Chapter 1797

The League of Nations was inherently deficient from day one.

Russia and Germany were excluded from the League of Nations.

The United States does not participate.

As a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, southern Africa doesn't even have a permanent member.

The League of Nations was completely reduced to a vassal of Britain and France, unable to fully play its role in major international affairs.

The disarmament conference is the same this time. In order to expand the disarmament conference and his own influence, Ramsay Macdonald strongly invited the United States and Russia to participate. This also brings a new problem. The United States and Russia even members of the League of Nations No, would you really agree to disarmament for the sake of world peace?

There is one thing to say, the major powers in the world, except India, the United States and Russia, are the only two countries with a population of over [-] million.

The reason is still the same. These days, the population is the fullest manifestation of a country’s strength. No matter how high the national income is, it is nothing without a large enough population base. In this regard, you can refer to Switzerland. In 1929, the population of Switzerland was less than 400 million.

400 million people!

How about Switzerland’s permanent neutrality? With such a small population, it’s not even enough to get involved in the world war. Belgium still has 800 million people.

Southern Africa has now become a benchmark for delivering a perfect answer to the economic crisis.

There is no ideological difference between Europe and southern Africa, so just copy everything. Even southern Africa is adding military orders to stimulate domestic demand. Other countries have followed suit. Even the United Kingdom is adding military orders. Against this background To convene a conference on disarmament, it can only be said that Ramsay MacDonald has a strange skeleton.

Germany's withdrawal from the Disarmament Conference was also expected by Rock.

Prior to this, Germany had withdrawn from the League of Nations early on the pretext that the League of Nations did not fully protect Germany's interests.

In this disarmament conference, France refused to disarm on the grounds that France's security could not be fully guaranteed. France agreed to disarm only if Germany abolished its entire army.

Mustache, not to mention disarmament, suffers from the fact that he has no excuse to break through the restrictions of the "Versailles Treaty". Now that France has brought the reason to his door, Germany has taken advantage of the trend to withdraw from the Disarmament Conference, thus sounding the death knell of the Disarmament Conference.

Rock hadn't had any hope for the Disarmament Conference, and the League of Nations was talking about it, and the order from the federal government should be placed without delay.

Anyway, the production of weapons is not the expansion of troops, and it does not conflict with the Disarmament Conference.

On October 15th, the Conference on Disarmament broke out for the first time since it was held.

Ramsey MacDonald blames France's continued universal military service for causing anxiety among the Germans, which eventually led to Germany's withdrawal from the Disarmament Conference, and perhaps the Germans would not have withdrawn if France hadn't been so aggressive.

Pingale dismisses the words of Ramsay MacDonald who wasn't even a member of the British Parliament when Pingale led France to victory in the First World War, Pingale Calais believed that Macdonald's words were disrespectful to France, and also disrespectful to his predecessor.

Nor can France be blamed for being stubborn.

A very strange fact, since the end of the world wars, the British and American governments have led many disarmaments, from the Washington Naval Conference to the London Naval Conference, the logic is that unless the victors themselves disarm first, there is no moral point grounds for demanding the disarmament of the defeated nation.

France maintains a large standing army on the grounds of protecting itself. This has actually become the reason why Ramsay Macdonald accused France, which cannot but make Poengale angry.

"The purpose of our war is to end the war. Although the war is over now, some people must be deterred to a certain extent. The United Kingdom and the United States disbanded the army on the spot after the end of the world war, and then abolished the navy in batches. I It is good to admit that your purpose is good, but have you ever thought about whether we can win the final victory like the last world war if the war breaks out again?" Poengale firmly disagrees with disarmament, Britain and the United States, a peace The European continent is separated by the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. France and Germany are separated by the Maginot Line, which is full of loopholes.

Don't listen to the French blowing up the "Maginot Line" to the sky, what "fortress that will never fall", what "the patron saint of the great France", in fact, even the French themselves know that once the world war breaks out again, the Maginot The line of defense is mostly unable to protect France.

The reason has already been said before, the Germans can easily bypass the Maginot line of defense.

The problem is that France, for some reason, cannot extend the Maginot Line to the French-Belgian border.

It's embarrassing.

The various measures taken by Moustache after he came to power show that Germany is recovering from the chaos. The two best countries in the world to copy southern Africa's homework are the United States and Germany.

Like the United States, after Mustache came to power, the first thing to rectify was also finance.

The difference is that the U.S. approach is to provide the necessary funds for the U.S. economic recovery by printing 30 billion U.S. dollars.

Germany is simpler. If the United States wants to print money, it has to start the money printing machine. Germany only needs to find a loan from the United States.

The mark has completely collapsed. Before Mustache came to power, the Weimar government enforced the new mark in order to end inflation. However, the new mark without gold as a credit guarantee immediately fell into a vicious circle of rapid depreciation. After Mustache came to power, the new mark The ratio of marks to dollars has exceeded 42 trillion to one.

After Mustache came to power, Germany received a substantial increase in aid from the United States. In order to boost the German economy, Mustache's first loan from the United States reached US$10 billion.

You must know that the 10 billion US dollars is not the depreciated US dollar, and it is not the US government that pays, but the US Wall Street tycoon.

With money, Mustache will have the confidence to rectify the financial system and launch the chaotic currency system before the end of the Golden Mark.

At present, the exchange rate between gold marks and US dollars is about three to one.

"As long as all of us can focus more on restoring the economy, war will never break out. I firmly believe that permanent peace has come. The last world war made us all understand the cruelty of the world war. Smart people don't fall twice in the same place, so we will never make the same mistakes." Macdonald is full of confidence, and it is obviously a very simple reason, why is it hard to explain.

Don't blame Macdonald for being naive and naive. He is a pacifist. He has always been. When the First World War broke out, Macdonald lost his seat in the House of Commons because of his opposition to the war. He returned to the House of Commons only after the war ended.

Macdonald is not only a pacifist, but also an idealist. He is good at, or likes to replace other people's thinking with his own imagination, and construct the world in fantasy. From this perspective, Macdonald should write novels , not as Prime Minister.

"You are completely imaginary. The objective world will not be shifted by personal will. France has the right to demand security guarantees. Before receiving such guarantees, France will not lay off a single soldier." Pongale angrily Leaving the meeting, Germany has already withdrawn from the Disarmament Conference, why is it still wasting time here, it is a serious matter to return to China to prepare for war.

"Your Excellency, wait a minute—" Cordell Hull, who represented the United States at the disarmament conference, did not want to see the conference break up.

After Roosevelt became President of the United States, he appointed Cordell Hull as Secretary of State.

Cordell Hull is a senior politician who has served as a member of the House of Representatives and a Senator. He supports the United States joining the League of Nations, and believes that if the United States does not join the League of Nations, it will lead to the collapse of world peace.

Therefore, in this disarmament conference, the attitude of the United States is relatively positive.

Although the United States is also secretly expanding its armaments.

"Mr. Prime Minister, you can't just ask France to make concessions. The Germans should show something first." King Albert I of Belgium supported France, and his attitude towards Germany was obvious.

By the way, after the end of the World War, Belgium tried to repair the Liege Fortress, but it has been almost ten years now, and the repair project of the Liege Fortress has not yet been completed.

This efficiency makes people have to sigh.

Southern Africa's representative to the League of Nations, Andy Oston, was whispering with Huang Peng, the representative of East India to the League of Nations, and Prince Samson, the representative of Najd Sultanate to the League of Nations.

"Your Excellency, have you overcorrected—" Huang Peng participated in an international meeting of this level for the first time. It must be said that the chaos of the disarmament meeting broke all Huang Peng's illusions about the League of Nations.

In Huang Peng's mind, the League of Nations is the stage for diplomats, so it must be the kind where they are dressed in suits and leather shoes, and the masts and sculls fly into ashes while talking and laughing.

I didn't expect to find out after I came to Geneva that the diplomats were tearing their faces apart, and they were not much better than the aunts in the vegetable market.

"What should we do? Shall we speak for His Excellency the Prime Minister?" Prince Samson put forward a suggestion from the standpoint of the Commonwealth.

"Hehe——" Andy smiled and said what to say. No matter what Southern Africa says at this time, people will think it has ulterior motives: "——Why don't we talk about the arms purchase contract, Huang, are you sure East India is not Need the latest Hayate fighter?"

It is not acceptable to sell the "Hall of Wind" to others, but it is okay to sell it to the East Indies. Even if it is sold to the East India, the pilot of the "Hall of Wind" is still a southern African pilot.

"Andy, we just bought ten 'Durban' class cruisers, and we really don't have any money—" Huang Peng complained. East India also paid a lot for the progress of the military industry in southern Africa.

"Samson, what do you say?" Andy was not disappointed.

"Can you sell us two aircraft carriers, the two that Edward Shipyard is building—" Samson has a pursuit, the Nezhi Oilfield has begun to produce oil, and the confidence of the Nezhi Sultanate is getting stronger and stronger, dog The big family first showed their glory.

(End of this chapter)

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