Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1826 Turning the Indian Ocean into a lake in southern Africa

Chapter 1826 Turning the Indian Ocean into a lake in southern Africa

The French are indeed more arrogant on their own doorstep than they are in Madagascar.

The Mediterranean Squadron didn't want to conflict with the French now. Since the French didn't want the Mediterranean Squadron to watch the fun, the "George" didn't get entangled and returned to Cyprus directly.

The French bombardment lasted about half an hour, and then the French army sent small boats to transport infantry ashore and entered Theodosius.

The Theodosius in front of him has become a ruin, and he can no longer see the thriving scene of a dozen days ago.

The newly built rowhouses have all been destroyed, the wood that has not yet been transported away is burning, the road that has just been paved with small gravels is full of bomb craters, and a blown-up bicycle flew to the treetops and drifted in the wind. .

Inside the bridge of the heavy cruiser "Berg", Tony Dart looked helpless. The situation in front of him did not match what he had imagined. If possible, France still wanted to restore its rule over the mandated territories of the Asia Minor Peninsula instead of This now completely destroys Theodosius.

"Sorry, the task I got is to deter the Umbrella Company and Cyprus enough. Completely destroying Theodosius is the most direct way, and let the southern Africans understand that this is the way the French deal with problems." Squadron The commander, Jean Murat, who is also the captain of the heavy cruiser "Berg", didn't care. Destroying Theodosius was nothing, and rebuilding it would not cost much.

"Such a brutal attack will make the people of Asia Minor lose confidence in us. How many people can survive this level of attack?" Tony Dutt said that the Fumiers of the navy can't communicate at all, deterring southern Africa?

Really ideal.

Contrary to Britain, the status of the French navy in France is a bit embarrassing, because to suppress Germany, the status of the navy in France is much lower than that of the army.

This is fully reflected in the shipbuilding speed of the French Navy. For a full ten years after the end of the World War, the French Navy did not build any capital ships, but only built four heavy cruisers of one class, and they built them while modifying the plan. In the end, the four heavy cruisers of the same level turned out to be four plans, probably the only one in the world.

It is estimated that the French Navy believes that, after all, funds are limited, so every penny must be spent wisely and cannot be wasted.

It is a pity that the French Navy does not understand the concept of modular construction, nor does it understand cost control. The more warships of the same level are built, the lower the average cost will be. Just look at the construction of the "Durban" class light cruiser in southern Africa. It is completely different from the cost of building ten ships.

The heavy cruiser "Berg" has a full-load displacement of 9800 tons and is equipped with eight newly developed 203mm naval guns with powerful firepower. After all, French artillery technology has always been very good.

However, the "powerful" here also depends on who is right. The "Berg" was built in 1922. When it was built, it did not pay enough attention to air defense. It can also be seen from the armament that the "Berg" is a reduced version of the dreadnought ship , This led to an extremely embarrassing situation for a heavy cruiser like the "Berg".

Let's say it's powerful, heavy cruisers can't beat capital ships, and shells can't even tear the armor of capital ships.

If the heavy cruiser is used for anti-submarine communication or escort, then the relatively powerful firepower of the heavy cruiser is wasted. The artillery generally equipped by the army has a maximum caliber of only 155. not bad.

Therefore, heavy patrols such as "Berg" can only be used for such low-intensity battles against Theodosius.

"We have received information that Theodosius' mercenaries and the people of Asia Minor have all withdrawn, so Theodosius is an empty city." Jean Murat took his time, and he was smiling like the other naval officers on the bridge. Take it easy.

"Since it's an empty city, why did you launch an attack?" Tony Dutt didn't understand Jean Murat's brain circuit.

"I said, we need to give enough deterrence to the umbrella and Cyprus!" Jean Murat was losing his patience. More than a dozen warships came to Theodosius from thousands of miles away, always showing their muscles.

Tony Dart was so angry that he didn't want to say a word, and he showed up in Cyprus the next day, and Said hadn't left yet.

"The French government has decided to restore the rule of the mandated territory. I hope to get help from Cyprus." Tony Dutt is not stupid. If Arthur does not have the support, the French will still make the same mistakes.

"Mr. Dart, Cyprus will not intervene in Asia Minor Peninsula. You can talk to Prince Said about this." Arthur doesn't mind threading needles. Stoudemire spent millions to restore peace in Asia Minor Peninsula. If Tony Dart and Saeed can achieve this goal together, and Stoudemire's money is not wronged.

At least Stoudemire spent so much money, proving a possibility for the French and Saeed.

The possibility of restoring order to the peninsula of Asia Minor.

"Prince——" Tony Dart hesitated, Said's identity is a bit sensitive, and if he cooperates, he may lose money and manpower.

"Prince Said is a member of the royal family of the Ottoman Empire. If he comes forward, at least some of the Ottomans can be trusted." Arthur really didn't fool Tony Dart, there are many Ottomans living in Cyprus.

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, many people moved to Port Elizabeth and Cyprus, and many of them never forgot the Ottoman Empire. Said’s continuous funding over the years came from these Ottomans.

Of course, there are just as many people who hate the Ottoman Empire. The Asia Minor peninsula is now in a state of warlord separatism. There are more than a dozen forces, large and small, and almost none of them have their homeland in their hearts. Otherwise, they would not be in chaos.

"Thanks, I'll think about it—" Tony Dart hesitated, and he had partially achieved his goal.

Didn't Arthur just say that Cyprus would not interfere in the Asia Minor peninsula, and Tony Dart hoped that Arthur would keep his promise.

There was also a French army of about 3000 people who came to Theodosius with Tony Dart.

It should be noted that this French army did not come from the French mainland, but from the French North African colony.

There is no longer any army that can be transferred in mainland France. Although the Disarmament Conference has not reached a final resolution, the French army has laid off about 15 people, because the French government is really unable to bear the huge military expenditure. Now that the navy has started to build a new Capital ships, the army's military spending will definitely be affected.

Southern Africa is also disarming, but it is the Union Army that has been laid off. The [-] National Defense Forces cannot be shaken. This is the core force of the Southern African Federal Government to deter the surrounding area.

Not long ago, London held the second Commonwealth Games.

This time the Commonwealth Games lacked the participation of southern Africa, and the level of excitement was seriously insufficient.

Although the London Organizing Committee tried its best to organize a wonderful Commonwealth Games, and the experience of Pretoria successfully held the first Commonwealth Games can be used for reference, compared with the Pretoria Organizing Committee However, the London Organizing Committee has a huge gap in both its organizational capabilities and its ability to raise money. This also led to a further decline in the influence of the United Kingdom in the Commonwealth after the Games ended.

In early October, James Sculling, who was successfully elected as the Prime Minister of Australia last year, visited Southern Africa and was warmly received by the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

James Sculling was the first Commonwealth leader to visit Southern Africa after its secession from the Commonwealth.

Born into a family of railway workers, James Sculling received less education and was self-taught. He joined the Australian Labor Party in 1903, was elected to the state parliament in 1906, became the leader of the Australian Labor Party in 1922, and was successfully elected as the Prime Minister of Australia last year.

The rise of the Australian Labor Party is very similar to that of the British Labor Party.

Embarrassingly, the Australian Labor Party has the same serious lack of governing experience as the British Labor Party, so only two people in James Sculling's cabinet have previous political experience, and they are not very rich. The Senate is controlled by the opposition party, and the Commonwealth Bank does not cooperate in many cases, which makes it difficult for James Sculling to advance his work.

James Sculling was forced to take over as finance minister a month earlier after the resignation of Edward Granville Theodore, the finance minister in Sculling's cabinet.

The resignation of Edward Theodore has a lot to do with the secession of Southern Africa from the Commonwealth. The iron mines in Western Australia are basically controlled by capital from Southern Africa. Edward Theodore thought he could not control the Australian mine, so he simply resigned.

The main purpose of James Sculling's visit to southern Africa this time is for the mines in Western Australia.

"It is not impossible to take back the iron ore. Fawalt Steel Group has invested nearly ten billion rand in order to develop the iron ore in Western Australia. As long as the Australian government returns the money to Fawalt Steel Group, then Fawalt Steel will The group will sell the iron mines in Western Australia to the Australian government." Henry Lion opened his mouth, 100 billion rand, I am afraid that Canberra will not be able to sell so much.

"The South African company and Nyasaland company have invested more than one billion rand in Australia in the past few years. Can the Australian government pay for this money?" Africa started, London gave you the confidence, right?

Don't take London's promises seriously. If the relationship between southern Africa and Australia really deteriorates, let's see if the Royal Navy will cross half of the world to support Australia!

I am afraid that during the Russo-Japanese War, the tragedy of the Russian Navy will be repeated.

In the past two years, some southern African media regarded the Indian Ocean as the "inner lake" of southern Africa. This is not a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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