Chapter 1909
Southern Africa's support to Mizhou is indeed a violation of the agreement reached between Rock and Roosevelt Jr.

However, that happened when the United States broke the contract first. The United States supported the Brazilian military government to grab the iron four corners, which also violated the agreement between Roque and Roosevelt Jr.

Americans have always talked about the spirit of contract, which is actually as funny as the Monroe Doctrine. When the rules are beneficial to the United States, the United States will give full play to the spirit of contract.

When the rules are not favorable to the United States, the United States will rewrite the rules.

Of course, Jr. Morgan doesn’t think so. In Jr. Morgan’s view, whether the United States joins the League of Nations should not affect the negotiations between the Federation of American Steel Enterprises and the Iron Four Corners. The federal government of Southern Africa should not even participate in the sanctions against the United States. Serious interference of American independence, the United States has the right to say no to the League of Nations.

"The United States has not joined the League of Nations, so naturally it is not bound by the League of Nations, but Southern Africa cannot. As a member of the League of Nations, Southern Africa must keep its promise to the League of Nations." Luo Lin himself is a law student, and he will definitely do his best Maintain the authority of the rules.

"That is to say, Iron Four Corners and Fawalt Steel Group will participate in the sanctions against the United States." Little Morgan's expression was gloomy. If this is the case, it is tantamount to forcing the United States Steel Corporation to give it a go.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Morgan, but we can only obey the orders of the federal government." Luo Lin was slightly worried that it was not a good idea to push the Americans to a dead end. The United States is not Japan.

Unlike Japan, which is strong externally but internally active, the United States itself is still very powerful. If it really pushes the Americans into a hurry, then the League of Nations must prepare for World War II.

If World War II were to break out early, it might lead to a joint alliance of the United States, Germany, and Japan, plus an ambitious Russia, and a vacillating Italy. It is hard to say who will win the world war in the end.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, the federal government of Southern Africa does not want to completely tear itself apart from the United States.

"So Mr. Morgan, you need to make full use of the Morgan family's influence in the United States, lobby the US government, and urge the United States to join the League of Nations as soon as possible, so that we can return to the negotiating table." Chen Qiang came out to sing red face, the United States did not join the League of Nations at the beginning , because the United States does not want to accept the leadership of Britain and France. The situation now has changed a lot from 12 years ago.

When the World War just ended, the influence of the United States had not yet reached the level that could compete with Britain and France, so the United States chose not to join the League of Nations in order to avoid being affected by the League of Nations.

Times have changed now, Britain and France have suffered heavy losses during the economic crisis, and their control over the League of Nations is not as good as before.

And southern Africa has separated from the Commonwealth of Nations and is showing its strength to lead the League of Nations. The United States can join the League of Nations at this time and can share power equally with southern Africa. This is actually more in line with the interests of the United States.

It is a pity that the United States has been away from the "center of civilized society" for too long, so that it has lost enough sensitivity to the power of the League of Nations, so it did not accept the invitation of the League of Nations.

Otherwise, if the United States pushes the boat along the way, there will be no current sanctions at all.

"Don't think you are guaranteed to win, let's wait and see!" Jr. Morgan is not easy to provoke, even if the United States wants to join the League of Nations, it will definitely not be under the sanctions imposed by the League of Nations.

When the news was sent back to Pretoria, Roque felt heavy. This kind of thing had never happened in another time and space. Now Roque lost the greatest advantage of being a "prophet", and he was really crossing the river by feeling the stones.

"The war potential of the United States is still very high. During the World War, the United States mobilized 300 million troops in only three months. This kind of mobilization ability is unmatched in the world—" Kitchener suddenly realized that I made a mistake. With the gems from southern Africa in front, the mobilization ability of the Americans is actually scum.

The mobilization ability of southern Africa is truly unrivaled. After the outbreak of the world war, Rock gave an order, and millions of troops were pulled up and marched to Europe in minutes. Southern Africa has strong industrial capabilities, and the alliance countries have almost unlimited resources. Human resources, in Kitchener's view, the southern African model is perfect.

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, don't choose war. War is the last choice after all methods fail." Adelaide does not agree to push the United States too hard, and war must be avoided if it can be avoided.

"The Executive Yuan is too anxious. It should send someone to the United States to clarify the stakes. The Americans will naturally make the right choice. Now that they directly impose sanctions on the United States, the Americans will definitely become angry." Philip did not know Sean Why is Ferguson in such a hurry.

Roque can only say that the current League of Nations has the final say, not Southern Africa.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Britain and France's control over the League of Nations is declining. In recent years, the League of Nations has almost achieved nothing under the leadership of Britain and France. However, this does not mean that Britain and France are willing to abdicate and give up control of the League of Nations to southern Africa.

Or to put it bluntly, Britain and France may prefer to disband the League of Nations, rather than see the League of Nations regain its cohesion and play its due role in international affairs under the leadership of southern Africa.

That's why the League of Nations can't wait to sanction the United States.

If Southern Africa wants to show leadership to the League of Nations, it must take the lead in initiating sanctions against the United States. Otherwise, the League of Nations under the leadership of Southern Africa will have no improvement like the League of Nations under the leadership of Britain and France.

"I just spoke with Howard on the phone. The White House should have summoned Howard by now—" Rock calculated that the time was almost the same, and many people in Washington should be sleepless tonight.

Roque was right. Roosevelt Jr. summoned Howard immediately to strongly express his protest against southern Africa.

"Your Excellency, this is the decision of the Executive Council of the League of Nations, not the decision of the Palace of Justice in Pretoria. For the Southern African Federal Government, the friendly relationship with the United States is still very important. The agreements you signed with the Lord It is still valid, and of course we have to take into account the face of the League of Nations, so our trading methods may need some changes.” Howard is also helpless, he, the southern African ambassador to the United States, has had a hard time in recent years, and the relationship between southern Africa and the United States Whenever there is a little trouble, Howard is bothered.

"How to change?" Little Roosevelt remained calm. Based on his understanding of Roque, Roque would definitely not be so pedantic that the Executive Council of the League of Nations cut off all trade with the United States in an official document.

There are still quite a lot of trade exchanges between the United States and southern Africa. The United States has a trade deficit and is heavily dependent on raw materials in southern Africa. While Morgan Jr. was negotiating with the Iron Four Corners, Standard Oil was actually negotiating with Neji Petroleum Company.

Just like the dilemma faced by U.S. steel companies, before the discovery of oil in the Persian Gulf, U.S. oil companies centered on Standard Oil were making money in various ways, gradually encroaching on the market of European oil companies, and Standard Oil became the world's largest oil business.

The discovery of the Elizabeth Oilfield changed all this. The oil in the Persian Gulf is of good quality, low cost, and easy to exploit. You can drill any well and produce oil. Standard Oil finally tasted the mood of European oil companies when they faced Standard Oil.

Still the same sentence, it is easy to go from thrift to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Once you have tasted the benefits of cheap raw materials, you will never go back to the previous hard days.

As soon as Standard Oil settled the accounts, it was cheaper to extract oil by itself than to buy oil directly from Adan Company, so what else to mine, just spend money to buy it.

Anyway, it's not that Adan Company doesn't sell them.

"Trade transit——" Howard had already planned that southern Africa could not do business directly with the United States, but it could go through a third party, such as Germany——

To put it bluntly, both the United States and southern Africa went to Germany to register a few companies and conduct trade in Germany, which can perfectly avoid the restrictions of the League of Nations.

This is not without precedent in another time and space. During the Cold War, a certain country broke the Cold War restrictions through a small broken port, and then the mentality of the small broken port was unbalanced.

Still the same sentence, standing on the vent, pigs can fly.

"However, the implementation of sanctions against the United States in southern Africa will still cause damage to the honor of the United States." Roosevelt Jr. was satisfied, but he didn't mind being more satisfied.

"Mr. President, if the United States joins the League of Nations now, these things will never happen." Howard is also helpless. The United States has repeatedly rejected the invitation of the League of Nations, so the image of the League of Nations has not been damaged.

So don't blame anyone, the relationship between the League of Nations and the United States has come to the present, and both parties are responsible.

"The negotiations between the Federation of American Iron and Steel Enterprises and the Iron Four Corners will continue to be discussed." Roosevelt Jr. did not settle the old score. The demand for iron ore by American steel companies has reached a level that must be resolved.

"Of course, we can't live up to the efforts of so many people—" Howard finally heaved a sigh of relief. Luo Lin and Chen Qiang still stayed in Nassau, which in itself already showed the attitude of southern African companies.

Of course, compared with the ongoing negotiations, the ongoing war in Brazil is much crueler.

Tom's capture was just the beginning. During this period of time, air battles broke out between the Rio military government and the state capital of Mizhou every day, each winning or losing. The ground battle has not yet started.

The MI Army needs time to mobilize its troops.

The troops of the Rio military government are also unwilling to leave the strong fortress to attack the Mizhou army, so the situation is a bit strange now. The air force in the sky has already used its brains, but the troops on the ground can only cheer.

If the air force is dispatched frequently, casualties will inevitably occur to the Michigan Army. On January 11, three aircraft of the Michigan Army were shot down, one pilot died in battle, and two parachuted pilots were rescued by ground troops.

So far, all the parachuting pilots of the Mizhou Army have been successfully rescued by the ground forces. On the contrary, two government pilots have been captured by the Mizhou Army.

(End of this chapter)

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