Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1818 Stoudemire who freed himself

Chapter 1818 Stoudemire who freed himself

Mark Simon was amazed by the patience and professionalism of the Southern African Secret Service.

If Mark Simon knew that Li Yan was the famous "apartment butcher", then Mark Simon would be even more surprised.

2 in 12 minutes.

Only professionals know how difficult it is, after all, the other party is not an ordinary person.

When ordinary people see this kind of thing, they will probably sigh how stupid those 12 unlucky guys must be, so that they can be taken away within 2 minutes.

Only because of the comparison, those 12 people look a bit stupid. It's really not that some fish forcibly lowered their intelligence.

France, which runs across North Africa, might be strong, but it was only beaten by Germany during the World War.

When the World War just broke out, Germany, which was victorious every year, was strong. After the Southern African Expeditionary Force joined the war, the German army was at the end of its strength.

Can you say that the German army is not strong?
That is already the strength to defeat the "World's No. [-] Army".

Actually that's it.

Not to mention the army that singled out the coalition forces of 16 countries. According to the theory of Western strong ships and guns, this kind of thing cannot be explained at all.

When Rock left southern Africa, Stoudemire had already arrived in Cyprus.

It is said that the Minister of Justice of Southern Africa cannot easily leave Southern Africa, but for the safety of his daughter and his family, Stoudemire does not care about those red tapes. This time, Stoudemire has only one purpose. As for Ada, Stoudemire at least wants to bring his daughter and grandson back to southern Africa.

Compared with the lame son-in-law, Stoudemire loves little Arthur, his grandson, and gives him whatever he wants, regardless of whether his own grandson is jealous or not. In order to make little Arthur happy forever, Stoudemire has even left a will, etc. A hundred years from now, he will leave the Rhodesian Bank to little Arthur.

Look at his handwriting, it is a bank as soon as he makes a move, and he really deserves to be called "the richest man in southern Africa".

Little Arthur, who is over one year old, doesn't know that he has become one of the top richest people in southern Africa, lying in a stroller holding a bottle and drinking happily.

Xiaosi liked it more and more, and turned a blind eye to Arthur and Roya next to him.

Arthur was very depressed, and he didn't want to be separated, but after Southern Africa left the Commonwealth, the situation in Cyprus became worse and worse, which is indeed a hidden danger.

"What is there to worry about? It's just a broken island on the left and right. If it's gone, it'll be gone. Let's go back to Rhodesia. I'll give you double the size of Cyprus, and you can do whatever you want—" Xiaosi is rich and powerful, the president of Cyprus The area is only a little over 130 square kilometers, which was [-] million square kilometers before the split of Rhodesia.

Therefore, Stoudemire's thinking cannot be understood with normal logic at all.

"Father, you can take the Second King back to southern Africa, I want to stay in Cyprus—" Roya did not leave her husband, and a husband is a husband within ten feet.

"No, you have to go back with me!" Xiaosi said arbitrarily, there is still one in Roya's stomach, maybe two, which is really a happy trouble.

There is only a Rhodesia Bank under Stoudemire's name, which has been given to Arthur Jr., and another grandson, where can Stoudemire get another bank?
So it is best to be a granddaughter, who only needs to give a generous dowry to spend.

Not necessarily, Roya is the daughter, when she married Arthur, the dowry gave Xiaosi a pain.

"It's okay, you go back first, don't worry about me—" Arthur's eyes are full of warmth.

His wife is virtuous, good-looking, and has money at home.

Although the father-in-law was a bit domineering, Arthur endured it for the sake of money.

I have to say that in terms of money, neither Ada nor Roque's cheap father-in-law is as generous as Stoudemire's father-in-law.

"No, I won't leave you—" Roya looked at Arthur with eyes full of love, and Stoudemire couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

What's the matter with being fed dog food by his daughter and son-in-law.

"Arthur, there is a Chinese saying that 'a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall'. Now Cyprus is surrounded by enemies. Both France and Italy regard the Mediterranean Sea as their core interest. The United Kingdom is also desperately strengthening the strength of the Mediterranean Fleet. What about your father? He refuses to equip the Mediterranean Fleet with battleships and aircraft carriers, what if there is a fight?" Stoudemire has no taboos towards his daughter and son-in-law, and Roque made it clear that once the war breaks out, Cyprus must be the first to give up. I can reassure Stoudemire.

"It's not that serious—" Arthur didn't refute the mistakes in Stoudemire's words, and now he has accepted his identity, which is normal in Europe.

In fact, the Far East is also normal. Monogamy has not yet been practiced in the Far East. In this situation, Rock and Ada have long been a family in the Far East.

"Why is it not so serious? Both France and Italy have started to build BIG7-class super battleships, and Cyprus is so far away from Port Elizabeth, and the Ottoman Empire is still in such a mess-what's the matter with the Ottoman Empire?" Stoudemire didn't like the Asia Minor Peninsula. Concern, this cannot be blamed on Stoudemire, except for southern Africa, Stoudemire does not care about any other countries.

Speaking of the Ottoman Empire, it perfectly demonstrates how miserable a complete country will be once it disintegrates. The world war has been over for ten years, and the Ottoman Empire is still in a state of disunity and fighting endlessly. Later, it was found that the mandated rule could not produce benefits, but the cost of garrisoning troops remained high, so all countries withdrew their troops one after another, and then a huge power vacuum appeared in the Asia Minor peninsula.

During the Washington Conference, in order to end the chaos on the Asia Minor peninsula, Roque proposed an arms embargo on the Asia Minor peninsula. This proposal was unanimously endorsed by the participating countries.

But when it comes to execution, the problem comes.

We must know that during the World War, all countries involved in the war produced a large number of weapons, especially the United Kingdom and southern Africa, and the Lee Enfield hoarded after the war was in the millions.

Southern Africa is better. With the National Defense Forces, the National Guard, and the Southern African Allied Forces, it can be more or less digested, but the United Kingdom is miserable.

After the end of the World War, the United Kingdom, which disbanded the army on the spot, conservatively estimated that there were at least 500 million Lee Enfields.

So many weapons, are they all piled up in the warehouse and rusted?

The annual maintenance costs are astronomical.

So in the Asia Minor peninsula, Lee Enfield was seriously flooded, and many civilian families owned more than one Lee Enfield.

It is said that until now, there are no pure civilians in the entire Asia Minor peninsula. The real civilians either ran away a long time ago, or the grass on their graves is ten feet high.

"The Asia Minor peninsula is so close to Cyprus, you just watch the Asia Minor peninsula in such a mess? What if there is a fight and the shells fly over?" Stoudemire was incredulous.

In fact, it is not that close. Cyprus is also 130 to [-] kilometers away from the Asia Minor peninsula. If you want to hit Cyprus with shells, you have to drag the German "William Cannon" with a range of [-] kilometers.

"We have no right to interfere in the Asia Minor peninsula—" Arthur also had no choice. Cyprus is opposite the French mandate. Regardless of the fact that France has now withdrawn from the Asia Minor peninsula, the French will be the first to refuse if they do anything in southern Africa.

Nima is also occupying the latrine and not shitting. She can't manage it herself, and she won't let others manage it, so she can only watch the Ottomans fight to death.

Anyway, just listen to it across the strait.

"Stupid, and pedantic!" Stoudemire said, Arthur is indeed inferior to Rock in this respect.

If this is changed to Roque, go to the f*ck mandated territory, if you can't do it, I'll come, anyway, there can't be chaos next to my house.

Moreover, with Roque's behavior style, even if Roque intervenes, he will not give the French any excuses. Think about how the Portuguese have no West and East Africa, so His Excellency the Baron of Cyprus still needs to study hard.

"There are so many mercenaries in Port Elizabeth, and there must be many Ottomans among them—" Stoudemire was heartbroken, on the one hand, he felt sorry for his daughter who was blind and fell in love with such a useless thing.

On the one hand, he hated himself for being blind too, for unexpectedly agreeing to marry his daughter to such a thing.

"Say hello to Gothe, get all the Ottoman mercenaries from the Umbrella Company and throw them back to the Asia Minor Peninsula. You provide them with weapons, ammunition and logistics, and those militiamen on the Asia Minor Peninsula who can't even fill their stomachs can be The opponent of the umbrella mercenary?" Stoudemire is actually not good at this, but he can't stand to watch too much. How Rock dealt with the Portuguese at that time, Stoudemire knew clearly.

"Is this okay?" Arthur was educated by Ada to be a bit obedient, but he was by no means stupid.

How can a person who has received elite education since childhood be stupid?

However, it is precisely because of Ada's strict education that Arthur knows what can and cannot be done since he was a child. It doesn't matter if he is stupid or not.

It can only be explained by class limitations.

As a vested interest class, it is necessary to follow the unspoken rules of the vested interest class in order to safeguard their own interests, and then amplify the interests of the entire group.

"Why not? You shouldn't come forward to do these things by yourself—" Xiaosi was surprised. Rock and Ada's excellent genes shouldn't give birth to a fool.

Arthur was speechless, even if Stoudemire went too far, Arthur would not lose his temper with his father-in-law.

Now that the shackles of the heart have been broken, it will be easy to do what to do next.

Arthur certainly wouldn’t do it himself, Ada’s natal family is French, and the closest to Cyprus is the French mandate, so a week later, two Frenchmen who speak the standard French accent of Paris came to Port Elizabeth. Umbrella Corporation headquarters.

They were warmly welcomed by the Umbrella Corporation because they brought a big contract to hire all the Ottomans, Slavs, Balkans, and even Cossacks in the Umbrella Corporation.

It doesn't matter, the race in the Balkans is indeed more complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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