Chapter 179 Exposed (Subscribe)

204 square kilometers, or just over 5 acres.

This number looks like a lot, but it is actually not conspicuous in Johannesburg.

Before the Second Boer War, some Zulu people began to buy land near Johannesburg to produce food for the Rand mining area.

By 1904, about 13 Zulus in the Transvaal were farming their own land.

Before the promulgation of the "Native Land Act" in 1913, the Zulu people had purchased about 100 million hectares of land outside the reserve, which was equivalent to about 247 million acres.

The Native Land Act of 1913 clearly stipulates that: delineate the scope of African reserved land, prohibit Africans from buying, renting or occupying any European land outside the reserved land; prohibit Africans from doing anything on the land occupied by Europeans. independent economic activity.

That is to say, before 1913, successive governments had no restrictions on the purchase of land by the Zulus, and the Federation of South Africa established in 1910 was already a federal government dominated by Boers.

Therefore, it is not the British who really hate the Zulus and people of color, but the Boers.

In fact, that’s not the case. It’s not that the British don’t hate Zulus and people of color, but they don’t care at all.

The only thing the British valued was gold, and it was gold all along, and the British didn't give a damn who ran the farm.

On the contrary, the Boers, who could not compete with the British in the mining industry, paid more attention to the ownership of the farm. On the one hand, they worried that the British, who were smaller than them but had a higher status than them, would assimilate them; , but the Zulus outnumbered them, live a tangle—

Roque is not worried about the "Native Land Act". There are still 1913 years between now and 13. Roque still has time to slowly plan. If Roque's plan can be realized, when the South African Federation is established, it is not certain who will lead, maybe Neither will the Native Lands Act.

Before there was a professional manager, Rock appointed Buck as the general manager of the gold mine.

"Director, I'm afraid I can't do it—" Buck didn't know what to expect from the general manager of the gold mine.

"How is it possible? You are a graduate of University College London, and you are a little confident." Rock believed in Buck, and he could only trust Buck. In terms of academic qualifications alone, I am afraid that among the Chinese in the Transvaal, Buck's education is the highest.

Well, it’s the same with Roque. In front of the graduates of University College London, Roque graduated from that university. Not to mention, UCL ranks 2019th in the 10QS World University Rankings, and in the 2019 Times Higher Education Ranked 14th in the world in the world university rankings, so Rock's alma mater——

Needless to say, in 1900, Rock's alma mater hadn't appeared yet.

"I studied law at University College London." Buck was not refusing, but really guilty.

"It is best to study law. You have to know that the responsibility of the general manager is not only to manage the operation of the gold mine. In this regard, you can appoint a deputy general manager, department head, and production team leader to assist you. Compared with management, the general manager The job is more focused on dealing with higher-level functional departments, which accountants can’t do.” Rock rushed the ducks to the shelves, saying that you can do it if you can, and you can do it if you can’t.

"Okay then, I'll try—" Buck mustered up his courage, but his confidence was still lacking.

"Don't worry, I have no requirements for the output of the gold mine. It doesn't matter if I can make money. The profit of the gold mine is used to continue to buy the surrounding farms on the one hand, and on the other hand to train the miners' self-protection ability. When facing Boers or Zulus, you have enough confidence, language, riding, shooting, and find a way to get their families over. In this regard, you can contact Liang Dingxin from Qingguo Huayong Camp, and he will assist You finish the job." Rock doesn't need gold mines to make money now, just by selling the land, Rock can make a lot of money.

Of course, this money-making is more for Philip and Henry to see. If Rock is not selfish and only benefits others, then Philip and Henry will definitely doubt Rock's real purpose.

It doesn't matter to Henry, even if he sees through Roque's purpose, out of friendship, it is estimated that Henry will see through and not tell.

Philip is different. Before establishing enough common interests with Philip, Rock has to maintain a certain degree of camouflage in front of Philip.

"Secretary, what do you want?" Buck was not sure about Rock's purpose.

"Let more brothers settle down in Johannesburg. The land here is considered a waste in the hands of the Boers and Zulus. This is in Johannesburg. If it were in our hometown, it would be a land of fish and rice everywhere." Rock is really not Exaggeration, compared with the farming techniques of the Chinese, the Bills and Zulus are scumbags.

"That's true. After I graduated, I went back to the Qing Dynasty. We Chinese farmed land, in the fields, in front of and behind houses, and any little open space was spared. It was so wasteful like the Boers and Zulus. Johannesburg has obvious dry seasons and In the rainy season, crops are indeed easily affected by the weather, but it is no problem to plant rice for one season a year. During the dry season, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, and wheat are planted, and the yield will not be low. It is low, and there are many fruit trees. Johannesburg is surrounded by wasteland. If you plant some fruit trees in front of the house, the family can’t eat it all year round. But look at those Boers and Zulus, they know how to herd sheep and cattle. When it’s over, drive the cattle and sheep to another pasture, and many Boers even hire people to graze them, if you hand over such a good farm to them, you will be punished by God—” Buck was very angry when he mentioned this issue.

Buck certainly didn't know that the future Boers were indeed condemned by God.

In fact, the Boers are already having a hard time. No, they don’t want to make progress when they are comfortable. As a result, the war broke out, and they were beaten by the British to destroy the country——

It's South Africa's version of dying in peace.

Because there is no sorrow, there is no life.

"So, when our gold mine pays salaries, we need to give miners more choices. If they don't want pounds, they can choose land, and the price will be calculated at the price of one pound per acre." Rock's price is not low The daily salary of Chinese miners is three shillings, which is 4.5 pounds per month. If the miners do not want money but land, they can get 4.5 acres of land every month, which is converted into "mu" that Chinese people are used to. About 27 acres.

27 mu of land, placed in the Qing Dynasty, is at least a self-cultivator.

If you work in a gold mine for a year and want land, you can get 324 mu, a proper small landlord.

"Director, you are this, you are this!" Zach expressed his mood with a thumb.

"As long as you work in the gold mine for more than one year, the mine will reimburse the immigration expenses of the miners' families, and at the same time, you are eligible to borrow money from the mine. The mine will help you build a house, buy farm tools, buy cattle, sheep, seeds, horses, etc. Guns are also allowed, but within this year, they must perform well. If they steal, rape, cheat, eat and do things, then they will automatically lose this qualification." Rock is not afraid of workers not working hard. If there are too many people, there must be everyone. , There are also many scum, even scum, among the Chinese. Rock only helps those who are worthy of help.

As for borrowing money, Rock is not worried that the miner will not pay it back. The miner's farm is here, so where can people go?

"This method is good and can save a lot of management costs." Zach gradually began to gain confidence.

In Johannesburg, a large part of the management costs of other gold mines is spent on supervision and security.

According to Rock's vision, there is no need to use supervisors in Rock's gold mines, and the production team leaders at the grassroots level will assume the duties of supervisors.

As for security, Rock wanted to train the miners' ability to protect themselves. Think about it, a gold mine where "everyone is a soldier", a paramilitary organization that can pull out thousands of young men at any time, do you need to worry about security?

I'm afraid Philip would be more worried about whether so many "unstable factors" who are young and strong, far away from home, have no worries, and nowhere to exert their energy will riot.

"You don't have to worry about the livelihood of the farm. I have asked Christian to contact the professors of Oxford and Cambridge and hire their students to come over as technical guidance. In the future, we will grow alfalfa and raise sheep. The efficiency can completely kill the Boers and Zulus in a second. "Rock has a package plan. The climate in Johannesburg is completely different from that of the Qing Dynasty. The Chinese must have an adaptation stage.

It doesn't matter that Rock doesn't understand the climate of Johannesburg. The world is so big, there must be someone who understands, and it's fine to hire someone who understands to guide him. As long as the price is high enough, Rock can hire the principals of Oxford and Cambridge all please.

Don't say anything about the headmasters of Oxford and Cambridge who can't invite them because of their identity. If Rock can't invite them, can't the Baron come forward?

The principals of Oxford and Cambridge will most likely reject Roque, the chief of police at the colonial municipal level, but they will most likely not reject an imperial nobleman.

Don't say that the baron won't come forward, it depends on the purpose of Roque's invitation to the principals of Oxford and Cambridge. As the mayor of Johannesburg, the baron will not do his best to guide the livestock technology in Johannesburg?

These are all achievements!

In fact, Rock still has something to say. At the right time, Rock will set up a wool spinning factory near Johannesburg, buy the wool produced by the farms around Johannesburg on the spot, and weave the wool into finished products before exporting. Compared with a depleted gold mine, wool is inexhaustible. This is like the guy who sells jeans in the gold mine. The sword is slanted, but the effect is good.

It is said that the local sheep in Johannesburg are merino, and Rock had to be cruel to buy a real merino sweater in his previous life.

"Director, don't worry, I will manage the gold mine well!" Buck is full of confidence now, and Rock has already mentioned this point. If Buck is still not confident, then Buck's graduation certificate is probably faked.

Oh oh oh, this "also" seems to reveal something.

(End of this chapter)

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