Chapter 1796

During the World Wars, bombers were more likely to be attacked because of their large size and slow flight speed.

Therefore, in view of these aspects, the aircraft designers strengthened the aircraft, especially the bottom of the pilot's cockpit, which must be specially reinforced. For this reason, the designers investigated the damaged bombers and made targeted improvements.

The direction of improvement is to see which part is more seriously damaged, and then carry out special reinforcement on that part.

After understanding this situation, the direction of improvement was directly overturned by Nikola Tesla.

The aircraft that were seriously damaged but still able to fly back must have not been fatally attacked, otherwise the aircraft should have exploded in the air, or crashed directly, and only those parts that exploded or crashed are of research value.

So the designers were enlightened and finally returned to the right path.

This is the importance of "guiding people".

In the past, this role was played by Rock.

Now Rock is too busy with work and has no time to guide the scientific research in southern Africa. Fortunately, the scientific research in southern Africa has formed a large scale. With the joining of a large number of scientific researchers, the scientific research strength in southern Africa is far different from when the federal government was first established. .

Even so, the role of "guiding people" is still very important.

Don’t look at Nikola Tesla’s words, the resulting value cannot be measured in money at all, even after the war broke out again, a bomber survived because of Nikola Tesla’s reminder, Nikola Tesla La Tesla's words are priceless.

Not just bombers, but other aircraft as well.

The caged cockpit is also a special design to protect the pilots. Otherwise, it would be impossible to study it for so long, but none of the pilots died.

You must know that if the pilot fails during the flight, the chance of death is still very high.

Especially on aircraft where this technology still needs to be proven.

Why is verification required?
Because the technology is immature.

The reason why people love and hate the "IT" project is mainly because of these derivative technologies. Since the establishment of the "IT" project, there have been dozens of derivative technologies generated from it, which have great impact on materials, electronics, engines and other fields in southern Africa Both produced a huge boost, which is what the "IT" project is really about.

"Not bad, at least with these achievements, we are still qualified to continue crashing the plane—" Jia Quan couldn't laugh or cry, the official research project didn't have much results, but it helped other projects a lot. The last time the 360-degree monitoring technology was transferred After giving it to Los Angeles Electronics, the general manager of Los Angeles Electronics came to the research institute more often, coming every three to five times, and never empty-handed every time. This is how many benefits of the staff of the research institute come.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing—" Shen Simiao knew it was bad as soon as the words came out.

Sure enough, Jia Quan glared at him immediately, and if Shen Simiao didn't give a reasonable explanation, he would go to the warehouse.

"Those crashed planes are not completely damaged, they can still be used if they are repaired—" Shen Simiao was cautious, which was also a surprise: "—Christopher classified our crashed planes some time ago In summary, I took a few people to try to repair, and now two have been repaired, and I have also summed up a set of maintenance methods, which have been submitted to Nyasaran Airlines, and Nyasaran Airlines wants to pay for it—— "


Jia Quan didn't know what to say. He felt that the research institute was not doing business properly from top to bottom. Christopher was a good senior researcher. Instead of researching technology, he studied how to repair aircraft——

Well, that counts as technology, too.

"How much does Nyasaran Airlines want to pay?" Jia Quan is the chief executive, and he is very sensitive to money.

"It seems to be one hundred thousand—" Shen Simiao had a complicated expression.

Nima one hundred thousand!

For Stoudemire, who spends thousands of dollars without blinking an eye, one hundred thousand rand is not worth mentioning.

For a researcher with an annual salary of less than 100, it takes [-] years to earn [-].

100 years!
Don't even talk about how many 100 years a person's life can last. The prime time for a researcher is only 30 to [-] years.

"Sell it, take the money back and give everyone a bonus—" Jia Quan is not too little, the mosquito leg meat is also meat, thinking of Christopher who is not doing business, Jia Quan has to say something: "—to Chris Dove's team shoots more."

We still have to encourage this kind of "doing nothing" spirit!

Among other things, how much research funding can be saved by repairing two bombers.

Shen Simiao was overjoyed.

Who wouldn't be happy if there was a bonus, Shen Simiao, as the assistant to the chief manager, could give more.

After leaving the chief manager's office, Shen Simiao returned to the big office. Although strictly speaking, Shen Simiao is also qualified to have his own office, Shen Simiao still likes the working atmosphere of the big office.

The atmosphere in the big office was depressing. The researchers were already used to things like plane crashes, but they were still in a bad mood.

Don't think about the progress of the research, but also consider the pilots whose lives are in great danger.

By the way, in order to increase the protection of the pilot, Nikola Tesla designed a completely new ejection device.

Now this technology is also sold to Nyasaran Air.

"Good news or bad news?" Li Qing had just given birth to a baby half a year ago, and came back to work before the end of her maternity leave. The reason was that she couldn't stay at home.

Look at how dedicated they are. If the research institute doesn't give out a March [-]th red flag bearer, I will be sorry for this kind of work spirit.

"The good news is that our bonus is expected to increase next month—" Shen Simiao's words immediately ignited the office, and even rich women like Li Qing raised their arms and shouted.

Rich women also like money.

Christopher was also applauding and whistled to enhance the atmosphere. He still doesn't know that he earned all the bonuses.

"Christopher, if I were you, I wouldn't be so happy, because you earned our bonus—" As soon as Shen Simiao finished speaking, Christopher covered his heart in pain.

I guess my heart is bleeding.

"Hahahaha——" Li Qing applauded and laughed, he was so happy to get a bonus just after he came back to work: "—I just saw this year's new spring clothes at Eternal the day before yesterday, but unfortunately it was too expensive to buy, Chris Dove, thank you for your sponsorship."

This is really heartbreaking, even a rich woman thinks it is expensive, probably it is really expensive.

Don't doubt, September is spring in southern Africa. Although the temperature in Nyasaland does not change much throughout the year, there must be some new seasons.

Otherwise, whose money will Yitnor make?
"Shut up, you sold my child—" Christopher's upper body was on the upper body, with an expression like a white-haired person giving a black-haired person: "—Li, you still have to use the money from selling the child to buy clothes, yours Won't your heart hurt?"

The office burst into laughter again, and the previous depression was swept away.

The term "selling children" is actually true. For researchers, the research results are just like their own children.

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, our next job is to study how to control the flight attitude of the aircraft, I hope everyone will continue to work hard—" Shen Simiao sneered, how happy she was just now, now she is so depressed, she makes me cry!

There are a group of old men in the office, and there is still only one lady, Li Qing, so there is no "men" behind the lady.

"God, Shen, you are the devil, can't you make us happy for a while—"

"Sure enough, after the carnival, you have to face reality!"

"Shen has betrayed us and become the henchman of black-hearted capitalists."

The researchers immediately howled, and they almost threw up drawing pictures.

There are still some results, at least now it has successfully progressed from "how to make the plane fly" to "how to control the attitude of the plane in the air".

The biggest problem in vertical take-off and landing is how to make the plane fly. The two rotatable engines on the V-22 wings have killed many designers.

There is no big problem with Nikola Tesla's guidance in technology.

The key is the material. Before the IT project was approved, the service life of the aero-engine in Southern Africa was less than 300 hours. The main reason was that the materials were not qualified.

Technically, there is no problem. In 1913, Nikola Tesla invented a vaneless fluid turbine engine with a combustion efficiency of 60%. The main factor restricting technological progress is the material.

Southern Africa has some of the richest resources in the world.

Nikola Tesla has Rock's full support.

Research all hardworking researchers.

The combination of so many favorable conditions has resulted in great scientific and technological progress in southern Africa.

The service life of aero-engines in Southern Africa has now doubled to 600 hours compared to before.

The latest aero-engine developed by the United States needs to be unloaded for overhaul after 100 hours of use, and scrapped after two or three repairs. This is the gap.

In other words, the engine level of the United States is about the same as before Nikola Tesla came to southern Africa, at least a five-year gap.

Moreover, the speed of technological progress in southern Africa is getting faster and faster, and this gap will not only not narrow, but will continue to widen.

No matter how the researchers complained, when they started working, everyone quickly entered the working state, and the whole institute began to operate like a precision instrument. The joy just now seemed to have never existed at all.

Jia Quan, who passed by the window inadvertently, was very satisfied.

Jia Quan is also very busy with work. He is going to visit Anton in Nyasaland State Government to report on the work progress during this period.

Nikola Tesla's Institute is directly responsible to the Nyasaland State Government.

This also fully reflects the importance attached by the Nyasaland State Government to scientific research.

While the researchers were doing their best, the Disarmament Conference was on the verge of breaking apart in Geneva, Switzerland, thousands of miles away.

For three whole months, the bigwigs who participated in the disarmament conference were arguing without any progress. Ramsay McDonald tried his best to mediate, but he failed to get the German and French governments to make concessions.

On October [-], Germany withdrew from the Disarmament Conference.

(End of this chapter)

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