Chapter 1919
The habit of naming names in Europe is quite different from that of Easterners. Easterners have many taboos about naming names. They cannot use unlucky names, those used by elders, and those used by monarchs. They rack their brains for a name, even when it comes to giving gifts. Ask someone for help with a name.

Europeans are more casual. The father is named John, so they simply name their son John, and most of them add "Second King" after the name.

Finally, the grandson is not called John, and the great-grandson may be called John again, in memory of an elder in the family.

As for the more common use of place names as names, Hood is obviously like this, because Hood was born in Halifax, so he simply called Halifax.

While the League of Nations discussed sending a special mission to Brazil, the fighting continued in Victoria.

The information that the U.S. military participated in the war has been confirmed. On the corpses abandoned on the battlefield, Sun Meng and Rex found the identification plates on the corpses of U.S. soldiers. The evidence is conclusive.

To be honest, the individual combat effectiveness of US Marine Corps soldiers is not much higher than that of government soldiers, but the equipment of the troops has a significantly better sense of honor than government soldiers.

When the government army is fighting, it mainly relies on the tactics of crowds, and the fighting will is not tenacious. Usually, the morale of the attacking troops will collapse when the loss reaches about [-]%.

The US military will conduct long-term shelling before the start of the battle, and will also use mortars to accompany the troops into the battle during the battle.

Mortars still pose a great threat to the defenders. The gunners of the US Marine Corps are obviously more skilled than the gunners of the military government, and they pose a greater threat to the defenders.

After the US Marine Corps entered the war, more than 70.00% of the casualties of the Michigan Army came from mortars.

Now that the U.S. Marine Corps has already joined the battle, the Southern African Union forces will not stand idly by.

After receiving the authorization from Pretoria, the Southern African Union troops also decided to join the battle, but the Union troops had to cross the Santa Maria River first.

At night, the gunfire gradually subsided, but no one dared to be careless. When the war just broke out, the government army and the Mizhou Army did not dare to take the initiative to initiate night battles. Now as time goes by, the number of night battles is becoming more and more frequent, and the intensity is also increasing. Higher and higher.

In order to prevent the Victoria defenders from getting supplies from Kitchener Port, government gunboats patrolled the Santa Maria River 24 hours a day, and bonfires were lit every night in the government-occupied areas on the peninsula. Without public participation in the exhibition, it is difficult to break the blockade jointly arranged by the government army and the US Marine Corps. It is possible to secretly transport some supplies, and large-scale reinforcements are basically impossible.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of the patrol boats equipped by the government army is not high. Brazil still has a certain manufacturing capacity. These government patrol boats are manufactured by the Brazilian military government. In order to save costs, the hull is made of wood, and the weapon is only a 40mm bang bang. gun, and a 12.7mm large-caliber machine gun. From this point of view, Brazilian weapons and equipment are also made by all countries.

The patrol boat with a displacement of only 150 tons is not even as good as a larger fishing boat. 17 patrol boats perform patrol duties on the Santa Maria River.

"Don't worry about what you shouldn't, don't look at what you shouldn't, our mission is to survive, as for which side wins in the end, it has nothing to do with us—" Paulinho, the captain of patrol boat No. 1107, always In this way, the captain is just a job for him.

"Shouldn't soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty?" The young adjutant Silva hadn't been smoothed by reality, but he couldn't help but feel suspicious of the ongoing civil war.

Not all are ambitious.

For many ordinary people, they don't care about which side wins. It is not easy to survive in troubled times.

The young people are relatively better. Maybe the blood has not cooled down, but I can't help but feel confused about the future of Brazil. A country with several million square kilometers, tens of millions of people, and so rich in resources, it is fully equipped to become a powerful country. Conditions, but in reality, it is a bit sad that it has to be reduced to a vassal of a powerful country, and cannot even decide the future of its own country.

"Do you have to carry out a mission that you know you must die? Think about your mother, she is still waiting for you to go back, you are her only hope." Paulinho sneered with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. The cigarette is good, imported from the United States. The tobacco leaves are produced in Brazil. The Americans buy tobacco leaves from Brazil at a low price, transport them to the United States for processing, and then sell them to Brazil at a high price. They earn more than ten times the money.

Brazil can't even produce cigarettes, let alone other industrial products.

The Santa Maria River at night is quiet and peaceful. On the left bank is the brightly lit Kitchener, and on the right bank is Victoria, which is full of gunshots and ruins. The contrast is sharp and heartbreaking.

Before the war broke out, Paulinho had been to Victoria and knew how beautiful Victoria was at that time.

Now the beautiful Victoria has been burned in the flames of war. After the war, it is not known whether there will be a chance to restore its original appearance. Thinking of this, Paulinho is full of regrets and inexplicable indignation.

"I wish I was American, or southern African—" Silva blurted out sadly, without much shame.

For Brazilians, there is no shame in thinking this way, and even the vast majority of Brazilians think so.

Not everyone is like the southern Africans who built a powerful country on the ashes with decades of perseverance.

Southern Africa was likewise in ruins after the Second Boer War.

In just 30 years, southern Africa has become the most powerful country in the world. If you can’t beat it, join it. This is the truth in the 21st century. In 1932, it was a matter of course.

"After the war is over, go to the United States or southern Africa if you have the opportunity. Brazil is not a promising country." Paulinho took a long time to speak, his voice was so low that he couldn't hear it clearly unless he listened carefully.

The patrol boat sailed into a shallow bay, and Silva suddenly found a fishing boat docked on the shore, and several people were loading things into the boat.

This is the shore belonging to Kitchener Harbour.

Silva has not yet spoken, Paulinho quietly speeds up.

"Don't talk, just pretend you didn't see anything—" Paulinho stared forward, obviously seeing it.

"They seem to be moving bullets—" Silva also lowered his voice, and his hands were quietly placed on the handle of the gun at his waist.

Although the distance is a bit far, the appearance of the bullet box is still very eye-catching.

And looking at the draft of the fishing boat and the height of the piles on the deck, the number is too much.

"Even if it's shells, we don't care about them." Paulinho kept his eyes on, and the speed of the patrol boat did not slow down. It had already crossed the shallow bay, and Silva was still looking back.

"Why?" Silva was a little excited, young people are so easy to get on.

"Because the fishing boat is in Kitchener Harbor, not in Victoria—" Paulinho quietly breathed a sigh of relief, which is not dereliction of duty.

Turning around the Victoria Peninsula and returning to the shallow bay, the fishing boat has disappeared, and the patrol boat with the hull number 1108 is also cruising nearby.

"Good evening, have you found anything?" When the two patrol boats passed by, the crew of No. 1108 patrol boat took the initiative to greet No. 1107 patrol boat.

"Everything is normal!" Paulinho responded with a smile, and did not forget to send his blessings: "——I wish you all good luck!"

The meaning of this good luck, whether it is safety or discovery, depends on the fate of patrol boat No. 1108.

At two o'clock in the morning, still in this shallow bay, hundreds of officers and soldiers of the Southern African Union troops completed the assembly and prepared to cross the river to Victoria for reinforcements.

"Brazilian patrol boats are annoying, burn them—" Lieutenant Leopold from Katanga was impatient. The water level of the Santa Maria River was relatively shallow, making it difficult for destroyers and cruisers to enter. Even if the patrol boat was small, it was still a warship. The threat is still there.

"Be patient—don't worry—" Captain Hal, who is also from Katanga, is not in a hurry. The patrol boats of the government army always slack off, and the weather tonight is not very good, and it looks like it will rain. Look, Hal sniffed, as if he could smell the rainstorm.

Brazil is also a country in the southern hemisphere. It is summer from November to March every year, and Victoria has a humid subtropical monsoon climate. There is a lot of rain in summer. As the saying goes, it is the face of a child in June, and it changes as soon as it changes.

Hal's nose was still trustworthy. The wind started to pick up at 02:30, and just after three o'clock, the big raindrops fell down. The visibility on the river was at most 50 meters, and the bonfires on the other side of the river were also extinguished one by one.

Hal was overjoyed, laughed and ordered to cross the river.

In an instant, more than a dozen fishing boats hidden by the river were pushed out, and nearly a hundred soldiers boarded the boats one by one. Kitchener Port used this primitive method to complete six reinforcements to Victoria.

Although only about 500 people can be sent at a time, it is enough for the defenders to maintain the situation.

Let alone how many people there are, the key is that this continuous reinforcement will greatly improve the morale of the defenders.

It doesn't matter if you are surrounded, it doesn't matter if you don't have enough supplies, you can persist even if you run out of ammunition and food, as long as you can see hope, you can persist.

The surface of the Santa Maria River is relatively wide, and the visibility is not high when it rains. When the fishing boat was in the middle of the river, a patrol boat of the Brazilian military government suddenly came in the distance.

Halton's heart sank suddenly, encountering a patrol boat at this time, a battle was inevitable.

But at this time, something that surprised Hal happened. The patrol boat seemed to have spotted the fishing boat, but it seemed that it didn’t see anything. It suddenly turned around in the distance, and just walked away directly, without any intention of coming over to ask questions. .

That's right, after being dealt with so many times, the Brazilian military government may hold their breath and want revenge, and the soldiers at the bottom are not stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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