Chapter 1933
When European and American countries faced a war, even at the critical moment of national subjugation and genocide, they never had the courage to fight to the end, let alone the consciousness to fight to the last person.

Generally speaking, wars in European and American countries end with capturing the capital of the other side. If the capital is captured, it is basically time to surrender. At this time, there is no concept of guerrilla warfare.

The significance of the aid channel does not need to be emphasized. During the Second Boer War, the country established by the Boers was completely cut off by the British Expeditionary Force because the border was blocked by the British Expeditionary Force.

When Rock got Nyasaland, his first goal was Portuguese East Africa, also for the sea.

From the perspective of the United States, the Michigan Army that lost Victoria will sooner or later be trapped alive by the US Marine Corps and government forces. After all, the Michigan Army, like the original Boers, can hardly even make bullets, and has no long-term combat capabilities at all. .

Qin Ling is not worried about this problem.

The training of the Southern African National Defense Force has far exceeded the training level of the European and American armies. The training of recruits in Southern Africa includes field survival projects.

"Brazil is rich in products, and the environment is similar to southern Africa. Soldiers are fighting in the wild. Even if they lack logistical supplies, it is not a problem to persist for ten and a half months. What's more, there are no Americans and government troops. It is for us to support war with war." It’s not a problem.” If Qin Ling’s words were heard by Barreto, Barreto would doubt life.

Feelings In southern Africa, this is how "wars support wars".

The European and American countries support war with war, which is to use the benefits after victory to stimulate the desire of the government and troops to continue fighting.

In southern Africa, war is supported by war, which is to maintain the ability to continue to fight with the materials captured after the battle is won.

From this point of view, the U.S. military and government troops will inevitably become the transportation captains of the southern African army. I hope that the Americans and government troops will perform their duties.

"We still stockpiled some supplies, at least there will be no problem within two or three months." A Brazilian military officer committed suicide, dozens of officers were dismissed on the spot, nearly a hundred officers retired one after another, and none of the ten officers who are still serving.

The effect is still obvious. The departure of a large number of Brazilian officers not only did not cause too much negative impact on the troops, but the morale of the army has also increased significantly. Most of the Brazilian officers in the Michigan Army are similar to traditional colonial officers. There are so many, I don’t have the ability to say nothing, and they are still domineering in the army, using the soldiers as slaves.

Although the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are indifferent, at least rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and their own quality is excellent. When fighting, they will not order soldiers to use crowd tactics to increase casualties. This alone has given the soldiers of the Mizhou Army enough confidence.

Although fighting is dangerous, even if you are ready to sacrifice, it is worthless to want to die.

"Can Kitchener become our supply point?" Gao Shan stood in front of the window sill, watching the USS "Maryland" battleship entering Victoria with a gloomy expression.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. From the perspective of the mountain, I could clearly see the main gun of the battleship "Maryland" pointing at Kitchener Port.

Although the main gun did not take off the gun cover, this action still made Gao Shan very uncomfortable.

But this is also normal. After all, when the "Maryland" entered Victoria Harbour, the destroyers of the Atlantic Fleet were also monitoring the "Maryland" battleship intentionally or unintentionally.

In order to capture Victoria, the US Marine Corps has killed nearly 1100 people.

This is the worst loss the United States has suffered since World War II.

What's even worse is that the Americans don't even know how much the Mizhou Army has lost. They can only refer to the statistics of the government army and believe that the Mizhou Army has lost about 5 people in Victoria——

This data is obviously abnormal. All the troops of the Mizhou Army in the direction of the Holy State add up to less than 5 people.

But since the Brazilian military government has said so, the U.S. government is not in a serious mood. At least once this data comes out, the face of the U.S. Marine Corps can be saved.

"It's very difficult after losing Victoria. The area we control is limited." Augusto also arrived in Kitchener in time. To be honest, if the Michigan Army hadn't just been cleaned up, neither Augusto nor Fan Bao would have dared Leave Belo Horizonte at the same time.

"It shouldn't matter too much, we can use transport planes to provide supplies for the Mississippi Army—" Nelson Terry had already prepared, and the task of the chief of staff was to solve problems for the commander.

Augusto's eyes suddenly brightened. After a long time in the umbrella company, Augusto subconsciously ignored the Southern African National Defense Force's operations, which was the biggest difference from the umbrella company's operations.

No matter how powerful the umbrella company is, it is still a commercial enterprise, and its logistics supply is definitely not as perfect as the Southern African National Defense Force.

During World War II, the Southern African Expeditionary Force began using transport aircraft to resupply front-line troops.

Ten years have passed, and the supply capability of the Southern African National Defense Force has been greatly improved compared with the expeditionary force during the World War. Now the Southern African National Defense Force has nearly 200 transport aircraft. These transport aircraft not only undertake the task of transporting supplies, but also Undertake strategic delivery tasks.

The transport aircraft can not only be used to transport materials, but also transport troops. The officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps in Southern Africa have received parachute training, and they can become paratroopers at any time as long as necessary.

"Don't worry about this, Augusto, order the Michigan Army to move, we have to teach the Americans an impressive lesson." Qin Ling did not forget his mission and gave Victoria to the Americans and the government army, the purpose is to lure the snake out of the hole , now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Just when the bosses were finalizing the battle plan, in a valley about 10 kilometers away from Victoria, the troops led by Sun Meng were resting.

After leaving Victoria, Sun Meng's company was replenished and filled again.

The difference from before is that now all the officers under Sun Meng are mercenaries from the Umbrella Company, and Rex serves as Sun Meng's deputy.

Rex has lost his "little monster" again, and has now fully switched to infantry.

After ending the battle in Victoria, Rex was rewarded with nearly [-] rand from the state capital of Michigan.

Rex added the money and part of his own savings to send all [-] rand to Ben and Martha's family. Although this certainly couldn't completely make up for the grief of Ben and Martha's family who lost their loved ones, Rex also Has done all he can do.

Sun Meng admired Rex's behavior very much. Fighting side by side with such a person deserved Sun Meng's full trust.


The sound of aircraft engines came from the sky.

Without being greeted by Sun Meng and Rex, the soldiers searched for cover to avoid the search of the plane.

When Qinling dug holes for the Americans, the Americans were not idle.

Compared with the Michigan Army, the equipment of the US Marine Corps is indeed relatively advanced. In order to search for the Michigan Army that voluntarily abandoned Victoria, the US Marine Corps will send planes to search every day, hoping to find the location of the Michigan Army, and then mobilize troops to encircle it.

Both sides want to fight a beautiful battle of annihilation, and now it depends on who is better.

"The Americans and the government troops are all so timid. The big meals we prepared for the Americans are useless—" Sun Meng regretted that mercenaries are actually not good at frontal combat, and mercenaries are mercenaries who are swimming and fighting. strengths.

The main reason is the lack of heavy weapons, so mercenaries can only choose the combat method that is most beneficial to their side.

Leaving the city and going to the wild is like a fish in water for mercenaries.

Field combat can make full use of the terrain, plant a booby trap on the side of the road, shoot a sniper from a distance, send a grenade launcher to shoot all the grenades in a few seconds, and then disappear before the enemy reacts Without a trace, all kinds of methods are used in turn, no matter how strong a fighter is, it can cause you a nervous breakdown.

"Our troops still need to strengthen their training. It's not a good idea to fight the Americans now." Rex was worried about the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Although the continuous months of fighting did not cause as much damage to the Mizhou Army as the military government counted, there were still 1 people.

Under normal circumstances, recruits will become veterans after a few battles, and the speed of maturity on the battlefield is very fast.

It's a pity that Victoria's street station was too cruel, and there were not many soldiers who persisted. The soldiers recruited by Sun Meng's company were all recruits, and they still needed to accumulate experience in order to perform their tasks better.

"The combat effectiveness of the U.S. Marine Corps is just like that. It is far behind our Southern African National Defense Force." As Sun Meng got to know the U.S. Marine Corps, Sun Meng became more and more disdainful of the U.S. Marine Corps.

As the only ground force retained by the United States after World War II, the U.S. Marine Corps is really not very good in Sun Meng’s opinion. If the firepower advantage of the U.S. Marine Corps is removed, the combat effectiveness of the U.S. Marine Corps, as Sun Meng sees, is comparable to that of the South African Union troops are about the same.

The Southern African Union troops, in the combat system of the Southern African National Defense Forces, have similar status and combat effectiveness to the colonial servants in the colonial era. Think about the combat effectiveness of the Cape Colonial Forces during the Second Boer War. The US Marine Corps Probably some kind of virtue.

"Hehe, every country in the world counts as one, how many can beat our Southern African National Defense Force?" Rex was also proud, and this kind of pride was accumulated with one victory after another.

"Sir, the Americans are dispatched. The Americans have left the barracks and are advancing towards our position—" the panting scout came over to report that although the Mississippi Army had no planes, its intelligence capabilities were not weak.

(End of this chapter)

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