Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1787 The rich don't understand the happiness of the poor

Chapter 1787 The rich don't understand the happiness of the poor

At six o'clock in the morning, Erwin, the director of the Physics Department of the University of Berlin, was awakened by the noise outside the window. Erwin got up angrily and opened the curtains. On the road not far away, several students were posting a notice. Erwin turned to look for Come and put on your glasses. The notice said that there will be a speech by the new German Chancellor in the auditorium in the morning. I hope that those who are interested in politics can attend Yunyun.

Erwin looked serious, and his girlfriend Hilde was begging next to him.

"Erwin, please, leave them alone, my child and I can't do without you—" Hilde looked nervous, he was not Erwin's wife, and Erwin's wife was someone else.

The 40-year-old Erwin is suave and suave. There is a famous saying at the University of Berlin: No lady can refuse Erwin's bow tie.

This sentence fully proves the charm of Erwin, he is handsome, personable, courteous to ladies, and he never refuses——

Hilde was originally the wife of Erwin's assistant. Erwin fell in love with Hilde at first sight when he saw Hilde, so he pursued Hilde crazily.

Erwin is not only handsome, but also versatile. He is proficient in color theory, philosophy, language, mathematics, physics, and even religion. He is especially good at love poetry. Few women can resist Erwin's pursuit. Hilde not excluded.

A year later, Hilde was pregnant with Erwin's child and lived in Erwin's home, where he lived peacefully with Erwin's wife Anne.

Like a person who drinks water, he knows whether he is warm or cold. Erwin’s wife Anne said: You know it’s easy to get along with a canary, but I’d rather choose a wild horse.

Mustang is now in a complicated mood, and the small flaws in life cannot conceal Erwin's academic achievements. Although the current University of Berlin, after Mustache became the German Chancellor, is quite different from the Berlin University in Erwin's memory. Erwin Wen still hopes to fulfill the duties of the chair of the physics department.

"They're still students, and they should be studying in the classroom—" Erwin murmured, but there was nothing he could do.

"Please Erwin, you are no longer the dean of the physics department, don't get yourself into trouble—" Hilde tugged on Erwin's sleeve, fearing that Erwin would make a mistake.

A few days ago, someone at the University of Berlin proposed to remove Erwin from his post on the grounds that Erwin's remarks tended to be Hebrew.

After Mustache became Chancellor of Germany, the situation of Hebrews in Germany became more and more difficult. This is also a European habit. No matter which country, as long as domestic conflicts become more acute, excluding Hebrews will always be regarded as diverting conflicts best way.

We will not discuss the reasons for this here, but just talk about the facts. Erwin, as the director of the Department of Physics at the University of Berlin, will inevitably be affected. Although there is no official document, it is estimated that the director of Erwin will not be able to do it. A few days.

"I know, I know, I'm no longer the head of the Department of Physics at the University of Berlin—" Erwin's expression was desolate, his whole body was bleak, as if all his energy and energy had been drained.

At this time Erwin's real wife, Annie, came over.

"Erwin, there is no rice in the house, we need money—" Anne had no choice but to live without rice. Although Erwin was in a high position, he had a big family to support, and the burden was a bit heavy.

It's not heavy, Erwin has other people's children and wives to support besides his own, so the burden is really heavy.

"I'll find a way—" Erwin tried to squeeze out a smile, no matter how difficult life was, he had to face it with a smile.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Erwin walked out of the house on time. As long as the official documents are not available, Erwin will assume the responsibility of the head of the physics department.

Most of Erwin's neighbors are faculty members of the University of Berlin.

Different from the enthusiasm in the past, now Erwin's colleagues no longer greet Erwin as warmly as before, and whisper evasively when they see Erwin. Erwin can't help but hear some bad remarks.

Erwin has always ignored these remarks. Life is like this, and stocks are still chasing ups and downs. Erwin’s future is uncertain now, and sensible people will take the initiative to stay away from Erwin.

On the way to the office, several students walking in front of Erwin were discussing happily.

They were not discussing courses, but auditoriums and mustaches, and how to lead Germany out of the economic crisis.

This made Erwin a little dazed. Shouldn’t discussing politics or economics be a course for students in the School of Economics? When did the students in the School of Physics become so keen on participating in politics?

At this time, the students finally noticed Erwin, so they were silent. Only one student was brave enough to look at Erwin with disdainful or even angry eyes.

"You should go to class now." Erwin didn't forget Hilde's plea, let alone his responsibility.

"Participating in the party is our freedom!" The student with angry eyes said loudly, which was impossible before.

The University of Berlin pays attention to the seniority and inferiority, and the concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No student has ever dared to confront the professor head-on.

"Your task now is to learn—" Erwin did not give up. The school is a holy place of knowledge and should not be mixed with too many other factors.

"No, our mission is to make Germany greater!" The students were obviously more ambitious than Erwin.

"Making Germany great is more than just shouting slogans." Erwin was heartbroken. Didn't the head of state walk into the Chancellery just shouting slogans?

"The reason why Germany lost the World War was because of you people—" the student said righteously. He probably didn't know that Erwin also participated in the World War.

During the World Wars, Erwin served in a remote artillery fort.

Even while serving in the army, Erwin still spared his spare time to study theoretical physics. After the war, Erwin returned to the Second Institute of Physics to continue his research work. Erwin was the head of the Department of Physics at the University of Berlin the year before last.

Looking at the emotional students in front of him, Erwin closed his eyes in pain, and the world suddenly fell into darkness.

Walking into the office in a trance, Erwin's assistant hesitated to speak when he opened the door.

"Is the document down?" Erwin was fluctuating, that is, he wanted to see the official document of removal from office, but he didn't want to see it.

The hope is because, as long as the official documents come out, Erwin can get rid of everything in front of him and have no more worries. From then on, even if he wanders the world, he will probably have Anne and Hilde by his side.

The reason for not wanting it is also very simple. Don’t doubt Erwin’s feelings for the University of Berlin. After all, Erwin also vowed to fight for the University of Berlin all his life.

"No sir—" the assistant made a slip of the tongue, and he had tacitly agreed that the document would come out sooner or later.

Erwin smiled and didn't feel relieved. He walked into the office and took off his coat. The collar of the old gray shirt was white, and the cuffs were frayed and threaded. If you look carefully, the threads that sew the buttons are of different colors.

"You have a letter from Professor Heslin from Nyasaland University in Southern Africa—" the assistant carefully reminded.

"Thank you, this is the only good news in the past two months." Erwin's spirit was lifted. Erwin was loyal, but not foolishly loyal. If Germany needed Erwin, Erwin would contribute everything to Germany. Germany does not need it, and Erwin hopes that Germany will give him the opportunity to choose freely.

What to choose?
Of course it's leaving--

Or die!

Professor Erwin and Professor Hesling are old friends. Looking at the familiar handwriting on the envelope, Erwin couldn't help feeling excited.

However, Erwin was not in a hurry to open it. The stamp on the envelope was the pattern of the gate of Nyasaland University. This is a commemorative stamp specially issued by the Nyasaland State Government for Nyasaland University. Erwin took a deep look at the solemn The solemn gate of Nyasaland University carefully opened the envelope with a paper knife.

The letter paper was carefully folded, and when it was opened, there were five one-hundred-rand banknotes inside, which made Erwin's eyes wet immediately.

Five hundred rand, before the outbreak of the economic crisis, was equivalent to Erwin's entire annual income.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the rand remained strong. Five hundred rand, if saved a little, would be enough to cover the living expenses of Erwin's family for two years.

Erwin folded the money and put it in his close pocket first, and then opened it with a surge of emotion.

"Dear Erwin, forgive me for taking so long to reply to your letter, because I am not sure whether this letter will bring you hope or disaster—" Hesling's handwriting is sonorous and powerful, just like Hesling's Personally, no matter how bad the environment is, Heslin will face it bravely.

"——I am very good at Nyasaland University. This is an excellent university, no less than the heritage and academic atmosphere of the University of Berlin. I even believe that in the near future, Nyasaland University will become, or It has become the best university in the world, believe me, Nyasaland University has everything you can hope for.” Heslin’s letter made Erwin full of emotion.

Academic atmosphere——

In the past, the University of Berlin did have it, but now——

Thinking of the students with angry eyes on the road just now, Erwin was neither sad nor happy.

Perhaps the University of Berlin is still excellent, but the University of Berlin no longer needs Erwin.

"—I sent you an invitation a long time ago, when you firmly told me that you would contribute your whole life to Germany—your words made me ashamed, because I was so firm once, and in the end I chose shameful escape , isn’t it, we used to despise those who fled from Germany together, and now I am among them, becoming the person I hate the most—” The handwriting is a little distorted here, Erwin can imagine, under the dim light, Heslin burst into tears and wrote this letter with trembling handwriting——


Don't be sensational, Heslin is now the winner of the Starry Sky Award, and he can live a happy life with the bonus alone, and the dim lights——

Don’t move yourself, the rich don’t understand the happiness of the poor——

No, it was Hesling's happiness, which Erwin didn't understand at all.

ps: The last chapter is a transitional chapter, it doesn’t matter whether you order it or not—hey, it’s too late to say now—forget it, brothers, don’t scold me——

(End of this chapter)

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