Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1874 You have to keep one hand in everything

Chapter 1874 You have to keep a hand in everything

Vargas' confidence in expanding his army came from loans from the Rand Bank.

There must be additional conditions for Rand Bank to lend to Mizhou, and the use of the loan will be supervised in the future. Otherwise, the state capital of Mizhou will collapse and Rand Bank will lose everything?
This is also risk control.

Therefore, the loan Vargas obtained from the Rand Bank may not flow out of the Rand Bank at all. If the purchase of arms is directly transferred from the account of the state capital of Mizhou to the account of the Nyasaland military industry, it is just left handed and right handed.

While Mirez was bargaining with Vargas, Belo Horizonte Umbrella Company branch, Fan Bao was also briefing Augusto on the situation.

"So Vargas also wants to launch a coup?" Augusto's face was full of excitement. These countries in South America are really awesome.

A stable environment is not conducive to the business development of umbrella companies, or it is a war hyena. The more chaotic the situation, the higher the demand for umbrellas by dignitaries.

Umbrella companies have almost no business volume in southern Africa, mainly because of the stable political situation and good social security in southern Africa. Pretoria, a large city with a permanent population of more than one million people, has about 3000 vicious cases every year. Left and right, the standard in southern Africa is that robbery is considered a vicious case. In such a security environment, the police are enough. Why do you need mercenaries from the umbrella company?

On the contrary, the more backward the economy, the more chaotic the law and order, and the busier the umbrella company's business.

As for local tyrants like Vargas who want to expand their army, they are basically super VIP customers of Umbrella Company. If Vargas is willing, Umbrella can directly provide comprehensive and thoughtful full-service package services.

It's just that it's hard to say who the trained army will listen to for this kind of full-time package service.

"Probably so. Vargas is not reconciled to failure. The military government can rely on a coup to come to power. Why can't Vargas?" Fan Bao still had nothing to say. Si, Fan Bao wants to try.

It's a pity that Iron Four Corners is a commercial company. Fan Bao's purpose is only to make money, or to mine. If you think about this kind of thing, Americans will be more anxious than Brazilians if Iron Four Corners really wants to make a move.

The Americas are the Americas of the United States. The United States has always regarded South America as its backyard, and Brazil is the largest country in South America, so Iron Four Corners should be honest in mining.

Of course, as the behind-the-scenes funder, it is still possible to start a proxy war.

But still be careful not to be caught by the Americans.

"That would be great, I'll go to Vargas tomorrow—no, I'll go now—" Augusto couldn't wait, he must get his hands on the once-in-a-century deal.

"Wait—" Fan Bao stopped Augusto.

"What are you waiting for?" Augusto maintained the posture of bowing his front legs and kicking his legs behind him, and his stride was a bit long.

"Don't worry, the business is definitely yours, and no one can take it away—" Fan Bao was speechless, the essence of capital is to fully tap the surplus value and eat it up: "—Vargas is a very capable People, so remember, Augusto, training the National Guard for the state capital of Mizhou cannot be strictly implemented in accordance with the "Infantry Code of Practice" in southern Africa, you can grasp the specific standards yourself, just be better than the government army."

Fan Bao spoke carefully, this speed is difficult to master, but fortunately Augusto has rich experience.

No matter how good the relationship is, you have to guard against it.

Regardless of the fact that Vargas has almost no reservations about Iron Four Corners now, it is because Vargas has no other choice but to choose to cooperate with Iron Four Corners.

People's ambitions will change with the change of status.

Vargas is now the governor of the state of Michigan, and with limited resources, he can only bet on Iron Four Corners.

With the strength of the Brazilian government forces, it is likely that they will not be able to defeat Vargas, who has capital support from southern Africa.

After Vargas becomes the president of Brazil, can Iron Four still maintain the close relationship it has with Vargas?

Impossible to think about with your toes.

At that time, in order to balance, Vargas will also introduce other capital to restrict southern African capital.

Considering the good relationship between the United States and Brazil, Vargas is most likely to introduce American capital.

At that time, if Vargas still controls a powerful government army.

Maybe Tiesijiao won't even be able to keep the Mizhou Iron Mine.

Fan Bao definitely couldn't do this kind of thing.

"Hehe, Vargas can come to power through a coup, and so can others." Augusto sneered, and it depends on who he compares to.

With the support of southern African capital, there is no doubt that Vargas can build a stronger force than the Brazilian government army.

But compared to Southern Africa—

There is no need to compare it with southern Africa. Even compared with the umbrella company, Vargas' strength is not enough.

The Umbrella Company maintains about 6 people all year round, which is equivalent to the armed forces of four regular divisions.

What is the concept of 6 people?

At present, the standing armies of most countries in the world do not exceed 6 people.

See clearly the whole world, not South America—

Paraguay, which was defeated in the early stage of the Great Summer Valley War, had reached the point where the country was almost wiped out, so it expanded its army to 6 people.

Before that, Paraguay had only 3000 men in its army.

You must know that Paraguay has a territory of more than 40 square kilometers and a population of more than one million people.

Therefore, with the strength of the umbrella company, if it is not controlled, a war of annihilation can be launched at any time in most parts of the world.

Even in Europe.

As long as you don't look for old powers such as Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, other countries such as Greece, Portugal, Belgium, and even Spain, 6 people are enough.

"No, no, Augusto, what we want is not to control a country, this is not what we should do, what we want to do is to create a stable social environment, so that we can mine with peace of mind—" Fan Bao I was wailing in my heart, I am a businessman, why should I be involved in this kind of thing.

"It's simple, just leave it to me—" Augusto is confident, isn't it just training a batch of good-looking goods, Augusto is very experienced.

When the storm was raging in Michigan, members of the military government's presidium were holding a meeting in Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil.

At the moment in 1931, the capital of Brazil was still Rio de Janeiro. It would not be until 1960 that Brazil moved its capital to Brasilia.

Rio de Janeiro means "January River" in Portuguese. In 1502, Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvarez Cabral came to South America and accidentally discovered Guanabara Bay, which happened to be a month, so the city was named after Rio de Janeiro.

Since 1763, Rio de Janeiro has been the capital of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is also one of the world's three great natural ports.

At the beginning of this year, a 38-meter-high statue of Christ was completed on the Monte Cristo next to Rio de Janeiro, becoming a landmark building in Rio de Janeiro.

The Christ Statue became one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.

Just listen to the "seven wonders", basically comment on it every once in a while, don't pay too much attention.

At the end of last year, a coup broke out in Brazil and the military government was established. Fragozzo became the leader of the military government. Unfortunately, like his predecessor Pereira de Sousa, the military government is also facing a mess.

The root cause of the Brazilian coup lies in the economic crisis. Pereira de Sousa, who was elected as the president of Brazil in 1926, did not come up with an effective response to the economic crisis. The Brazilian economy deteriorated, unemployment was serious, prices soared, and people’s lives were unsustainable. The coup broke out.

In the later period of his administration, Pereira de Sousa lost almost all support. He had to appoint his friend Julio Prestes as his successor, but this method of succession was not recognized. Priestes' term lasted just three weeks before he was overthrown.

The establishment of the military government did not bring about real changes in Brazil. This is often the case. The opposition party is dissatisfied with the ruling party, saying that the ruling party's level of governance is too hot, but it turns out that it is the same hot shit when it is replaced by itself.

The same is true for Fragozzo. When De Sousa was in power, Fragozo felt that De Sousa was a useless person, and he could not come up with the slightest solution to the economic crisis.

As a result, when he came to power, Fragozzo realized that he could not come up with any effective way to deal with it.

This is also helpless, Brazil's "coffee economy" has been completely bankrupt, Iron Square's iron ore income has nothing to do with the Brazilian government, don't forget that Brazil is a country built after the United States, the United States, the government has very limited control over the local area .

"—and this is the case, if we want to imitate the large-scale infrastructure investment in the United States, then we need money, of course not the mires we use now, but dollars, or pounds, or rand—" Fragozzo is sitting in a sad city, and 3500 million Brazilians are starving for food. If the military government cannot reverse the situation in a short period of time, then the military government will also be overthrown.

Never forget the past, the teacher of the future.

Both Noronha and Barreto looked gloomy, it was easy to get money, tax increase——

However, the military government was originally established with the support of the big estate owners and the big bourgeoisie. It was too ugly to cut the butcher's knife on the money owner not long after it was established.

As for the poor—

Where do the poor get the money to pay taxes?

"What does Mizhou say?" Barreto put his hope of solving the problem in Mizhou.

Brazil's coffee economy has gone bankrupt, and the export of iron ore in Mizhou is almost the only bright spot in Brazil's economy. Unfortunately, the interests of iron ore have nothing to do with the Brazilian government. When the coup broke out last year, the military government wanted to use force to seize the iron ore in Mizhou. It's a pity that the Brazilian army can't even beat the mercenaries of the umbrella company, so the hard ones can only be soft.

"Vargas does not agree to share the proceeds of the iron mines in Mizhou—" Noronia sneered, sharing the proceeds is to ask the state capital of Mizhou for money directly, and changing Noronia is Vargas, and Noronia is also impossible agree.

(End of this chapter)

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