Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1825 Misunderstanding

Chapter 1825 Misunderstanding
Jurisprudentially speaking, Said did not occupy Theodosius' rationality. The Ottoman Empire was over, and no one except Said missed it.

To be precise, what Saeed misses is not the Ottoman Empire, but the power and glory that the Ottoman Empire gave him.

Arthur will not give Theodosius to anyone easily, even if Theodosius is just a small game played by Stoudemire, it is still Stoudemire's, unless Stoudemire is willing to give Theodosius to Said, otherwise Theodosius was just across the strait, and Said couldn't grab it.

I can't even grab it. Theodosius now has more than 2 people in Asia Minor. Although they are mainly women and children, there are gradually more men. More and more people come here because of his reputation. Return to a stable and peaceful life.

So when the news spread that the French asked to take back Theodosius, the whole Theodosius boiled.

This time there was no need for anyone to mobilize, and everyone took up their guns to defend Theodosius' peace with their lives.

"The hearts of the people are available—" Charlie stood on the balcony of the office, watching the angry Asian Minor people on the beach not far away, beaming with joy.

Theodosius has a total of [-] mercenaries. Even if he has three heads and six arms, it is impossible to unify the Asia Minor peninsula. Therefore, it is still planned to mobilize the people of Asia Minor.

According to Stoudemire's vision, after the mercenaries have established a territory, they can use the mercenaries as the backbone to recruit people from Asia Minor to form an army, and then sweep across the Asia Minor peninsula.

Before this plan could be implemented, Stoudemire was called away by Rock.

"That's useless. The next time the French come over, it might be the French navy. We are powerless to fight against it." Sisi, who had just returned from Port Elizabeth, lamented that Theodosius could not keep him.

Theodosius is a seaside city. No matter how incompetent the French navy is, dealing with Theodosius without a navy is a piece of cake. After all, Theodosius doesn't even have artillery, and the French navy can stay at a safe distance. In addition, the whole of Theodosius was destroyed by artillery.

"Can you contact the Mediterranean Squadron?" Charlie hoped that the Mediterranean Squadron could intervene.

"For what reason?" Sisi thought too, but unfortunately there was little hope.

Not only did the Southern African Mediterranean Squadron have no reason to intervene, but Theodosius also had no reason to ask the Mediterranean Squadron to intervene. After all, on the surface, Theodosius had nothing to do with Southern Africa, and the Mediterranean Fleet was not employed by the umbrella company. Soldiers, it is impossible to reach out everywhere.

"There are submarines in the Mediterranean Squadron—" Charlie probably wanted to reproduce the scene when the French army returned to Madagascar.

Sisi shook his head slightly. The Mediterranean is not the Indian Ocean. This is the lair of the French, and the French are everywhere.

So you still have to rely on yourself.

"Let's get ready. Let's give up Theodosius and retreat to the inland area. If the French destroy Theodosius, it's fine. If the French want to occupy Theodosius—haha——" Sisi sneered, once The "World's First Army" was beaten back to its original form in the World War. The French could destroy Theodosius at sea, but once they landed, they would be taught by the mercenaries of the umbrella company to be a man.

"So many people, most of them are women and children, how can we withdraw?" Charlie was very sad, and the resentment towards the French in his heart had broken through the sky.

"Send them to Marlborough, or Cyprus, we're leaving too, you wouldn't choose to stay in Asia Minor, would you—" Sisi didn't have the consciousness to live and die with Theodosius, why?

Charlie and Ceci were the agents who were pushed back by Stoudemire. They had no feelings for the Asia Minor Peninsula and the Ottomans. They could think of sending women and children to a safe place, which was already worthy of their own conscience.

"That's not good, we've already spent more than 200 million rand, and we just walked away like this—" Charlie hesitated, and the mercenary's money had been paid for a whole year.

"We didn't spend it." Sisi didn't feel burdened, since he didn't spend the money himself anyway.

Then go, and not only Charlie and Sisi are leaving, but also the mercenaries of the umbrella company. Don't forget that the principle of the umbrella company is not to intervene in disputes between major powers.

The French are not stupid, they know the relationship between the Umbrella Company and southern Africa, so after Charlie rejected the French request, the French government made a request to the Umbrella Company, requiring all the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company to withdraw within a month French Mandate.

This request was reasonable, and the Umbrella Company had no reason to refuse it. If they breached the contract, they would breach the contract. This is force majeure. Anyway, the money will definitely not be refunded, and Stoudemire probably will not go after the Umbrella Company to ask for it.

For Umbrella Corporation, the decision to withdraw from Asia Minor was a no-brainer.

But for those people in Asia Minor who have just seen hope, this result is a bolt from the blue. Life has just seen a little hope, but it was ruthlessly destroyed by the French, and they pinned their hopes on others. The result is like this, and they may be abandoned at any time .

In Monrovia, the bargaining between Rock and Roosevelt continued.

There are still big differences, but Rock and Roosevelt Jr. are very rational people, seeking common ground while reserving differences, so more and more results have been achieved.

The first thing reached was a cooperation agreement. Rock and Roosevelt quickly reached an agreement on resources, trade, technology, and culture between southern Africa and the United States. Morgan Jr. and John Jr. played a big role in this process, especially in the oil field.

Adan Company and Rockefeller took the lead in reaching a cooperation agreement. Rockefeller would transfer all the business in Europe to Adan Company, and Adan Company would hand over all the business in the United States to Rockefeller.

It's not an exchange, Adan Company can still obtain profits from the US market, but all business channels must be transferred to Rockefeller.

Rockefeller paid all his business in Europe for this, and he was forced to sign an alliance under the city.

In this way, Adan Company still suffered a serious loss on the books and was on the verge of bankruptcy. How strange!
Then there is aid to Germany.

Rock and Roosevelt Jr. did not talk about the colonial system jointly established by Britain and France, but they still have a tacit understanding. In the past, Southern Africa wanted to monopolize the Commonwealth market, and there was not much demand for this.

Now that southern Africa has separated from the Commonwealth, seeking a larger market has become the consensus between southern Africa and the United States. Germany is the best breakthrough point. Although Roque and Roosevelt Jr. don’t say anything, they are both loud and clear.

Finally, there is military cooperation.

During the World War II, the Southern African Expeditionary Force fought side by side with the U.S. military. The U.S. military was impressed by the combat effectiveness of the southern African army, and the southern African was deeply impressed by the fighting will of the U.S. military.

Rock didn't expect that the American army in another time and space, which relied entirely on the difference in weapons to win, would actually use the crowd tactics to charge the Sunset Fortress during the World War, even though it suffered heavy losses.

Follow up!

This term is used against the US military.

So far, the Southern African Navy and the U.S. Navy have only had some cooperation in Southeast Asia. In the Atlantic Ocean, the Southern African Navy and the U.S. Navy both regard each other as the target of exercises.

There is confrontation. New York is very close to Halifax, so there are many opportunities for the U.S. Navy and the Southern African Atlantic Fleet to deal with each other. Both sides hope to increase their understanding of each other, so they hit it off.

On September 9, three days later than scheduled, Rock and Roosevelt Jr. reached an agreement in Monrovia. After the two signed a series of cooperation agreements, they signed a memorandum of understanding, hoping to continue this dialogue mode go down.

Also on September 9th, the French returned to Theodosius again. This time it was indeed the fleet, but it may be that the French have accepted the lessons of Madagascar, or the French did not take Theodosius to heart at all. On, so the fleet does not include capital ships.

Even if there is no capital ship, it is already strong enough. The French fleet consists of 12 warships, including two heavy cruisers and two light cruisers.

The French did not intend to return to the Asia Minor peninsula. After the fleet arrived at Theodosius, the French did not even have an ultimatum, so they directly bombarded Theodosius.

When the French fleet bombarded Theodosius, the light cruiser "George" of the Southern African Mediterranean Squadron was cruising on the sea not far away.

The "George" light cruiser is a "Durban" class light cruiser that has just entered service. This is a standard treaty cruiser with a small displacement, fast speed, and moderate firepower. It is a rare all-rounder in the navy.

Chen Li, the captain of the "George", was standing on the bridge, using binoculars to observe the French fleet. Not far away, thick smoke was billowing from Theodosius, and the ground was in a mess.

"These bastards, they should all go to hell—" the first mate Cross muttered to himself, closing his eyes in pain.

Chen Li didn't speak. In fact, if a group of bombers came over at this time, none of these warships would be able to escape.

It’s already 1930, and the French Navy has not modernized its warships. There are very few anti-aircraft weapons on the warships. These old warships can only bully Theodosius who has no navy. If they are against the Mediterranean Squadron Go up, send the French into the Mediterranean to feed the fish in minutes.

"Captain, the French sent a telegram asking us to leave the combat area immediately to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding." The adjutant hurriedly sent the telegram.

"Misunderstanding? Hehe, tell the French that we are carrying out a mission. This is Cyprus, not France." Chen Li is not afraid of misunderstanding, the French navy dares to do something, and Chen Li does not mind accompanying him.

What Chen Li didn't expect was that shortly after the telegram was sent, a French destroyer suddenly broke away from the battle line and headed straight for the "George".

Is this to actively create misunderstanding?
ps: Sorry, I was a little busy yesterday, I'll see if I can make up for it today——

(End of this chapter)

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