Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1791 Photography Lovers

Chapter 1791 Photography Lovers

Amelia's hotel business was really good. Not long after the sheriff left, all the remaining rooms in the hotel were booked. Amelia was overjoyed and had a smile on her face all day long.

The guests who just checked in have complicated backgrounds. Two young people from Eastern Europe are said to be doing odd jobs in Walvis Bay. However, there are too many new immigrants recently, and it is difficult to find jobs. Both of them are unemployed and want to stay in Amelia's hotel. Amelia thought about it and agreed.

The two young men are nimble, diligent and capable, and they are also proficient in English and French. To be a hotel waiter, to be honest, they are a bit overqualified.

A middle-aged man from Germany, who is said to be an administrative staff from a certain university, originally came to southern Africa with a longing for a better life tomorrow, but after arriving in southern Africa, he found that it was useless.

If middle-aged people are professors or lecturers, they will probably be very popular. After all, universities in southern Africa treat teachers very well, and administrative staff is fine. Southern Africa has no shortage of administrative staff.

So the middle-aged people spend every day in the hotel drinking to relieve their sorrows, getting drunk all day long, and often sleeping in the corridor after getting drunk. Fortunately, the nights in Walvis Bay in May are not too cold.

The last one seems to be a girl who is engaged in some kind of special occupation. This girl stays behind closed doors all day long, and has to bring three meals a day to her room. Many men visit her every day, and the time she stays varies, the longest being no more than half a day. Hours.

Amelia was very curious about this girl. Once she tried to enter the girl's room under the pretext of delivering food, but heard some inappropriate voices. Then Amelia's wife took over the job of delivering food. Amelia and two Young men from Eastern Europe were banned from touching the girl.

"Girls must know how to cherish themselves, so that they can be worthy of those who care about them—" Amelia's wife often said this, but she didn't drive the girl away.

The days passed day by day like this, and a few young people who love photography still leave early and return late.

Young people from Eastern Europe are constantly out looking for work while helping out in hotels.

The middle-aged man from Germany did not find a job in a familiar university, but found a job as a salesman in a trading company, so he started to get busy. The wife and children were brought to South Africa, and the family was reunited.

The girl still seldom goes out, and sometimes Amelia would see the girl smoking a cigarette in front of the window by chance. Her face was pale, her hair was disheveled, and her body was so thin that a gust of wind could blow it down.

It was also at this time that Amelia discovered that the girl had a good relationship with Amelia’s cat. When the girl was smoking in front of the window, Amelia’s cat would jump on the windowsill of the girl’s room and accompany the girl silently. At this time, the girl scratched the cat's chin, and the cat would purr happily and gently rub against the girl's hand.

There will always be many unsatisfactory things in life, but life itself is beautiful.

So in the next few days, when Amelia prepared dinner for the girl, she would give extra bacon.

"Boss, have you fallen in love with Alisa? Would you like me to ask you the price?" Pound would joke aside at this time.

Don't be surprised, the name Pound is not Chinese, but a transliteration of the word pound, which translates to pound, pound for pound.

At this time, another young man, Brown, covered his mouth and snickered, and made eye contact with Pound, looking like he was watching a good show.

It took a long time for Amelia to understand that Brown was not snickering, but a sneer, and Brown's eyes were not mocking, but murderous.

At that time, Amelia already knew that Brown and Alyssa were a couple, and that these two, as well as Pound, were agents of Brad's office.

Oh, there is also a salesman who leaves early and returns late. Because of his outstanding work ability, he has been promoted to a business manager at the end of the task. If this case continues for a while, it is estimated that a capable salesman will be appointed as the general manager up.

"Don't talk nonsense, a lonely girl in a foreign country, shouldn't people be sympathetic?" Amelia in the future must definitely thank Amelia for her righteousness now.

"What are you all doing in the kitchen, are you lazy? Brown, should you clean the bar counter, and Pound mop the floor for me, two guys who don't pay for staying in the hotel, you should really learn from Mr. Oliver——" Ah Miria's wife, Martha, would reprimand him viciously at this time, and Oliver is the business manager who just took office.

Martha is also from Eastern Europe. During the World War, she fell in love with Amelia who fought in Eastern Europe. After the war, Amelia returned to southern Africa to run this hotel.

Martha has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart. She seems mean but she is very nice. On the surface, she shows no mercy to Pound and Brown, who are not motivated. In fact, Pound and Brown know that after Oliver was promoted to business manager, Martha Sha once asked Oliver to give Bond and Brown a job.

From Martha's point of view, Pound and Brown obviously shouldn't waste their good time on this hopeless hotel.

"Mrs. Martha, you look so beautiful today—" Pound should not be from the Balkans, he should be from Italy, as if honey had been smeared on his mouth anytime and anywhere.

"Go to work!" Martha was full of anger.

"Hahahaha—" Brown laughed heartily.

"You go to work too!" Martha treated them equally.

"And you, go pick grapes after dinner is ready, pick up eggs and duck eggs by the way, and then see why some damned geese don't lay eggs, and stew them all if they don't lay eggs—" Martha, the hostess There is always work to be done. She and Amelia are raising four children together. The eldest is already in school. Although Martha is now a bucket waist, Amelia loves her as ever.

"A fierce old woman, not feminine at all—" Although Amelia complained, she was still meticulous in her work.

"Don't complain, go quickly—" Martha put her hands on her hips, with a shrew look on her face.

At noon, a few guys who were not easy to mess with at first glance came to the store. They ordered some snacks and beer, and shared them among the two tables near the door.

The atmosphere in the store today is not normal. Brown and Pound make frequent mistakes. Brown knocked over the glass while pouring wine. Pound served the wrong dish. The business manager seems to have just completed an order and ordered a glass of beer after leaving work early. To reward myself, the chick who never went out on weekdays also unexpectedly appeared in the restaurant, leaning on the bar and looking at Pound with unkind eyes.

Pound was so cowardly at this time, he actually looked at the chick with a flattering smile.

The little girl was unmoved, and when Pound passed by with the plate, she kicked Pound's leg hard.

To Amelia's surprise, Pound, who was usually very fierce, didn't dare to fart, and even laughed with him after being kicked, which was not like Pound in normal times.

Amelia remembered that the day before yesterday there was a Japanese guest pretending to be crazy with wine, and wanted to molest Mrs. Martha, but Pound took him out fiercely and beat him up. The Japanese guest checked out and left without even daring to ask for a deposit. In the evening, Mrs. Martha killed a chicken for the first time, and gave both chicken legs to Pound.

Beer is of course enough.

At this time, several guests came to the restaurant and wanted to eat.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was a bit frozen. Although there seemed to be a lot of customers, there were few people chatting. A large group of people sat silently, and the atmosphere was still a bit depressing.

Several guests couldn't bear it a bit, and went back to the room to eat after ordering the meal.

Amelia wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mrs. Martha with stern eyes.

Amelia noticed sensitively that Mrs. Martha's hand was always within reach of the shotgun under the counter.

Amelia finally realized that something was wrong, and she drove Mrs. Martha into the kitchen with a firm attitude, and secretly checked the shotgun.

Fortunately, the bullet has been loaded, and the safety can be opened to shoot.

At 12:30, several photographers finally returned.

The moment they appeared, the restaurant seemed to come to life suddenly. The voices of people were full of people, and the voice of the business manager was raised an octave.

"—When I knew that Mr. Bayer was also a German, I played a piece of Liszt's "Dream of Love" in Mr. Bayer's living room on the piano of Mr. Bayer's house, so I I got an order from Mr. Bayer, a total of 65 rand—" Mr. Business Manager was sputtering, very proud of his genius, and the university administrators still have some merits.

Artistic cultivation can not only cultivate sentiment, but also have unexpected gains.

At this time, several photography enthusiasts walked into the restaurant, and seeing the bustling scene in the restaurant, several young people were a little surprised.

"Boss, is there anything to eat?" The leading young man was calm.

"Of course, today there are fresh chicken stewed with mushrooms and delicious salmon—" Amelia skillfully introduced, but her eyes were not on the young man in charge.

In fact, the dozen or so young people who were still drinking together just now had already gathered around quietly.

Photographers are sensitive and turn their heads suddenly.

At this moment, more than a dozen young people, including Pound and Brown, rushed forward.

"Don't move, we are the Southern African police, you are all arrested!" The business manager suddenly took out a polished pistol from his arms.

Several photography enthusiasts resisted desperately.

The chick leaning on the bar suddenly picked up a two-pound beer mug and slammed it heavily on the head of a struggling photographer.

The photographer collapsed to the ground without saying a word.

Amelia was shocked.

Really hard to start!

Not only that, the chick knocked down a photographer with a cup, then walked up to Pound, who was humbly flattering and smiling, and stepped on Pound's foot hard, just as Pound was holding his feet and jumping on one foot. At that moment, he punched Pound on the nose again.

Immediately, blood spattered everywhere.

Who are these people?

(End of this chapter)

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