Chapter 1920 The Butcher
Regardless of whether it is confrontation or civil war, it is ordinary Brazilians who die in the end. Fragozzo, Noronha, and Barreto will definitely not die. To realize their "ideals" through human life, this is the so-called superiority of human beings.

The participation of the Southern African Union troops gradually stabilized the situation in Victoria, and the battle fell into a stalemate again.

Still the same sentence, the combat effectiveness of the U.S. military has never been stronger. It is the United States that is strong. If the various firepower advantages of the U.S. military are removed, the combat effectiveness of the U.S. Marine Corps is really not much stronger than the Brazilian government forces.

This point can be seen from the battles that the U.S. military participated in in another time and space. Needless to say, in World War I and World War II, the main force of the Allies in World War I was Britain and France, and the main force of the Allied forces in World War II was Russia. The United States only joined the war when the two sides were about to win or lose , In essence, it is picking peaches, trying to share the fruits of post-war victory, which is not very convincing.

The wars that the U.S. military provoked after World War II, whether it was the Korean War or the Vietnam War, or the subsequent war on terrorism, all ended in failure.

This fully proves that the combat effectiveness of the US military is really not as powerful as depicted in those few drops of blood.

Speaking of movies, "Forrest Gump", regarded by many people as a must-see movie for men, actually hides a history that the US government cannot look back on.

In the late period of the Vietnam War, the US military suffered more and more casualties, and domestic anti-war sentiments became stronger and stronger. At this time, the then US Secretary of Defense made a "great" decision. He proposed a "10-man plan", that is, every year Hundreds of thousands of mentally handicapped Americans were sent to Vietnam to fight in the war. It was against this background that Forrest Gump participated in the Vietnam War.

Intellectually mature Americans are still unable to defeat the British, let alone those with intellectual disabilities. Many Forrest Gump can't even understand orders, let alone execute them. Therefore, Forrest Gump is repelled and hostile by other US troops. He shot black guns at Forrest Gump, preferring to send them to the grave, rather than let them drag their feet on the battlefield.

Among the U.S. troops who participated in the Vietnam War, Forrest Gump had the highest casualty rate.

The U.S. government is not so much sending the Forrest Gump to the war as it is sending the Forrest Gump to Vietnam to die.

The U.S. Marine Corps that Victoria participated in the war was not mentally handicapped. After all, the U.S. government at this time was still normal. However, the participation of the Marine Corps did not bring about fundamental improvement. After the Southern African Union troops entered the war, the casualties of the U.S. Marine Corps soared .

Via Fernando, Vittoria, there's not a single intact building on this street right now, not even a proper bunker, USMC mortars nearly leveled the street during the fighting the other day , Soldiers from both sides engaged in a brutal tug-of-war on the ruins.

The company led by Sun Meng and Rex had only seven members left. During the battle a few days ago, Sun Meng's company lost its position and was driven out of Fernando Street.

The Americans didn't get complacent for long. After the Southern African Union troops entered the war, Sun Meng and Rex made a comeback and drove the US Marine Corps out of Fernando Avenue to re-establish the defense line.

The reinforcements sent fuel and shells, but unfortunately Rex's "little monster" was completely destroyed in the battle.

However, this is not difficult for Rex. As an excellent captain of the Umbrella Company, Rex led a few people to piece together, disassembled parts from other destroyed tanks, and assembled another tank in just two days. A "little monster", which earned Rex the respect of all.

"Rex, with your skills alone, I think you won't have to worry about food even if you retire." Hal couldn't believe it, the Umbrella Company really was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Hal was an officer in the Southern African Union Force, and he didn't have many opportunities to deal with the umbrella company.

In the previous exercises held by the Ministry of National Defense of Southern Africa, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company once served as the blue army. In fact, they can’t be said to be unfamiliar. related cases.

In fact, the relationship between the two sides is quite good. After the southern African officers and soldiers retired, if they did not want to end their military career, they would work as mercenaries in the umbrella company. Many officers and soldiers fell in love with the profession of mercenaries.

Compared with the Southern African National Defense Forces, mercenaries still have relatively few rules and regulations.

"I think Rex can go to Nyasaland Military Industry to be a senior engineer—" Sun Meng also really admires that Rex can build a tank from scratch without even tools. Miracle.

"It's not that miraculous. I found a tank that was discarded due to lack of fuel. I put fuel into the tank and it started. Otherwise, I couldn't help it." Rex is not proud, and his level can handle some simple faults. Well, a senior engineer is really not something that just anyone can do.

Engineers in southern Africa have a high social status and are well paid. Some famous engineers, such as Rudolf Diesel, have now become millionaires. This is the winner in life.

Nikola Tesla is actually an engineer. Taking the patents held by Nikola Tesla, it is very easy for Nikola Tesla to become a billionaire.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the alternating current patent that Nikola Tesla voluntarily gave up. If Nikola Tesla wants to charge, he will really become a billionaire in minutes.

"That's not bad, it's amazing—" Hal laughed, and Rex's explanation really became very reasonable.

Before the day was over, a few people were chatting intensely, when suddenly there was a violent explosion.

The Americans have learned to be smart now. In previous battles, the Americans always had to carry out long-term firepower preparations before launching ground troops to attack.

Now the Americans are very cunning, sometimes they can't see a single person after bombardment for a long time, and sometimes they sneak attack without even saying hello, and they don't talk about martial arts at all.

The progress of the US Marine Corps is so great, and the progress of the Michigan Army is not small. In street fighting, the defenders still have a great advantage. Sun Meng has now magnified this advantage to the extreme.

It was Washington's first real fight from Oklahoma.

Washington was born in a famous family. His father was a senator from Oklahoma and a famous banker. His mother was a British aristocrat. Washington was deeply influenced by chivalry. After graduating from high school, he entered the West Point Military Academy. Graduated from military school.

There are thousands of students at West Point Military Academy, and if they can get No.1 in the exam, they have a bright future.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Washington was able to come to Victoria with the US Marine Corps.

Then Washington's three views were completely subverted. What he learned at West Point Military Academy was not applicable in Victoria.

You can't expose your body in any open area. The snipers of the Mizhou Army are very powerful. They are best at injuring people, and then killing the officers and soldiers trying to rescue the wounded soldiers one by one.

When the U.S. Marine Corps first entered the war, a total of 12 soldiers died because of one wounded soldier.

You can’t walk close to the wall either. In fact, there is no wall at all now. All the buildings in the entire block have been destroyed, and the tall and majestic villas have become piles of ruins. Larger stones are hard to find.

This kind of environment gives the Mizhou Army the greatest convenience. It may be a pile of inconspicuous small stones on the side of the road, and a pack of explosives is buried underneath. If the Marine Corps soldiers pass by accidentally, they will be secretly observed. Army soldiers detonated directly.

In the worst incident, a total of 6 Marines were blown to pieces by this roadside bomb, two of them had no bones left, and 6 others were injured.

This is still the case of fully spreading out to form a skirmish line. If a dense formation attacks, it is estimated that a platoon will be directly reimbursed.

You can't walk on the street, and you can't walk at the base of the wall. The Marine Corps' attack is very difficult, and they can only pile up lives.

It is not to pile up the lives of Americans, but to pile up the lives of Brazilians.

When the Marine Corps launches an attack, it will bring some government troops to cooperate with the attack.

These government troops who cooperate with the attack are cannon fodder. They are responsible for testing the firepower of the MI Army, attracting the attention of MI Army snipers, and responsible for all dangerous tasks such as demining. Washington's mentality has changed from full of confidence at the beginning to Being cautious now, war can indeed make people grow at the fastest speed.

"Continue—" Washington squatted behind a bombed tank, and coldly ordered the government officers around him.

On the ground about 50 meters in front of the tank, there were several corpses scattered all over the place, all of which were the masterpieces of snipers from the Mississippi Army.

"You, you—attack—" the government officer's face was livid, and he ordered two government soldiers casually.

The two soldiers were as pale as sieves, one guy couldn't stand upright, and the other guy begged bitterly: "No, I don't want to die, please sir—"

"If you don't carry out the order, you will die now!" The officer drew out his pistol and put it on the soldier's forehead.

Before the soldier could speak, he was kicked out of the bunker by the officer.

The expected gunshots came as promised.

This time Washington finally saw clearly that the cunning MI Army snipers were hiding behind a chaotic ruin filled with various debris, which provided the best cover for the MI Army snipers.

"Mortar, 150 meters ahead of the ruins, three rapid fires, blow him to death!" Washington roared at the top of his voice.

On the real battlefield, dealing with snipers is always covered by firepower, and the kind of sniper warfare in movies rarely happens in reality.

What's more, the U.S. Marine Corps doesn't have many good snipers, and the performance of snipers in southern Africa during the World War shocked the whole world.

Nima has a record of two to three hundred, five or six hundred at every turn. It is impossible for a butcher to kill so many pigs in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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