Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1908 The Spirit of the Contract

Chapter 1908 The Spirit of the Contract
Americans are actually quite satisfied with the current situation.

Germany and Japan withdrew from the League of Nations, and the League of Nations had to impose sanctions on Germany and Japan. Britain, France, and South Africa, as permanent members of the League of Nations, also had to reduce their trade with Germany and Japan. This part of the market was completely occupied by the United States.

By joining the League of Nations, the United States will lose its current trade autonomy, which is absolutely unacceptable to Americans.

What Washington did not expect was that after being rejected by the United States, the Executive Yuan of the League of Nations did not calm down as before. Instead, it sent Washington a severely worded official document, claiming that if the United States does not join the League of Nations, it will be punished by the League of Nations. sanctions.

Roosevelt Jr. laughed it off when he knew about it.

The League of Nations sanctioned the United States——

Leaving aside the effect of sanctions, Roosevelt Jr. expressed doubts about whether the League of Nations could do this. The League of Nations is not in southern Africa, and internal strife is extremely serious. All countries have their own interests and positions, and it is impossible to form a joint force. Seeing through this, that's why I didn't join the League of Nations.

"However, it is not necessarily true. Now the southern African is serving as the Secretary-General of the Executive Council of the League of Nations. Mr. Sean Ferguson's executive power should be more resolute than the previous two secretaries-general, so the League of Nations may still impose sanctions on us. , but the effect—hehe—” Vice President John Nance Garner, nicknamed Cactus Jack, dismissed this. If the League of Nations could unite, it wouldn’t be what it is now.

"The League of Nations is incomplete without the United States—" Secretary of State Cordell Hull shook his head slightly. He has always been in favor of the United States joining the League of Nations: "—we have not joined the League of Nations. In fact, it will also cause harm to the United States. Now We are ceding that part of the international influence to southern Africa, and if we are also a member of the League of Nations, then we can try to lead the League of Nations."

Cordell Hull has always been brooding over this matter, but whether to join the League of Nations is not the US government's final decision, not even the US Congress, but the American capitalists.

A country is controlled by businessmen from top to bottom, it is outrageous!
It has to be said that the legendary capitalists in the United States also have their own historical limitations. Family heirs like John Jr. and Morgan Jr. have a huge gap compared with their previous generation. While accumulating wealth, the old Rockefeller and the old Morgan have always Committed to expanding the international influence of the United States, trying to expand more living space for the United States.

Little John is far behind Little Morgan. After they took over the family business of the Rockefeller family and the Morgan family, the business can be said to have plummeted. This is certainly affected by the economic crisis and the rise of southern Africa, but it shouldn't decline so quickly.

In Henry's words, if you accumulate more capital now, even if your children and grandchildren are prodigal sons, they will be able to prosper for a while longer.

"Don't underestimate the southern Africans—" Roosevelt Jr. had always attached great importance to southern Africa.

Now southern Africa has grown into the biggest competitor of the United States.

The economic crisis is moving away, and the U.S. economy is gradually recovering, but it is far from returning to its peak state. A large part of this is affected by southern Africa.

The whole earth is regarded as a big cake. The old imperialist countries headed by Britain and France took a big piece first, and southern Africa took a big piece. How much is left for the Americans?
During the economic crisis, the U.S. economy experienced a sharp recession, and southern African products took the opportunity to seize the market. After the U.S. resumed production, American capitalists were surprised to find that all overseas markets were basically taken away by southern African companies.

The reason why it is "basic" is mainly because Southern Africa does not do business with Japan, especially after Japan stepped up its expansion in the Far East, Southern Africa has almost completely cut off all trade with Japan.

"Hehe, as far as the current League of Nations is concerned, even if a southern African is the secretary-general, what kind of change can it bring about?" Cactus doesn't care, he is actually a very conservative person, and his relationship with Roosevelt Jr. is not good.

It can be seen from the series of performances of Roosevelt Jr. after he came to power that Roosevelt Jr. was actually a very radical person.

Roosevelt Jr. was not afraid of being criticized. As long as the United States could be pulled out of the vortex of the economic crisis as soon as possible, Roosevelt Jr. copied the way of dealing with the economic crisis in southern Africa and achieved good results. Now he has successfully won the trust of most Americans.

Roosevelt Jr. did not care about his political image. After taking office, he actively communicated with Roque and made great progress on the issue of aid to Germany and the trade friction between southern Africa and the United States. It can be said that without Roosevelt Jr.’s efforts, the United States would have It is impossible to get out of the economic crisis so quickly.

Finally, there is the aid plan for Germany. From this point, it is not difficult to see that Roosevelt Jr. was proactive in his foreign policy.

So although Roosevelt Jr. had a good relationship with Cactus during the campaign, some cracks have appeared in the relationship between the two now.

At this time, Roosevelt's secretary knocked on the door and came in with a sad face.

"Your Excellency, just now, the Iron Four Corner Company and the Fawalt Steel Group terminated negotiations with the United States Steel Corporation."

"Why?" the cactus exclaimed, the news was too bad, causing the cactus to lose its composure directly.

Little Roosevelt was able to hold his breath without saying a word, and also frowned.

"Economic sanctions, just two hours ago, the League of Nations officially decided to impose sanctions on us—"

The secretary's words were shocking. The legendary sanctions really came, and the first cut was to the United States.

Before the time went back an hour, Morgan Jr. and Schwab were still in a good mood.

Luo Lin and Chen Qiang sang together, one sang the red face and the other sang the bad face. Little Morgan was alone and alone, so he had to call Schwab to wave the flag.

The negotiation was extremely difficult. From the initial refusal to give up an inch to the exhaustion later, the negotiation finally made some progress.

Iron Four and Farwalt Steel have previously agreed to sell more of the subway ore to the American Iron and Steel Corporation.

Jr. Morgan also made concessions on the price. In recent years, countries have been desperately printing money, and the price of iron ore is indeed unable to return to the level of a few years ago.

So now the two parties are struggling with the payment method and the distribution ratio.

Morgan Jr. wanted half of all Iron Four Corner's output.

Iron Four and Farwalt agreed only to hand over a maximum of one-third of the mined iron ore to the United States Steel Corporation.

In terms of payment method, Morgan Jr. wanted to use U.S. dollars, while Iron Four demanded to use rand. Schwab tried to propose with Mud that British pounds could be used, but was unanimously opposed by Iron Four and Morgan Jr.

Whether it’s the rand or the dollar, the meat will still be in the pot after all if it’s rotten.

What's the matter with the British pound? Hard work, war and negotiation, and finally working for the British?
It would take a head full of water to come up with such a suggestion.

Simply pig teammates.

Just this morning, Morgan Jr. suddenly received a notification from Iron Four Corners and Fawalt Steel Group that Iron Four Corners and Fawalt Steel Group decided to terminate the negotiations with the United States Steel Corporation in view of the fact that the League of Nations has begun to impose sanctions on the United States.

"Who can tell me, what the hell is going on?" Little Morgan was furious in the room. The negotiation could see the light of day, but because of this off-court factor, all the hard work over the past few months was in vain. No one can accept it.

"A week ago, Sean Ferguson, the representative of the League of Nations from southern Africa, became the secretary-general of the League of Nations. Then the Executive Council of the League of Nations sent an invitation to Washington, hoping that the United States would join the League of Nations. Washington refused—" Schwab also looked black Line, this should belong to force majeure.

"Whether or not the United States joins the League of Nations has anything to do with our negotiations with southern Africans?" Little Morgan tugged at his few remaining hair. Too many brain cells were exhausted during this period, and his hair loss was serious.

Schwab spread his hands, you ask me, who should I ask?
"Where are the Southern Africans now?" Morgan Jr. tried to redeem.

"Should still be in the hotel room—" Schwab didn't hold out much hope. The negotiations between the Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises and the Iron Four were conducted in the Bahamas, which is quite outrageous.

But it's not too far-fetched. Of course, Jr. Morgan hopes that the negotiations will be held in the United States, but Luo Lin and Chen Qiang also hope that the negotiations will be held in the territory of southern Africa. If it is not possible, Halifax will do.

Halifax is a Canadian territory, and the home port of the Atlantic Fleet is in Halifax. Jr. Morgan didn't want to see the southern African warships show off their power, so the two sides made a compromise, and the Bahamas became the best choice.

The key is that the Bahamas is located between southern Africa and the United States, although it is a little closer to the United States.

But now that there is a telegram, it is not difficult to contact Pretoria.

The Rhodesia Hotel in Nassau is certainly not as large as the Rhodesia Hotel in Pretoria.

But they have everything they should have. Little Morgan lives in the presidential apartment, while Luo Lin and Chen Qiang live in the business room.

Little Morgan didn't dare to neglect, so he went downstairs to find Luo Lin and Chen Qiang.

Luo Lin and Chen Qiang were indeed in the room, and they were listening to the radio, which was playing a congratulatory message from Rock to Sean Ferguson.

It must be a good thing for southern Africa that a southern African serves as the secretary-general of the League of Nations. It is gratifying to congratulate.

When Little Morgan came in, Chen Qiang turned off the radio casually.

"Rom, Southern Africa is an independent country. How can it be influenced by an organization like the National League?" Little Morgan hoped that the negotiations would continue. Since the conflict broke out in Brazil, the Rockefeller family's steel plant had run out of food and was starving for food.

"No, no, southern Africans abide by the spirit of the contract. Since we have joined the League of Nations, we must be bound by the League of Nations." Luo Lin said with a serious face.

Little Morgan felt extremely uncomfortable. You, a southern African, deserve to talk to me about the spirit of contract?
(End of this chapter)

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