does not exceed 14.3 tons, and Japan does not exceed 10 tons.

Southern Africa is quite special, because in the "Washington Naval Treaty", southern Africa did not receive capital ship quotas, but was subject to the restrictions of the "Washington Naval Treaty". Therefore, in the "London Naval Treaty", some compensation was given to southern Africa. For cruisers of the first class, the gross tonnage of southern Africa shall not exceed 40 tons.

At the same time, Southern Africa can also build an aircraft carrier with a gross tonnage of no more than 5 tons. This can be regarded as a response to the East India ordering warships.

In return, Roque promised on behalf of Southern Africa that from now on, the Southern African shipyard will not accept orders for warships from countries other than Britain, the United States, Japan, France, and Italy.

This also fundamentally blocked the possibility of building capital ships and aircraft carriers in southern Africa in some special ways.

In addition to cruisers, the London Naval Conference imposed restrictions on destroyers and submarines.

In terms of destroyers, it is only stipulated that destroyers with a tonnage exceeding 1500 tons should not exceed the total number of destroyers.

The restrictions on submarines are stricter. Considering that southern Africa has the most advanced ghost submarine in the world, Rock originally planned to make a good use of it on the submarine. Unfortunately, when Ramsay McDonald announced the restriction plan on submarines After that, Rock couldn't find any flaws.

"The specifics are like this. No country can build or obtain a submarine with a standard displacement of more than 2000 tons or a naval gun with a caliber of more than 5.1 inches—" When he said "acquired", Ramsay MacDonald stared at Rock.

In this regard, Southern Africa has a criminal record. The four Normandy-class battleships in Southern Africa came from this way, and the 25000-ton aircraft carrier just obtained also came from this way. The standard displacement of the Elizabeth-class that is currently equipped in Southern Africa is 5 tons. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that it was [-] tons.

Rock was expressionless. The submarine that Ramsay MacDonald mentioned had nothing to do with the ghost submarine. The displacement of the ghost submarine was only 950 tons.

As for the guns—

There is no naval gun on the ghost submarine, and the torpedo is the only attack weapon of the ghost submarine.

"In view of the conditions of the signatory countries, each signatory country can retain three submarines with a displacement not exceeding 2800 tons, and the caliber of artillery carried on these submarines cannot exceed 6.1 inches. France can retain one launched, with a displacement not exceeding 2880 tons. A large submarine with a gun caliber of 8 inches—” Ramsay MacDonald dug a hole according to the carrot. The situation in the United States and Japan is not clear. The United Kingdom has submarines, and the displacement does not exceed 2800 tons. The gun caliber is 6.1 inches.

In this way, everyone is very clear that there are a total of three submarines of this level in the UK.

I don't know whether to say Ramsay Macdonald is smart or Ramsay Macdonald is stupid.

As for France—

France is not important, just a submarine, or a submarine equipped with 8-inch artillery, Rock is worried that if the main gun fires, it will affect the overall structure of the submarine.

Main gun is not the right word, there is only one gun on French submarines.

"The details are like this. Gentlemen, if you have any objections to these terms, you can raise them and we will discuss-I want to remind you that once the treaty is signed, it must be strictly implemented in accordance with the treaty, otherwise you will face all other signings. United States’ joint punishment, including, but not limited to, war.” Ramsay MacDonald was aggressive, but there was something wrong with his words, war was already the ultimate way, and it was not limited to it, could it be possible to sweep the ground? —

"The total number of submarines, we should limit the total number of submarines, and for some countries that did not participate in the London Naval Conference, we should also limit the number of their submarines." Yoshiichi Tanaka objected.

"You mean Germany?" Ramsay MacDonald said. Ramsay Macdonald still remembers the German submarines that caused huge losses to British ships during the World War.

"Germany doesn't have to worry. As long as the Treaty of Versailles is still in effect, Germany cannot build submarines." Hoover had no personal pain for German submarines. When the United States entered the war, the German submarine force had basically been lost.

"I'm talking about East India. This country has more than 20 submarines. Isn't it worthy of our attention?" Tanaka Yiyi lost his composure. No matter how powerful the German submarine force is, it will not cause much harm to Japan.

On the contrary, it is the East India Fleet, which is a real threat to the Japanese combined fleet.

East India—

Ramsay Macdonald and Hoover both watched Roark, and everyone knew about the relationship between East India and Southern Africa.

"East India is not even qualified to participate in the Naval Conference, don't worry—" Rock understated that the East India submarine force is an important supplementary force for the Indian Ocean Fleet.

"Heh, of course you in southern Africa are not worried. The submarines in East India were bought from southern Africa, and even the soldiers who manipulated those submarines are from your southern Africans—" Tanaka Yoshiichi roared, and the army general's anger was quite scary.

"Shut up, don't spit blood!" Rock would also roar, what is a general, Rock is a field marshal.

This field marshal is the field marshal of the British Empire. In southern Africa, Rock is the only field marshal of the three services, the one officially awarded by sea, land and air.

"Where is the blood spraying, don't you admit that the submarines in East India were purchased from Southern Africa?" Yoshiichi Tanaka has conclusive evidence. Only Southern Africa and East India in the world are equipped with ghost submarines, and Britain has not had time to equip them.

Britain has always wanted to introduce ghost submarines, but Rock did not agree after comprehensive consideration.

The introduction of the ghost submarine by the United Kingdom is not intended to imitate, so that southern Africa can at least charge some patent fees.

The introduction of ghost submarines by the United Kingdom is purely for the research of anti-submarine technology, which makes Rock unacceptable.

Although the purpose of the United Kingdom is to target German submarines, once the United Kingdom understands the technical details of the ghost submarine, the ghost submarine will have no secrets in front of the Royal Navy.

Of course, Southern Africa's technical blockade of the United Kingdom will not last for too long. It is estimated that after one or two years, Southern Africa will agree to transfer the ghost submarine to the United Kingdom, because by then, the next generation of submarines in Southern Africa should have already Even if the ghost submarine is given to the British, it will not have much impact on the next generation of submarines in southern Africa.

It's all tricks anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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