Chapter 1875 Agent

In response to the economic crisis, both southern Africa and the United States have set correct demonstrations, just copy the homework.

But homework is not just copied as you want. Large-scale infrastructure construction, labor-relief, financial stability, and additional currency issuance may not seem complicated, but in fact they are very difficult.

Large-scale infrastructure construction requires money, and the issuance of additional currency requires someone to recognize it. Brazil's currency is already depreciating wildly. Additional issuance will only make the situation worse.

So after much deliberation, the Mizhou Iron Mine is the most realistic.

"I'm going to Washington next month to seek the support of the U.S. government—" Fragozzo wants to ask for foreign aid. The U.S. has always had a good relationship with Brazil. Even when the leaders of the Southern African Union countries came to power, they had to go to Büle first. As reported by Toria, Brazil's leaders will also have to go to the docks in Washington.

"The U.S. government's support is not free. What can we offer in exchange?" Barreto is not optimistic. Americans are not philanthropists, and even aid to Brazil is conditional.

"Hehe, of course we have—" Fragozzo sneered.

"What?" Noronya hadn't turned the corner yet, and the military government really didn't have any bargaining chips.

Brazil, with a land area of ​​851.49 million square kilometers, is actually rich in various land resources. The reserves of 29 kinds of minerals such as niobium, manganese, titanium, bauxite, lead, tin, iron and uranium rank among the top in the world, among which the reserves of niobium ore are more than 455.9 million tons The output accounts for more than 90% of the world's total reserves; the iron ore reserves are 333 billion tons, accounting for 9.8% of the world; the proven oil reserves are 153 billion barrels; the forest coverage rate is 62%, and the timber reserves are 658 billion cubic meters, accounting for 1/5 of the world ; Rich water resources, with 18% of the world's fresh water, per capita fresh water possession of 2.9 cubic meters.

It is a pity that the military government has not mastered these data, and it is useless to master it. Brazil's infrastructure is very backward, and the road transportation in the territory is not yet perfect. Even if the mines are dug out, they cannot be transported out. This is the biggest factor restricting Brazil's development.

"We don't have it, but Mississippi does." Fragozzo said firmly.

"I just said that the state capital of Mizhou does not agree to share the income from iron mines—" Noronia was helpless, did he forget what he said just now?
"Then force the state capital of Mizhou to share, or even directly nationalize the Mizhou Iron Mine." Fragozzo made up his mind. As time passed, the news about the Mizhou Iron Mine has become known to everyone. Gozo doesn't know the specific reserves of the iron ore in Mizhou. Based on the information obtained from various sources, the reserves of the iron ore in Mizhou are at least [-] billion tons.

This is enough. Ten-billion-ton mines have an average grade of more than 60%, and the highest may reach 65%. If the Mizhou iron mine can be obtained, then the military government will have the capital to face any difficulties.

"But—" Noronya was in a dilemma. It's not that the military government had tried, but it was a pity that it failed.

"No but, we can mortgage the iron mines in Mizhou to the U.S. government to gain the support of the U.S. government and build a powerful army." Fragozzo was indifferent, and for the sake of the whole of Brazil, he could only sacrifice the interests of the state capital of Mizhou.

"It's impossible. The Mississippi Iron Mine is not even in our hands." Barreto is not optimistic. This is something out of nothing, and Americans are not so stupid.

"For the sake of iron ore, the Americans will agree." Fragozzo knew how urgent the demand for high-quality iron ore was by US steel companies.

Roque knew it too.

The Iron Four Corners Company was jointly established by Nyasaland Company and Adan Company, and Rock was the actual controller.

Rock is also very concerned about the Iron Four Corners. The conflict between the Brazilian military government and the state capital of Mizhou is also under Rock's control. Before Fragozo left for the United States, Rock got the relevant news.

"America——" Rock leaned on the back of the large chair and closed his eyes to think. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. After all, southern Africa will inevitably face the behemoth of the United States.

Regardless of the fact that the United States usually uses the banner of isolationism, if the United States conducts a nationwide mobilization, its ability to violently deploy troops and deliver troops is still terrible. This has been proven during the World War.

Of course, southern Africa is not weak, and Rock has the trump card of the umbrella in his hand. It is impossible for the United States to directly intervene in the Brazilian civil war, but southern Africa can use the umbrella to give the state capital of Michigan the greatest support.

It is said that in order to develop the iron ore in Mizhou, Iron Four Corners has carried out several years of preliminary work. In order to smoothly transport the iron ore in Mizhou out of Brazil, Iron Four Corners has spared no expense in expanding the capital of Mizhou, Belo Horizonte and San España. The railway between Victoria, the capital of Spirito State, so that the iron ore in Mizhou can be directly transported to southern Africa through Victoria.

"There is nothing to hesitate. It is impossible for us to hand over the Michigan iron ore—" Henry is not afraid of the United States. If he wants high-quality iron ore, he can buy it with money.

Want to grab?


"We can support the state of Michigan and fight a proxy war with the Americans in Brazil. It has been a long time since such an exciting thing happened—" Stoudemire was very excited. After the World War, southern Africa has been at peace for a long time, and Stoudemire also Need some stimulation.

With the sound of the cannon, ten thousand taels of gold.

Brazil's industrial base is weak. Whether it is the state capital of Mizhou or the Brazilian military government, it can only be purchased from outsiders if it expands its military. The Nyasaland military industry also has shares in Stoudemire. Milner is even in Rhodesia, so Stoudemire's enthusiasm for war very high.

"Then try it, send a telegram to Fan Bao and Augusto, and give the state capital of Michigan the greatest support." Rock also made up his mind that the current United States is not the United States that leads the world in technology, even if the United States is the most powerful China's industrial capabilities have no advantage over southern Africa.

What's more, in the proxy war, the people who died were not southern Africans. Rock really had no psychological barriers in this regard.

With Rock's order, the support given to Vargas by the Iron Square and the umbrella suddenly increased.

Want tanks and armored vehicles, huh?

No problem, after the weapons of the Southern African National Defense Forces were updated, all the eliminated tanks were sealed up. They were originally planned to be used again during the next World War. There are still more than [-] tanks, as many as they want, and there is no money. You can also owe it first.

Want to customize a plane, right?
No problem. Southern Africa has the most advanced aviation industry in the world. British Vickers can customize aircraft for Venezuela. The level of Nyasaran Air and Rhodesia Air is only stronger than British Vickers. .

In fact, there is no need to customize. After the weapons of the Southern African Air Force are updated, the replaced aircraft are also directly sealed. In order to make better use of these weapons, Vargas also sent carefully selected pilots and tankers to Southern Africa to receive relevant information. training.

Of course, if the price offered by the state of Michigan is high enough, it may be possible to hire pilots directly from southern Africa.

This has nothing to do with the Southern African Federal Government. To hire pilots, please contact the flying clubs all over Southern Africa. This is a commercial or personal behavior, and it has nothing to do with the Southern African Federal Government anyway.

As for the instructors of the Umbrella Company, there is no problem in this regard, as many as you want, and Umbrella is very thoughtful considering the Brazilian language, and selected a group of instructors who can speak Portuguese for Vargas, which made Vargas more satisfied .

Of course I'm more worried.

The strong industrial strength and background shown in southern Africa really worried Vargas.

Vargas is not stupid, on the contrary he is a very smart and capable person.

Leaving Iron Four Corners aside, the Umbrella Company is a well-known war hyena, who only recognizes money but not people. To cooperate with the Umbrella Company, it is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger for Vargas. One will make wedding dresses for others.

So when Fragozzo went to Washington to seek support, Vargas also offered to visit Nyasaland.

What else is there to say, Fan Bow immediately reported to Pretoria, and that night, Vargas received an invitation from the Nyasaland State Government.

Just as Vargas was preparing to visit Nyasaland, Robert Goddard took the initiative to come to the Palace of Justice.

Rock still respects Robert Goddard. Goddard is much more reliable than Nikola Tesla. Most of Nikola Tesla’s research is burning money. There were many unexpected surprises, but Goddard's cautious and steady work attitude was more liked by Rock, and the key was reliability.

"The list for Brazil, why is there no rocket?" Robert Goddard was unhappy. Without orders, there would be no profits. Only with orders would there be motivation, and only then would there be money to give bonuses to team members.

This reason is irrefutable. In order to persuade investors to cheat funds, Robert Goddard could even talk about moon mining. Bottom line, such things do not exist for Robert Goddard.

In the scientific research institutions in southern Africa, the combination of production, education and research is very close. If the team cannot generate profits, it can only rely on financial allocations.

As for things like financial appropriation, everyone knows that it is okay to use it to fill the stomach, but if you want to add chicken legs to every meal, you need to have extra income.

As the saying goes, a horse won't grow fat if it doesn't eat night grass, and it won't get rich if people don't come.

So Robert Goddard would love for the Rockets to be on the list given to Brazil by Southern Africa.

"Professor, the rocket is our most advanced weapon, and it must not be used for export." Rock vetoed it and sold the rocket to Brazil. Brazil may not be able to imitate it, but if it is obtained by the Americans, the consequences will be very serious. .

"Our current rocket has been developed to the fourth version, and we can completely sell the older models to the Brazilians, not to mention that we also need to use actual combat to test the combat effectiveness of the rocket, which will be more conducive to our future research." Robert Goddard didn't give up, and he had good reasons for that.

Rock suddenly felt moved.

The United States in another time and space relies on the whole world to provoke wars to maintain its hegemony. Various advanced weapons of the United States have also been tested in previous wars.

These experiences can be more intuitive and detailed than those on the training ground.

(End of this chapter)

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