Chapter 1779
The shield blocks arrows, but it cannot block the 5.56mm bullets fired by general-purpose machine guns.

The equipment of the National Guard is also very advanced. Although the company organization is a little smaller than that of the National Defense Forces, it has everything it should have. The general-purpose machine guns with bipods are also assigned to the squad level.

Moreover, thanks to the economic crisis, governments at all levels of the federal government have increased their orders for weapons and took the opportunity to upgrade all the weapons of the troops. The National Guard used to use Lee Enfield, but now they have all replaced them with new semi-automatic rifles.

For the immediate situation, the National Guard also has a plan. If the East Africans forcibly break through and break through the blockade of the barbed wire, then the National Guard has the right to use any means to stop it.

At the critical moment, Marin was still trying to calm the angry crowd, but his voice was immediately drowned in angry roars and hoarse cries.

The East Africans behind the crowd had their eyesight blocked and couldn't see what was happening on the other side of the barbed wire fence.

The people in the front row could clearly see that behind the fortifications made of sandbags on the side of the barbed wire, the machine gun shooters were ready. The murderous look in their eyes was undisguised and chilling. They will shoot without hesitation.

The closest to the barbed wire fence, there are even a few girls who were clapping their hands and singing just now. They don't understand why the National Guard soldiers who were friendly just now suddenly became murderous, feeling that a huge danger is approaching It has already made them mentally broken. They cried and wanted to squeeze back, but they were pushed and squeezed tightly on the barbed wire by the crowd, unable to move.

Seeing that the barbed wire fence was about to be knocked down, Xiao Hei, who wanted to steal food just now but was knocked unconscious by the butt of the sergeant's gun, gradually woke up.

He didn't seem to realize how serious the consequences were due to his momentary greed. When he got up from the ground, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there were no National Guard soldiers around.

National Guard soldiers have been transferred by Marin to the barbed wire fence, ready to deal with the impact of refugees.

The little black eyeballs rolled around, and suddenly turned around and ran towards Lake Victoria.

Before running, I didn’t forget to take the box of half-unwrapped luncheon meat.

It can only be said that a misjudgment of the situation is fatal. Xiao Hei probably ignored it before he ran. On the other side of the truck, several National Guard soldiers just controlled the Xiao Hei who had just unloaded the truck. The sergeant, who was knocked unconscious, turned the front of the car and saw Xiao Hei who was running wildly.

"Stop, or I'll shoot—" The sergeant raised his gun and aimed at the first time, warning.

Xiao Hei probably couldn't understand English, and seemed to run faster if he ignored it.

Faster and faster than a bullet——

The sergeant didn't fire a warning shot this time, and just fired.


It has to be said that even the National Guard has very strict training.

The first shot hit Xiao Hei directly.

But it didn't hit the fatal part.

Xiao Hei staggered for a while, supported himself with his hands and continued to run, but his speed was already much slower.

blah blah-

The semi-automatic rifle just issued also has ten rounds of ammunition, but unlike Lee Enfield, the semi-automatic rifle does not need to pull the bolt, as long as the trigger is pulled, a bullet will be fired, the casing will be automatically ejected, and the chamber will be loaded automatically. Apart from not being able to shoot in bursts, there is almost no difference between the machine guns used by the squad, and the caliber of bullets is the same.

So Xiao Hei was very tragic. He was hit by bullets continuously, and after running two more steps, he finally fell to the ground with only slight convulsions left in his body.

The post-mortem examination proved that the sergeant had shot Xiao Hei several times in a row. It is said that if he was hit by a military rifle, he would lose his mobility immediately after one shot. However, there were exceptions. During the World War, a French soldier was shot in the head. When he was shot, half of his head was blown away, he followed the troops and charged several hundred meters before falling down.

This is not a zombie. In fact, the soldier was already dead when he was hit on the head, and being able to charge with the troops is just a conditioned reflex under special circumstances of the limbs.

Continuous gunfire finally brought the angry crowd back to their senses.

Those East Africans who took the opportunity to make a fuss were betting that southern Africans would not dare to shoot. After all, it is said that southern Africa is a civilized country. In the past, whenever East Africans encountered difficulties in life, they would go to the border to report to the patrolling National Guard or Border Patrol. Ask for help, more or less can get something.

Once this kind of thing is spread ten to ten times, it can easily deteriorate.

As a result, southern Africans have become the legendary bullies. It is really not a joke in East Africa to find southern Africans if they have difficulty.

It turned out that the southern Africans not only dared to shoot, but also did not lower their guns an inch.

The young people who took the opportunity to make a fuss suddenly died down.

They are not stupid at all, as long as they find something beneficial, they will rush forward. When the law does not punish the public, they are very irritable and agitated, but once they find danger, they run faster than anyone else.

So the crowd who were clamoring desperately just now dispersed, leaving only the women and children who survived the catastrophe at the front of the barbed wire collapsed on the ground. .

Nima is already like this and still in the mood to sing, to have fun while suffering?
Bah, that is shameless self-deprecation.

If you've worked hard all day and you sing at an outdoor barbecue after get off work at night, the National Guard soldiers on the wire fence will probably follow along.

So don't put the so-called optimistic dance talent on the edge all day long. There is nothing to do all day, so you can only sing and dance. When you are tired of singing and dancing, think about what else to eat. There is no food. to beg, to steal, to rob—

Do everything possible, except not go to work.

If there is no accident, it is estimated that the big iron pot has been set up at this moment. Although the luncheon meat tastes not very good, the nutrition is still good, especially the fat is absolutely rich. Pour a few boxes of luncheon meat and canned vegetables together, add water and boil it. A pot of thick soup, don't force yourself on the taste, it's good to fill your stomach.

Don’t even think about it now, Xiao Hei, who was called to unload the truck just now, and the briquette-like corpse were thrown back to the opposite side of the barbed wire. Xiao Hei helped, and the jeep pulled the doctors and nurses around and left. At this time, it would be too holy to think about epidemic prevention. What if you get stabbed on the opposite side while checking the body of a refugee.

This kind of possibility is not impossible, after all, no one knows if Xiao Hei, who was beaten to death, has brothers or sisters——

Even if this possibility is very low, Marin dare not use his life to test the brutality of the little blacks.

The matter did not end. The next day, Pretoria received a protest from the East African colonial government. The purpose of the East African colonial government was simple. Since the Southern African National Guard killed the East Africans, the Southern African federal government would lose money.

Moreover, the East African colonial government also sent people to Pretoria to claim compensation. Probably the East African colonial government knew that most of them would not be able to get the money, so the governor and commissioner did not come forward. A ministerial official of the East African colonial government came, It is said that the level is not low, and it seems to be a descendant of some noble.

Since the person who came was not the Commissioner of the Governor, Neil Armstrong, Director of the First Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came forward to receive him out of the principle of reciprocity.

"It's fine if the National Guard doesn't provide help, and they even shot and killed people. This is a very serious act of violence. If the federal government of Southern Africa doesn't give us an explanation, we will definitely sue to London and investigate to the end!" Bunyan said. ·Lord Gallup is a standard British man, bald, fat, red nose, double chin, his shirt stretched so tight that he felt like he could snap the buttons off when he sneezed.

"Have you eaten?" Neil Armstrong slanted forward.

"What—" Bunyan Gallup looked confused.

"I'm reminding you that there are a lot of delicious food in Pretoria, you should like it." Neil relaxed, not letting go of any opportunity to increase the gross national product of southern Africa.

Judging by Bunyan Gallup's figure, it is estimated that he has a lot of appetite.

Since he came to Pretoria, he had to make some contributions, but no matter how much he ate, the Southern African Federal Government would definitely not reimburse him.

Just kidding, what is the reimbursement, people also have travel allowances for business trips.

"What I'm talking about is compensation!" Bunyan finally realized, and immediately flew into a rage.

"Keep your voice down, I don't have deaf ears—" Neil frowned and picked out his ears with his fingers, then twisted them and blew them away in one breath.

Bunian held his breath, probably because of Neil's action.

"Your refugees gather near the border, adding a lot of unnecessary expenses to our National Guard, and we haven't asked you for this money yet—" Neil slammed it backwards, don't even think about compensation or anything.

"That's your own business. The problem now is that your National Guard killed our people—" Bunian is arrogant, and the British Empire still needs to be reasonable in Africa?

Not to mention in Africa, the British Empire does not need to be unreasonable in the world, the big fist is the truth.

"God, if you always have this attitude, then we have nothing to talk about. Everyone is very busy. Do you need me to help you book a boat ticket back to East Africa?" Neil started to pack his things, but there was nothing to pack. Yes, a folder and a pen. Neil thought he was going to record something, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

"Wait, wait, what's your attitude?" Bunian immediately grabbed Neil and refused to let him go.

"Can you let it go, what will it be like?" Neil was very helpless. Have all the diplomats of the East African colonial government been reduced to this level?
"No, I won't let you leave unless you lose money." Bunyan was just like the old man touching porcelain on the street.

"Okay, I'm not leaving. I hope you understand that the federal government of Southern Africa will not lose money, because the National Guard has made no mistakes in this matter." Neil sat back and made it clear that the colonial government of East Africa just touched porcelain. .

(End of this chapter)

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