Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1821 The right hand and right arm are very caring

Chapter 1821 The right hand and right arm are very caring

The Ottoman Empire is different from the British Empire. The British Empire is a constitutional monarchy country. The Ottoman Empire was still a feudal country until its collapse, and it was divided before the constitutional monarchy.

So Ram doesn’t have to worry about being stabbed in his sleep. The Ottomans don’t have such a tradition. Their tradition is to obey the will of the strong. When they are not married, they obey their parents.

It doesn't matter who the husband is.



When the country is strong, the citizens have dignity.

A weak country is not worthy of dignity, and even the country has no dignity, let alone its citizens.

So when Thomas decided to send these women and children to a temporary camp by the sea, these women did not fight with their lives, nor did they fight for the sky. They went back to their house silently, packed some of their clothes, and then never looked back. leave the village.

Even after the mercenaries burned down the entire village, they didn't look back.

So from this day on, there were more and more women and children in the temporary camp, from a few dozen at the beginning to breaking through a hundred, and then increasing to more than 2000 within a week.

At this time, the control area of ​​the mercenaries has expanded to nearly a thousand square kilometers around, and there are only so few people in nearly a thousand square kilometers. The damage of the war can be seen.

Not too many. Think about Australia and Canada. Under the premise of rapid population growth after the end of the World War, there is now only a little more than one person per square kilometer on average. This era is also evident in the large land and sparse population.

The vast world has a lot to do.

It's so cool again, is this sentence used in this way?
In September, Rock and Roosevelt arrived in Monrovia successively. President Roosevelt had a huge team, including Ford and Morgan Jr. Roosevelt hoped to use this opportunity to reach a deeper level of cooperation with southern Africa.

Rock also attached great importance to this meeting, and specially sent a telegram to call Stoudemire back. Compared with Hoover, Roosevelt Jr. is more difficult to deal with. In recent years, southern African capital has obtained a lot of benefits in the United States through Hoover, so much that Rock To the extent of embarrassment, now that Roosevelt is in power, it will be difficult for southern African capital to be as unscrupulous as before.

"President Roosevelt Jr. came to power, and our previous agreement will never be voided." Xiao Si was exhausted and came to see Rock as soon as he arrived in Monrovia.

"Probably not. I have a memo here, which contains the content that President Roosevelt may talk about. You can read it." Rock is still prepared, and the Palace of Justice also has a think tank.

Stoudemire took it over and looked through it, and the content was really varied, not only limited to the economic field, but also all-encompassing in politics, culture and military.

The most conspicuous of these is that Roosevelt is likely to increase his understanding of the southern African military through military exercises.

This is also what Rock hopes. For the US Navy, Rock has always maintained sufficient vigilance.

"With so much content, we may not be able to finish the discussion in a week." Xiaosi was irritable. Roya and Little Arthur were still in Cyprus, and Xiaosi hoped to finish the matter as soon as possible.

"These are just appearances. I have a feeling that this time President Roosevelt may focus more on the Commonwealth—" Roque is not worried about Cyprus, and the Mediterranean Squadron is not a vegetarian. However, Britain, France and Italy are still sure to cover the retreat of Arthur's family to Port Elizabeth.

As long as they reach Port Elizabeth, the safety of Arthur's family can be guaranteed.

On land, Rock has never been afraid of anyone, no matter what North African fox or five-star general.

"You mean—" Stoudemire's interest increased greatly, and he now understood why Rock called him back all the way instead of looking for Owen or Yang Smother.

It is an obvious fact that if Southern Africa separates from the Commonwealth, it will inevitably lose the Commonwealth market.

So on this issue, southern Africa and the United States have a common appeal.

Roosevelt Jr. wanted to see Roque so desperately, and his purpose was obvious. Just like the dismantling of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance during the Washington Naval Conference, Roosevelt Jr. wanted to dismantle the Commonwealth this time.

Regarding issues related to the Commonwealth of Nations, there is one thing to say. Stoudemire’s attitude is far more determined than Owen and Yang Smolts. As long as the Commonwealth is unlucky, Stoudemire would rather kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. Gram can't do it.

"Probably, the key issue now is Canada—" Rock hesitated.

If the United States wants to dismantle the Commonwealth of Nations, Canada will undoubtedly be the first to instigate rebellion.

Canada is too close to the United States. When the World War just ended, the United States wanted to attack Canada. As a result, southern Africa was born, and the United States' plan was stillborn before it was implemented.

Now that Southern Africa has separated from the Commonwealth, the relationship with Canada still has to wait for the outcome of Yang Smolts' negotiations in London. If London insists that Southern Africa withdraw from Halifax, then the Americans will have an opportunity.

Otherwise, the Americans danced happily in London during this time.

"We also have important interests in Canada, and we cannot give up so easily." Stoudemire does not want to give up Canada to the United States. With Canada's restraint, the United States may go all out to expand abroad.

"It depends on how much bargaining chips the Americans have—" Rock is not ignorant. Ade's so-called "never compromise" is a propaganda need. No matter what the country's leaders actually do, they must create a tough external image , which is conducive to national unity.

"What bargaining chips do Americans have? We eat meat, and they can drink some soup behind us at most." Stoudemire was not polite.

"Not necessarily. The Americans have given Germany more and more support in the past two years." What Roque said, the Americans are not stupid. They never fight uncertain battles, let alone take the initiative to reverse.

So the United States will give aid to Germany. The ultimate goal is to promote Germany's rapid recovery of strength, and then let the Germans rebound, and the Americans will reap the benefits.

"It's ridiculous that London also supports the Germans—" Stoudemire laughed, almost crying.

Roque also laughed.

You say the British are smart, look at what they are doing, they have gone crazy for the "continental balance policy".

Let’s say the British are stupid. The British have ruled the world for hundreds of years. The current colonial system was established by the British. If the British are stupid, then what are the others?
"Don't laugh, we will do the same next time." Rock remained calm, the Americans had already charged forward, and southern Africa could not be willing to stay behind.

Isn't it just to give more aid to the Germans, no problem, the Americans will pay, and southern Africa will provide supplies, perfect!
It has to be said that the Unpredictable Prophet is the biggest golden finger of the traverser.

The next day I met with Roosevelt Jr., and the process was not much different from Roque's expectations. Roosevelt Jr. did not mention aid to Germany, but Germany's compensation plan.

Roosevelt Jr. proposed a large-scale plan, which is the famous "Younger Plan".

"Younger Plan" is an upgraded version of "Dawwes Plan".

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, Germany, with the full support of the Anglo-American consortium, was still unable to pay the indemnity stipulated in the "Dawwes Plan". Therefore, Germany requested to reduce the amount of indemnity and cancel all economic restrictions on Germany.

Against this background, the American banker Young proposed the "Young Plan", the main contents of which included: no longer forcing Germany to pay immediate compensation; and exempting [-]% of Germany's debts and issuing bonds.

It seems that there is no compensation, because the compensation has been reduced from the original 330 billion to 400 million pounds.

Moreover, Germany cannot be forced to repay the loan, it all depends on self-consciousness.

Based on Roque's understanding of Mustache, Mustache will definitely renege on his debt.

Roosevelt had submitted this plan to the "League of Nations" for discussion.

The results of the discussion made Roque very dissatisfied. The representatives of the participating countries agreed in principle to the "Younger Plan" except for the representatives of Southern Africa, but the requirement must be based on the exemption of all war loans in Southern Africa. possibility of implementation.

This result is indeed very European. Now it's not the mustache who reneges on his debts, but the whole of Europe intends to renege on his debts.

For this result, Southern Africa certainly cannot agree.


Among them, the reparation part of southern Africa is included in the 20.00% of the British.

The three countries that need to repay the arrears in southern Africa are mainly Britain, France, and Italy, with a total of about 20 billion rand.

In this way, it is very clear that if the amount of indemnity after reduction and exemption is followed by the "Younger Plan", the total of 400 million pounds is not enough to pay back to southern Africa, so Britain, France, and Italy naturally want to renege on their debts.

For the "Younger Plan", Roque would definitely not agree.

But the negotiation is to talk slowly. Before Rock can speak, there is a note handed over.

"Aid to Germany—" This is the note Ada handed over.

"Pull the United States into the water—" This is the note Stoudemire handed over.

Very good, the left and right arms are very considerate.

Rock linked the two notes, and immediately had a solution.

"It is also possible to get Southern Africa to agree to the 'Younger Plan'—" Roque smiled, and Roosevelt Jr. on the opposite side had a solemn expression. Arrears in Southern Africa can be deferred, cancellation impossible.”

Cancel your loan!

Everyone wants to fart!

"And I have a condition. In the future, the aid to Germany will no longer be based on financial aid, but on materials, and the materials must be purchased from southern Africa." Is the German economy recovering? Doesn’t the UK want to maintain a continental equilibrium policy? Well, Southern Africa will also join.

(End of this chapter)

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