Chapter 1819 War Hyena
In southern Africa, Stoudemire would never let himself go like this. Usually, Yaya would do this kind of thing, and at least Christian would not be able to do it.

If it wasn't for his daughter and grandson, as well as the unborn grandson or granddaughter, Stoudemire would not bother to talk to Arthur.

If you want to say that the children of Rock are honest and honest, such as Arthur and Gavin, they are the kind of gentlemen who are honest and honest, and don't put a knife on their necks and don't work hard.

Of course there are those who are dishonest, such as Alvin, who was brought by Rock to teach him carefully——

In fact, it is also to strictly control and not cause trouble, young people still have to temper themselves.

After the end of the world war, various countries disarmed one after another, and the business of the umbrella company reached its peak again.

This is also very frustrating. Disarmament has always been a double-edged sword. It is certainly a good thing to reduce the burden on the country, but it is a tragedy for professional soldiers who are used to licking blood with knives and can only kill.

Many people are at a loss when they leave the battlefield. Whether they can make a living, let alone whether they can adapt to life in peacetime is a problem. In the two years after the end of the world war, there were countless mentally disturbed veterans who committed suicide every year. This is called post-war Psychological syndrome, the English name is PTSD.

For these people, joining an umbrella company has become the best choice.

Therefore, the umbrella company is now larger than before the outbreak of the World War. The two French originally thought that if the Ottomans were not enough, they would use other ethnic groups to make up the numbers.

Unexpectedly, the umbrella company had more than 16000 Ottoman mercenaries alone.

Sixteen thousand!

During the World War, there were only 8000 people in a full-staffed British division.

Then what else to say, so the admission is based on merit.

The first is military skills, referring to the military standards of southern Africa, no one with a [-]-meter chest target below [-] rings is not required.

The results made people's eyes drop. All 6000 people had a score of 90 or more on the [-]-meter chest target, and more than half of them reached the standard of precision shooters. Break a thousand.

So the standard for entering the shortlist was immediately raised to excellent, and there were still more than 8000 people selected.

8000 people are definitely not enough, and it is not a battle to destroy the country. You have to see the effect first, and then decide what to do next, so the conditions are getting more and more stringent.

Asia Minor has a complex population, and language is also very important. Knowing Ottoman is not enough, you need to be able to speak Slavic, and it is best to know English and French. It doesn’t matter if you know Chinese, anyway, there are no Chinese in Asia Minor.

However, there are quite a few mercenaries in the Umbrella Company who can speak Chinese. After all, work without Chinese will be greatly restricted. This item is not a bonus now.

In addition to language, mercenaries entering the Asia Minor peninsula must lack medical care and medicine, so basic field rescue capabilities are definitely a plus.

Mercenaries are good at winning more with less, and skills in blasting are also essential.

After entering the Asia Minor peninsula, forget about the large-caliber artillery that needs to be towed by a car, but mortars are a weapon for guerrilla warfare, so being able to use mortars is also a plus.

To say that the Umbrella Company is really full of talents, with so many conditions combined, there are still 1200 mercenaries selected in the end.

Then continue to screen, don’t be too old, don’t be too young, just be between 25 and 35 years old, and you must be in good health, because mercenaries have been fighting for a long time, so there are hidden dangers in the body, or limbs Disabled, but there are quite a few mercenaries who do not affect combat.

After a lot of screening, the final selected list is a total of 800 people, which is almost a reinforcement battalion.

Of course, the cost is not low. It takes 800 rand per month to hire these 1200 people, which is [-] rand per person per year on average. Only the director of the Southern Africa Department can earn so much.

Of course, the money is not all for the mercenaries, the umbrella company still has to raise money, the average is about four or six, and the umbrella company is four.

Even so, the mercenaries earn a lot, otherwise the business is so hot.

The two Frenchmen didn't take it seriously, they directly paid a year's salary, and the business manager in charge of the reception burst into laughter, and there was a lot of commission for such a list.

What puzzled the mercenaries was that after they got the money, they were sent to Marlborough in a unified way, and then took the ferry to the Asia Minor peninsula in batches. At this time, they didn't even know who their employer was, but only knew their mission: Restoring order in the Asia Minor peninsula in the shortest possible time.

For a goal like Nima, the employer is probably not the League of Nations!

Otherwise, who would be so enthusiastic.

It was against this background that Ram came to the peninsula of Asia Minor with a large army.

Strictly speaking, Ram is from Najd. He was born in a remote fishing village on the coast of the Red Sea. At that time, Ram’s hometown was still Ottoman territory, so Ram is also considered an Ottoman.

Ram's age has just turned 18, but he looks a bit old. It is reasonable to say that he is 25 years old. Ram's uncle participated in the World War and worked as a mercenary in the umbrella company after the war. He also came to Port Elizabeth to join an umbrella company and became a "war hyena" that everyone despised.

Ram is very smart. According to Uncle Ram, if Ram was born in southern Africa, then Ram may become an excellent engineer.

Don't be surprised, for Uncle Ram's comprehension ability, the engineer is already the limit of the efforts of ordinary Nezhi people.

Ram is indeed very smart and has a strong learning ability. He was qualified as a precision shooter during the training camp, so Ram has a well-tuned Lee Enfield.

This Lee Enfield is Rahm's reward for being a pinpoint shooter.

"Never mind that shitty task, our goal is to kill anyone with a gun, no matter if he is a child, an old man, or a woman, as long as he can hold a gun, he can cause fatal damage to you, we They are mercenaries and are not protected by the "Convention of War", so we don't need to abide by the provisions of the "Convention of War"-" Ram's company, the company commander Thomas is a retired French captain, and his position in the umbrella It's a second lieutenant, which is in line with the umbrella company's positioning of the strength of the French army.

"—Of course, I also want to remind you that although we don't need to abide by the provisions of the "War Pact", we must abide by the regulations of the umbrella company, earn what you should earn, and don't take any points that you shouldn't. Seized [-]/[-] for individuals and companies, don’t try to hide, you can’t afford the consequences.” Thomas was wearing a worn-out French army uniform, and the only leather boots were custom-made products of the Umbrella Company.

To perform missions in the field, a pair of shoes that can provide sufficient protection for the feet is very important. They are durable, light and flexible. The military boots issued by all armies in the world can only be achieved in southern Africa.

"We are not a regular army, so our bullets and grenades are purchased at our own expense. I hope you can remember this; but don't be reluctant to use it because you save money, because your life is more valuable." Thomas, as the company commander , I also carry a Lee Enfield, and at the same time wear a [-]mm semi-automatic pistol produced in southern Africa on the waist, which is also the standard equipment for umbrella mercenaries.

As for bayonets, daggers, and machetes, they are also essential, and they have different uses in different scenes. In short, they are armed to the teeth.

Although everyone knows that the semi-automatic rifles issued by the southern African military are better, but semi-automatic rifles are too expensive and do not meet the temperament of mercenaries, and 5.56mm bullets are estimated to be difficult to find in Asia Minor Peninsula, so Lee Enfield It is the best choice.

"Sleep well after you go back, I hope you all have a good night, we will start the mission tomorrow, stay vigilant at all times, and never back down!" Thomas ended with the slogan of the umbrella company. Mercenaries are not afraid, which is why "war hyenas" are so scary.

"Never retreat!" Ram and his comrades yelled together, and the sound resounded throughout the beach.

The mercenaries camped in the wild without tents, so they sat down under a big tree at random, and Ram took apart his rifle and maintained it carefully. This was his most reliable partner.

"Bullets must be used as sparingly as possible. Although the price of bullets is very cheap, you can save as much as you can—" Ram's uncle Soma muttered beside Ram, and Miduo, who came from the same fishing village, sat a little further away. place.

"Don't listen to your uncle's Ram. A bullet costs a penny. Killing an enemy rewards a rand. Think about it for yourself—" Mido is also maintaining his rifle. One hundred rounds.

Although Lee Enfield's shooting speed is relatively fast, it is not a semi-automatic rifle after all. 100 rounds of ammunition are enough, which can meet the consumption of a week under normal circumstances.

As for mercenaries, it is more of a low-intensity law and order war, and there will be no violent battles.

"What if the other party drags the body away? How can we determine the result of the battle?" Ram has not yet participated in a formal battle, a young man who has not yet graduated from school in southern Africa.

"Then you will consider yourself unlucky, or you will get the corpse back, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Miduo laughed, and the young people will grow up in the battle.

"Shut up Miduo, don't teach Ram badly—" Soma scolded directly, and then taught carefully: "—Don't listen to Miduo, no matter when it comes, you must first ensure your own safety, and you will have a future if you live .”

To live is to have a future!

This is so true.

Ram nodded secretly, Kakaka put the rifle together, held it in his arms, and fell asleep against a big rock.

Throughout the night, sporadic gunfire never stopped, from far and near.

Ram slept soundly. Ram had already experienced this situation in the Umbrella Company. The vicious instructors of the Umbrella Company like to conduct live ammunition training when the recruits join the Umbrella, which is called adapting to the battlefield.

ps: Come, come, come, what you want is coming——

(End of this chapter)

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