Chapter 1873
As a middleman, Fan Bao is also familiar with the road.

Not only Rand Bank, Nyasaland Military Industry and Umbrella both have offices in Belo Horizonte. When Vargas made a call, the business manager of Nyasaland Military Industry immediately took the initiative to come to the door.

"Your Excellency Governor, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on your successful victory in the general election. I would like to express my sincerest congratulations to you on behalf of the Marquess of Nyasaland. I hope you can visit Southern Africa at the right time. Pretoria will definitely give you the highest courtesy. "The head of the Nyasaran military industry in Belo Horizonte is called Mirez.

Mirez was born locally in the state of Miriam. He is of mixed Portuguese and Brazilian natives, but the indigenous features are not obvious.

It is said that the local indigenous people in Brazil are mainly Indians. In fact, Indians are almost all yellow races like East Asians.

And Mirez's name is very interesting. Now Brazil's common currency is Mirez, so Mirez translates as "money".

Speaking of Brazilian currency, this is also a tragedy. After the independence of the Brazilian Empire in 1822, mires became the legal tender of Brazil.

The currency value of Mires has been very stable in the last century. After entering the new century, Mires has been more and more severely impacted by the international currency market. During the World War, Mires experienced a large depreciation, and the depreciation speed suddenly accelerated after the establishment of the military government. , the current depreciation rate is similar to that of the Deutsche Mark a few years ago, and it has plummeted.

"Compared to Pretoria, I hope to visit Nyasaland." Vargas has ideals, but he is actually a very capable person.

A Vargas of another time and space, serving as President of Brazil twice.

Vargas's first term lasted 15 years, and was later overthrown by a military coup. Four years later, Vargas came back to serve as the president of Brazil again. He was besieged by the opposition party supported by the United States. Vargas finally committed suicide with a pistol in the presidential palace. died.

"Of course you can. Governor Anton will also give you the highest courtesy." Miles took it all in. For the sake of the iron mines in Michigan, he deserves the highest courtesy.

When he came to visit Vargas, in addition to the quotation from Nyasaland Military Industry, Mirez also brought a personal gift to Vargas, a Luger craft pistol with an ivory handle and gold carvings.

Vargas couldn't put it down for the gift brought by Mires. In this time and space, southern Africa was first equipped with a Ruger pistol, and the Ruger pistol became a symbol of Nyasaland's military industry. , is still widely sought after in the international arms market.

Still the same sentence, whether it is good or not depends on the peers. In the era when revolvers were widely used as standard pistols in European countries, even ordinary Luger pistols were extremely valuable for collection.

As for the Luger craft pistols specially produced as gifts, the annual output of Nyasaland Military Industry is only about [-].

Of course, good quality also means that the price is expensive. Even if Vargas likes the Ruger pistol, the Ruger will not become the standard pistol of the Michigan National Guard. In this regard, Mirez recommends the Python.

"Compared with the complex and expensive Luger, the python with simple structure, low price and equally reliable performance is the best choice. The ex-factory price of a Luger reaches 55 rand, which is cheaper than the standard Lee Enfield Both are expensive, and a python only costs 35 rand, which is more suitable for large-scale equipment. There is not much difference between the two guns in terms of range and power, but it is obvious that the python is easier to quickly deal with faults." Mirees really It's not to fool Vargas, but to consider the state of Michigan completely from the standpoint of Vargas.

It's a pity that Vargas still couldn't accept such a price.

"Why is the Lee Enfield produced by Nyasaran Military Industries more expensive than the Lee Enfield produced by Vickers in the UK? And Vickers gave Bolivia a list of armored vehicles and tanks, as well as specially customized aircraft , Don’t say that your Nyasaland military industry cannot produce, the list you gave me is only light weapons.” Vargas was very dissatisfied with the quotation provided by Nyasaland military industry.

Dissatisfaction is a good thing, and picky is the buyer. High standards represent lofty ideals, and such customers are high-quality customers.

"Quality! Quality is the only criterion for determining the price of a product——" Mires suddenly became serious, and he can laugh and laugh about other things, and he can't joke when it comes to the company's image: "——Lee Enfield, who Vickers provided to Bolivia , After firing 200 rounds of bullets, the barrel will be worn to varying degrees. At this time, the accuracy will start to be affected. By about 800 rounds, the rifling will be basically smoothed. , and the Lee Enfield produced by our Nyasaran military industry can guarantee that the barrel will remain quite accurate after 100 shots. As for armored vehicles and tanks—”

In terms of quality, the demanding standards of Nyasaland military industry have always been very high, which was widely praised during the world wars.

Before the outbreak of the World War, Kitchener ordered 200 million Lee Enfields from Nyasaland Military Industry. In terms of performance, reliability, and stability, the weapons produced in the United Kingdom surpassed those produced in the UK.

As for the weapons provided by Vickers to Bolivia, in fact, the weapons of Vickers are not as bad as Mires described.

But if you can't stand the UK, you have to go to inventory. Although some early models of Lee Enfield are backward in performance, they have not yet reached the point of being scrapped, so Vickers has put some old models of rifles, or used ones. The rifles were repackaged and sold to Bolivians.

Bolivians are not picky eaters anyway.

For that reason, even the old Lee Enfield is still an advanced weapon in South America.

"——As for tanks and armored vehicles, Your Excellency Governor, it is undeniable that tanks and armored vehicles are indeed powerful weapons, but tanks and armored vehicles are strictly restricted by terrain and transportation facilities. The six-ton ​​tank that Vickers sold to Bolivia, as well as trucks The Den Lloyd V1 tank (equivalent to an armored vehicle) is seriously backward in performance and is an obsolete product. The armor of the Carden Lloyd V1 tank can't even defend against general-purpose machine guns at close range. Such a tank is useless at all. Moreover, Brazil's road traffic conditions are not suitable for tanks and armored vehicles." Mirez was tactful, taking into account Vargas' self-esteem.

To put it bluntly, there are good things, but you in Brazil can’t use them, can’t afford them, and don’t deserve them——

"Even so, the price of your products is too high—" Vargas calculated by himself. A 5-strong army needs at least 50 rifles. The price quoted by Nyasaland Military Industry to the state capital of Mizhou It is 300 rand, so the rifle alone needs [-] million.

Too expensive, too expensive!

In fact, there are some words that Vargas himself is not easy to say.

The quality of weapons in southern Africa is good, and Vargas also knows this.

But for Michigan, quality doesn't seem to matter.

After all, what Vargas needs is not an elite force like the Southern African National Defense Force, but only needs to be able to beat the Brazilian government army.

As for the life of the barrel, Vargas knows that good shooters are fed by bullets, but for the Michigan National Guard, the barrel life of one or two thousand rounds of bullets is not necessary at all, and the infantry is used for consumption. Maybe he was hit by a stray bullet before a shot was fired on the battlefield. At that time, no matter how long the life of the barrel is, there will be no chance to test it.

The truth is this, but Vargas must not say it out loud. After all, how can a politician with lofty ideals establish an image of ignoring human life.

"So what's the price you want?" Mirez conceded, the customer is God.

Of course, it is not impossible to reduce the price, but it must be at the cost of reducing performance.

The gun steel used to make the barrel has different costs according to different standards. It is wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant. To put it bluntly, more rare metals are added.

There is no shortage of rare metals in southern Africa, so it can krypton gold in weapon materials.

If Vargas haggles too hard, Naniasaran Military Industry also has a solution.

"It's the same as what Vickers sold to the Bolivians, 40 pounds!" Vargas said sharply.

Cutting from 50 to 40 is indeed a bit ruthless, and it is still a small knife to convert rand into pounds.

"The price is too low, we can't make a profit at all, 48—" Mires wrinkled his face like a blunt knife, and emphasized before Vargas could speak: "—Rand! "

Even at the price of 40 pounds, Nyasaland Military Industry can actually make a profit.

And the profit is not low.

Don't forget the price Vickers gave to Bolivia, which also includes kickbacks.

"Hehe, Miles, don't be too greedy. Even at this price, you are still profitable. Doing business is the same as governing. You must have a long-term vision and don't care about short-term gains and losses." Vargas is a politician, not a qualified negotiator , This kind of thing actually requires experts to do it, at least to seek the opinions of experts.

Therefore, the level of specialization is really not something everyone can play. You think you are on the second floor, but in fact they are in space.

"You're right, but we have a cost——" Mirez didn't give in easily, and he had to give Vargas a sense of accomplishment that he had worked so hard to cut down the price. In many cases, men are actually the same as women , Buying things without haggling is also because of cost issues.

It is fun for women to bargain when shopping.

Men don't bargain when they buy things to save time and make more money, or to do what they are interested in.

But if the results of bargaining are obviously greater than the benefits, men will be very proactive.

"If you can't give me a satisfactory price, then I will be happy to hear the price of Vickers." Vargas threatened, shopping around.

"Your Excellency Governor, please don't do this—" Mires seemed to be pleading hard, but he was really not afraid.

Vargas thought he was dealing with a Nyasaran military industry.

Actually not.

Vargas faced the entire southern African capital.

(End of this chapter)

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