Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1934 The Empty Train Station

Chapter 1934 The Empty Train Station

When Qinling and Gaoshan calculated the Americans, the Americans and government forces were also acting.

Occupying Victoria does not mean the end of the war, nor does it even mean the victory of the US Marine Corps and the Brazilian government forces. The Michigan Army voluntarily withdrew from Victoria. This fact is like a thorn in George Marshall's heart. In his heart, he was very unwilling to accept this fact.

"Southern African troops have performed well in world wars. We have never fought against such a powerful opponent. This is a rare opportunity. We will go through this war and dispel the myth that southern African troops are invincible. Brazil is destined to be The place where the myths of southern Africa are shattered." George Marshall was confident that the United States, with the cooperation of the Brazilian military government, could be regarded as a home game in Brazil.

You may not believe it, since southern Africa became a British dominion, so far, all the wars that southern African troops have participated in have never failed.

This includes hundreds of large and small battles during the World Wars, and the southern African army rarely lost. The few strategic retreats were also dragged down by friendly forces, and they had to retreat in order to avoid being surrounded.

Compared with southern Africa, the U.S. military is actually not bad, at least the United States is also the victorious country in the world war.

However, the price of this "victorious country" in the United States is a bit too heavy. The Belgian Fortress of Liege is an eternal pain in the hearts of Americans. George Marshall was Pershing's adjutant during the World War. .

Therefore, defeating the southern African army has become the biggest obsession in George Marshall's heart. The southern African army is a hurdle that the US military must cross.

"Southern Africans are continuing to increase their troops. We have just received news that the Salisbury Rifle Regiment stationed in Upper Katanga in Southern Africa has left the camp and disappeared. Contact the one that arrived at Kitchener Port a few days ago. The Southern African Union force, which we have reason to believe is probably the Salisbury Rifles." Colonel Harrison was in a bad mood, having not performed well in the previous phase of the operation.

The arrival of George Marshall took away most of the power in the hands of Colonel Harrison, which made Colonel Harrison very dissatisfied.

But Colonel Harrison had nothing to say.

When George Marshall didn't come, the Victorian Army stood still in the crazy attack of the US Marine Corps and the government army. The Marine Corps and the government army suffered huge casualties, but they could not defeat the Victorian Army. Colonel Sen was very dissatisfied.

The Michigan Army, which had persisted in Victoria for several months, voluntarily retreated after George Marshall arrived.

This is probably God's will.

"We are fighting the Southern African National Defense Force!" George Marshall has ambitions. In the previous stage of operations, the United States sent the Marine Corps, but the Southern African Federal Government sent the Union Force and mercenaries from the umbrella company. Who do you look down on!

For the U.S. government and U.S. troops, the behavior in southern Africa is an insult to Hongguoguo.

However, the Marine Corps failed to live up to it. It couldn't even beat the Union troops composed of African-American soldiers and the war hyenas of the Umbrella Company. Who can blame this——

It can only be said that God was not on the side of the United States before.

"The main force of the Mizhou Army is concentrated on the front line of Rio, and Victoria's defense is empty. This is our opportunity. As long as we can send a force to attack Belo Horizonte directly, the Mizhou Army on the front line of Rio will have to return to defense. , we can gain the initiative on the battlefield." Barreto's idea is good, but unfortunately there are too many unexpected factors.

In the previous stage of operations, the U.S. Marine Corps and government forces, with the cooperation of the U.S. Navy and the Brazilian Navy, had an absolute superiority in firepower and were still unable to capture Victoria.

Now to leave Victoria and attack the hinterland of Michigan requires not only courage, but also strong combat effectiveness.

Of course, Barreto also has his own reasons. For Barreto, it was not Barreto's fault that he could not attack for a long time, but because Kitchener continued to provide support for the Victorian Army. The restriction on the attack of the government forces prevented the Brazilian Navy from using the main guns of the battleship to cooperate with the attack of the ground forces. This is the real reason for the long-term inability to attack.

"We lack intelligence on the Mizhou Army. If we take the initiative to attack, it will bring more variables. Occupying Victoria and trapping the Mizhou Army to death is a more favorable choice." Colonel Harrison disagreed with the active attack. In the previous stage of operations, The US military and the Brazilian government forces are greatly restricted, and the mercenaries of the umbrella company are also affected by many unfavorable factors.

The biggest impact is that if the mercenaries of the umbrella company want to stick to Victoria, they will give up the mobile warfare that the mercenaries are best at.

At least the U.S. military and government forces knew that the Michigan Army was in Victoria at that time.

Now the Mizhou Army has voluntarily given up on Victoria, and they can't even find anyone. How to fight?
"It takes time to trap the Mizhou Army, and what we need most now is time. Rio is already approaching the city, and we must defeat the Mizhou Army as soon as possible." Barreto knew how dangerous the situation facing the military government was. The government has received less and less support. Several states that supported the military government at the beginning have now undergone some changes in their attitudes.

When the war broke out, there was a huge gap between the strength of the state capital of Mizhou and the military government. Just looking at the paper data, the military government had the absolute strength to end the war in a short period of time. No one expected that it would reach this level.

At present, even with the support of the US government, the military government is showing signs of decline.

This casts doubt on states that support the military government.

In case Mizhou wins the final victory, Navargas will definitely settle accounts after the autumn.

So Barreto hopes to defeat Mizhou in the shortest possible time, otherwise, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be to the military government.

"Don't worry about Rio's defense. From now on, the main battlefield has shifted from the front line of Rio to the front line of Victoria." George Marshall is not distracted. Rio de Janeiro has the US Marine Corps to assist in the defense, unless Vargas has the determination to burn the boat. , otherwise the Michigan Army would not take the initiative to attack Rio.

At this time, George Marshall didn't know that the Michigan Army had completed the purge.

"I will deploy more troops to participate in the attack, victory or defeat depends on one move!" Barreto placed all his chips.

Harrison could only look up to the sky and sigh. It seems that the Michigan Army has not taught George Marshall and Barreto enough lessons in Victoria.

To launch an attack on the hinterland of Michigan, a lot of preparatory work is required, the most important of which is to ensure the smooth flow of logistics channels.

Thanks to Iron Four Corners’ massive construction work in the past few years, the traffic between Victoria and Belo Horizonte is fairly smooth, not only connected by waterways, but also by railways. The purpose of the US troops leaving the camp is to ensure the safety of railways Intact, not destroyed by the Mizhou Army.

This is actually overthinking. The railway between Victoria and Belo Horizonte was built by Iron Four Corners, and it is the property of Iron Four Corners. Iron Four Corners will not take the initiative to destroy its own property.

The situation in Brazil is similar to that of southern Africa and the United States. In order to promote the infrastructure construction in Brazil, when Iron Four Corners built the railway, the Brazilian government gave all the land within [-] kilometers on both sides of the railway to Iron Four Corners. "Send" is unlimited.

That is to say, the railway between Victoria and Belo Horizonte, as well as the land on both sides of the railway, are the private property of the Iron Four Corners Company.

Brazil also believes that "private property is sacred and inviolable", so strictly speaking, even if the Brazilian military government wants to expropriate the railway, it needs the cooperation of the Iron Four.

If Iron Four Corners disagrees, government troops will not even be able to enter the railway station, let alone requisitioning the railway.

But private property is sacrosanct—

The effect of this sentence is hehe——

"What's going on at this station, where are the trains?" Second Lieutenant Lynch Brook was dumbfounded as he looked at the empty platform at Victoria Railway Station.

Before leading the troops to set off, Second Lieutenant Lynch Brook never expected that there was not even a locomotive or even a wagon in the station, let alone an armored train.

The staff must have all run away. The battle has been fought for several months.

"The station is the property of the Iron Four Corners Company. When the war just broke out, the Iron Four Corners Company drove away all the trains. Now all the trains should be in Belo Horizonte—" Costa from Rio The captain was not surprised. How could the Americans say it? Sometimes their naivety is ridiculous.

"How far is it to the next station?" Lynch did not give up, the order would definitely be carried out.

"About fifty kilometers—" Captain Costa was given the task of cooperating with the troops led by Second Lieutenant Lynch to control the railway between Victoria and Belo Horizonte.

However, the army led by Captain Costa has only one battalion, and the army led by Second Lieutenant Lynch is less than a company. With such a small force, it is a bit difficult to control the railway between Victoria and Belo Horizonte.

"Fifty kilometers! Well, let's go—" Lynch can only sigh, the land area is actually too big and it's not good.

But this is also normal. Brazil's land area is about the same as that of the United States, but its population is only 3500 million. It is more sparsely populated than the United States. It is normal for a station to be [-] kilometers away.

Then set off, the troops searched the entire station, and only found a working car used by the staff to inspect the railway in an abandoned warehouse. Looking at the rusty working car, Lynch doubted whether the car could still be used .

It can be used, but this kind of work vehicle is not driven by power, but by human power. There is something like a seesaw on the vehicle. Two people go up and press it back and forth, and the trolley can move forward at a speed of about ten kilometers per hour.

Ten kilometers, Nima is not as fast as riding a bicycle.

ps: It’s the end of the month again, a friendly reminder, if you keep the monthly pass, you won’t have babies, but you can double it if you vote, don’t miss it when you pass by——

(End of this chapter)

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