Chapter 1831 Obligations
The side armor of the "Tempest" is only a pitiful 25 mm, not much thicker than a layer of iron skin. The 533 mm torpedo equipped in southern Africa weighs 950 kg, the warhead charges 190 kg, and the 1400-ton "Tempest" is only It can be directly blown into two pieces if you need one.

Of course, this is based on the successful launch of the torpedo, without any accidents on the way, and it hits the target smoothly, and then explodes smoothly.

The reason why so many successes are added is because the torpedoes in this period were really not smooth, not to mention now, in another time and space until the outbreak of World War II, the torpedoes of the participating countries performed very badly.

In another time and space, in 1939, Winston, who was the British Secretary of the Navy, took the battleship "Nelson" and went to the Scarpa Naval Base under the protection of more than a dozen destroyers. On the way, he was discovered by the German submarine "U-56".

The submarine "U-56" fired three torpedoes at the battleship "Nelson", all of which hit the target. The trick is that none of the three torpedoes exploded, and the "Nelson" was unscathed. German U-boat force commander Doenitz Therefore, the attack was unabashedly called "a major military mistake."

The German torpedoes did not fare well, and the British did not fare much better.

In 1942, the HMS Trinidad of the British Navy encountered a German destroyer, and the German destroyer was defeated by a round of artillery fire. The captain of the Trinidad ordered to launch torpedoes to sink the German destroyer. After the torpedo was launched, the British sailors came to the deck one after another, intending to witness the sinking of the German ship.

However, a strange scene happened. I saw the torpedo circled on the sea, and then turned around and rushed towards the "Trineda".

Then the "Trineda" was sunk by a torpedo fired by herself.

The performance of British and German torpedoes is the same, and the United States is also cheating.

In 1943, the American submarine "Black Fish" encountered the Japanese oil tanker "Tonan Maru", and the submarine "Black Fish" launched 16 of the 15 torpedoes it carried at the tanker "Tonan Maru".

Oil tankers are unarmored and move slowly, and there is basically no possibility of escape if they are targeted by submarines.

However, no one expected that the tanker, which could be sunk by any torpedo, survived 15 torpedoes. The captain of the "Black Fish" could only let out a long sigh, save the last one and bring it back to the home port Let the military industry department go to test to see what went wrong.

After the end of the World War, some Japanese sailors recalled that when their ships returned to base, they often saw unexploded American torpedoes stuck in the hulls, and some ships even had several on board.

Just say how big life is.

When it comes to torpedoes, I have to mention Japan's Type [-] oxygen torpedo, which is known as the "spear torpedo" for its high speed, long range, and power. The US military's secret weapon.

However, this torpedo, which is boasted as a hundred shots, had a poor long-range hit rate of only 2.13% when it entered the battle for the first time. Only one of the 12 torpedoes fired at a distance of 12 kilometers hit, and all the torpedoes fired at close range hit. , Then the Japanese army began to emphasize the use of Type 10 oxygen torpedoes within [-] kilometers.

However, with the development of the war, the aircraft carrier has become the key to determining the victory of the naval battle. Compared with the operational range of the aircraft carrier, which is tens of kilometers, the torpedo's range of ten kilometers has become insignificant, and the Type [-] torpedo has completely withdrawn from the stage of history.

The torpedoes equipped in southern Africa are pretty good. After all, southern Africa has the guidance of the "prophet" Rock, and the technical support of Robert Goddard's team, so the performance of the torpedoes in southern Africa is still quite advanced, and there is no Jiu San Type torpedoes have not solved the fuze problem until they are eliminated.

Although the commander of the "Tempest" does not know the specific data of the southern African torpedoes, but referring to the performance of southern African weapons in previous wars, it is better to shut up at this time.

In fact, there is nothing to say. The four 4mm main guns look quite bluffing, but they are also useful for dealing with shore targets like Theodosius who have no fleet protection, no turret protection, and can't run. The real In naval battles, destroyers like the "Tempest" can only play a little role in air defense, and by the way, they are always ready to serve as human shields for capital ships.

It is a meat shield. As a destroyer, you must have the awareness to sacrifice yourself at any time to protect the capital ship.

It means that when the torpedo planes break through the fleet defense and drop torpedoes on the capital ship, the capital ship can hide, but the destroyer has to take the initiative to meet it.

The "Tempest" cannot enter the port of Cyprus, and Tony Dart can only change to a small boat.

The good news is that Saeed is indeed still in Cyprus, as if Saeed knows Tony Dutt will be back sooner or later.

Tony Dutt was prepared for Saeed's offer, but was shocked by Saeed's appetite.

Said bluntly proposed that if the French government supports Said's restoration of the country, then Said can cooperate with the French government to restore the management of the mandated territory.

As for whether it will be dominated by Said or the French government at that time, it depends on the development of the future situation. Said and Tony Dart both take it for granted that they must be dominated by themselves.

Said is indeed confident, he can pull up about 10 troops in Asia Minor Peninsula at any time, but because of the arms embargo imposed by the League of Nations on Asia Minor Peninsula, Said is unable to arm the troops, and the logistics of the troops It is always a problem. If this problem is not resolved, it is just a dream to unify the Asia Minor peninsula.

"Yes, I can give you enough weapons, as long as you promise to give France enough rewards after unifying the Asia Minor peninsula." Tony Dutt was not stingy, saying that after the World War, France now has more weapons than rifles in stock. 500 million, this was originally France's strategic reserve, but at the moment of major disarmament, what is the significance of strategic reserve?
Even if there were, there would not be as many as 500 million. What's more, a considerable part of these weapons were single-shot rifles before the World War. France also began to replace the magazine-style rifles in the middle and late stages of the World War.

"How much is enough? Is it okay to expand France's sphere of influence to the entire Asia Minor peninsula?" Said sneered, French romance is always so out of date, can't you be sober.

Expanding the sphere of influence to the entire Asia Minor peninsula means that the entire Asia Minor peninsula has become a French colony——

At least semi-colonial.

In this case, it is estimated that Britain and Russia will be the first to disagree.

And France wants to restore the right to mandate territories, doesn't Britain not?Don't want Italy?

Don't forget that even Portugal has mandated territories on the Asia Minor peninsula.

Although after the end of the World War, Portugal did not send a single soldier to the Asia Minor peninsula.

But if the Asia Minor peninsula is unified, and the Portuguese really take the "Versailles Treaty" to demand the exercise of power, will they give it or not?
Give it is really not reconciled.

Don't give it, where will the League of Nations be placed?
"No, France only asks for rights in the Mandate." Tony Dutt was reasonable.

As for why the scope of rights is limited to the mandate, don't forget that Cyprus is next to the French mandate.

"Okay!" Saeed was very satisfied, ended his negotiation with Tony Dart, and turned to look for Arthur again.

Don't listen to what the French say, no promise is useless in the face of national interests.

On Said, the contract is only valid for the French, and Said can tear it up at any time.

Of course, it must be based on Said's superior strength, otherwise Said's daring to breach the contract is almost like committing suicide.

The "strength superiority" here only needs to be superior in strength in the Asia Minor peninsula, and it does not mean surpassing France as a whole, which is a dream for Said.

"So, since you have the support of France, why do you come to me?" Arthur didn't go around in circles. Roya had already returned to southern Africa to give birth. Of course, little Arthur followed Roya back to southern Africa to find his good grandfather, Arthur. Now I have nothing to worry about, and I can take a plane to Port Elizabeth at any time.

This can be regarded as a rainy day. Although France, Italy, and the United Kingdom are all allies in southern Africa, Roque has never forgotten Italy's performance at both ends of the world war. Is there any near worry?

"The French are unreliable. After the World War, the Ottoman Empire was divided up. Only southern Africa has seriously fulfilled the obligations of the mandated territory. The French and the British, hehe—" Said smiled bitterly, and Arthur realized at this time that the two The River Basin is not actually a Southern African territory, but a Southern African Mandate.

It's really sad to say.

After the World War, the territory of the Ottoman Empire was divided up, and other countries, for various reasons, gave up their mandates and withdrew from the Asia Minor peninsula.

Only Southern Africa fulfilled its obligations honestly and kept the water from the management of the Mesopotamia. This turned out to be a model for Southern Africa to be responsible and responsible as a major country.

However, this is definitely not good news for Said. The better the management of the Mesopotamia, the lower the probability of recovering the Mesopotamia after Said is restored.

Now Said only hopes that Southern Africa can give him a promise not to cause too much trouble for Said during Said's unification of the Asia Minor peninsula, and Said is very grateful.

For southern Africa, Saeed certainly dare not break the contract.

"I can help you, but don't promise. Freedom will be given to the Garibaldi Peninsula after the restoration of the country." Arthur is also ruthless. Owning the Dardanelles is equivalent to controlling half of the Black Sea outlet. Look at the faces of southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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