Chapter 1910 Shelling
The two captured government pilots were Americans like Tom, Jeff from Texas and Smith from North Carolina.

Tom extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the two companions. The three of them were not mistreated by the Mississippi Army. The other government prisoners were not so lucky. They were forced to participate in heavy physical labor. Tradition.

"The Umbrella Company has a lot of ways to toss this group of people, from morning to night, without a minute of rest—" Tom took the initiative to explain to Jeff and Smith that he ate and slept every day during this period, but he gained weight How many catties.

"The umbrella is a bit careless. The guards in this camp are very lax. We can look for opportunities to escape." Jeff took the initiative. Even if the MI Army gave him preferential treatment, it would be better to be an uncle in Rio.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Here we have food and drink. When we leave the camp, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are not so civilized." Tom looked at Joseph and Henry who were chatting not far away and shook his head slightly.

Don't think that Umbrella has given U.S. military pilots good treatment, and think that Umbrella companies are weak and deceptive.

Tom actually thought about escaping, but a few days ago, when Tom witnessed a small group of captives of the government army being shot by the Mizhou Army as if they were killing chickens because they did not complete their labor tasks, Tom gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

Stay and continue to be a prisoner, at least life will not be threatened.

If he escapes, he will be hunted down by the umbrella company. Tom doesn't think his legs can run over wheels or tracks.

Although the number of prisoners had increased to three, the only soldiers guarding them were Joseph and Henry.

While Tom was chatting with Jeff and Smith, Joseph and Henry were chatting about the ongoing war.

"When will we get out of this damn place—" Henry sighed, it has been raining for the past few days, there are mud puddles everywhere, there are scary mosquitoes, big and fierce, and the quilt is wet when he sleeps at night. Henry misses Southern Africa very much now.

In fact, the environment in southern Africa is similar to that of Brazil, and overall it is not bad.

However, the local infrastructure in Brazil is too poor, so the original ecological environment becomes unbearable.

"When the Yankee admits defeat—" Joseph was not in a hurry. In Joseph's opinion, the current life couldn't be better.

Although the battle has not yet broken out, the salary and bonus paid to Joseph by the state capital of Mizhou are not a lot.

Mercenaries were born and died just to make money. Now they don't have to work hard, they still have money to make. For the sake of money, a little grievance becomes insignificant.

If he could, Joseph hoped that his current life could continue forever.

It's a pity that this is impossible. On January 1, the Mizhou Army finally completed its mobilization and concentrated nearly 15 troops on the front line of Rio. This is already the limit of the Mizhou Army.

The number of troops on the government side has increased to 30. The gap in strength is about one to three, but the gap in strength is not so large.

On the 17th, the air force broke out in the largest air battle since the start of the war. Nearly a hundred fighter jets from both sides participated. Seven planes returned to the airport successfully.

From this day on, the government air force completely lost its air supremacy and handed over the sky to the Mizhou Army.

However, to solve the problem, it ultimately depends on the ground forces.

In the early morning of the 20th, the artillery of the Mississippi Army began to shell the positions of the government troops.

The artillery used by the Michigan Army was purchased from southern Africa, including the 1917-style 155mm caliber heavy howitzer.

This kind of artillery was developed during the World Wars and applied the most advanced artillery technology in the world at that time. Although it was 15 years ago, it is still not backward.

The Michigan Army is equipped with a total of 18 155mm howitzers. The gunners of the artillery are all hired from southern Africa. It is not easy to train a qualified gunner. What the Michigan Army lacks is time.

The howitzer position is located about 10 kilometers from the front line. This is not the maximum range of the 155mm howitzer. The maximum range of the 155mm howitzer is 13 kilometers. In this era when the artillery radar has not yet appeared, the artillery of the government army wants to counter firepower against the artillery of the Michigan Army It's not easy. Instead, the artillery of the Mississippi Army can use the corrections of the Air Force to carry out precise strikes on government positions.


Following the command of the commander, the 155 howitzer spewed out huge flames, shaking the mountains in an instant, and the whole world was trembling.

The shirtless gunner was sweating profusely, pushing the rate of fire of the 155mm howitzer to the theoretical limit. 155mm is basically the largest caliber that field troops can equip. The troops moved.

After three rounds, the shelling stopped temporarily, waiting for the data from the front line to return, and after the correction, the firepower was fully fired.

So the government army was out of luck. The accuracy of the 155 howitzer is very high. The killing radius of the blasting bomb is about 100 meters. Within a radius of 20 meters, the target can be directly shredded by a huge impact. Outside the radius of 20 meters, it can be produced by explosion Even if the target within the effective range is not directly hit by the fragments, the internal organs will be completely shattered.

Karl and Anthony's companies were ready to attack when the artillery began to shell.

Now that Karl and Anthony's company has been replenished, it is full again. In order to launch an attack on the government army's position more effectively, the Mizhou Army has invested in tank troops this time. Karl and Anthony's company has been assigned two tanks. The soldiers are certainly excited. No end, Carl and Anthony are a little worried.

"The soldiers have never accepted the coordination of infantry and tanks, and it will still be a problem to cooperate at that time." Karl was worried, saying that there are not many countries in the world that can conduct coordinated operations with infantry and tanks.

For most countries, infantry and artillery coordination is not good enough, and infantry and tank coordination is fine. Many countries don't even have tanks, and they don't know how to use them at all.

"Infantry-tank coordination is almost behind. I heard that the local national defense force is trying tank group operations. If it succeeds, our light infantry, like the heavy cavalry, will probably become history—" Anthony sighed, and the appearance of machine guns changed the situation. The form of war, now with the large-scale use of tanks, the way of war will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Sometimes it is like this. It cannot be said that Karl and Anthony are not doing well enough. It is just that the times have eliminated you, and it has nothing to do with you.

"Tank group operations must be established on the basis of large-scale deployment of tanks. Apart from our southern Africa, which other country in the world can afford it?" Carl is not worried. No matter how many tanks are equipped, light infantry still exists. Necessary, and will not be easily eliminated.

What Karl and Anthony didn't know was that the status of light infantry was indeed declining in the southern African Ministry of Defense's exercises.

Especially after the helicopters are equipped with the front-line troops, tanks and helicopters will be the main force of the southern African army in the future. The role of infantry has changed from a decisive force on the battlefield to an auxiliary force that cooperates with armored forces and land aviation forces. .

Of course, this must be based on a strong economic strength. The "Leopard" tanks that were previously deployed in southern Africa can buy three "light cavalry". Now the "Tiger" tanks that have just been deployed in the troops cost a Four "Leopard" type, if southern Africa is equipped with heavier and more advanced tanks in the future, the cost will be even higher.

Looking at it this way, probably only southern Africa and the United States in the world can afford mechanization.

At least for now.

At this time, artillery shells passed through the air, causing huge screams, orange flames and huge black smoke began to explode from the positions of the government forces in the distance, and a machine gun position of the government forces was ignited, and the raging fire caused ammunition After the explosion, it could be seen through the binoculars that many government soldiers were desperately putting out the fire. At this time, another shell flew over, and the government soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

Both Karl and Anthony have adapted to this scene of limbs flying and bloody.

After half an hour of shelling, the artillery of the government army did not fight back. When the fighter jets circling in the sky began to change shifts, the sharp whistle finally sounded.

"Let's go, let's go—" Karl patted the tank armor to remind the tanker to go.

The "light cavalry" tank spit out huge black smoke, and finally started to start. Hearing the "squeak" sound of the tracks, Karl waved his hand and led the troops to follow the tank closely, attacking the government army's position.

It had just rained last night, the ground was extremely muddy, and water had formed at the bottom of the huge crater, and there were huge puddles between the positions of the two armies.

Not long after leaving the starting position, the tank passed by a downed plane. The cockpit of the plane seemed to have been violently demolished. The pilot had disappeared, but a large area had turned into dark red blood. More good luck less.

Looking at the clearly visible Brazilian flag on the wing, Carl shook his head, driving away some unnecessary thoughts from his mind, and followed closely with the troops.

At this time, there was another screaming sound of shells piercing the air above his head, and Karl's face changed drastically in an instant.

The counterattack of the government army finally came. The Mizhou army bombarded the positions of the government army in front of it.

In the next moment, countless shells exploded, and the attacking Mizhou army also suffered heavy losses. A "light cavalry" was directly hit by shells, and the turret was blown away. The artillery shells carried exploded, and the flames were as gorgeous as the fireworks in the night sky.

"Speed ​​up, speed up, don't stop—" Carl buried his head and rushed forward. At this time, he only had one thought, to rush through the cemetery as soon as possible.


A shell suddenly exploded not far from where Anthony was. Karl looked back and did not stop.

Whether it is Buddha or God, I hope he can bless Anthony.

(End of this chapter)

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