Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1820 Traditional Features

Chapter 1820 Traditional Features
Umbrella Company's recruit training method was born out of the Southern African Defense Force, but it is not exactly the same, mainly because the intensity is much lower.

Mercenaries are there to make money, and they all undergo rigorous six-month recruit training like the Southern African Defense Forces, so there is no time to make money.

After all, the lives of mercenaries are not as valuable as the lives of the National Defense Forces, which is almost enough.

After a night without talking, when Ram woke up in the morning, the broth in the big pot was exuding a burst of aroma, the coffee in the tin bucket had already been brewed, and there were fruits and chocolates on the table next to the bucket. In terms of logistics and supplies, it is as perfect as the Southern African National Defense Forces.

A bowl of broth and two cakes, the large pieces of mutton are mouth-watering. After drinking it, Ram was still unsatisfied, so he went to fill another bowl.

Thanks to the generous behind-the-scenes benefactor, sending fresh mutton to the Asia Minor peninsula is as difficult as sending mercenaries.

After a hearty breakfast, Ram hiccupped and filled the kettle with coffee, and went to get more than a dozen pieces of chocolate. After starting the mission, he would go deep into the Asia Minor peninsula. It will come in handy, one piece can last most of the day.

At this time, the entire beach was full of mercenaries. Another group of mercenaries arrived in the middle of the night yesterday. A cargo ship was parked on the sea not far away, and they were continuously sending various materials ashore through small boats. Company commander Thomas and others The officers were having a meeting in a tent at the center of the camp. I heard that this time a senior executive came to take charge of the command, and it was clear that they were going to do a big job.

A senior executive should be at least a colonel before retiring from the military. They have all seen big scenes. Commanding a unit of hundreds of people is overqualified.

As soon as Ram packed up, Thomas hurried back, and then the squad platoon leader and sergeant major in the company had a meeting to implement the decomposition task. Ram was very envious of those officers who had the opportunity to attend the meeting, and he hoped that soon, he could become a one of them.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general isn't a good soldier—

The meeting ended quickly, and the troops set off half an hour later. Ram had another task, which was to take care of a donkey carrying ammunition. The Asia Minor peninsula was no better than southern Africa, and the transportation facilities were not perfect. In many places, donkeys were better than cars.

Leaving the beach, there are endless mountains. The mountain roads are narrow and rugged. In many places, there are no roads at all, and donkeys can’t climb up. After an hour of departure, when you look back, you can still see the temporary camp by the sea. Human beings are in nature. It's really too small in front of you.

"Stay vigilant, a battle may break out at any time, remember your mission, kill all people with guns in sight—" Thomas's loud voice resounded throughout the valley, Ram was a little embarrassed, he still had to lead the donkey, and the rifle was always on On the back, it's a little harder to keep alert at all times.

"Lam, give me the donkey—" Mido suddenly showed kindness and wanted to help Ram lead the donkey.

Soma glanced at Mido and said nothing. It was a bit wasteful to let Ram, a precision shooter, take care of the donkey. The Umbrella Company was stingy and didn't install a scope for Ram's rifle. This has always made Soma grieve.

In fact, it is really unnecessary. Ram is an accurate shooter. It doesn't matter if the rifle is equipped with a scope or not. On the contrary, Soma and Mido, who are relatively poor in shooting skills, have this demand.

Umbrella companies don't have the luxury, though.

After walking for less than half an hour, a shepherd suddenly appeared across the valley.

The shepherd carried a rifle on his shoulder and a sheep whip in his hand. He stared blankly at the mercenaries here, and did not dodge immediately.

Ram hesitated, but did not raise his gun to shoot.

Some people didn't hesitate. There were a lot of accurate shooters in the team. Several people shot at the same time. The shepherd was shot down before he could react in time.

"What's going on? Who's shooting?" Thomas was slow-witted and didn't say anything after learning the facts.

Indiscriminate killing of innocents?

The so-called "sparkling points of human nature" may exist in the Southern African National Defense Forces, and the mercenaries should not be too demanding. After all, it is difficult for them who have not studied for a few days to understand what "human nature" is.

What's more, there is a precedent for this. There has always been a story circulating in the Umbrella Company, to the effect that during the World War, when a small team of the Umbrella Company was performing a mission, because it let go of a seemingly harmless shepherd, the entire The squad was wiped out.

Ram heard this story when he first joined Umbrella Company, and there are many similar stories. Sometimes the objects are shepherds, sometimes women, sometimes children, and the results are usually not very good.

When he heard these stories at that time, Ram himself sometimes thought that this might just be a story fabricated by the instructors to make the recruits mature as soon as possible.

But really in the battlefield, how many people can take huge risks to maintain the so-called "glory of humanity".

Seeing a shepherd means that there should be an Ottoman village nearby.

According to Company Commander Thomas, there are no so-called civilians in the entire Asia Minor peninsula, so anyone may attack the mercenaries.

In this way, any upright humanoid creature on the Asia Minor peninsula would become the target of the mercenaries.

Thomas was cautious, ordered the company to rest in place, and sent scouts to locate the Ottoman village.

The scouts returned an hour later, and the company moved on. To Ram's surprise, Thomas did not issue combat orders.

Twenty or ten minutes later, a village consisting of more than a dozen families appeared in front of the company.

The village is built on the hillside, scattered along a small river. Some village women are washing clothes by the river, and some children are swimming and playing in the river. According to the standards of the umbrella company, these village women are capable of threatening the mercenaries. Even if they are The rifle is also within easy reach while doing the laundry.

"If we launch an attack now, will the higher-ups give us money?" Miduo was insane. He still wanted to make money at this time, and the employer was not taking advantage of him.

"What do you think?" Soma sneered.

Miduo thought for a while, and felt that the higher-ups would not give money, so he put down the gun in his hand.

The bullets of the mercenaries are all bought with money. Since they cannot generate benefits, the mercenaries will not take the initiative to attack.

"We killed that shepherd just now—" Ram had mixed feelings. This was the first time he had undertaken a similar task.

It is estimated that there is only this village nearby, so the identity of the shepherd just now is ready to be revealed.

Therefore, even if the mercenaries do not launch an attack, there is absolutely no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

Still smart, Thomas sent a guide over to try and communicate.

The vigilance of the villagers was obviously very high. As soon as the guide appeared, the village woman who was washing clothes by the river put down the unwashed clothes and picked up the rifle and shouted loudly. Running in the village, the skillful movements make people feel distressed.

The guide raised his hands high and moved towards the creek under the cover of trees and stones.

As a result, he was attacked as soon as he took two steps.

The guide reacted quickly, and immediately lay down and continued to shout, and his movements were also very skillful.

The village woman didn't answer, and saw that all the children ran back to the village and quickly evacuated. When they left, they still didn't forget the unfinished clothes. It seemed that they were all good at housekeeping.

Thomas was not surprised. If there hadn't been enough vigilance during the war, the village probably wouldn't have existed long ago.

The company still has tasks, so we can't waste too much time here, and of course we can't withdraw silently. Whether it's enemy or friend, this village is a hidden danger for mercenaries.

As the battle order was issued, Ram crossed the river with Soma and Mido, and was attacked sporadically during the process. However, the small river was a little far away from the village, and it was obvious that the other party did not have the ability of a precise shooter, so the entire process of crossing the river There were no casualties.

After crossing the river, the formation is formed. The large force attracts firepower from the front, and the small team turns around and outflanks the attack. The grenade must be prepared. After entering the village, it does not matter whether there is anyone in the house before throwing a grenade. Safety comes first.

Ram doesn't need to participate in the offense, and the precision shooter is a waste for street fighting.

So Ram received the task of long-range sniping, and the target was any creature that might pose a threat to the mercenaries, including dogs.

The carefully selected mercenaries are not too easy to deal with those who have not received training. When the mercenaries first launched an attack, Ram finally saw a man with a gun appear.

Ram just hesitated, and the man with the gun was knocked down by the precise shooter next to him. Ram was not in a hurry and continued to look for the next target.

there is none left--

Yes, in the whole village, from the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, with Ram's keen observation ability, only one man was actually seen.

And there is no chance of shooting yet.

It was only after the battle that Ram found out that in the Asia Minor peninsula that had been fighting for ten years, almost all men had died, and the only man was not taken away by the rebels because of his physical disability.

Looking at the dozen or so women who survived the battle and the more than 30 children who were not as tall as a rifle, Ram felt neither happy nor sad.

The dignity of a small country?

Let's talk about dignity with that unlucky man just now.

"How about it, do you want to buy one back? Ottoman women are still fine, and they can give you a baby after a few years-" Mido carried two rifles on his back, one was his and the other was a trophy. All are Lee Enfield.

"I don't dare to ask for it. I'm afraid that someone will stab me while I'm asleep—" Ram looked at the little girls who were like bean sprouts, their bodies were tattered, and their faces were covered with pot ashes. He really didn't dare.

"It doesn't matter, they are all our trophies now, and they must obey our will. This is the traditional rule of the Ottoman Empire." Soma is playing with a rather delicate dagger in his hand, which has the traditional characteristics of the Ottoman Empire .

Yes, it's all traditional.

(End of this chapter)

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