Chapter 1780 Shocking
Southern Africa, with its thriving economy, is like a mouth-watering big piece of fat. Everyone who thinks they are entitled wants to jump up and take a bite, including the colonial governments of East Africa.

Colonies are not even dominions, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and it is a place like East Africa that doesn't shit. After closing the door, colonial officials really feel like kings, getting everything they want, completely forgetting that the surrounding world is going on. Rapid development, even though Bunian Gallup has seen the prosperity of Pretoria surpassing London, he still stubbornly believes that nobles from the British mainland should be superior in Pretoria.

Don't blame Bunian Gallup for being ignorant. In another 100 years, even if southern Africa has replaced the United States as the world's policeman, some people will still think so.

For most British people, southern Africa is just like the United States, and they are nouveau riche. They have a glamorous appearance and a rough heart, which has nothing to do with the noble and elegant British gentleman.

But for most southern Africans, especially the new generation of southern Africans, the old continent, including London, is a group of old stubborn people who hold outdated ideas and refuse to open their eyes to see the world, and sooner or later they will be overthrown.

The two different thoughts collided together, and the atmosphere in the room was particularly embarrassing.

"After all, you killed our people, you should give some compensation." Bunian Gallup grasped this point, thinking that he had a moral high ground.

"I heard that those refugees have been gathering at the border for nearly a year. Why didn't you pay attention?" Neil was still very curious. Many of those refugees were young people. According to traditional thinking, they were rare labor forces. The government has no reason to ignore it.

"It's not your fault—" Bunyan waved his chubby hand furiously, dissatisfied with Neil's posturing.

It cannot be blamed on the Federal Government of Southern Africa, but it is also related to the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the Federal Government of Southern Africa gradually began to eliminate foreign workers, including tens of thousands of East Africans, in order to leave more job opportunities to southern Africans.

What I want to explain here is that East Africa is still quite rich in natural resources——

In other words, in this magical continent of Africa, there is no place that is not rich in natural resources!

The natural resources in East Africa are mainly soda ash, salt, fluorspar, limestone, barite, gold, silver, copper, aluminum, zinc, niobium and thorium.

It looks very rich, but except for soda ash and fluorspar, most of them are in an undeveloped state. Therefore, apart from exporting forest resources, the economic pillar of East Africa is to export labor to southern Africa.

East Africa's forest reserves are about 9.5 million tons.

Tens of thousands of East Africans are working in southern Africa, which affects the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of East Africans. Now the federal government of southern Africa is cleaning up foreign workers. These East Africans are forced to return to East Africa. The family lost their only source of income. The government wants to levy a poll tax, so refugees gather at the border.

"You can't provide enough jobs for East Africans. How can you blame the Federal Government of Southern Africa?" Neil was very helpless. What a loss.

It's all nonsense.

"It's okay to clean up the Indians and the Congolese. Why do you even clean up the East Africans? Don't forget that we are all members of the Commonwealth—" Bunyan insisted that the problems in East Africa should be blamed on southern Africa.

"India is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and Congo is also a member of the Southern African Union—" Neil had no choice. This is the decision of the federal government, and it's not Neil's final decision.

"I don't care about your business, but no matter what you do, it shouldn't harm the interests of East Africa." Bunian said to himself, and the two were not on the same channel at all.

Neil didn't speak, but looked at Bunian with the eyes of a fool.

How stupid must this be to have the face to make such a request with southern Africa!
When Neil and Bunyan started negotiations, the border refugees not only did not decrease, but more and more gathered. By the end of September, it is estimated that there were more than 5 people.

Although the shacks built by refugees are not large, it is a large area with 5 people gathered together, comparable in size to a medium-sized city.

The East African colonial government finally began to face up to the refugees and sent troops to manage them.

At this time, the National Guard finally knew how the East African colonial government managed refugees.

Because refugees have been gathering for a long time, there are more and more National Guard officers and soldiers stationed near the border, and now there are more than 200 people.

The camp with more than 200 people can no longer make up the living as before. Victoria State sent an engineering team to build a camp for the National Guard. A series of dormitories were erected. In order to prevent flooding during the rainy season, wooden piles and The cement pillars are heightened and reinforced, just like a stilted building.

The ground in the camp was hardened according to the regulations. Various entertainment and sports facilities were originally planned, but the rainy season came in a hurry before the construction started. The construction team evacuated directly after reporting to the top, leaving Grant and Ma Lin's eyes widened.

In fact, the materials for the construction of entertainment facilities and sports facilities are already in place at this time. If it is not the rainy season, it will take another ten days and a half months to complete the construction.

The Victorian government has no choice. The annual rainy season is a huge test for the flood control project of Lake Victoria. Compared with the farms around Lake Victoria, the National Guard still has to suffer a little bit of grievances, and we will wait until the rainy season is over.

After the rainy season—

That will be in March and April next year.

What are hundreds of National Guard soldiers doing here for half a year?

I'm afraid something will happen within a few days.

Now I understand why the army arranges so many training tasks every day. It is to consume the energy of the officers and soldiers.

Marin is still very responsible. The construction team didn't have time, so Marin tried to build it by himself.

The National Guard is not a regular army. It is actually a militia. There are many talented people in it, and there are quite a few who can build houses. Guarding against the refugees on the other side of the barbed wire fence, it is really hard to spare manpower to work.

So after discussing with Grant, Marin and Grant sent a few boxes of canned food to the major opposite the barbed wire, and the major opposite the barbed wire offered to send over 100 strong laborers for casual use.

Of course, Marin is not in vain. He only cares about food and housing, and each person is given a can of food per day as a reward. Southern Africa began to prepare strategic warehouses several years ago. Many of the foods in the warehouses are about to expire and need to be replaced. There are so many cans.

So every morning, more than 100 strong laborers came to the temporary camp and started working under the command of several National Guard soldiers. He was appointed by Marin as the head of the construction team.

"These East Africans are quite obedient. In the past, Christian Construction Company hired a lot of East African workers. For the price of one southern African, you can hire five East Africans." Lance does not miss his working experience in Christian Construction Company. , A high salary does not mean a strong ability, at least it is impossible for one to do five jobs.

One top five is livestock.

"Then why are we firing these East Africans?" Lance's deputy is Corporal Marvin. This question is a bit out of line for Lance, and Lance doesn't know how to explain the relationship between the economic crisis and jobs.

"Don't look at their obedience. In fact, they may be the most lazy people in the world. Ten East Africans need one person to supervise their work. They will be lazy as long as they can't see them. Sometimes they will deliberately damage tools to be lazy. So the best assistant for the supervisor is a wooden stick or a leather whip, and if you don’t obey, you can beat—" Lance has a baton in his hand, which is still stretchable, can be thrown out with a flick, and can be retracted with a slap on the ground.

While Lance and Marvin were chatting, when several workers were hoisting a wooden plank that made up the roof to the roof, a guy pulled the rope and obviously did not work hard. As a result, the wooden plank lost its balance when it was hoisted and fell. Sometimes, a worker was beaten to the head, and the scene suddenly became a mess.

"See clearly, that's it—" Lance put the hood of the raincoat on the helmet, and strode towards the construction site.

The one who reacted faster than Lance was the supervisor from East Africa.

These supervisors are actually soldiers of the East African colonial army. They supervise the work of workers and can receive one rand a week.

Don't underestimate the rand. In East Africa, one rand a week is not bad. After all, you don't do any work, eat, drink, and smoke every day. For the soldiers of the East African colonial army, it is like a god.

So they work very seriously and responsibly.

Two soldiers from the East African colonial army arrived at the scene earlier than Lance. Their first reaction was not to care about the injured workers, but to see if the planks were broken.

In southern Africa, building a house is a very simple matter. All the materials used have been pre-treated. Time is like building blocks, it is really fast.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages of prefabrication in advance. The disadvantage is that as long as it is damaged, it cannot be repaired, and if it is broken, it will be scrapped directly.

Falling from a height of more than three meters, the board was indeed broken into two pieces.

So the two soldiers took their anger out on the injured worker, cursing and punching.

The workers huddled together on the ground, clasped their heads in their hands, begged desperately, blood overflowed from their fingers, and flooded the ground with the rain, which was shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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