Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1786 The dry goods are here, let me say that I can't curse

Chapter 1786 The dry goods are here, let me say that I can't curse
In Southern Africa in 1928, the population finally exceeded 8000 million to 8050 million, far exceeding the normal population growth rate.

When the Commonwealth Games were held in Pretoria the year before last, Southern Africa's population was just 6700 million.

Calculated at an annual growth rate of 5.00%, the population of southern Africa this year should be between 7300 million and 7400 million. The reason for such an increase has a lot to do with the Commonwealth Games the year before and this year's Olympic Games.

Or say that the large-scale multi-sports meeting is an all-round comprehensive display of national strength.

In the past, Southern Africa, no matter how good the economic development was, just because of the place name "Africa" ​​would inevitably give people a feeling of backwardness, ignorance, and wildness.

With the popularity of southern African movies, people's impression of southern Africa began to change.

During the Commonwealth Games, many tourists came to southern Africa for the first time and were immediately shocked by southern Africa, but at this time, the influence of southern Africa was still limited to the Commonwealth.

This year's Olympic Games in Pretoria made the world aware of a new Southern Africa.

This is not backwardness, ignorance, and wildness. Under the shadow of the economic crisis, the whole world is deeply troubled. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as mourning, but southern Africa still maintains a positive momentum of prosperity. People flock to it.

Why do Europeans want to immigrate to the United States?
Not because the United States is good, rich in money, or the lighthouse, but because immigrating to the United States can escape all kinds of grievances and entanglements in the old continent and start anew.

Now Europeans have a better choice. Migrating to southern Africa is also an escape from the old continent, and the prospects are brighter than that of the United States. Even Americans have begun to immigrate to southern Africa. Can Europeans go to the United States?
Go to your sister’s America. For Europeans, the United States is an upstart, synonymous with rudeness and disrespect. Europeans look at Americans just like Americans look at Africans in the United States. This has a chain of contempt.

Southern Africa is not in this chain of contempt. Regardless of whether Southern Africa admits it or not, the British Empire is the suzerain of Southern Africa. In this regard, Europeans look at Southern Africa with a natural intimacy!
So you can say how many people immigrated to southern Africa after the Olympics.

Anyway, no matter how many entry application forms are prepared by Walvis Bay Immigration Office and Edward Immigration Office every day, it is not enough.

The staff of the Immigration Bureau are going crazy, working day and night, from one or two small tables at the beginning to the later service hall, and the staff have also developed from two or three kittens and dogs at the beginning to frequent Hundreds of thousands of people fight in large regiments, and the factories in southern Africa still have a protection system. Workers are not allowed to work more than eight hours a day, and overtime pay is required for more than eight hours. This benefit does not include civil servants.

In southern Africa, civil servants work overtime for granted, and they can go home if it is irrelevant. Some people are willing to serve the federal government, and don’t forget that they want to be monks and beat the clock for a day. Various supervision departments are not vegetarian. If it is because of work attitude or work If the efficiency is complained, the consequences will be serious.

After the Olympics, more than 50 new immigrants came to Southern Africa every month.

In 1928, pig iron production in Southern Africa exceeded 4000 million tons and reached 4130 million tons.

For comparison, the pig iron production of the United States in 1928 was only 892 million tons.

This is the impact of the economic crisis, even the United States is no exception. Two years ago, the production of pig iron in the United States had reached 3890 million tons.

Crude steel corresponding to pig iron, the total output of southern Africa in 1928 was 5500 million tons.

The United States lagged behind again, totaling just 1928 million tons in 1390.

Also for comparison, the United States produced 1926 million tons of crude steel in 4900.

In agriculture, meat production in Southern Africa in 1928 was 750 million tons.

In this regard, the gap between the United States and southern Africa is not that big, but there is a serious problem. The meat produced in the United States is not very easy to sell. Considering that many Americans can't even afford milk, how can they afford to buy meat.

Meat sales in southern Africa were not greatly affected. In 1928, meat exports from southern Africa reached 160 million tons, while meat exports from the United States were only 90 tons. This is the value of southern Africa remaining in the Commonwealth.

In terms of government fiscal revenue, the federal government of Southern Africa had a total fiscal revenue of 1928 billion rand in 39. Although part of this was due to the depreciation of the rand, it was still much higher than the US$19 billion in the United States.

The main difference is in domestic taxation. The domestic taxation in southern Africa is 21 billion rand in income tax alone. The United States only has a pitiful 7.47 million U.S. dollars. Even so, the total revenue of the U.S. government still reaches 19 billion U.S. dollars. Here, the U.S. government wants to thank Wall Street tycoons aid to Germany.

The above is the entire content of the 1928 Annual Report on the Work of the Federal Government submitted by the Federal Government of Southern Africa to Congress.

This work report immediately caused a sensation all over the world. Not only the southern African media, but also the European and American media used large pages to report on the work report of the federal government of southern Africa. By the way, compare the work report of the government of your own country, and the gap will be revealed immediately. up.

Also in 1928, France's pig iron production was only a pitiful 553 million tons, and Germany's was an even more pitiful 393 million tons. The empire is not much better either. The output of 46 million tons is a true manifestation of the weakening of the British Empire.

In terms of crude steel, France's output is 563 million tons, Germany's 577 million tons, Italy's 139 million tons, and the British Empire's 558 million tons, which is not far behind.

In terms of agricultural products, France's meat production is 122 million tons, Germany's meat production is 311 million tons thanks to aid from southern Africa and the United States, the United Kingdom's meat production is only 115 million tons, and Italy's meat production is the poorest with only 66 tons.

In terms of government fiscal revenue, the total French fiscal revenue is 360 billion francs. His figure is meaningless. The franc is worthless. It is only 12 billion in rand, and 30 francs can be exchanged for one rand.

Italy's 180 billion lire, which seems a lot, is actually not much. Lire is as worthless as francs.

The UK has been hit hard this year, there was a general strike and an economic crisis. As a result, the British government’s fiscal revenue in 1928 was only a mere £8 million. Ramsay Macdonald wants to increase his welfare and maintain his approval rating. I don’t know. How long can it last.

Germany is the worst. Germany didn’t even have data in this regard because of the sharp drop in the mark a few years ago. It is estimated that it is too ridiculous to list, and the Germans themselves have no face to announce it.

Last year, Germany issued a new mark to end the plummeting currency situation. The series of economic measures implemented by Moustache after he came to power have indeed stimulated the German economy. Therefore, Germany’s government revenue is 49.98 billion marks, which is equivalent to about 5 million pounds.

When the Federal Government of Southern Africa did not release relevant data, European and American countries probably felt good about themselves. Although life was not as good as it was before the outbreak of the economic crisis, seeing that their neighbors were also miserable, it was probably a kind of happiness and suffering. I don't feel how pathetic I am.

Compared with the various data in southern Africa now, the governments of European and American countries are simply being roasted on fire.

It is said that the economic crisis is difficult, so why is the economy in southern Africa thriving?

Crying every day to revive the economy, the crude steel output in Southern Africa has reached 5500 million tons, and the whole of Europe is not as much as Southern Africa, and there are only 8000 million people in Southern Africa——

You can't mention the population, and you will be even more angry if you mention the population.

It is said that population is the driving force behind all development. When the federal government of Southern Africa was established 20 years ago, there were only 200 million people in southern Africa. Why did the population of southern Africa increase by 20 times in the past 40 years, let alone 40 times in European and American countries? No, it’s fine if you can’t do a job for southern Africans, but isn’t it better to have children than southern Africans?

There is no way to explain this problem. Leaving aside the losses caused by the world war to European countries, after the outbreak of the economic crisis, even the population of the United States has declined for two consecutive years. Among all countries in the world, only southern Africa has seen an increase in population.

Adding up all kinds of things, the criticisms of the government by the public opinion of various countries are simply endless.

At this time, the governments of various countries lost their voices. In the 20s, the term crisis public relations did not yet exist. When the Federal Government of Southern Africa did not publish the "Report on the Work of the Federal Government", the governments of European and American countries could still speak a few words. Now various data Listed out, the total potato production includes pig iron, crude steel, raw coal, petroleum, even sulfuric acid, beer, and even power generation. The gap is so obvious that anyone who is not blind can see it. Facts speak louder than words.

So he simply buried his head in the sand and pretended not to see it.

Regardless of the reaction of the governments of various countries, since the media in Europe and the United States began to hype the "Report on the Work of the Federal Government" in southern Africa, a new round of immigration boom will begin immediately.

Through southern African movies, the excellent environment and developed economy of southern Africa are well known to everyone. Not only that, the southern Africans are also hospitable. In the era when the word "hospitality" has not been played badly, new immigrants are most worried The most important thing is how to integrate into southern Africa. As long as this problem is solved, then other problems will not be a problem.

Through the "Report on the Work of the Federal Government" in Southern Africa, the whole world knows that the number of livestock in Southern Africa is higher than that of all of Europe combined, and the oil production in the Persian Gulf is higher than that of the whole world combined, and even the crude steel in Southern Africa The output is already 3.95 times that of the United States, although considering the output of the United States, it should be greatly affected by the economic crisis.

But this is enough to prove that the dominant position of southern Africa is already unshakable.

The output of crude steel has always been hailed as the direct withdrawal of the country's comprehensive strength. With enough steel, more infrastructure construction, more skyscrapers, and more machine guns can be produced, especially the last one. One point, why do Europeans immigrate, isn't it to escape the shadow of war in the Old World.

In the past, the steel output of the United States was the highest in the world, and the United States was the country with the most powerful war potential.

Crude steel production in southern Africa has now surpassed that of the United States by so much, so what are you waiting for?
(End of this chapter)

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