Chapter 1789
Roque proposed the Civil Resource Conservation Corps program, which aims to absorb the surplus labor force in Southern Africa.

As a result, due to the cleanup of foreign labor in southern Africa, southern African companies began to absorb a large number of domestic labor force, and the Civil Resource Conservation Corps program became tasteless. Up to now, the number of participants is still less than 5, and most of them are volunteers.

The number of unemployed people and their relatives in the United States has reached 1700 million.

After two years of population decline, the total population of the United States is now only 1.13 million people.

The comparison of these two figures is simply shocking!
Therefore, the Civilian Resource Conservation Corps project is ideally placed in the United States.

In just one month, the U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps program has recruited 25 people, all of whom are young people between the ages of 18 and 25.

At the same time, Roosevelt also established the Engineering Development Agency and the National Youth Administration for young people. The two are expected to employ more than 2300 million people, accounting for nearly half of the US labor force.

So far, the whole society has really taken action, and the young people of the civil resources protection team are opening up state-owned forest areas and national parks.

The Department of Public Works and the Department of Civil Works, which work on long-term works programmes, began building minor works projects across the country.

The Works Development Agency and the National Youth Agency have found a place to use for the vast number of unskilled unemployed workers.

Most of the infrastructure of the United States in another time and space was built during this period.

This is also the reason why the United States lagged far behind in infrastructure construction. It was because there were too many infrastructures built during this period, more than 1000 airports, more than 12000 sports fields, 800 schools and hospitals, and the United States was originally the best. Americans are indeed qualified to be proud of the length of railways in the world.

It is precisely because of the sound infrastructure construction that the United States has never carried out similar large-scale infrastructure construction in the following decades.

As a result, decades later, the level of infrastructure in the United States is far behind.

Don't brag about how good the infrastructure construction in the United States was in this period. No matter how good it was, it was built according to the standards of the 20s and 2s. Even if the standards were higher, it would not fall behind in 30 or 20 years. What about 30 years?
If you are not behind in 90 years, why don't you go to heaven.

Otherwise, how did the nickname Big Countryside come about?

Of course, there is one thing to say, another time and space. The infrastructure of the United States in the 21st century is backward, but the facilities and service concepts are not backward, and they are even very advanced. Comfort and practicality are what Americans pay attention to.

Back in 1929, comfort and practicality were no longer in America.

What is comfort and practicality? The United States, which has been waving a sickle to harvest the world for decades, is of course qualified to talk about comfort and practicality. In the United States in 1929, Roosevelt fully started the money printing machine and at the same time led the United States out of the economic crisis. It is necessary to restore the U.S. economy and restore the little bit of confidence that Americans have accumulated through World War I with great difficulty.

Don't forget that it has only been two to 30 years since the American Wall Street tycoon would rather pay the dowry than marry his daughter to the down-and-out British aristocrat.

While the Americans began to build the new America, the British Empire was still struggling with economic crisis.

With the hard work of Keynes, Sir Mozley and others, the British Empire finally gave up the gold standard and prompted the depreciation of the pound, and the British economy began to recover slowly.

However, compared with the United States and southern Africa, the recovery of the British economy is unbearably slow. Under such circumstances, Ramsay MacDonald asked the League of Nations to hold a disarmament conference, hoping to further reduce the pressure and devote more energy to used to restore the economy.

The proposal was strongly supported by the League of Nations, and Southern Africa was also invited.

"Our prime minister must be crazy. The whole world is frantically expanding armaments and stimulating economic recovery. At this time, it is a joke to ask for disarmament." Yang Smozi complained at the cabinet meeting in southern Africa, and Ramsay MacDonald It is really rare in the world that Nathan has been the Prime Minister for so long and is still so naive.

"Peace-loving, this is the Prime Minister's personal design, and it must be used for speculation from time to time." Xiao Si is in a good mood. These days Roya brought little Arthur back to Pretoria, Xiao Si is really happy Crazy, haven't been to work at the DOJ for days.

Of course, this is without affecting the operation of the Ministry of Justice.

This is the case in southern Africa. Strictly speaking, even if a dog is tied to the office of the Minister of Justice, it will not affect the operation of the Ministry of Justice, and it may run more smoothly——

This is not to complain about Stoudemire's ability to work, and the Ministry of Justice is not the Palace of Justice, as long as there are no unjust, false or wrongly decided cases.

Stoudemire understands unjust, false and wrongly decided cases. He probably doesn't even know how many laws there are in southern Africa.

In fact, Roque didn't know that since the economic crisis broke out, more than a dozen laws have been issued in southern Africa, and many laws can only be explained clearly by a few justices.

"Should we participate in the disarmament conference?" Martin is most concerned about this question. The two aircraft carriers allowed to be built in southern Africa at the London Naval Conference have already begun to lay their keels. Isn't disarmament funny at this time?

"Sure, we are still a non-permanent member of the League of Nations!" Yang Smozi emphasized that this is his duty.

There are four permanent members and four non-permanent members of the League of Nations. Since Southern Africa was elected as one of the four non-permanent members, this position has been firmly occupied by Southern Africa, and it has never lost the election.

It is amazing that among the four permanent members, the status of Britain and France is very stable, and Italy and Japan are almost there. The League of Nations often calls for replacement of the permanent members.

However, such requests are basically vetoed by a permanent member with one vote, and there is no possibility of replacement.

On the contrary, Southern Africa, a non-permanent member of the Council, is very stable, and is elected with an absolute advantage every time, and its support rate is much higher than that of Italy and Japan.

No matter how outdated Ramsay MacDonald's proposal is, the position of loving peace is correct. Even if the members of the League of Nations disagree, they will support the proposal of the Conference on Disarmament on the surface, and the same is true for southern Africa.

"But don't hold out too much hope. It's possible to talk about it for a year or two, and there will be no results—" Rock is not optimistic about disarmament. This is indeed the case in the original history. The Disarmament Conference has been held for more than two years without any results. .

Therefore, Roque will not arrange for Yang Smotz to represent Southern Africa to participate in the disarmament conference. Although the British side, Ramsay MacDonald made it clear that he will participate on behalf of the United Kingdom, Roque will not waste time on this kind of doomed to have no results. meeting.

Doesn’t Southern Africa have a representative to the League of Nations? Let him represent Southern Africa in the Disarmament Conference.

There is no need for Southern Africa to clearly oppose Ramsey McDonald. With France and Germany, it is not Southern Africa's turn to make a move.

In Europe today, the contradiction between France and Germany is still the most acute contradiction. If the two contradictions cannot be reconciled, disarmament cannot be discussed.

After Mustache became Prime Minister, Germany has withdrawn from the League of Nations. This time disarmament is of great importance. Ramsay MacDonald also sent an invitation to Germany.

Germany has not yet agreed to participate in the Disarmament Conference. If Germany participates, there are still talks. If Germany does not participate, then there is no need to hold the Disarmament Conference.

"Whether there is a result is not important, what is important is to observe the attitudes of other countries through the Disarmament Conference." Yang Smozi has also been mentally prepared. In any case, this is an opportunity for communication and cannot be missed.

Now that you have decided to participate in the Conference on Disarmament, you must be prepared.

Rock had to help Jan Smudge prepare several different scenarios for different situations.

If all countries agree to disarmament, then Southern Africa has something to say too.

The National Defense Forces certainly cannot be cut, the Union troops can be cut, and the National Guard can also be cut.

The national guards of the southern African states have about 5000 people in each state, and the 20 states add up to 10 people. It will not hurt the muscles and bones if they lay off 3 people. After all, they are all militias.

There are 15 people in six divisions of the Union Army, with 5000 people in each division. The military expenses of this part of the army are the responsibility of the Southern African Union countries. Direct abolition is not good, but it can be reduced to disarm in disguise, or it can be explained to the past.

If other countries do not agree to disarmament, Southern Africa can follow Ramsay McDonald to advocate world peace. The reputation cannot be entirely earned by Ramsay McDonald. Southern Africa is also a peace-loving country.

In case some countries do not agree to disarmament, such as France, then southern Africa should be careful.

After Mustache came to power, Germany did not break through the provisions of the "Versailles Treaty", and still only had an army of [-].

However, Germany has withdrawn from the League of Nations, which also means that Germany will break through the "Contract of Versailles" at any time, so France is the biggest obstacle to the disarmament conference. Unless it is under the premise of ensuring security, France will definitely not agree to disarmament. Instead of disarmament, it is necessary to expand the army and prepare for war in order to deal with possible wars.

On May NO.15, Yang Smozi set off for Switzerland.

On the same day, the federal government of Southern Africa issued another [-] million rand bond for a new round of military procurement.

While the keels were being laid for the two aircraft carriers, Walvis Bay Shipyard and Edward Shipyard had begun building new cruisers and destroyers. Cape Town Shipyard, Durban Shipyard, and Elizabeth Shipyard also joined in. At one time, there were 16 ships in southern Africa. warships were built at the same time.

Rock's purpose is simple. The tonnage of cruisers stipulated in the "London Naval Treaty" has not been fully met in southern Africa. The construction of cruisers and destroyers now is to prepare for the explosion of warships in the future. The federal government of southern Africa will not only issue bonds, but will also issue more China's warships began to be built in the name of Najd Sultanate and East India, and now it is just the beginning. When World War II breaks out, Southern Africa's shipbuilding capabilities will reach a new level.

ps: I just found out that I set the wrong release time, my fault——

(End of this chapter)

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