Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1793 Rich and Willful

Chapter 1793 Rich and Willful

Compared with Stoudemire, Martin and Patton hoped that southern Africa could break through the restrictions of the "London Naval Treaty".

It is really that the strength of the southern African navy is seriously inconsistent with that of southern Africa. At present, the navies of various countries have 18 battleships in the United States, 19 battleships in the United Kingdom, ten in Japan, ten in France, nine in Italy, and only four in southern Africa. Theoretically, it does not belong to Southern Africa, which is really unacceptable.

In fact, Italy originally had ten ships, including six dreadnoughts and four former dreadnoughts. However, a few years ago, the Italian Navy's "Da Vinci" battleship was decommissioned due to the explosion of its ammunition depot, so there were only 9 ships left.

In Stoudemire's vision, southern Africa should have at least 12 battleships. In addition to the existing four "Normandy" class improved battleships, eight new BIG8-class battleships should be built, so as to fully protect the interests of southern Africa. .

Stoudemire has even prepared the performance parameters of the new battleship.

In Stoudemire's plan, the new battleship in southern Africa should have a full-load displacement of about 39000 tons, be equipped with eight 8mm caliber main guns, and have a speed of 406 knots or more. And 30 20mm anti-aircraft guns, taking into account the air counterattack and ground strike capabilities.

This data has one thing to say, except that there is no secondary gun, it is simply a replica of the "Nagato" class battleship of the Japanese United Fleet.

Of course it's not exactly the same. After getting Stoudemire's plan, Patton silently picked up the pen and changed the caliber of the main gun from 406mm to 410mm——


The caliber of the main guns of "Nagato" and "Mutsu" is 406, but it is actually 410. Only few people know this.

"Three months ago, Lord Nyasaland released the 1928 "Report on the Work of the Coalition Government". Almost all important economic indicators such as steel, oil, coal, and copper are far ahead of the world. I would like to remind gentlemen that last year Japan, whose steel output is only 188 million tons, can build a joint fleet with capital ships with a total tonnage of 30 tons. Our steel production in southern Africa is 5500 million tons, but we only have four capital ships, and they are still outdated 15 years ago. Model, the total tonnage is only [-] tons, can these few warships protect the overseas interests of southern Africa? Can they?" Stoudemire was heartbroken, because he didn't want to make progress at all.

Members of Congress, including Speaker Barker, had different expressions and remained silent.

Anton and Patton were overjoyed. Stoudemire's proposal to build 8 BIG7s did not meet Rock's requirements for the Southern African Navy.

But even if BIG7 is not built, it is always good to build a few more aircraft carriers. With the two newly built aircraft carriers, there are only six in total in southern Africa. Considering the strength of the "Elizabeth" class aircraft carrier, it is indeed able to beat the United States and Japan. An aircraft carrier, but with capital ships, the southern African navy is not enough.

After all, giant ship cannons——

Although Southern Africa has proved in previous exercises, the era of giant ship cannons is over.

However, if it is to win more funds, the Atlantic Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet don't mind pulling out the inland gunboats and selling them miserably.

"In Australia, we have the world's largest iron mine; in the Persian Gulf, we have the world's largest oil field; in South America, we are buying more and more assets; in the Mediterranean, Cyprus is facing increasing pressure from France and Italy. The greater the threat——if the world war breaks out again, I would like to ask Minister Martin and Vice Admiral Patton, can they protect the huge overseas interests of Southern Africa with the current capabilities of the Southern African Navy?" Stoudemire took the initiative to name and give Martin And the opportunity to play Barton.

Buck complained wildly in his heart, after all, he still cares about your daughter, son-in-law and grandson——

But Buck still motioned Martin to answer Stoudemire's question.

Martin got up slowly, with a bitter expression on his face: "Our biggest threat now is not from the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, but from the Changi Naval Base—" Martin's words immediately ignited the Congress, and members of Congress immediately discussed.

"Since we got the Changi Naval Base, the pressure from the Japanese Combined Fleet has been increasing. Last month, the battleships 'Yamashiro' and 'Fuso' of the Japanese Combined Fleet passed through the Strait of Malacca. They are showing their muscles to our Changi Squadron, but the combined warships of our Changi Squadron are less than 33800 tons, which is not as good as the [-] tons of the battleship 'Shanshiro'—" Martin's voice is sad, and these words are tragic Suspicion, but it is also a fact. The large warships of the Changi Squadron have a total of one heavy cruiser and six light cruisers. The combined total tonnage is indeed less than [-] tons.

This does not include destroyers and submarines. Destroyers are more than 1000 tons, and submarines are only a few hundred tons, which is not worth mentioning.

However, in the narrow straits on the sea surface, huge battleships lack room for movement, and destroyers and submarines equipped with torpedoes are still very powerful.

Of course, there's no need to go into too much detail, otherwise it wouldn't look so miserable.

Members of Congress are not military experts, and they have no doubts about Martin's words.

As soon as Martin's words fell, the members of Congress were discussing.

"The Japanese are really going too far. We must break through the restrictions of the "London Naval Treaty" and build at least 50 tons of battleships!"

This is more radical.

"We still have to be cautious. Once we break through the restrictions of the London Naval Treaty, we will be targeted by other countries—"

This is more cautious.

"Who will target us? The United Kingdom? No, no, no, the United Kingdom hopes that we can build more capital ships, which will also be a great boost to the Royal Navy—"

"What about America?"

"How does the United States target? Don't let our southern African goods enter the United States? The Americans are restricting imports, and our goods cannot enter—"

"Gentlemen, be quiet, be quiet!" Buck knocked on the hammer, and the parliament hall finally fell silent.

"Lord Rhodesia, does the Prime Minister agree with your proposal?" Buck asked a sharp question. If Rock agreed, Stoudemire would not go to Congress to speak out.

"Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, should consider the reactions of allies and the disarmament conference being held by the League of Nations. Both the French and the Italians have proposed the latest shipbuilding plan. The French want to build a 35000-ton 'Dunkirk'-class battleship. , a total of two ships will be built; the Italians want to build 45700-ton 'Veneto'-class battleships, now there are two ships, and there may be four ships in the future-then what should we do? Wait for the French and Italians to launch new battleships, we will What does the Mediterranean Squadron use against 'Dunkirk' and 'Veneto'? Not to mention the French 'Richelieu'-class battleship, which is also a 45700-ton super battleship!" Stoudemire is not alarmist, Southern Africa Intelligence is still very strong.

"45700 tons! The Italians have this strength?"

"The French can't even build a 25000-ton 'Normandy'-class battleship, but can they build a 45700-ton Richelieu?"


Members of Congress were greatly shocked. The tonnage of a battleship is closely related to the combat effectiveness of a battleship.

Before the French designed the "Dunkirk" class battleship, they considered building a pocket battleship of about 18000 tons.

The problem is that the French hope to install the 330mm main gun on the pocket battleship, and it is still a 4-unit 330.

This requirement is too high, the quadruple 330mm main gun is too heavy, and it cannot be installed on the 18000-ton pocket battleship anyway, so the 35000-ton "Dunkirk" was finally chosen.

The improved version of the "Normandy" class in southern Africa still has a displacement of 25000 tons.

"The news is conclusive and true, and the Ministry of National Defense has also received news through special channels that the Japanese are preparing to build a 'super battleship' that surpasses all existing battleships. The full load displacement may exceed 70000 tons, and the caliber of the main gun may reach 460mm. Millimeters, once this super battleship enters service, all the battleships owned by various countries will have no power to resist—" Stoudemire decided to release the relevant data of the "Yamato" class battleship.

Sure enough, when "Yamato" came out, the audience was shocked. Members of Congress did not doubt the authenticity of this incident. Unless Stoudemire was crazy, he would never fabricate lies to defraud funds.

"Little Japan cannot be proud, we also want to build a 70000-ton battleship!"

"70000 tons is enough, at least 80000 tons, and the Japanese built one, we will build two!"

The hall of Congress is like a frying pan, and there are also members of parliament who have a dark mind.

"Get the news to the Americans and London, and see what they say—"

Informing the Americans and London?
Needless to say "Yamato", as long as the main gun calibers of "Nagato" and "Mutsu" are made public, it is enough for the Japanese to drink a pot.

The congressmen were discussing with such enthusiasm that Buck bangs the hammer to no avail.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Barton secretly wrote a small note and handed it to Martin.

The purpose of the navy is to get money, not to build battleships. This must first be determined.

Stoudemire's medicine is also too powerful. If the Congress really approves the construction of ten and eight BIG7s, Rock will definitely die of anger.

"Japan's 'Yamato' has not yet started. This is a future threat-now our main threat comes from the Mediterranean Sea. I don't need to remind you. Gentlemen should know what the oil fields in the Persian Gulf mean to us in southern Africa. , and Cyprus is the bridgehead protecting the Persian Gulf, so no matter what, we must ensure the safety of Cyprus—” Martin began to recycle, not digressing.

"It is precisely because we want to protect Cyprus that we need more battleships!" As Stoudemire's spokesperson in Congress, Aiden strongly advocated the importance of Cyprus to southern Africa.

"So, a strong navy is very important to us in southern Africa. As a citizen of southern Africa, if Congress approves the construction of new warships, the Rhodesian Bank will underwrite the bonds issued for this purpose and donate 2000 million to the navy. Rand, all used to build new warships." Stoudemire spared no expense, 2000 million rand was used to build BIG7, and he could build two ships.

(End of this chapter)

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