Chapter 1785
Franklin Roosevelt, born in 1882, is 46 years old. He is the nephew of Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States. : "You mean little bastard, you traitor—"

In 1905, Franklin married Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor's surname was not changed after marriage. Her surname was originally Roosevelt. Franklin was Eleanor's cousin.

In 1910, Roosevelt entered politics and was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy during World War II.

In 1920, Roosevelt failed to run for president as an assistant to James Cox, but this did not affect Roosevelt's confidence. After that, Roosevelt served as the vice chairman of the Maryland Credit Savings Corporation and returned to his old career as a lawyer.

In 1921, while the Franklin family was vacationing on Campobello Island, after fighting a fire, Franklin jumped into the freezing water and contracted polio.

High fever, pain, numbness, and being in a wheelchair all his life did not depress Franklin. Franklin was optimistic, and the Georgia hot spring that cooperated with the treatment was called "a place where laughter shook the sky."

Franklin returned to the political arena last year. He declared with overwhelming confidence that he would lead the United States out of the economic crisis. When speaking on the radio, Franklin always started with "my friend", which accumulated a lot of popularity for Franklin, although At this time, Franklin still had to use a wheelchair, but more and more Americans believed that Franklin, unlike Hoover, who believed in free trade, could fulfill his political promises.

So in the just-concluded US general election, Franklin defeated Hoover by an absolute advantage and became the 31st president of the United States.

At this time, except Roque, no one in the world thinks that Franklin can serve as the president of the United States for four consecutive times.

In southern Africa, Stoudemire even ridiculed Franklin in a wheelchair, thinking that the Americans had nothing to do, so he had to push Franklin to clean up the mess.

"Cecil, don't underestimate this guy. This guy is worthy of respect. This guy will become the greatest president of the United States." Roque will definitely not underestimate Roosevelt, or give Roosevelt the respect he deserves. It doesn't matter if you hate America or not.

After finishing his second term, Washington, the founding father of the United States, voluntarily relinquished power and no longer served as the president of the United States.

So this has also become a tradition in the United States, and the longest term of a president does not exceed two.

The reason why Roosevelt was re-elected as the US president for four terms has something to do with this special historical period, which will be introduced later.

"What respect does this guy have? In my impression, you have never respected Americans." Stoudemire is not used to Rock's double standards anytime and anywhere.

People are contradictory. Rock is also an old double standard. His behavior and speech are often contradictory. This is actually normal. Behavior and speech will change with the changes of the objective world. The inner essence is consistent.

Rock's inner essence is to serve the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

So all of Rock's actions are based on this purpose.

For example, embracing the British thigh, such as aid to Germany, and the containment of Japan, and so on.

"No, no, what I hate is the country of the United States, not the Americans." Rock is not right about people, of course there are good people in the United States, such as Robert Goddard, Nikola Tesla, they They are all very nice people.

Although sometimes it makes Rock grit his teeth with hatred.

Look, it really is a double standard here.

"So, you will go to the United States to attend his inauguration?" Stoudemire's brain circuit was really strange.

"How is it possible—" Rock would not go unless Roosevelt invited Rock.

No, even if Roosevelt sent an invitation to Roque, it is estimated that Roque would not go.

Not that American time!
Hey, that's the right word to use here.

Roque really didn't have time.

It's the end of the year, and those who do business have to take stock of this year's harvest, and Rock has to prepare more.

"This year is not bad, the specific statistics have not yet come out, but it should be similar to last year, and the economy is still growing-" Ada is very graceful, and the economy can maintain economic growth under the economic crisis, let alone Southern Africa It's a miracle.

"—Of course there is also bad news. Although our fiscal revenue has declined this year, the fiscal deficit continues to expand, so the financial report is estimated to be unsightly." She looks like a little girl, and she is already a grandma, but this kind of action is not against Ada at all.

Yes, the child of Arthur and Roya has been born. The boy is healthy, lively and cute. According to the family tradition, Ada named the child Arthur——

This way of naming is really uncreative, but a certain fish head likes it very much, it saves trouble.

As the first in line heir to the Baron of Cyprus, little Arthur attracted much attention before he was born.

There is no need to mention the relationship between Little Arthur and Rock, and don't forget that Little Arthur is the first child of the fourth generation of the Rhodes family.

Stoudemire is very happy. Although Stoudemire also has a son, Arthur Jr. is also qualified to inherit the title of Stoudemire.

It's just that the possibility is relatively small.

But this does not prevent Stoudemire from loving little Arthur.

This is also an intergenerational relationship.

"It doesn't matter. Most of this year's expenditure has become the property of the federal government, and the Congress will not cause trouble." Rock is confident that since some unharmonious factors have been eliminated, southern Africa is now considered politically sound and peaceful.

"If the Congress dares to beep, then it should just be disbanded—" Ada sternly said that Rock wanted to kill people and set fire to him. Not only would Ada not persuade him, she would probably help carry gasoline.

So there is a reason why Rock doesn't marry Ada, marrying a wife, marrying a virtuous, concubine and seductive——

"Don't just dissolve the Congress, Southern Africa is nothing like that—" Rock now knows how to avoid it, and can't act recklessly.

"Roosevelt's election as president still has an impact on us." Ada also noticed the political changes in the United States. Although Roosevelt had not officially entered Whitehall, his influence was gradually expanding.

Like Rock, Roosevelt was adept at using the weapon of public opinion.

As early as 1920, when Roosevelt partnered with James Cox to run for president, Roosevelt had already begun to establish his image of being close to the people. His famous "my friend" began at that time.

Roosevelt, who was successfully elected as the President of the United States, made the best use of the new thing of radio. Roosevelt often came to the radio station to accept interviews, give speeches, expound his political ideas, and give Americans more confidence.

As mentioned earlier, during the economic crisis, listening to the radio became the cheapest form of entertainment for Americans, so Roosevelt’s voice accompanied the radio waves into thousands of households, with unprecedented influence.

It can be said that Roosevelt was the first president of the United States to be a household name.

In the United States before, the news was still very closed. Although the American media was very developed, the cultural level of the Americans was not high. Few people could read newspapers. It is normal for the public to be unfamiliar with the president. When Harding ran for the president , and even just doing publicity in his hometown, he was successfully elected.

Take Harding's election as president, that is, ten years ago.

Roosevelt's frequent activities also have a lot to do with changes in the political winds of the United States.

The isolationism and free trade popular in the United States during the World Wars have been proven to be unable to lead the United States out of the economic crisis.

With the jewels from southern Africa in front, it is said that the United States can pass the exam even if it copied homework, but because of isolationism and free trade, when Hoover was the president of the United States, he could hardly achieve anything.

The United States certainly has no shortage of smart people. Since isolationism and free trade have been proven to be failures, even for their own business, Morgan and Rockefeller will take the initiative to seek changes.

At this time, Roosevelt, who advocated the "New Deal", appeared, which perfectly fit the interests of all parties in the United States, and it was logical to defeat Hoover and be elected smoothly.

Roosevelt has expounded on his "New Deal" many times through the radio during this period, which mainly includes three aspects: Recover, Relief, and Reform, collectively referred to as the "Three Rs" ".

To achieve these three aspects, Roosevelt will first start with finance. Although he has not yet settled in Whitehall, Roosevelt is already advocating the "Emergency Banking Act" and asking for a review of banks and a licensing system to promote solvency banks to reopen as soon as possible.

Then there are adjustments and reforms. The specific policies will not be repeated here. If you look at Roosevelt's "New Deal" throughout the article, it is actually copying homework from southern Africa.

It can't be said to be copying, after all, Roque originally copied Roosevelt's New Deal.

It's just that southern Africa implemented these policies earlier, so this time and space became Roosevelt's homework.

Rock also knew the content of Roosevelt's New Deal. Every time Roosevelt made a public statement, he would promptly form a written report and submit it to the Palace of Justice. Louis led a large group of secretaries to study word by word, wishing that even the standard symbols had to be observed with a magnifying glass.

"Don't worry, the advantages are all on our side now. As long as we don't make mistakes, the Americans can't catch up." Rock is confident that Roosevelt came a bit late. If Roosevelt came to power when the economic crisis broke out early last year, It is still unknown who will win the deer.

Now Roque is really not afraid. The economic crisis just broke out, and Southern Africa has made the right choice. This is a first-mover advantage.

Southern Africa is rich in resources and has all the raw materials needed for industry. The world's three major iron ore mines are all jointly controlled by Nyasaland Corporation and Fawalt Group. Coupled with the oil in the Persian Gulf, Southern Africa is already invincible place.

Through several internal integrations, Southern Africa is now well-organized and people are in harmony. The Congress is willing to provide assistance and will not form any constraints on the federal government. This is called harmony.

The right time, place, people and southern Africa are all in place, even if it is Roosevelt, Rock is not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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