Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1932 If you don't understand the situation, you will die

Chapter 1932 If you don't understand the situation, you will die
Regardless of how much Iron Four Corners spent to buy the mine, the people were bought with real money. The agreement was confirmed by the Brazilian government and the state capital of Mizhou at that time.

From another point of view, although Iron Sijiao did not spend much money to buy mines, it also invested a lot in road construction and bridge construction in the later stage, not to mention creating nearly [-] jobs for Mizhou. Everyone should be grateful to Iron Square.

Don't listen to Paul Coutinho's good words, Vargas is actually very clear that if the mine is really to be handed over to Paul Coutinho and others, Paul Coutinho's eating will be uglier than the Iron Square.

When Iron Sijiao was operating the mine, the state capital of Mizhou could still get some dividends.

Switch to Paul Coutinho, maybe the state capital of Michigan won't even be able to drink soup.

For this result, Fan Bao and Augusto are well aware of it.

The iron four corners company opened a mine, and I don’t know how many similar things it has experienced. There are always people who think that the strong dragon will not overwhelm the local snakes. Seeing that the mines are so profitable, no matter whether it is a cat or a dog, they want to come here to take advantage of it.

Little do they know that if a company like Iron Four Corners is a soft persimmon, how can it create such a big scene? If you want to take advantage of it, you should be careful of the backlash from Iron Four Corners.

Backed by the support of the Federal Government of Southern Africa and the powerful force of the Umbrella Corporation, Fan Bao is really calm and relaxed. He is a frog in a well, even if he is in a high position, his vision is so limited after all. He can't figure out the situation. up.

Don't listen to Paul Coutinho's loud voice just now, but when facing Fan Bao and Augusto, Paul Coutinho has to restrain himself no matter how arrogant he is. The governor's mansion in Vargas, all security personnel They are all mercenaries of the umbrella company, which angered Fan Bao and Augusto. Paul Coutinho may not be able to walk out of the gate of the governor's mansion today.

"Fan, you came just in time. I was just about to call you. I need greater support from the Federal Government of Southern Africa." Vargas took the initiative to break the silence. Fighting a war is a very expensive thing. The loan was almost exhausted, and Vargas had to make preparations in advance.

"Heh—" Fan Bao hadn't spoken yet, and Augusto couldn't help but sneer.

He was plotting to take command of the Mizhou Army just now, and now he wants to get more loans. I'm afraid Vargas thought that Rock was his real father.

Fan Bao didn't speak, and glanced at Paul Coutinho, who was slightly disturbed, with an obvious attitude.

Do you want more support for this?
I am afraid that Vargas has misunderstood the word "imperialism".

There is no doubt that although southern Africa is now separated from the Commonwealth of Nations, in the concept of almost all countries, southern Africa, like the British Empire, is a representative of "imperialism".

The core of imperialism is mine is mine and yours is mine, and if you don't agree with that, I'll find a way to get you to.

Don't listen to southern Africa shouting peace and friendship all day long, that's for southern Africans.

If southern Africa is truly peaceful and friendly, is such a large territory now all convincing people with reasoning?
Don't forget that truth only exists within the range of the cannon.

"General Augusto, when will the Michigan Army capture Rio de Janeiro?" Vargas asked proactively. The sooner the war ends, the sooner Vargas can realize his political ambitions and transform Brazil according to his wishes.

"It's nowhere in sight!" Augusto sneered, he couldn't wait to jump out to pick peaches before the Nima war was over, which really angered the Iron Square and the umbrella, and Vargas would definitely be abandoned.

This is not a joke. Southern Africa has invested hundreds of millions of rand in the state of Michigan. Such a large amount of investment must not be in vain. Therefore, if Vargas is not obedient, then the Iron Square and the umbrella can easily be replaced by someone as governor.

Even directly cooperating with the Brazilian military government is not impossible. Now if the Iron Four corners come to the door, no matter how harsh the conditions are, Fragozzo will probably agree.

"Heh, we have already surrounded Rio heavily, and it only takes one charge to completely overthrow the general government. How could it be so far away?" Paul Coutinho also sneered, it seems that the military government is indeed over.

Augusto glanced at Paul Coutinho with contempt, and did not respond to Paul Coutinho's provocation at all.

This attitude is also very obvious, which probably means that Augusto feels that Paul Coutinho is not worthy to discuss this issue with Augusto at all.

So there is no need for Augusto to respond at all. In someone's words, Augusto glanced at Paul Coutinho, and Paul Coutinho won.

"General Augusto, if possible, I hope to end the war as soon as possible." Vargas is tactful, at least so far, he still respects Augusto's attitude.

"Your Excellency Governor, the U.S. military is continuing to increase its troops. The number of U.S. troops in Rio has exceeded 1. Every step forward, we are facing more and more difficulties." Augusto explained a little, unless it is absolutely necessary, Iron Four Corners and Umbrella doesn't want to change people either.

After all, Iron Square and Umbrella have invested a lot of energy in Vargas, and it is unwise to change players at this time, not to mention that there is currently no more suitable partner than Vargas.

"The Americans did not directly participate in the war. The US military in Rio is to protect the Americans in Rio. As long as we avoid the area where the US military is located, the US military in Rio is not an obstacle for us." Paul Coutinho could only Stick to it.

"Oh——" Augusto closed his eyes and shook his head continuously. He believed this kind of nonsense, and he didn't know whether it was naive or stupid.

The meaning of this action is obvious.

Paul Coutinho was suddenly furious.

"Your Excellency, if I command the battle, I am sure to capture Rio within a week." Paul Coutinho seized power directly.

Vargas is in a dilemma. He must want to end the war as soon as possible, but he doesn't know whether Paul Coutinho is worthy of trust.

Trust needs to be supported by facts. The previous battles of the Mizhou Army were all commanded by umbrellas. Augusto can be said to have proved his ability with his record.

Paul Coutinho...

He has never commanded any battle alone.

"General, we need to end the war as soon as possible." Vargas thought of what Augusto had just said about "there's no end in sight." After all, desire defeated reason.

"Your Excellency Governor, I will only remind you that arrogance does not bring victory." Augusto watched coldly. If you are willing to die, I am willing to bury him.

"I'm not arrogant, but I have full confidence in the powerful Michigan Army." Paul Coutinho probably felt that he had won, and the triumphant expression made Augusto want to put a smile on his face. gun.

"Your Excellency Governor, the balance of victory is now on our side." Fan Bao finally spoke, you said that a week is just a week?If not, who will take the responsibility?
This is a very real problem. If under the command of Paul Coutinho, the Michigan Army cannot capture Rio within a week, then the Michigan Army, which has suffered heavy casualties, may not even be able to maintain the front line.

At that time, even if Paul Coutinho apologizes with death, can the defeat be saved?

I am afraid that when the time comes, Paul Coutinho will still have countless reasons to shirk responsibility.

However, the initial investment in Iron Square and Umbrella has been wasted.

In short, no matter how nice Paul Coutinho said, Fan Bao would not use the hard work of iron squares and umbrellas to prove whether Paul Coutinho has that ability.

"In this case, why not attack Rio directly now?" Paulo Coutinho was aggressive.

"Iron Four Corner Company and Umbrella Company are doing things, and it's not your turn to tell me what to do!" The fierce light in Fan Bao's eyes flashed away, and this kind of person cannot be kept.

"You—" Paul Coutinho blushed immediately. Although this kind of thing is true, but if you say it so directly, where will Paul Coutinho lose face?

Fan Bao glared at Paul Coutinho with fierce eyes.

Paul Coutinho is submissive and unable to utter a word.

Fan Bao glanced at Augusto.

Augusto gave Fan Bao a positive look.

"The Federal Government of Southern Africa has ordered General Qin Ling to lead the Rhodesian Northern Division to board the ship, and it will soon arrive in Brazil. Now our biggest threat is not Rio, but the Americans—" Fan Bao has a serious expression, and his heart is full of Vargas. Slightly disappointed: "- figure this out!"

Vargas is already considered an excellent politician, but he still cannot get rid of the limitations of the times and Brazil's current situation.

In Brazil, the interests of the Iron Square and the protective umbrella are inviolable, people block killing, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Vargas frowned, he had already realized the change of Fan Bao's attitude towards him.

Only then did Vargas feel scared, but fortunately he didn't go too far on the wrong path.

Paul Coutinho was pale. He is only now realizing that greed has a price.

Of course, Paul Coutinho did not fully understand this point. That night, Paul Coutinho committed suicide in his garage, and then the Michigan Army conducted a round of cleaning from top to bottom.

Those who cannot keep up with the development of the times will be eliminated by the times sooner or later.

On March 3, the "Bigonia Flower" arrived in Kitchener. On this day, the Michigan Army, which had held on to Victoria for nearly six months, voluntarily withdrew from Victoria. With the help of the US Marine Corps, the government forces finally captured Victoria, but Barreto couldn't be happier.

In order to occupy Victoria, the government army lost nearly 3 people before and after, and the morale of the troops was seriously hit. In the end, they only got a Victoria that was almost in ruins.

The Americans are very happy. After occupying Victoria, the aid channel in Michigan was completely closed. It seems that the Michigan Army has become a turtle in the urn.

(End of this chapter)

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