Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1921 Playing National Prestige

Chapter 1921 Playing National Prestige
February is the month with the highest average temperature in Victoria, with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees at noon and around 24 degrees at night.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly, but everyone did not feel any warmth. The ruins and scattered corpses around reminded people that they were in a battlefield, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood, which made people feel uneasy.

In the weather of 30 degrees, if the corpse is not disposed of in time, it will rot in a few days, and then there will be a plague that makes people talk about it.

A few seagulls flitted over the city without daring to stop. The air here seemed to be full of fear.

Following a violent explosion, marines and government soldiers left their bunkers and moved on.

Washington did not leave the bunker in a hurry. After just a few days of fighting, Washington has become a qualified officer.

Just as Washington feared, a tall U.S. Marine was knocked to the ground by a bullet flying from nowhere just as he left the bunker.

The snipers of the Mississippi Army are very cunning. Under the same opportunity, they will target the marines first. Although the marines have put on the uniforms of the government army, Americans have better nutrition and are generally taller than the government. The army soldiers are tall and strong, which cannot be concealed.

In fact, in the last hundred years, the physical condition of white people has gradually improved, but not much better. In 1818, the minimum height standard for French conscription was 1.5 meters seven. In 1932, the minimum height standard was actually reduced by one centimeter. Even so, half of the recruits were eliminated because their height did not meet the standard.

The reason is that France suffered heavy losses during the First World War. Compared with direct casualties, the psychological blow to people was more serious. Compared with honor, life began to become more important.

The lives of US Marines are naturally more important.

What's more, this is Brazil. The precious lives of the US Marines cannot and will not be lost for the Brazilians.

The sporadic kills of the snipers could not stop the advance of the large army. Hundreds of soldiers charged together and advanced hundreds of meters in just a few tens of seconds.

At this time, a machine gun position disguised as ruins on the side of the street opened fire suddenly, several soldiers were knocked down immediately, and the formation of the attacking troops suddenly fell into chaos. Marines.

That's normal too, Marines are afraid of death too.

Human nature.

But there was nowhere to escape.

The Mizhou Army is ruthless in combat. Before the battle begins, the soldiers hide in various bunkers and remain motionless. Once the battle begins, they will do everything they can, so the machine gun is the signal, and more machine guns will join in immediately. With Lee Enfield playing " In the unique rhythm of "1 Minute of Crazy", countless grenades were thrown from the ruins on both sides of the street, and the attacking troops suffered heavy losses immediately.

Washington's eyes were tearing apart, but there was nothing he could do.

In order to cover the troops' attack, not far from Washington is the machine gun position of the US Marine Corps.

After the battle broke out, the Marine Corps' machine guns fired desperately, hoping to suppress the firepower of the Michigan Army.

But it hardly had any effect. The barrels of the Marine Corps' machine guns had been shot red, and the firepower of the Mississippi Army was still fierce.

At this time, the mortars no longer fired high-explosive bombs, but began to fire smoke bombs, hoping to cover the retreat of the attacking troops.

A few minutes later, looking at the dozens of soldiers who had withdrawn, Washington felt like crying.

This battle is impossible to fight.

When the Marine Corps first entered the war, it once broke into the position of the Michigan Army.

At this time, the Marine Corps was surprised to find that the positions of the Mizhou Army were actually composed of perfect tunnels. These zigzag trenches can minimize the damage of shelling to the defenders. The spacious tunnels can accommodate nearly a hundred people. Dodging, there is actually a medical room and a rest room in the tunnel, no wonder the state army thousands of meters away is still not retreating an inch in the face of the tens of thousands of government troops' crazy attack.

This kind of tunnel tactics makes Americans seem familiar.

Some members of the U.S. military advisory group participated in the World War. After the frontline troops reported the situation, the U.S. military advisers could tell at a glance that the Michigan Army used the trench tactics that reached its peak in World War I.

If you want to ask which company is better at digging holes, Southern Africa is undoubtedly the best in the world.

During the World War, the U.S. military and southern Africa were allies, so the U.S. advisers could tell at a glance who the tunnel technicians of the Michigan Army were trained by.

This can also explain why the Mizhou Army, which is short of major generals, can fight back and forth with the Marine Corps and government forces with many generals.

When the battle in Victoria Harbor fell into a stalemate, the first line of fire in Rio was revived.

Some time ago, the Americans bought some time for the government forces on the pretext that they needed time to evacuate their overseas Chinese.

A week later, the Mississippi Army launched an offensive again. This time, the U.S. troops on the front line in Rio finally felt the feeling of the government army.

The Mizhou Army had seized the air supremacy on the front line of Rio before. Although the government army had a certain degree of air defense capability, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Mizhou Artillery Unit and the Air Force, the air defense firepower was a drop in the bucket, and it was not enough to bring the air to the position. adequate protection.

As a result, the U.S. Marine Corps and government forces participating in the war were unlucky. To be honest, the U.S. Marine Corps has never been so aggrieved. For a long time, in the wars that U.S. troops participated in, there were few times when the firepower was at a disadvantage. It is always the U.S. military that bullies people by virtue of its superiority in firepower. The indiscriminate bombing that lasts for days, or even weeks, almost completely destroys the enemy’s positions. template.

As a result, this method failed in Brazil. In the past, it was the Americans who bombed others, but now it is finally the turn of the Americans to be beaten.

The Mississippi Army used not only high-explosive bombs in its bombing, but also incendiary bombs and gas bombs.

Did Southern Africa regard Brazil as a weapons testing ground? During World War I, poison gas bombs were still very useful, and they are not banned now. Therefore, southern Africa is full of various bombs in turn. It is better to throw them first. Let's talk about it later, after the war is over, there will naturally be professional evaluation.

The pilots of the Mississippi Army are not afraid of being tired. Sometimes they can even dispatch more than a dozen times a day, and they just enjoy it.

The U.S. troops that had just entered the war were out of luck.

When did the Americans suffer this kind of anger? It can be said that there is no advantage in firepower, and the Americans will not fight at all. It is a joke to expect the Americans to carry forward the spirit of millet and rifles, so after only one day, the Marines who had just joined the battle returned in a hurry Rio de Janeiro.

In just one day, the US military suffered more than 500 casualties.

There are only 3000 U.S. troops on the front line in Rio.

So when Hopman found Jones again, he lost his temper as soon as they met.

"Do you want to fight an all-out war? If not, please stop your assistance to the Mississippi Army immediately. Do you know that your pilots have caused heavy losses to our Marine Corps? You must be responsible for this? "Hopman clutched his chest, feeling like he was about to have a heart attack.

The loss is really too heavy, with more than 500 casualties in just one day. This is the most painful loss suffered by the US military after the World War.

Of course, in addition to anger, the strength shown by the southern African army shocked Hopman even more.

This is just the surreptitious assistance of the Southern African Federal Government to the Mizhou Army, and there is no declaration of war with great fanfare.

To put it bluntly, it is not the elite troops of southern Africa who are participating in the battle now. If the elite troops of southern Africa are participating in the battle——

The consequences were truly unimaginable.

Hopman now wondered if any of the Marines would have escaped back to Rio if the [-]st Cavalry Division, the two aces in southern Africa, or the northern Rhodesian Division had joined the battle.

"Aren't you not going to fight? Why are there marines on the battlefield?" Jones smiled. The angrier Hopman was, the happier Jones was.

The current United States and southern Africa are the two most powerful countries in the world in terms of industrial strength, so in many fields, southern Africa and the United States are engaged in direct confrontation.

For both parties, only the other party is qualified to fight against themselves.

"Don't pretend to be confused. How dare you say that you in southern Africa didn't participate in the war?" Hopman stopped pretending. 500 marines were killed. The U.S. government must have an explanation. Maybe the U.S. Secretary of Defense will resign because of this.

Jones pursed his lips and said nothing. The United States has entered the war, so why should it ask Southern Africa to restrain itself.

Since the outbreak of the Brazilian Civil War, there have been many radical voices in southern Africa, demanding that the federal government of southern Africa declare war on the United States, truly demonstrating the national prestige of southern Africa.

The federal government also wants to show its national prestige in World War I.

It's a pity that it's unrealistic. Don't forget that southern Africa and the United States are thousands of miles apart. One is in the southern hemisphere, one is in the northern hemisphere, one is in Africa, and the other is in North America. So how to fight?
If you really want to declare war, for southern Africa, the long supply line will make you want to die. If you take the initiative to send more troops to Halifax, it will be useless if you send less troops. Sri Lanka is less than 1000 kilometers away from New York. How many troops can be sent there to withstand the attack of the US military?

Don't forget that there are also [-] million people in the United States.

So this problem is the same for southern Africa and the United States. Southern Africa does not want to fight, but cannot afford it. It is not that the United States does not want to fight, but also cannot afford it.

Therefore, until now, Southern Africa and the United States have maintained a tacit understanding of contact and limited the conflict to a certain extent. Neither the US military nor the southern African army participating in the war in Brazil exceeded 1 people.

"Enough is enough now, you have already taken advantage, you have trampled on the dignity of the US government, and you will pay for your actions!" Hopman has not forgotten the blackmail until this time, it is really irreversible. What.

ps: I finally finished the three-shot vaccine today. Friendly reminder: Don’t take a bath within two days after the vaccination. Others don’t matter. I saw a buddy today who said that he had just received the vaccine and he couldn’t drink alcohol or eat cold food. Spicy ones, don’t eat sour ones—there are really not so many taboos——

(End of this chapter)

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