Chapter 1832

During the World War, the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, dominated by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, fought for 11 months in the Dardanelles, thus winning the final victory and sounding the death knell of the Ottoman Empire. For this reason, 44000 people from the Allies died in battle, and nearly 10 Wounded, the Anzacs alone had 11000 killed and 25000 wounded.

The leaders of the League of Nations also knew how much the Allies had paid for the Dardanelles, but they didn't feel any pain. Seeing that the League of Nations troops could no longer be maintained, Arthur could not pin his hopes on the League of Nations.

Arthur's meaning is very simple. If Said succeeds in restoring the country, he must give the Garibaldi Peninsula independence, or an autonomous status, so that southern Africa can continue to exert influence on the Black Sea estuary without gaining nothing.

Although this request is a bit excessive, Said has no choice. If there is no commitment from southern Africa, even if Said has the support of France, Said may not be able to unify the Asia Minor peninsula. Said has no time to struggle.

Just when Arthur and Said reached an agreement, the conflict between the League of Nations forces and the Channel Management Committee finally broke out.

The barracks in the old city of Niconia, during the Battle of the Dardanelles, was once the headquarters of Rock's Expeditionary Force. Man Jing served as the commander-in-chief, and the headquarters moved back to the old city.

"There is no appropriation, and self-financing is not allowed. Are you an iron man who does not need to eat and drink as an officer and soldier of the League of Nations?" Paul Cocker was furious. seriously offended

"Paul, the League of Nations is in an unprecedented difficult period. You should have a big picture—" Sir Eleanor didn't take it too seriously. He is a British citizen and the director of the Straits Management Committee.

"Fucking the big picture, the salaries of officials in Geneva are not worth a penny. Are the officers and soldiers of the League of Nations troops not human?" Paul Coker yelled, and it is okay to force honest people to this level.

Sir Eleanor frowned, obviously not used to Paul Cocker's way of talking with guns and sticks.

Sir, even if the rank is not high, it is still noble.

Aristocrats are supposed to be personable and gentle, they are definitely different from the killers who roll in the mud all day long.

It has to be said that Europe and the United States attach great importance to soldiers, which is completely different from that in southern Africa.

No matter how difficult the federal government of Southern Africa was, even if government officials took the initiative to cut salaries, they never deducted the salaries of soldiers.

European and American countries have gone too far, and there are still countries that are in arrears with the pensions of World War veterans, let alone the League of Nations, which is not loved by grandma and uncle.

After all, the League of Nations troops are mainly composed of southern African soldiers. Many countries are full of resentment for asking the League of Nations to spend money to help southern Africa raise troops.

But they are unwilling to change the status quo, they don't want to help southern Africa raise soldiers, and they don't want people from their own country to join the League of Nations troops, so this is a deadlock.

"Paul, calm down, at least you shouldn't have said that." Sir Eleanor said with a sullen face, seemingly very displeased.

"I am the head of the League of Nations troops. If I don't say this, who should say it?" Paul Cocker completely tore his face. Paul Cocker is incompetent, once this kind of thinking spreads, Paul Cocker will not be far from ruin.

"Okay, Paul, I will send a telegram to Geneva." Sir Eleanor repeated his old trick, and he had said these words countless times during this time.

"Sir, don't use such meaningless words to perfuse me. For three days, I only give Geneva three days. If Geneva does not give me a satisfactory result within three days, then the southern African soldiers will withdraw from the League of Nations." Paul. Coker didn't give Eleanor time to delay, he had had enough of this splint gas, Paul Coker led the troops back to southern Africa if it didn't work.

As for who will maintain the order at the mouth of the Black Sea at that time?
love whoever!
Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and there was still no result.

This cannot be blamed on Eleanor. Eleanor did send a telegram to Geneva, but with the efficiency of the League of Nations headquarters, it was impossible to discuss a result within three days.

Generally speaking, when discussing something at the League of Nations headquarters, the time unit is calculated in "months".

Sometimes even "year".

This is really not an exaggeration. The League of Nations has done almost a handful of things in the past few years since its establishment. Most of the time is spent fighting for power and gain and arguing.

On November [-]th, the League of Nations troops blatantly blocked the Bosphorus Strait, refusing any ships to pass through, and the countries around the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea were in an uproar.

The strongest reaction was Russia.

As Russia's most important external channel, from 1696, Russia and the Ottoman Empire broke out in a century-long Russo-Turkish war in order to open up the Black Sea outlet.

In 1841, the European powers and the Ottoman Empire signed the "Straits Convention" in London, which abolished Russia's privileges at the outlet of the Black Sea and placed the outlet of the Black Sea under international public management for the first time.

Since then, the Crimean War (known as the Eastern War in Russia) broke out between Britain, France and Russia in order to compete for the outlet of the Black Sea. A major contribution of this war was the adoption of the Declaration on the Principles of International Law at Sea. important parts of.

After returning to the League of Nations, the exchanges between Russia and Europe have increased day by day, and the value of the Black Sea outlet to Russia has become increasingly important. The League of Nations forces blocked the Bosporus Strait, directly cutting off the trade between Russia and countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Russia is angry One can imagine.

"General Coker, if the League of Nations forces do not lift the blockade of the Bosporus Strait as quickly as possible, it may trigger a war between the League of Nations and Russia. None of us can afford this responsibility. By then you He will become a sinner of the entire League of Nations." Sir Eleanor did not expect that Paul Coker would risk the disapproval of the world and directly block the strait.

"If that day really comes, those League of Nations officials in Geneva with their corpses on vegetarian diets will be the culprits." Paul Cocker was not afraid, Russia just shouted loudly, and if it really wanted to provoke World War II, Russia did not have the courage.

Russia has finally returned to the League of Nations now. Unless it has to, Russia will not turn against the League of Nations casually.

After all, it is extremely rare for Xiang Moustache to withdraw from the League of Nations if he said he would quit the League of Nations.

"What exactly do you want? If it's just military expenses, I can guarantee that all the military expenses in arrears will be paid in a week at most." Sir Eleanor had no other choice. The League was in charge, while the League of Nations handed over the task of appeasing the League of Nations forces to the Straits Management Committee.

This made it a bit chaotic. The Straits Management Committee had no jurisdiction, and the League of Nations troops did not obey. Just appropriating funds could not appease the officers and soldiers of the League of Nations troops whose patience had been exhausted.

"Then when the military expenditure is in place, the blockade of the strait will naturally be lifted." Paul Coker will never trust anyone again.

Just after the League of Nations troops blocked the Bosporus Strait, the former Ottoman prince Saeed suddenly raised the banner of the restoration of the country in Theodosius. The heat of the Bosporus Strait matter.

As the only two empires destroyed during the World War, European countries, especially those in the Balkan Peninsula, have maintained sufficient vigilance against the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire, which has long dominated the junction of the Eurasian continent, has gone away. No one wants the Ottoman Empire to come back. .

Except Syed.

Not even Tony Dutt, who would have cared what Syed thought if it wasn't for the restoration of the Mandate.

As a former member of the royal family of the Ottoman Empire, Said still has prestige among the Ottomans. After playing the banner of "reviving the country", Said raised nearly 300 million rand in just ten days for military expenses, all of which were collected by the Ottomans. Saeed is used to buy weapons and ammunition.

To be honest, Said really looked down on the single-shot rifles provided by the French.

And the key is that the aid promised by the French has not yet arrived. Tony Dart still underestimated the degree of involution in the French political circles. Dart's decision reviewed again.

Unlike Tony Dutt, the French government does not want to see the Ottoman Empire resurrected. After all, France participated in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

At that time, let alone France's mandated rule in Asia Minor, France's interests in the Mediterranean will be affected.

At this time, I can see the benefits of Said finding another backer. Without the support of the French government, Said still has Arthur.

"So, you want to rebuild Theodosius, but have you considered what to do if the French come back again?" Arthur's support for Said is also limited. If Said wants to buy weapons and ammunition, As long as Said can afford to pay, Arthur will not set up obstacles.

But to let Arthur do as he pleases like Stoudemire, Arthur really can't do it.

Stoudemire does things similarly to Rock, with a hammer here and a club seemingly out of order.

The difference is that Rock is more consistent than Stoudemire, at least he will not spend millions like Stoudemire, without even seeing a splash.

"I am going to set up a navy in the Sea of ​​Marmara. When the French come back, I will return Theodosius to the French, but only to Theodosius." Saeed made a conditional concession, which is not bad. Well, politics is the art of compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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