Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 180 The Old Dirty Turtle

Chapter 180 The Old Dirty Turtle

After the rebuilding, Krugersdorp was named Bigwig Town by Rock.

Yes, Rock is going to plant Biggonia trees in Bigglow Town, just like Oak Town, the Biggweed trees will become the symbol of Biggweat Town in the future, and from October to November every year, the Biggweed trees in the whole town The trees will be full of purple flowers, coupled with the fragrance of the fruit trees, Rock is very confident that he will build Bigwig Town into a paradise for the Chinese.

As for the fruit trees, there is no need for Rock to worry about this. Referring to the experience of Oak Town, if the Chinese set up their homes in Bigwig Town, the Chinese will plant fruit trees all over the front and back of the house without Rock's request. The only thing Rock has to worry about , because there are too many fruit trees, Bigwig Town will eventually become Apple Town, or Amarula Town.

Amarula is a common fruit tree in South Africa. The wine made from this fruit tree is called elephant wine. It has almost the same taste and color as Baileys. All Baileys can do it. Yes, elephant wine is also available.

The point is, compared with Baileys, elephant wine is cheaper, so in the 21st century, many profiteers sell elephant wine as Baileys.

Very good.

At the same time as Krugersdorp was named Bigwig, the newly discovered gold mine was also named, in the tradition of the Transvaal, the Rock Gold Mine, which, in the official records of Pretoria, The grade of the ore is 10 grams of gold per ton of ore. Among all the gold mines in the entire Rand area, this grade is neither high nor low. It is probably because big companies and big companies look down on it, but it has not yet reached the point of being "abandoned". .

Considering that the profit of the gold mine will not be too high, even if you get a dividend, it is estimated that there will not be much by the end of the year, so Rock offers Buck an annual salary of 1000 pounds. Like the iron hook, it's all 700 pounds.

This salary is neither high nor low in the Rand region.

In short, the Rock Gold Mine is located in the Rand area. It is not visible, and it has almost no sense of existence. It is estimated that the profit status on the books will make the tax bureau too lazy to take care of it.

This is what Rock wants too.

It was only after the gold mine started to operate that Rock discovered to his surprise that the gold mine also needed technicians.

This problem is easy to solve. In Johannesburg, there are not too many gold mine technicians, and Rock does not want British technicians. Although their skills are relatively good, but working in the mine, it is easy to understand the real situation of the mine. Rock let Christian found more than a dozen Boer-born technicians. It doesn't matter if they have almost no skills, it doesn't matter if they don't have enough experience, and it doesn't matter if they don't have enough manpower. Too much gold has been mined, and Rock has to worry about whether it will attract attention.

Established at the same time as the gold mine is the security team in charge of Iron Hook.

"Head, I picked 250 people. This is the list—" Iron Hook felt a little guilty. Including the new workers, there were only more than 2000 workers in the gold mine. Iron Hook picked out more than 200 people at once, which is normal. Next, this behavior is indeed a bit of two hundred and fifty.

A security team composed of 250 people must have sufficient weapons. Considering the wear and tear of weapons, it means that at least 300 pistols and 300 rifles are needed. Even if the number of horses is halved, at least more than 100 horses are needed. This is not a small number. There is no shortage of horses in the Transvaal, but most of them are draft horses. There will be a shortage of real war horses at any time.

Rock picked up the list and had to sigh that the demographic dividend of the Chinese is indeed unrivaled.

In the past, Rock always thought that because of the Opium War, the current Chinese should be "sick men of East Asia".

In fact, this is not the case at all. "Fushou cream" also requires money. In the case of the Qing Dynasty, the ruling class or the landlord class had money to buy "fushou cream", but the poor must not be able to afford it. Compared with people in the 21st century, when doing agricultural work, their physical fitness is not bad at all. What is really bad is nutrition. As long as nutrition can keep up, the sick man of East Asia?

Ha ha--

"If you need to buy something, go to Scarlett to get money, if you can't buy it in Johannesburg, go to Christian, this list doesn't work—" Rock didn't look at the list at all.

The sadness on Tie Hook's face disappeared in a flash, and it really didn't work——

"The trainees can't be limited to this list. There is an assessment every month. One-tenth of the rankings behind will all go down to mine, and then draw one-tenth to make up for it." What Rock means is that he strives to get Make training available to all miners.

"What does one-tenth mean?" Iron Hook seemed to understand something, but not everything.

"What the hell did you learn in night school? Get out of here! If you don't understand what tenths mean, you can also mine for me." Rock was very angry. When he was in the Matilda Gold Mine, Rock Ask someone to teach the miners language and some basic mathematics knowledge, don't ask, the iron hook must have no intentions.

Tie Hook was very obedient, and immediately disappeared from Rock's presence. I don't know why, but he felt very happy after being scolded——

What a bitch!

Scolding the iron hook away, Scarlett came to the door immediately.

"Mr. Locke, we don't have any money in the account." Scarlett still looked sloppy, and Rock got angry when she saw it.

"I said you can't comb your hair? Can't you change into clean clothes? You have disheveled hair all day long, you wear men's clothes, you don't wash your face, and you wiped the dust on your nose on purpose? Who are you defending against?" ? If I wanted to bully you, how could you hide until today?" Rock was not angry because of Scarlett's slovenly appearance, but because of Scarlett's ubiquitous defense.

In troubled times, being beautiful is a sin for a woman.

Scarlett must understand this, so Scarlett is sloppy and unkempt all day long, her clothes haven't been washed for a long time, and she still smells moldy.

It's a good thing for a woman to have the awareness of protecting herself, but it's a bit too much to do this.

Among other things, Scarlett is now the financial director of the Rock Gold Mine anyway. She not only has to deal with Rock, the boss, but also with various gods and Buddhas in the future. Li, if you don't say it out of your mouth, maybe you can complain about Rock's abuse of employees in your heart.

What's more, an originally beautiful woman tosses herself into this ghostly appearance all day long. Does this reflect from the side that Roque is a pervert?


Scarlett was dumbfounded, probably more surprised than hearing that someone wanted to drink her bath water.

"Listen, I'm paying you £700 a year just for your expertise, not because you're pretty, this is Bigwig, not Oak, this is Locke Gold, not Matilda Gold Mines, here, no one can bully you, you'd better clean yourself up, or you'll wait to wash the miners' clothes." Rock now has the ability to protect Scarlett from any people violated.

A gold mine with thousands of people, of course there are also laundry girls. The Rock Gold Mine provides miners with a full range of high-quality services without dead ends, so that the miners will remember Rock’s goodness, and when they become self-cultivators or farmers in the future , they will be willing to listen to Roque and vote for the person who really needs it.

Scarlett definitely didn't want to wash clothes for the miners, so Scarlett looked at Rock blankly, and then looked down at her shoes that almost showed her toes, and she also looked disgusted.

Your sister, I despise myself——


The next day, Rock saw Scarlett again, and Scarlett had already changed into a standard business attire.

Of course, it's not the kind of tight little suits, one-line skirts, and high heels. There is no concept of women's professional clothing these days.

Scarlett wore a suit jacket that was obviously modified by herself. It fit better, the waistline was more obvious, but the exposed area of ​​the chest was not large, but the neckline of the shirt was barely exposed, and the skirt she wore underneath was not a one-line skirt. It was a pair of trousers with loose trouser legs, and brand new flat-heeled leather shoes on the feet. When Scarlett stood in front of Rock, Rock could still smell a little perfume.

Well, at £700 a year, it's really worth the money.

"I got 5000 pounds, and it will last until next month no matter what." Rock got the money from Henry, so there's no need to tell Scarlett.

It sounds interesting to have a mine at home, but in fact it costs a lot of money to develop it, otherwise no one would sell the gold mine.

In order to develop the gold mine, Rock has spent all his savings. If there is no Matilda Gold Mine, Rock is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

The 5000 pounds was a dividend paid in advance by Rock, and Henry gave the money very happily, for fear that Rock would not want it.

In fact, according to Rock's previous thinking, Rock really doesn't want the dividends from the Matilda Gold Mine. As long as the Rock Gold Mine starts to produce gold, it will be enough to support Rock to do anything.

But Henry's relationship still needs to be maintained. Baron Philip doesn't believe in Roque's judgment, but Henry doesn't doubt it, so Henry firmly supports Roque. For the votes controlled by Roque in the future, even if Roque doesn't want to pay dividends, Henry will take the initiative to send them over .

"If you don't buy a horse, it should be enough." Scarlett's face was washed and her hair was neat, but she was wearing huge black-rimmed glasses, half of her face was hidden behind the glasses.

"Then don't buy it yet." Rock was angry when he saw Scarlett's ghostly appearance.

From this perspective, Scarlett is indeed a success.

It's not all bad news. The gold mine has just started for half a month, and Buck happily came to Rock.

"We found a gold belt, close to pure gold—" Buck lowered his voice, as if afraid of being heard.

What are you afraid of?

There were only Rock and Buck in the office, the door was ten meters away, and there were all of Rock's confidantes outside the door. Even if Rock took care of Buck in the office, no one would meddle in his business.

Uh uh uh, this is too dirty, this is too dirty, no one likes this tune except the Royal Navy of the British Empire.

 Although there is no reason, I still want to add one more——



(End of this chapter)

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