Chapter 1907 Stepfather
It has been 1920 years since the League of Nations was established in 12.

In the past 12 years, the League of Nations could not say nothing and did nothing, but it did not play its due role. This is far from Wilson's original intention of proposing the establishment of the League of Nations.

One of the main reasons for this is that the United States, as one of the most powerful countries in the world, has not joined the League of Nations, so the League of Nations has lost its binding force on the United States, which has caused many absolutes of the League of Nations to be mere formalities and cannot be truly implemented.

"After I serve as the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, I will devote myself to expanding the influence of the League of Nations to a wider range, so that the League of Nations can really play its due role and return to its proper status. Before that , I hope you gentlemen can work together with me, and here, on behalf of the Executive Council of the League of Nations, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you." Ferguson could bring some real change to the League of Nations.

However, it is not easy to change an organization like the League of Nations. After the plenary session, the representatives of the four permanent member countries stayed behind to participate in the closed-door meeting. These four countries are the real talkers of the League of Nations.

In the small conference room, Sean Ferguson was shocked when he came up.

"I'm going to put America in the League of Nations—"

Let America join the League of Nations!
It's easy to say, but it's not easy. Everyone knows that the League of Nations without the United States is nothing but a show, but the Americans are unwilling to join the League of Nations, and the League of Nations has nothing to do with the United States.

Don't look at Americans shouting "glorious isolation" every day. In fact, this was first proposed by Canadian Finance Minister Foster when he praised Britain's attitude of staying out of European affairs.

The British are not actually "gloriously isolated". This term is essentially a smearing of "Continental Balance Policy". Now the same is true for the Americans. In essence, they are trying to continue to seek national interests outside Europe under the banner of "glorious isolation". , In this case, Americans are definitely unwilling to join the League of Nations.

Two things, one is Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations, and the other is Japan's withdrawal from the League of Nations.

Without the instigation behind the United States, Germany and Japan probably would not have dared to withdraw from the League of Nations.

It is precisely because of the support behind the United States that after Germany and Japan withdrew from the League of Nations, all the decisions of the League of Nations to try to punish Germany and Japan could not be truly implemented, and the reputation of the League of Nations also went from bad to worse.

The reason is simple. If the United States has not joined the League of Nations, it will not be restricted by the League of Nations.

Therefore, regardless of whether the League of Nations sanctioned Germany and Japan, the United States can bypass the decision of the League of Nations and continue to do business with the Germans and Japanese. In this way, Britain and France naturally cannot sit back and watch the Americans monopolize the German and Japanese markets. will get away with it.

"What are you going to do?" Sir Drummond miraculously recovered, and rushed back to the Palais des Nations in Switzerland from the British mainland in time to attend the meeting of the permanent members of the Executive Yuan. It was God's blessing.

"It's not easy for the United States to join the League of Nations." Aveeno also miraculously recovered, with wisdom shining in his half-closed eyes. How could he look like he was dying?

"Let's do it Sean, it's best to bring Germany and Japan back." Rishi firmly supported Sean Ferguson's drastic reforms, and the League of Nations had been silent for too long.

"I'm going to send an invitation to the United States—" Sean Ferguson said calmly.

The Jazz, Aveeno, and Rich didn't speak, waiting for Sean Ferguson's next words.

This level alone is certainly not enough to pull the United States into the League of Nations. Sir Drummond and Aveeno sent invitations to the United States many times during their tenure as Secretary-General of the League of Nations. The US government has always refused to join the League of Nations on the grounds that Congress did not approve it. .

"If the Americans don't agree, then I hope the League of Nations can impose sanctions on the United States!" Sean Ferguson is indeed courageous, sanctioning the United States——

Who dares!
Really dare, don't forget that it is 1932, and the United States is not yet the world police in another time and space.

"How to sanction?" Sir Drummond's breathing became quicker, and the southern African did not disappoint.

"Heh, if the United States rejects the invitation of the Executive Yuan, then all member states of the League of Nations will not be allowed to conduct any form of trade with the United States." Sean Ferguson hit the snake with seven inches, and the Americans shouted "free trade" all day long , if the United States insists on doing business with the Germans and Japanese, it will lose the markets of other countries.

"Hiss—" Sir Drummond took a deep breath.

"Hmm—" Aveeno gasped.

"Is this going to work?" Rishi expressed doubts that the members of the League of Nations would be able to pull together.

"So I need your support." Sean Ferguson has no doubt that as long as Britain, France and Italy agree, the attitude of other countries is not important.

It really doesn't matter, even if there are one or two countries that don't have a good eye, but Southern Africa, the British Empire, France, and Italy are tied together. If the United States can't be dealt with, can't other countries be dealt with?
Let you change the world every minute, don't underestimate the strength and shamelessness of the old imperialist countries.

"As long as the United States joins the League of Nations, Germany and Japan will also return to the League of Nations, and then the League of Nations will be able to exert its true strength. Similar to the Great Summer Valley War and the Brazilian Civil War, the League of Nations does not even need to send troops. An official document can be passed on.” Sean Ferguson still has confidence in the League of Nations.

This is really not bragging. Countries such as Bolivia and Paraguay basically do not have the ability to produce weapons and ammunition. Without weapons and ammunition, they naturally have no ambitions.

As for Brazil, without the support of the United States and southern Africa, Brazil would not be able to form hundreds of thousands of troops. Even the British Empire could barely protect the Royal Navy.

"In this case, the number of permanent members will increase—" Richillo worried.

Among the five permanent members of the League of Nations, the United States did not join, so there was a long-term vacancy. After Japan withdrew, Southern Africa took over. When the United States and Japan join the League of Nations, Britain, France, and Italy will inevitably give up some rights.

"What are the real interests of the current League of Nations—" Sean Ferguson smiled lightly. The current League of Nations, apart from its righteous name, has no pants left.

Again, if you want to get more cakes, you must first make the cakes big enough.

Now the cake has not been filmed yet, so what are the points.

"I agree with Sean's proposal." Aveno was the first to react.

What is the biggest threat facing France right now?

Then Aveno’s choice is very simple. If the United States is brought into the League of Nations, the United States’ support for Germany will be restricted by the League of Nations. Therefore, Aveno agrees with Sean Ferguson’s proposal.

"I have one condition—" Richie wanted to guarantee the interests of Italy.

"I guarantee that no matter how many permanent members of the Executive Yuan increase, Italy will always be in it." Sean Ferguson solemnly promised.

"Then there's no problem." Rishi smiled with satisfaction. Sean Ferguson was right, the benefits that can be obtained are the benefits.

Sir Drummond did not speak, his eyes wandered on the faces of several people. Sean Ferguson served as the Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan, and the influence of southern Africa on the League of Nations has risen. How much influence is left in the alliance?
But if you disagree, the League of Nations is on the verge of collapse, so it's better to give it a go and see if it can be saved.

But don't forget that there are Germany and Japan after the United States, and the influence of the British Empire may be further weakened by then——

Headache ah headache.

Sean Ferguson didn't say anything. After all, this was an important decision. Sir Drummond probably didn't have the right to make the decision. He would definitely ask the country for instructions.

But I'm afraid that no matter what, as long as it goes to the British Parliament, the controversy may be no less than that of the League of Nations General Assembly. It may take another half a year or a few months to discuss the results, and the day lily will be cold by then.

"Ahem, otherwise let's vote with a show of hands—" Aveno didn't give Sir Drummond a chance to flinch.

"For such a big matter, don't you need to ask the country for instructions?" Sir Drummond didn't dare to be hasty. The feelings of the British towards the traitorous son of the United States are really complicated.

It's the tangle of love, hate, and fear.

"No need—" Aveno raised his eyes when he mentioned this question. The French Prime Minister who had just taken office had resigned.

"Or let's wait three days and submit it to the general assembly for a collective vote—" Sir Drummond wanted to delay the time as much as possible.

"Heh, when will it be the turn of other countries to express their opinions on the decision of the Executive Yuan—" Sean Ferguson sneered. When Sir Drummond was the Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan, the Executive Yuan liked to close its doors and be a permanent member. closed-door meeting of the country.

Anyway, it is still the way that Britain and France dominate the world.

Too bad that set is outdated.

"We have no other choice, unless we can accept the discredit of the League of Nations, so why should we waste our time here-" Sean Ferguson finished, the first to raise his hand.

Aveeno did not speak, but raised his arms straight, fully explaining his joyful mood.

Rishi glanced at Sir Drummond, who was frowning and thinking, and silently raised his hand.

Three to one, after Sean Ferguson became the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, the first decision appeared in this situation.

The United States, which did not join the League of Nations, knew nothing about it, so after receiving the invitation from the Executive Council of the League of Nations to hope that the United States could join the League of Nations, the U.S. government habitually rejected the invitation of the League of Nations.

Join the League of Nations?

Don't be ridiculous, wouldn't it be nice for me to do business comfortably and make money? No one wants to find a stepfather for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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