Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1792 Going the opposite way

Chapter 1792 Going the opposite way
It can only be said that a few photographers were too careless. They took a lot of photos in the past month. In order to check the effect, they simply set up a darkroom in the hotel room.

Alisa secretly sneaked into the rooms of photographers when they were out to take pictures. As a result, in the dark room, dozens of photos were hanging there brightly. The contents were not seals and flamingos at all, but were A light cruiser under construction.

Then there is no hesitation, the Whale Bay Police Department cooperated with Brad's office, and the stolen goods were captured.

Rock didn't care about these small things. After Roosevelt came to power, the United States quickly recovered from the economic crisis, and the export of commodities increased rapidly, which had an increasing impact on southern African exports.

Regardless of the large gap between the commodity output of the United States and southern Africa in 1928, two years before that, the GNP of the United States in 1926 was still similar to that of southern Africa. That is, after the outbreak of the economic crisis, the gap gradually widened.

The U.S. economy has been sluggish in the past two years. After all, the background is still there. Factories are fully resuming work, and farm income is guaranteed, and the economy has begun to recover rapidly.

Of course, there is still a gap compared with southern Africa.

One thing to note is that in 1929, the technology of American companies was not much better than that of southern African companies.

Even in another time and space, the United States looted a large number of scientists from Europe after the end of World War II, which completely changed the situation of backward technology. Pushing forward two or three decades, the reputation of American products in Europe is no better than that of German products. go.

Anyway, they are all copycats.

Still the same sentence, at this time, the label "Made in a certain country" on the product is definitely not an honor, but a reminder to consumers not to buy products of worrying quality.

Today's Europe, that is, Germany, accepts American products without any grievances.

The economic recovery of the United States has also brought enormous pressure to the British government.

When the time came to 1929, the British economy still showed no sign of recovery. The differences between the cabinet and Congress still existed. The Conservative Party regained its advantage, and the Labor Party fell into a split. Discussing how to deal with increasingly fierce international competition, Ramsay MacDonald has no ambitions here, and his main energy is spent on the Conference on Disarmament.

June [-]st is the official opening day of the Conference on Disarmament.

As judged by Jan Smotz, huge controversy erupted on the first day of the Disarmament Conference, the core of which was whether Russia was eligible to participate in the Disarmament Conference.

After the joint intervention, Russia was excluded from Europe, forgotten in a frozen corner.

Otherwise, what else could be done? After the fall of Tsarist Russia, Russia made it clear that it wanted to pay off the debts owed by Tsarist Russia. The intervention forces led by Britain and France were unable to fight, so they could only turn a blind eye to Russia.

But when it comes to disarmament, Russia cannot be ignored.

After all, it is the "European Gendarmerie" that has deterred Europe for hundreds of years. If Russia does not participate in disarmament, then the Disarmament Conference is meaningless.

In Europe today, in order to deter Germany, France still maintains a standing army of about 70.

Poland, which was established after the end of the World War, also formed a standing army of about 30 in response to pressure from Russia.

Other countries, such as Germany, are restricted by the Treaty of Versailles and can only retain 10 troops.

After the end of the British World War, the army was disbanded on the spot, leaving only the navy with a total strength of less than 20.

However, the combined strength of all European countries is not as large as Russia's standing army.

Because Russia has been excluded from "civilized society" for a long time, Russia's military strength is not transparent, and Russia has not joined the League of Nations. The League of Nations can only guess. It is conservatively estimated that Russia's military strength should be around 180 million.

Today's Russia is not the Russia of the Tsarist era.

The Russian army is no longer the "European Gendarmerie" that lacks clothing, lacks discipline, lax training, and collapses at the touch of a button. The 180 million Russian army is like a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of European countries.

Therefore, after Ramsey McDonald proposed to convene a disarmament conference, he immediately sent an invitation to Russia, hoping that Russia could participate in the disarmament conference.

Russia readily agreed, and Ramsay MacDonald hoped to use the Conference on Disarmament to reduce the Russian threat to Europe.

Russia also hopes to return to the "family of nations" through the Conference on Disarmament.

But Russia's participation in the disarmament conference sparked strong opposition from Poland.

Beginning in 1772, Poland was divided three times under the leadership of Russia, Prussia, and Austria.

Through these three divisions, Russia occupied about 62% of the original Polish territory, a total of more than 46 square kilometers; Prussia occupied about 20%, a total of about 14.11 square kilometers; Austria occupied about 18%, a total of about 12.18 square kilometers.

In 1916, the German government took the lead in allowing Poland to become an independent country.

In 1918, Russia announced the abolition of a series of contracts to carve up Poland, recognizing that the Poles enjoyed "the undeniable right to independence and unity."

During the Paris Peace Conference, the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers passed a resolution agreeing to rebuild the Polish state, recognize the Polish Republic, and suggested drawing a temporary demarcation line between Russia and Poland.

This temporary demarcation line was strongly opposed by Poland. Poland strongly advocated the restoration of the 1772 border line. For this reason, Poland, with the support of the United Kingdom, took the initiative to provoke the Soviet-Polish War.

Britain supported Poland in order to force Russia to pay back the money.

Unexpectedly, the Poles did not live up to their expectations, and they also could not beat the Russians, so Poland was forced to agree to accept the demarcation line suggested by the Paris Peace Conference.

The year before last, a military coup broke out in Poland. Piłsudski came to power through the coup, actively cooperated with Germany, and signed the "Poland-German Non-Aggression Pact" with Mustache.

Although Poland was forced to accept the demarcation line stipulated by the Paris Peace Conference, it was unwilling and had been seeking to restore the 1772 border line for many years. Therefore, Ramsay MacDonald invited Russia to participate in the Disarmament Conference, which aroused strong opposition from Poland.

The purpose of Poland is to permanently exclude Russia from mainstream European society.

Ramsey MacDonald has nothing to do with southern Africa, but he has a way with Poland.

After the mediation of Ramsay McDonald, Poland reluctantly agreed to Russia's participation in the disarmament conference.

On the second day of the Disarmament Conference, conflicts erupted again, this time between France and Germany.

After weighing, Germany agreed to participate in the disarmament conference.

But Germany has only [-] troops, and there is no way to cut it, so the focus of the contradiction is France.

France has good reasons, and disarmament is possible, but France agrees to disarmament only on the premise that France's security is guaranteed.

To ensure the security of France, it is necessary to ensure that Germany will not pose a threat to France.

Therefore, France's request is very simple. If Germany abolishes all [-] troops, then France will agree to disarmament.

However, it is impossible to abolish all of them, at least the troops necessary to maintain the Maginot Line must be retained.

Germany will never agree to this request.

So the Disarmament Conference, just as Roque judged, began to fall into a long tug of war.

From May to August, Ramsay MacDonald chaired disarmament in Geneva, Switzerland.

In the past three months, Roosevelt successfully promoted the recovery of the U.S. economy through a series of policies, and the U.S. aid to Germany also increased, which eventually led to Germany's performance in the Disarmament Conference becoming stronger and stronger.

At the same time, patience is getting less and less.

In the past three months, Southern Africa has passed [-] million bonds to add a new round of military purchases, mainly for the purchase of new "Hall" fighter jets, second-generation "Eagle" long-range strategic bombers, and Leopard tanks.

Still in these three months, the shipbuilding plans of France and Italy were finally released. France decided to build a "Dunkirk" class battleship with a full load displacement of 35000 tons. A total of two ships were built. The first "Dunkirk" , the second ship "Straborg".

Italy decided to build a "Veneto" class battleship with a full load displacement of 45700 tons. There are a total of two ships of the same class, and they will be added later as appropriate.

Just after the data of the "Veneto"-class battleship was exposed, Italy's main opponent in the Mediterranean, France, was surprised to find that the "Dunkirk"-class battleship had fallen behind before it was launched.

So France decided to develop a more powerful battleship, which is the "Richelieu" class battleship with a full load displacement of 45700 tons.

The crazy shipbuilding plans of France and Italy are still within the scope of the "Washington Naval Treaty", and it is said that they will not trigger a worldwide arms race.

The point is that this timing is wrong.

The League of Nations is holding a disarmament conference in Geneva. What do you want to do by comparing building battleships in the Mediterranean?

And it was built so big as soon as it came up. In BIG7, the US "Colorado" class battleship has a full-load displacement of only 37500 tons; the British "Nelson" 43100; After the completion of "Big 39100" and "Veneto", BIG7 will soon be upgraded to BIG11, which has to make Britain, the United States and Japan look sideways.

Shipbuilding plans by France and Italy have also raised concerns in southern Africa.

Don't forget that Southern Africa also has a squadron in the Mediterranean.

Although the strength of the Mediterranean Squadron is relatively weak, and the largest warship is only a heavy cruiser, after all, southern Africa also has core interests to protect in the Mediterranean, especially when Roya and Arthur are involved, Stoudemire's attitude is the most intense.

After learning that Italy will build a "Veneto" class battleship, Stoudemire expressed serious concern about the situation in the Mediterranean Sea and hoped that southern Africa would break through the restrictions of the "London Naval Treaty" and build more battleships and aircraft carriers to protect southern Africa overseas interests.

To put it more bluntly, it is to resolutely protect the three young members of the Baron Cyprus' family on the island of Cyprus.

"Look, each of the world's five major naval nations has more than a dozen battleships and more than a dozen aircraft carriers. The number of warships adds up to hundreds. What do we have? Oh, we have a hundred cruisers and destroyers, but one Can a hundred cruisers and destroyers fully protect the interests of southern Africa? No! So we need more warships!" Stoudemire directly advocated in Congress.

Following Stoudemire to Congress were Martin and Barton, who were also eager to try.

(End of this chapter)

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