Chapter 1788 Roosevelt Dam

After several years, Hesling once again sent an invitation to his old friend, hoping that Erwin could go to Nyasaland University to continue his research and realize his dream.

The last time Hesling invited Erwin, Erwin firmly refused. Even if the bread in Berlin had risen to 1000 billion marks at that time, Erwin did not waver. He firmly believed that Germany could stand up again and stand tall among the nations of the world. forest.

Now that Erwin is finally shaken, Erwin still believes in the potential of Germany, but the Germany that Erwin dreamed of is getting farther and farther away from Erwin.

No one bothered Erwin all morning, as if Erwin had been forgotten.

This was not the case in the past. As the head of the Department of Physics at the University of Berlin, Erwin was very busy with his work. His office was always open, and there was an endless stream of visitors. Erwin was never free for a moment.

It was a good thing that no one was bothering, and Erwin was able to use the rare leisure time to study his beloved physics, just as he did when he served during the World Wars.

Erwin went home at noon and handed over the money sent by Hesling to Annie. When he returned to the office in the afternoon, Otto Hahn, who had just become the director of the Royal William Institute of Chemistry, was waiting for him.

"Good afternoon Otto, good news or bad news?" Erwin was ready to accept whether it was good news or bad news.

Otto Hahn managed to squeeze out a sad smile, which was uglier than crying.

"Okay, needless to say, I understand, so is it time for me to leave?" Although he had already been mentally prepared, when this moment came, Erwin was still heartbroken.

Looking at the familiar office, Erwin sighed, found a cardboard box, and prepared to gesture some things that belonged to him.

"Erwin, what are you going to do next?" Otto Hahn suppressed his sadness and watched Erwin put his own things into the cardboard box one by one.

In fact, there are not many, mainly some books, some manuscripts, and two photo frames on the table.

"I don't know either, maybe I'll go back to Austria, or Ireland, or southern Africa, who knows—" Erwin is an Austrian who has a double doctorate in physics and mathematics from the University of Vienna.

Even Erwin didn't realize that he has actually subconsciously considered southern Africa as one of his next destinations.

"Going to Austria is not the best choice. Alice is going back to Austria too. I'm trying to convince her—why don't you make an explanation to the investigation committee, so that you can stay at the University of Berlin and continue to serve—"O Tor Hahn was in a sad mood, Alice was his assistant, and the situation was slightly different from Erwin's.

Erwin is actually of decent German descent, only because of some remarks sympathetic to the Hebrews, so he was regarded as a Hebrew and asked to resign.

Alice Meitner is a real Hebrew. She obtained a doctorate at the University of Vienna. She was the second female doctor in the history of the University of Vienna. Later, Alice came to Berlin and led He worked in the chemical laboratory and was Otto Hahn's most important assistant.

In 1926, Alice became Special Professor of Experimental Nuclear Physics at the University of Berlin.

Unlike Erwin, Alice has now been disqualified from teaching, but she is allowed to continue their experiments on neutrons with Otto Hahn at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, now changing with the situation in Germany, Alice His life was threatened and he had to leave Germany.

In response to some of Erwin's remarks, the University of Berlin established an investigation committee. At this time, Erwin only needs to make a statement to the investigation committee and confess some of his remarks, and Erwin can escape this disaster. Those claims that Erwin is a Hebrew simply do not hold water.

"I didn't do anything wrong, why do I have to repent?" Erwin smiled wryly. In Germany now, there is no room for a calm voice, and even people like Erwin and Alice cannot be alone.

Not to mention Erwin, the head of the Department of Physics at the University of Berlin would be regarded as a guest of honor in any other country.

Alice’s achievements are equally astonishing. Together with Hahn, she discovered the rebound of atomic nuclei during radioactive decay, and they also discovered a series of radioactive isotopes. In 1917, Alice and Hahn also discovered the isotope of protactinium 231. It can be said that All the achievements of Otto Hahn during this period are inseparable from Alice.

This is just the beginning. In 1939, Alice used the equation E=mc in Einstein's theory of relativity to calculate the energy released by each fission atomic nucleus of 2 million electron volts, thus laying the foundation for the atomic bomb and atomic energy.

It is said that when Alice told Niels Bohr the results, Bohr said: "Oh, how stupid we are."

Here we certainly do not include Alice.

"Is there any meaning to being right or wrong in Germany now?" Otto Hahn was also confused about the future.

Unlike Erwin, however, Otto Hahn is not yet affected.

Watching Erwin pack his things, Otto Hahn took out an envelope and gently put it in Erwin's box.

"No, Heslin sent me some money, so I have to thank him in person." Erwin has already made a budget, and he will definitely go to southern Africa. Five hundred rand is enough for Erwin's family to travel to southern Africa .

"So you are going to Nyasaland University?" Otto Hahn was slightly surprised. Heslin also invited Otto Hahn, but Otto Hahn did not agree.

"Why not, at least at Nyasaland University, I can continue my unfinished research, and southern Africa will not reject me as a 'Hebrew'." It was at this time that Erwin realized , Going to Southern Africa may really be a good choice.

Thanks to the promotion of southern African movies, the openness and tolerance of southern Africa are well known. Even during the World War, the Germans in southern Africa were not specifically targeted. At the beginning, Rock’s decision caused controversy. Now people finally Realize how wise Rock's original decision was.

"Indeed, southern Africa is also a good choice—wait for Erwin, if possible, take Alice to southern Africa, Austria—it's not the best choice either." Otto Hahn had an idea, After Mustache came to power, Germany's demand for the annexation of Austria became louder and louder. If Germany's annexation of Austria becomes a reality, Alice will inevitably leave Austria.

As for his most important assistant and closest friend, Otto Hahn hopes that Alice can stabilize as soon as possible.

For scientists, a stable environment is extremely important. If there is no next meal after eating, no great scientist has the heart to work.

Southern Africa is far away from Europe and will not be affected by the flames of war. Nyasaland University is also capable of giving these professors a stable life. Hesling is a good example. Although Otto Hahn rejected Hesling’s invitation, the correspondence between them has never interruption.

"Okay, if Alice wants, let her come to me, and I will stay in Berlin for a few days—" Erwin made up his mind.

When Erwin made up his mind, Rock hadn't realized that a wave of benefits was coming, and it was still the kind of buy one get one free.

It was already 1929. On March 3, Roosevelt was sworn in as the President of the United States at the White House. At this time, Roosevelt had not introduced any policies, and the U.S. stock market began to rebound, showing people's great confidence in Roosevelt.

Roosevelt did fulfill his promise. After taking office as president, Roosevelt began to rectify the finances. Goldman Sachs was among the first banks to obtain a special license to reopen.

Relying on southern African capital, Goldman Sachs is one of the few banks in the United States that is still solvent.

On March 3, the day after Roosevelt was sworn in, the United States announced the suspension of gold exports.

On March 3, the United States announced a ban on private storage of gold and gold securities.

On April 4, American corporate debt was abolished to be paid in gold.

On the 16th, the United States issued 30 billion US dollars of banknotes guaranteed by national securities and depreciated the US dollar by 40.94%——

With the promulgation of a series of policies, the U.S. economy has stopped its downward trend, the financial industry has gradually stabilized, foreign exports have begun to increase, and the power of government intervention in the economy has gradually emerged.

The increase in the export of American commodities will have a certain impact on the export of southern African commodities. Rock finally realized Roosevelt's courage.

It is indeed courageous. The southern African federal government only dared to issue 30 million to 19 million bonds. The United States started printing money, and one printing was [-] billion US dollars. You must know that the total government revenue of the United States last year was only [-] billion US dollars, which is equivalent to It was Roosevelt's words that the U.S. government directly received nearly two years of income.

If Hoover had the courage, he probably would not have lost to Roosevelt.

With money comes more ways to improve the economy.

In this time and space, there are gems from southern Africa. Hoover did not dare to copy the homework of southern Africa. Roosevelt did not have the slightest psychological barrier. With the implementation of a series of financial policies, the US banking industry began to recover, and Roosevelt’s approval rate gradually increased. If the U.S. economy recovers, Roosevelt's approval rating will be even higher.

Then copy it.

Big copy special copy!

Southern Africa implements large-scale infrastructure construction.

The United States also needs to implement large-scale infrastructure construction.

Southern Africa built reservoirs on the Orange River and the Zambezi River, and the United States built reservoirs on the Colorado River——

Yes, this reservoir is another famous Hoover Dam in time and space.

In this space-time, Hoover was kicked out before construction started, and the name of the dam must be changed. It might be called Roosevelt Dam in the future.

Not only these policies that have proven to be effective, but also those policies that did not come in handy, such as the Civilian Resource Conservation Corps, Roosevelt copied them.

A policy that didn't work in southern Africa might work in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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