Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1865 The League of Nations is gone

Chapter 1865 The League of Nations is gone
If you can't look at Britain in this period from a historical perspective like Rock, you can't understand why Britain gave Germany so much support.

It's really scary to think about it. The fighting power shown by Germany during the First World War almost flattened France directly. As for Germany's two allies, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, they might as well have nothing. All kinds of hindrances In fact, it seriously affected the combat effectiveness of the German army. In this way, Britain and France also brought the United States, southern Africa, and Russia together to win the world war.

Strictly speaking, there was no real winner in the First World War, almost all the Allies were dismembered, the Russian Empire on the Allied side was destroyed, France was shattered into ruins, the status of the United Kingdom as the world leader was seriously shaken, and the United States did not even join the League of Nations. only in southern Africa.

For Britain now, Germany's threat is far less than that of Russia.

The real threat brought by the world war to Britain is the rise of the British Labor Party. During this period, the British Labor Party and the Russians were very closely related. When the Liberal Party completely fell, if the Conservative Party could not curb the proliferation of Russians, then the British Empire Sooner or later, it will follow in Russia's footsteps.

Therefore, the United Kingdom has to give more and more support to Germany to deal with the threat of Russia. If this situation continues to develop, it will evolve into appeasement in another time and space.

What Rock hopes Alvin can understand is the nature of the evolution of international relations.

The British method of plundering the world with strong ships and guns has already failed. If you look at the current UK, you will know that prosperity must decline is a historical law, and Britain cannot escape.

The U.S. method of using the U.S. dollar to plunder the world must have failed. In another time and space, the U.S. dollar was first linked to gold and then to oil. It went around all the way to maintain the international status of the U.S. dollar and use the U.S. dollar to pluck the wool of the world. America is the world's policeman.

The problem is that in this time and space, the scene where the United States used the dollar to plunder the world has not yet happened, and the Cold War has not even started, so Roque has no way to prove that the United States' approach will not work.

In fact, it is not impossible to prove it, but we have to use southern Africa as a test product. After all, oil is now linked to the rand. American oil companies also need to use the rand to buy oil from Adan and Najd.

This is one of the results of the talks between Rock and Roosevelt Jr.

The price Roque paid for this was the establishment of a price alliance. To put it bluntly, Southern Africa and the United States together plucked European wool.

Who makes Europe lack super oil fields?

"So, in order to contain the Russians, London was forced to sacrifice the interests of France." Only at this moment did Alvin feel the cruelty of international competition.

"It's not necessarily forced, allies are meant to be abandoned—" Rock sneered, remembering Kitchener's secret letter during the World War.

"The problem is that the Germans are now cooperating with the Russians." Alvin's desk is so close to Rock's desk, and he must know a lot of so-called "secrets."

"This is why London must give more and more support to Berlin. For London, the Russians are terrible, but what is even more terrible is Russia teamed up with the Germans—" Rock is also in a lingering fear at the moment, this kind of thing It's horrible, it's scary just thinking about it.

Russia is really scary. In 1900, Russia's population exceeded 3000 million.

During the World War, the Russian Empire was destroyed, and then the Russian Provisional Government withdrew from the World War to recuperate. After the joint intervention of the League of Nations after the World War, the population of Russia still successfully exceeded 1925 million in 5000.

Population is the largest resource for a country. In 1925, Germany had a population of 6300 million, France had a population of 4000 million, and the United Kingdom had a population of 4500 million. The combined population of the three countries is not as large as that of Russia. If Russia’s resources plus Germany’s In terms of scientific research capabilities, there is almost no need to fight World War II. Binding other European countries together is not an opponent of this combination.

"That's why the Germans have both sides, and the Germans will help whoever benefits more—" Alvin still doesn't know the Germans well enough.

In other words, Alvin still doesn't know Mustache well enough.

There is a reason why Mustache is called a "madman". Many of Mustache's practices cannot be explained by ordinary people's thinking.

Moustache, whoever gives the most benefits will help whoever, basically I will beat up whoever is in front of me. In another time and space, Germany has completely failed in the Great Air Battle in England. The "Sea Lion Project" has been postponed indefinitely. Unable to land in Britain, Germany had to attack north.

Another way of thinking, if Germany wins the Great Air Battle in England and the "Sea Lion Project" is implemented, will the United States join the Allies?

If there is no if in history, we will not discuss the position of the United States here.

However, based on the 150-year history of the United States, it is not too much to describe the United States as mercenary.

"This is what I hope you can understand. No matter what time it is, we must keep a clear head. Most of the time, when we reach the peak of our lives, it just means that a bigger crisis is coming." Rock thought so Yes, that's the same way, which is why Rock looks more and more conservative.

Southern Africa seems to be full of flowers now, but it is actually cooking oil in a raging fire, and if it is not done well, it will be lost.

Among other things, the reconciliation of the interests of the Southern African Union is becoming more and more difficult now.

In the past, Southern Africa used various resources of the Union countries to develop Southern Africa.

Now that the construction of southern Africa has reached a considerable height, more and more ideas are being expressed by the alliance countries. If you follow the boss, the boss eats meat, and you have to drink soup for the younger brother. If you don’t even meet this requirement, the entire alliance will collapse fall apart.

So regardless of when Southern Africa broke away from the Commonwealth, almost all countries in the world are congratulating Southern Africa for gaining true independence.

That is, from then on, Southern Africa, as an independent entity, began to face competition from all countries in the world.

In this case, it is not an exaggeration to describe Rock as walking on thin ice.

That is to say, now that Germany and Russia are still pulling hatred, southern Africa can be peaceful.

Otherwise, if Britain and France free their hands, they may be the first to encircle and suppress southern Africa.

It is not just an encirclement and suppression at the military level, but an all-round encirclement and suppression of politics, economy, culture, system, etc.

For example, the fact that southern African products are stamped with Australia's nameplate and continue to be sold in the Commonwealth of Nations, I really think Neville and Winston don't know about it. If they didn't even know about this kind of thing, they wouldn't be able to get to where they are today.

Therefore, the reason why Neville and Winston did not directly turn against Southern Africa is to continue to maintain the ally relationship with Southern Africa, so that in the future, when needed, Southern Africa must be given to the United Kingdom as it did during World War I. Unreserved support.

This is morality and a tacit exchange.

"Is there any country in the world that can threaten us in southern Africa?" Alvin was a little flustered now.

"What are you referring to? It may be difficult in the military sense, but in other aspects, it is still very easy." Rock is not in a hurry, and Alvin is only 24 years old, and he still has time to teach slowly.

"What aspect?" Alvin's experience is obviously not as deep as that of Rock.

"For example, in terms of economy, if Europe closes its market to southern Africa, what should we do?" Rock is most worried about this. Although southern Africa has separated from the Commonwealth, Europe is still the most important trading partner of southern Africa.

There is no way to do this. Asia has great potential, but the consumption capacity in Asia is not enough and needs to be cultivated slowly.

Today's Asia, for southern Africa, is basically a dumping market for raw materials and cheap goods. The really expensive planes, cars, and even luxury goods are mainly sold to Europe.

Regardless of the fact that Europe was beaten to pieces during the First World War, hundreds of years of colonial accumulation are still very rich, not to mention Britain, France and Germany. Even small countries such as Belgium and Portugal have accumulated huge wealth through colonizing Africa. These wealth will not be exhausted in a world war.

I have to do it again anyway.

"It depends on who, if it's Britain or France, then we can talk slowly, but if it's Belgium or Portugal—hehe, do they have the right to reject southern African products?" Alvin's pride also has a reason.

To put it bluntly, countries like Belgium and Portugal simply do not have the strength to compete with Southern Africa.

Going deeper, countries such as Belgium and Portugal are not capable of establishing a production chain similar to that of southern Africa, and they are not qualified to reject products from southern Africa at all.

This also involves population issues. It is impossible for a small country with few people to establish a complete industrial chain. It has no strength and no demand, so it can only achieve a relatively good level in a certain field, or a few fields, so as to be mixed in the international industrial chain. Every time I eat, I always have to look at the face of the boss.

To put it bluntly, the lithography machine needed for another space-time development chip, if there is no American backing, the Netherlands would not dare to get stuck.

And don't look at the loud shouts from the Netherlands, but I'm actually very empty. The deep-sea immersed tube technology in the early years was a good example. It doesn't matter if you don't give the technology.

For southern Africa, those small countries in Europe have no ability to resist at all. Don’t forget that Britain and the United States are all allies in southern Africa. Even if the League of Nations intervenes, I am afraid it will not have any effect.

In other words, the current status of the League of Nations is similar to that of the future United Nations.

How to say that, when a dispute arises between a small country and a small country, the League of Nations mediates and the dispute disappears.

Disputes between big and small countries were mediated by the League of Nations, and the small countries disappeared.

There are disputes between big countries and big countries, if the League of Nations dares to mediate, hehe, the League of Nations is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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