Chapter 1781
It was agreed that one box of canned food per day would be handed over to the workers, and the soldiers on duty would take it away when they crossed the barbed wire fence.

There must be some workers who are unwilling. Xiao Hei has all kinds of easy-going personalities. If his wife and children say no, he doesn’t want it. He has no sense of family responsibility, so some workers eat the cans first.

The soldiers on duty were naturally not polite, so workers were beaten every day by the barbed wire, which was horrible.

These colonial soldiers are really ruthless. Like other British colonies, the colonial troops in East Africa also have officers, white soldiers and natives. Almost all soldiers are East Africans, but these East African soldiers are beating these East African workers At the time, the strikes were really merciless. There were a few soldiers who were particularly ruthless, and they simply took this kind of thing for fun. The worse the workers screamed, the happier they were, it was simply perverted.

The National Guard is silent here. There are no Africans in southern Africa. Even if there are, they are in factories or mines, and they are rare in daily life.

Most of these National Guard soldiers are young people in their late teens and twenties. Many of them have no idea what southern Africa was like in the colonial era, so seeing the attitude of East African soldiers towards East Africans is a bit acceptable. cannot.

This has a lot to do with the request of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

According to the various propaganda calibers of governments at all levels of the Federation of Southern Africa, the southern African army is to serve the citizens of southern Africa, not to mention that the military and the civilians are close to each other, but as long as the people ask the soldiers for help, the soldiers must provide help within their ability. Because you don't know whether the person who asks you for help is also the parent, sister, or daughter of a comrade-in-arms.

On my own behalf, a lot of Southern Africans believe that I help others because I want my family to be helped by others when they need it.

So when seeing East African soldiers taking pleasure in beating East African workers, the three views of many National Guard soldiers were seriously challenged.

"That's normal, it's not just East Africa, we -- all the colonies around the world, that's why we're going to defend Southern Africa, not just the federal government, but our families, our A hard-won happy life—” Marin still has a way of doing ideological work.

Southern Africa has always attached great importance to the ideological education of its citizens, and the governments at all levels of the federal government do not use justice to save them, even if they start with families and relatives, the effect is still very good.

"The same is true in southern Africa 30 years ago. At that time, most of you were not born yet. Your fathers should have experienced it. It was a difficult process. We defeated the Boers, established southern Africa, obtained self-government status, and worked hard to build Our home, you have visited the military museum, you should know that period of history, just ten years ago, the land under our feet was Tanganyika under the German rule, the reason why we are here is to make this kind of The situation will not happen in southern Africa, and our family members will not be treated like this." Marin sat in the corridor, the coffee in his hand was covered with clouds and mist, and his eyes looked into the distance through the dense rain, with an inner taste.

"There are tens of thousands of people on the opposite side, so much vacant land, why not organize these people and set up a national farm like ours?" A freckled recruit wondered.

"It's not that easy. Let's not talk about whether those high-ranking colonial officials are willing to do this, and those East Africans may not be willing." Grant laughed, and it was not so easy to copy homework from southern Africa.

"Why?" The recruit was very surprised.

"Because of tradition, for these East Africans, for thousands of years, their ancestors lived such a lazy life. Why do so many people prefer to lie down rather than work to make money? Because lying down is comfortable, so there is laziness excuse." Lance used to work in a construction company, and he had seen too many people like this.

Christian Construction Company also has a weekly salary system. Even if the salary of foreign workers is not high, they have to be divided into four payments every month.

Africans and Indians are similar. Most workers have to ask for leave when they get their salary.raise children?Support for the elderly?

Are you kidding me!
The same is true in the camp. Marin tried to use the incentive mechanism to complete all the work as soon as possible.

However, the incentive mechanism that is always beneficial in southern Africa has no effect on Xiao Hei. No matter how many rewards are given, they will not make them move faster. The temptation of rewards to them is not as good as the whip in the hands of the supervisor.

"If you give them enough benefits, there are still people who are willing to work hard, but you also know the situation. They can't even bring back the canned food every day. What's the use of working hard?" Marin learned more about the situation, and it was the same Nothing can be done.

The poverty of Africans is not all because of Africans.

Perhaps Africans really do not have the ability to govern a country well, but if a relatively relaxed environment is created for Africans, there are still Africans who are willing to work hard.

Examples in this regard are not very good. The Greenwood riots in 1921 and the Rosewood massacre in 1923 are representative. Africans in these two places have lived a good life by virtue of their own efforts. Greenwood Town even Known as "Black Wall Street".

However, in a society dominated by white people, such a situation is simply not allowed to happen, so the town of Greenwood was directly flattened, and Rosewood was completely burned down.

"Gentlemen, we can no longer use these East African workers—" military doctor Cao Yanbo hurried over to remind.

"What happened?" Marin already had a bad feeling.

"Several workers fell ill at the same time, very serious malaria. I suspect that a large-scale infectious disease has broken out in the refugee camp opposite, so—" Before Cao Yanbo finished speaking, Marin realized the seriousness.

"Send all the workers back, close the border, and not allow anyone to enter or leave—" Marin was decisive. The sanitation conditions in the refugee camps were already poor, and it was the rainy season, so the probability of disease outbreaks was indeed a bit high.

After the outbreak of the new crown, someone asked a question: Why is the epidemic in Africa not serious?

The answer is simple. In Africa, the new crown is the younger brother. There are a large group of predecessors in front of us. Plague, smallpox, malaria, AIDS, Ebola virus, etc., these diseases will break out every once in a while, so it is really not their turn new crown.

Considering that the plague has not been eradicated in the 21st century, the situation in 1928 can be imagined.

Cao Yanbo reminded me a little late, just opposite the barbed wire fence, the refugee camp has now become a hell on earth, hundreds of people die every day, not all of them died of illness, a considerable number of them died of severe malnutrition.

As I have said before, tens of thousands of people gather together and expect to collect this way, which cannot meet the nutritional needs at all.

In the case of the colonial government in East Africa, don’t expect the colonial government to give much help to the refugees. The southern African side does not open the border, so the situation on the other side is a bit miserable. If the Victorian Agricultural Association did not take the initiative to provide help, the situation would be even worse than it is now. .

Since the establishment of the price guarantee system in southern Africa, the income of farmers has been guaranteed, and the income of farms has also been rising steadily.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, agricultural exports in southern Africa were affected to a certain extent, and merchants were not very motivated to purchase agricultural products. At this time, agricultural associations played a huge role in purchasing agricultural products from farms at the lowest protection price to ensure farm income as much as possible.

However, the agricultural products cannot be sold after harvesting, and they cannot just sit and watch them go bad, so every day the Agricultural Association sends several trucks to deliver some grains such as potatoes, cassava, corn, and occasionally aquatic products from Lake Victoria. With these aids, the refugees on the other side of the barbed wire barely survived.

Although this is a good thing, it demonstrates the generosity and humanity of southern Africa, but it also brings some side effects. East Africans don't care if they eat well, as long as they can fill their stomachs. If there is no such assistance, many East Africans may survive in order to survive Left.

Well now, since you can’t die from starvation, just wait, in case the federal government of Southern Africa opens the border one day——

Then one step to the sky.

On the same day that someone was found sick, several National Guard soldiers also showed symptoms.

Marin sent the symptomatic soldier back to the rear hospital for treatment, and at the same time asked the Victorian government for more support.

On this night, dozens of unbearable refugees tried to climb over the barbed wire at night, but were discovered by patrolling soldiers.

The soldiers fired warning shots to no avail, so they opened fire, killing six people on the spot.

At this time, it finally attracted Rock's attention, so Bunyan finally got the chance to meet Rock.

"Can you control the situation on the border?" Rock preempted.

"Lord, what do you mean?" Bunian is also a nobleman, so etiquette still needs to be discussed.

"I mean, can you end the gathering of refugees at the border? If you can't, then just let Southern Africa manage East Africa—" Rock is simple and rude. If you can, solve the problem quickly, and if you can't, change to Southern Africa. Come.

Of course, if you come from southern Africa, then there will be no East African colonial government in the future.

"My lord, you can't do this—" Bunyan was terrified, and he didn't doubt Rock's determination at all.

"One week, I will only give you one week. If you can't solve this problem perfectly within one week, then Southern Africa will intervene." Rock didn't bargain with Bunyan, and he didn't have much time to waste here matter.

"Good lord, we must solve it as soon as possible—" Bunian was sweating profusely, and his mood was more chaotic than the rain outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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