Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1864 Fantastic France.

Chapter 1864 Fantastic France.

The naturalization standards in southern Africa are very strict. The highest priority is the active introduction of various practical technical talents, such as scientific researchers, engineers, doctors, expert professors, and musicians. Acquired Southern African citizenship.

The next step is the new immigrants who immigrate to southern Africa through normal channels. As long as they do not violate the law during the waiting period stipulated by the federal government, they can also smoothly acquire southern African citizenship.

Then come the new immigrants who immigrate to southern Africa through other channels, such as the umbrella channel and South African companies. Mostly soldiers and skilled workers.

The most difficult part of naturalization is entering southern Africa through various illegal means and then staying illegally in this part.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants stay in Walvis Bay and Port Edward all year round. These illegal immigrants are not qualified to work in southern Africa, so naturally they have no income. The illegal immigration camps are complex, the environment is dirty and messy, and various violent cases are frequent. The development has already had an impact on the urban image of Walvis Bay and Port Edward.

"So, has it reached the point where we have to solve it?" Rock had never paid attention to the group of illegal immigrants before.

It's really not that Roque is indifferent to immigrants, but that Roque has limited energy, and it's impossible to do everything by himself.

Considering southern Africa as a big whole, everyone has their own social division of labor.

Rock's mission is to improve the living standards of southern Africans, lead southern Africa to compete with European and American countries, and gradually improve the international status of southern Africa.

So Rock thinks every day about how to suppress Japan, how to counter the United States, and how to pry the corner of Britain. He has no time to pay attention to the group of illegal immigrants.

"Walvis Bay and Port Edward have to deal with a batch of illegal immigrants every year—" Alvin's words made Rock shudder, deal with it!

How to deal with it?

"It's not what you think——" Alvin's attitude was quite casual, different from Louis' cautiousness, he waved his hands carelessly and said with a smile, this kind of action would never appear on Louis.

Louis is now behind Rock, waiting for Rock's questions at any time.

Alvin was sitting in his seat. Ever since he started working as Rock's secretary, Rock had set up a desk for Alvin next to his own desk, allowing Alvin to get in touch with secretary work gradually, but most Alvin preferred to stay in Louie's secretariat during the period.

Working in the same room with Rock, Alvin always felt inexplicably stressed.

"After those illegal immigrants arrived in southern Africa, they actually submitted their immigration applications to the Immigration Bureau, and the Immigration Bureau did not completely reject them. If there are high-quality talents who meet the immigration standards, or those who can get a deposit, they can all be opened smoothly. During the waiting period, other people have more difficulties, but it is not completely impossible, if you have a beautiful daughter, the chances of successfully becoming a southern African nationality will be much higher." Alvin's words revealed a lot of information.

Has the female college student marrying a homeless man for a green card already happening in southern Africa?
Impossible, this kind of thing can never happen in southern Africa, because there are no homeless people in southern Africa.

It cannot be said that there are no such people. There are tens of millions of people in southern Africa. Even if one of the 1 people is incompetent, the total number is quite large.

However, southern Africa has very strict management methods for homeless people. As long as homeless people are found in cities and towns, they will be managed centrally. Those who are able to work will find a job. As for those patients who have mental problems and may lose control at any time, it is better to send them to a mental hospital.

Under such circumstances, it is very dangerous to wander in southern Africa. Southern Africa now has a strict household registration system. 30 years ago, southern Africa was full of gold diggers. thrown in jail as an illegal immigrant.

Some idlers among the homeless will also be imprisoned for forced labor. There is no such thing as individual rights for these people. In southern Africa, there is no human rights without paying taxes.

"What if I don't have a beautiful daughter?" Rock was in a mixed mood. It was a good thing that someone was willing to pay the price to immigrate to Southern Africa, but Rock really didn't like this way of immigrating to Southern Africa.

This is the same as many Indians are willing to immigrate to southern Africa, but southern Africa is strictly restricted.

Most Indians who want to immigrate to Southern Africa do not want to realize their personal value through personal efforts in Southern Africa, but want to enjoy various benefits in Southern Africa through immigration and win their lives.

How is this possible? Southern Africa needs honest people, not all kinds of clever ghosts. Instead of focusing on finding loopholes in the rules, it is better to study how to create wealth within the limits allowed by the rules.

To see clearly is to create.

"The Immigration Bureau will deport illegal immigrants back to their country of origin every once in a while, and those who don't specify their country of origin will be sent to France. The French are not picky eaters—" Alvin laughed, compared with the picky southern Africa, France has a very tolerant attitude towards immigrants.

After the end of the World War, the Southern African Expeditionary Force was also disbanded on the spot. At that time, many African soldiers chose to stay in France and did not return to Africa.

The French government welcomes these African soldiers. After all, the performance of the Southern African Expeditionary Force is obvious to all. Although the overall quality of African soldiers is far inferior to other ethnic groups, it is much better than the French colonial servants.

At least the Southern African Expeditionary Force never mutinied during the World Wars.

After the World War, France further relaxed restrictions on new immigrants in order to make up for the serious problem of domestic labor shortage.

Normally, the waiting period for immigrants in Southern Africa is five years.

France is only two years.

This two-year period is for all new immigrants, and of course it is the same for African Americans.

In southern Africa, the waiting period for immigrants of African descent is a full ten years, and one day less will not work.

"France——" Rock couldn't explain France.

It is said that the French Prime Minister has changed again.

Poengale served as prime minister for three years, making him the longest-serving French prime minister in the past decade.

In July of the year before last, Pongale stepped down, and Pongale was replaced by Briand, the eternal tumbler in French politics.

This is the 11th time that Briand has served as the Prime Minister of France. If nothing else, it should be the last. Now Briand is over 70 years old.

It is not easy to be the Prime Minister of France. After serving as Prime Minister for five months, Briand resigned due to health reasons.

Briand was replaced by André Tardieu, who served three times as Prime Minister of France.

Andre Tardieu is a hardliner who advocates continuing the wartime policy of Tiger Clemenceau, but for France now, the wartime policy is out of date, so Andre Tardieu's tenure It only lasted three months.

André Tardieu was replaced by Camille Chautan, who came from a political family.

Camille Chaudan was even more unlucky, his term of office lasted only two months.

Then Camille Chautan was replaced by André Tardieu—

So far in just one year, France has had four prime ministers.

Among them, André Tardieu was twice.

This operation is very confusing. Since you don't like Tiger Clemenceau's wartime policy, then don't make André Tardieu the prime minister.

Since Andre Tardieu is chosen to be the prime minister, it is necessary to give Andre Tardieu enough trust. Three months may not be enough for Andre Tardieu to have great confidence in the whole of France. The state is well informed, not to mention tuned to the state.

That's not all, André Tardieu's second term lasted only eight months, and then Theodor Steiger lasted only two months.

Until the beginning of this year, the French Prime Minister was replaced by Pierre Laval. This time it was better. Pierre Laval insisted that he has not been kicked out of the Prime Minister's Office until now.

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for France to continue to suppress Germany.

According to Rock's news, the "Richelieu" class battleship that France is planning to build has also encountered problems. On the one hand, it is due to insufficient funds. Judging from the current progress, it must not be launched within the scheduled time.

On the other hand, it is the opposition of the conservatives. France is already in such a difficult situation, and it still needs to spend a lot of money on the construction of useless battleships. Isn't it good to have this money to strengthen the Maginot Line?

The French Navy stated that battleships were still useful.

The French conservatives said that it was really useless. France relied on Britain for its sea defense, and Britain relied on France for its land defense. So what kind of battleships do you want, as long as Britain has battleships?

"Do we need to give more support to the French—the Germans get too much support—" Alvin obviously thought about it, and his enthusiasm for politics is not ordinary enough.

"Why do you say that?" Rock guided him. The eldest was obsessed with studying the embryos of breeding cattle, but luckily he had a second.

This is actually not bad, no matter how hard Gavin works, he is the first in line heir to the Marquis of Nyasaland, so he just waits to inherit the territory honestly.

Although Alvin also has a title, his pioneering spirit is obviously stronger than that of Gavin. Rock is now helping and leading, and in a few years he will release Alvin to accumulate qualifications. When Rock is about to retire, Alvin can almost succeed Luo Ke. Ke's job.

Look at southern Africa, then look at France, it just deserves it!

"Because Britain is making mistakes and giving too much support to the Germans. Now it is no longer a continental balance policy, but a policy of suppressing France with all its strength." Alvin pouted. The continental balance is not terrible, but the terrible thing is political correctness.

In fact, Neville can't be blamed for this. Neville's power is not as overwhelming as Rock.

(End of this chapter)

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