Chapter 1824 Mini Games

The progress of the mercenaries in the Asia Minor peninsula is very smooth. If there is anything missing, it is probably that the speed of the expansion of the territory has far exceeded the level that the logistics can afford, so a complete and stable logistics base is put on the agenda .

Professionals are needed in this area, and mercenaries who can only fight will definitely not work, so the Christian company with the most experience in city construction entered the market smoothly.

At this time, there is no need to hide anything. Christian Company is a commercial company. The mercenaries of Umbrella Company can accept the employment of mysterious people, and of course Christian Company can.

As long as the money given is enough, then anything is easy to say.

On the beach where the mercenaries set off, construction is currently underway.

The beach must be preserved, and the foundation is not easy to build, so move inland.

Thick trees have no resistance in front of the chainsaw. In the past, it took only one day for one person to cut down a tree, but now it takes no more than one minute.

The felled trees are dragged aside and piled up, dried in the shade and reserved for later use. Rugged mountains are also like walking on the ground in front of large-scale construction machinery, and small hills are directly blasted flat with explosives. The broken stones are of great use, no matter what Whether it's paving roads or building docks, the more things the better.

So women and half-aged children had jobs, and nearly [-] people smashed rocks all day long, and the scene was still very spectacular.

Of course, the results of hard work are obvious. In less than a month, bulldozers and loggers have pushed the work area to about five kilometers inland. At this time, the work has just begun.

The engineers of Christian Construction Company have rich experience, and the drawings are ready-made. Christian Construction Company has participated in the construction of so many cities, so they can use any template and change it.

The Asia Minor peninsula is not the mainland of southern Africa, so building a city is definitely not as troublesome as southern Africa. There is no need to consider the subway, wires and pipelines.

It would be simpler, the sewers and drains don’t need to be closed, the simple streets are divided, and the wooden row houses will be built one row at a time. The women who smashed stones all day are excited, these houses are for them built.

There is no need to consider the cost. You must believe in the exemplary role of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars. After the end of the World War, the Asia Minor Peninsula has been fighting for more than ten years. People who have not experienced this kind of environment cannot understand the expectations of the people of Asia Minor Peninsula for peace. How high is it.

Especially for women, as long as they no longer endure that kind of precarious life, the cold stone will become lovely.

So I worked harder and harder, looking forward to the day when I could live in my own home as soon as possible.

At this time, let alone conspiracy and tricks, even if someone dared to be lazy, the women who worked together could drown her with spitting stars without the intervention of the overseer who maintained order.

So by mid-September, a brand new city had sprung up at an astonishing speed.

At this time, someone who was blindfolded came to reach out.

The area opposite Cyprus was formerly a French Mandate.

After the French took over, it felt uneconomical to think about it, so they simply withdrew all of them after staying in the mandated territory for a short time, leaving the Asia Minor people in the mandated territory to fend for themselves.

Now, a team that suddenly appeared from nowhere actually built a new city in the mandated territory of France, and it seemed to have a bright future. The French immediately returned to the Asia Minor peninsula and demanded the restoration of the jurisdiction over the mandated territory. right.

"Wait, the French government has voluntarily given up its jurisdiction over the mandated territory. How dare you make such a request now?" Charlie White was very angry. He had never seen such a shameless person before.

Charlie White was one of the two Frenchmen who took the initiative to find the umbrella company, and the other named Victor was currently making a big purchase in Port Elizabeth.

The main thing is to purchase food and daily necessities. There is no need to buy building materials. There are many around the new city, and you can have as much as you want.

By the way, the name of the new city is Theodosius, which is taken from the surname of Emperor Theodosius I of the Roman Empire.

"No, no, no, the French government has never given up its jurisdiction over the Mandated Territory, it just temporarily put it aside—" Tony Dutt didn't blush at all, the restoration of jurisdiction was only natural, as long as Tony wasn't embarrassed, it was someone else who was embarrassed.

"Well, we have already spent a lot of money on building Theodosius. If the French government wants to restore the jurisdiction over Theodosius, how much can you compensate me?" Charlie has quietly raised his 40-meter-long If the French are willing to pay for the big knife, Charlie doesn't mind killing it.

"Compensation—hehehehe—" Charlie still underestimated the shamelessness of the French after all, and Tony was serious instantly: "——It's good that the French government didn't hold you accountable for attacking the French Mandated Territory without authorization. What compensation are you thinking about? "

What Nima said, Charlie almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Sure enough, it is impossible to discuss interests with the old colonialist countries, because the old colonialist countries will swallow you up to the bone.

Since Tony is so shameless, Charlie, who is also French, is not polite, so Charlie didn't talk nonsense, and called the guards to take Tony away directly.

"You dare to treat me with this attitude, don't regret it!" Tony probably didn't expect Charlie to be so stubborn.

"Hehe—" Charlie smiled and waved to Tony, goodbye!
"When I come back again, I will take the powerful French navy and destroy you completely—" Behind Tony is France. When facing the world's powerful countries such as Britain, the United States, and South Africa, France really lacks confidence.

But in the face of one or two little guys who came out of nowhere, the French are still very confident.

How to put this kind of thing, the French are actually not stupid. Theodosius created such a big scene, obviously there must be forces behind it to intervene.

Looking at Theodosius' position again, the power to intervene is almost ready to emerge.

But the French are not worried. Even if Southern Africa is behind the scenes, Southern Africa will not directly tear itself apart from France, so the French are not worried about being attacked by the Southern African Mediterranean fleet.

So Tony is very confident. Although France has not built a battleship for many years, after all, the French navy is still the fourth largest navy in the world. A little confident.

It was not just the French who conspired against Theodosius. The former prince of the Ottoman Empire had been living in Port Elizabeth, and Prince Said, who had never forgotten the restoration of the country, was visiting Arthur's baronial mansion at this time.

Said also came for Theodosius.

Although Arthur did not admit it, Said also knew very well that most of the mercenaries on the Asia Minor peninsula were related to Arthur.

It’s a bit of a coincidence that Said’s sphere of influence on the Asia Minor peninsula coincided with Theodosius’s. Suddenly, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company appeared within his vision, and Said was shocked and angry.

Said relied on the mercenaries of the umbrella company to lay down a territory in the Asia Minor peninsula.

However, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are too expensive, and Saeed's financial resources are not sufficient to unify the Asia Minor peninsula. In the past few years, Saeed has been looking for more support, but unfortunately there is not much progress.

This cannot be blamed for Said's incompetence.

Because everyone does not want to see a unified Asia Minor peninsula, let alone the restoration of the Ottoman Empire.

Especially for Southern Africa.

Southern Africa was the biggest beneficiary of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. The entire Mesopotamia, including Port Elizabeth, used to be the territory of the Ottoman Empire.

So after the unification of the Ottoman Empire, will they accept this result calmly?

Even if Said accepts it, will the successor monarch of the Ottoman Empire also accept it?

These are all hidden dangers, so a war-torn Asia Minor peninsula is beneficial to southern Africa.

"Sayed, you're overthinking. The mercenaries on the Asia Minor peninsula really have nothing to do with Cyprus—" Arthur was also very helpless. The mercenaries on the Asia Minor peninsula were a game that Stoudemire played on the spur of the moment. The irresponsible guy of Stoudemire was called away by Rock after halfway through the game, and left this mess behind. It is estimated that Stoudemire has probably forgotten about it by now.

Based on Arthur's understanding of Stoudemire, it is not impossible for Stoudemire to do this kind of thing. Theodosius, who made Said worry and made the French feel like a stick in his throat, was just a small game that Stoudemire played casually.

The truth of this world is so cruel.

If it was Roque, maybe Roque would have a result. Stoudemire didn't have such big ambitions, and there weren't so many clansmen who needed to expand their living space.

"Arthur, it doesn't matter whether it's right or not, the important thing is that the French will definitely think so—" Said sneered, and the psychology of the French is well known.

In the French mandate, he couldn't even achieve the most basic stability. Instead, he was replaced by a group of mercenaries, but there was a lot of noise.

So, in the great France, the ability to manage the colony is not even as good as a group of mercenaries?
Regardless of whether this is true or not, the French certainly cannot accept it.

So France would rather destroy Theodosius than see Theodosius getting better and better.

"What advice do you have?" Arthur didn't have as much ambition as Rock, he just wanted to manage his own territory.

"I hope Theodosius can become the starting point of the new Ottoman Empire—" Said has ideals. He wants to restore the country, but he can't.

Theodosius showed Said the possibility of restoring the country.

(End of this chapter)

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