Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1823 Learn to Decompose Tasks

Chapter 1823 Learn to Decompose Tasks

People don't have back pain when they stand and talk, but Roosevelt Jr. doesn't have back pain when he sits and talks.

With regard to Germany’s horrible state at the end of the World War, and France’s insistence on squeezing three catties of nails out of that dilapidated German ship, it’s not easy to squeeze out a fraction of it, let alone 1320 billion gold marks.

Looking at it this way, it is easy to understand that the United States does not want to pay compensation, anyway, there is not much in the first place.

When the United States joined the World War, Germany’s defeat was already set. If Pershing hadn’t ignored Roque’s dissuasion and insisted on attacking the Liege Fortress, the contribution of the US military to the World War would probably not be much stronger than that of Portugal, and Portugal’s share would be slightly larger. It seems to be about 0.75%, which is about the same as Japan.

1320 billion gold marks, 1% is only 13.2 billion, 0.75% is too lazy to calculate.

Well, it’s not that I’m too lazy to count, but I’m taking the initiative to avoid exposing the fact that the author is a scumbag in mathematics. You see, the author even helped me to complain, so the gentlemen are satisfied now.

"Since we all share the same ideal, then we should strive to build a free and equal world, where all people are equal, and nations live in harmony, normal trade, free from fraud and oppression, that is our ideal. Utopia.” Roosevelt Jr. was actually an idealist.

Rock also stopped correcting that "utopia" means "something that can't be found anywhere".

By the way, Thomas More, who invented the word "Utopia", served as a British Lord Chancellor and also served as the Speaker of the British House of Commons.

"The reason why Mr. Thomas More is called a visionary is because the ideal of 'Utopia' is impossible to realize." Of course, Roque also hopes that the "world of great harmony" described by Roosevelt Jr. will eventually be realized, but within 200 years Estimates are unrealistic.

"If each of us does not work hard for it, then it will never be possible." Roosevelt Jr. is determined and will not be shaken by Rock's few words.

Rock can only smile, regardless of whether Roosevelt Jr.'s ideal is possible or not, at least he can think so, which is beyond Rock's expectations.

After sending Roosevelt Jr. away, Alvin seemed to disapprove of what Roosevelt Jr. said.

"Why?" Rock was happy to learn more about Alvin.

"He is a visionary just like Thomas More, and 'Utopia' is simply impossible to realize." Alvin has a good reason, as Rock just said.

"Alvin, you don't need to like the President, but you can't deny that he has ideals and is willing to work hard for his ideals, which is worthy of respect in itself." Rock is not right about people, and Roosevelt Jr. Very controversial.

The most controversial of course is Pearl Harbor.

In 1995, the then President of the United States received a letter from a lady named Helen Harman. Helen said in her heart that during World War II, Helen’s father served as the deputy director of the US Army’s logistics department. At the meeting attended by very few military officers, Roosevelt Jr. revealed an amazing news: the top US officials had foreseen that the Japanese navy would attack Pearl Harbor, which might cause a large number of casualties and property losses.

Roosevelt Jr. ordered the participants to prepare as soon as possible to assemble a group of medical personnel and emergency supplies to a port on the west coast of the United States, ready to be dispatched at any time.

The decision was questioned by participating officers.

Roosevelt's response to this was: Only when the United States was attacked would the undecided American people agree to his declaration of joining the war.

This incident caused a great sensation in the United States at that time. You must know that before that, Roosevelt Jr. had been tied with Washington and Lincoln, and was known as the most respected president by Americans.

So after this incident happened, the image of Roosevelt Jr. was seriously affected.

And since all the parties involved have passed away, there is no way to confirm this matter.

It is said that U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Safford deciphered the detailed information of the Japanese combined fleet's march to Pearl Harbor. This extremely valuable information was sent to the White House by the Chief of Naval Operations, Lieutenant General Stark.

However, Roosevelt Jr. only said: Got it!
A total of 2403 Americans were killed in the Pearl Harbor incident, four battleships were sunk, one battleship was stranded, three battleships were severely damaged, six cruisers and three destroyers were damaged, 6 aircraft were destroyed, and 3 aircraft were destroyed. destroy.

That's why later some people questioned whether the U.S. government was also suspected of performing bitter tricks in the 911/[-] incident.

The U.S. government has a criminal record in this regard.

"However, knowing that there is no possibility of success in one thing, you still put in a lot of effort for it. Isn't this contrary to the point of view you have always taught me?" Alvin is not so easy to be persuaded, and Rock has indeed always emphasized being pragmatic.

"No, no, Alvin, we all know that 'Utopia' cannot be accomplished in a short period of time, so if we want to achieve our goal, what should we do?" Rock inspired education.

This question was obviously beyond the outline, and Alvin was dumbfounded, unable to answer a single word.

"No matter what goal we want to achieve, we must first decompose the task and divide the task into different stages to complete. At this time, our ideals are no longer fantasy. Rome was not built in a day, but as long as we persevere Work hard, and Rome will eventually be built." Rock taught carefully, which is why Rock believed that Roosevelt Jr. could not succeed.

Roosevelt Jr. really had lofty ideals, but Roosevelt Jr. could not be the president of the United States forever, and Roosevelt Jr.'s successors might not necessarily think so.

Therefore, to achieve a great goal, policy continuity is very important. A country like the United States, regardless of luck or what, may be very strong in a short period of time, but problems will gradually be exposed after a long time.

"So, our ideal is to build a utopia belonging to southern Africa—" Alvin was completely shocked.

"You can regard 'Utopia' as a long-term goal. In the short term, our goal is to become the most powerful country in the world. At that time, we no longer need to care about other people's eyes." Rock has a tiger in his heart, and strength is The last word.

When Rock was teaching his son, deep in the interior of the Asia Minor peninsula, Ram's company finally fought a fierce battle with the Ottomans.

In fact, it should not be described as a battle. It should be a unilateral massacre. The Ottomans had no resistance at all when facing mercenaries, except that when the battle just broke out, the Ottomans caused sporadic casualties to the mercenaries by virtue of their surprise attack. , the subsequent battle was to cut melons and vegetables. Even though the Ottomans had an advantageous geographical position, they were still easily defeated by the mercenaries.

Ram was not involved in cleaning up the battlefield, and he killed an Ottoman in the battle, which made Ram a little uncomfortable. He didn't want to watch the horror of the Ottoman after he was shot in the head up close.

Hit in the head by a bullet from an army rifle, just think of the scene after the watermelon falls to the ground.

Moreover, unlike pure visual stimulation, there is also strong olfactory stimulation, which ordinary people cannot bear at all. When the umbrella company conducts relevant training, some recruits with poor psychological endurance will even directly have a nervous breakdown.

"Boy, how do you feel?" Hassan, Ram's squad leader, noticed Ram's abnormality.

Ram tried to force a smile, but did not answer the question directly.

"Not too comfortable? This is not your first time participating in a battle—" Hassan was surprised. The conditions for the selection of mercenaries by the Umbrella Company this time are very strict, and those who can be selected are basically veterans, so there should be no such problems.

And even if there are novices, they have participated in more than one battle after landing on the Asia Minor peninsula.

The first time is raw and the second time is familiar, and after three times, you will be a veteran.

"I just killed an Ottoman." Ram lowered his head, his voice slightly low.

"It's the enemy——" Hassan corrected, the Umbrella Company does not have the establishment of a chief of staff, and it is not easy for the squad leader to be both a father and a mother: "——Don't forget that we are on the battlefield, if you don't kill your enemy, your enemy will kill you."

This reason is simple and easy to understand, and Ram slightly raised his head.

"If you can't accept this fact, then you can apply to be transferred back to Port Elizabeth and accept some simple jobs. What we need here are the strongest fighters. To treat the enemy with mercy is to treat yourself cruelly. You definitely don't want your uncle Get hurt." Hassan doesn't talk about big reasons, mercenaries don't need to think, they just need to perform tasks.

Execute the task against all odds.

"I know—I understand—I understand—" Ram agreed three times.

At this time, Soma and Mido came back after cleaning the battlefield, with their shoulders crossed and their backs giggling. Both of them carried three or four rifles on their shoulders, which were worth more than human heads.

No matter how broken a rifle is, as long as the rifling is not completely worn out, it can always be sold for three or five rands.

The reward for killing an enemy is only one rand, and in many cases, because it cannot be counted, the money should be distributed equally to all the mercenaries who participated in the battle. Those who died or were injured in the battle would get a little more, so the distribution is actually not much.

Otherwise, Hassan's team should not be cowards. Even if Ram is a precision shooter, if he can't mature quickly, Hassan will find a way to transfer Ram.

When he saw Hassan, Soma, who was always worried about Ram, subconsciously quickened his pace.

"Sir, is there any problem?" Soma really took care of Ram.

"Talk to your nephew—" Hassan didn't say much, patted Ram on the shoulder and walked away.

Soma sat down in front of Ram and looked straight into Ram's eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm ready." Ram finally smiled this time not so forcedly.

Soma glanced at Ram again, making sure that everything was fine with Ram, and then felt relieved.

Mi Duo glanced at his nephew and uncle, smiled and said nothing. Mercenaries are war hyenas, and they have no qualifications to sympathize with others. If you can’t figure this out, you should leave this industry as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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