Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1935 Tentative Offensive

Chapter 1935 Tentative Offensive

The road away from the train station was not smooth. Walking along the railway tracks, the scenery is of course very good. Both sides of the railway are surrounded by authentic tropical rainforests. At a glance, everything within the line of sight is eye-catching green. Birds are singing, monkeys are jumping in the forest, and pink freshwater dolphins occasionally jump out of the water in the river. This is the largest freshwater dolphin in the world, and it only lives in the Amazon Basin of South America.

"Be careful when you encounter rivers. There are not only pink freshwater dolphins in the water, but also piranhas, caimans, and the most dangerous anaconda in the world. That's why we never camp in the wild—" Captain Costa Walking and chatting with Lieutenant Lynch, the Amazon at night is indeed very dangerous, comparable to southern Africa 30 years ago.

The key is that it is sparsely populated. 3500 million people sounds like a lot, but it is still a bit small when thrown into 850 million square kilometers. Moreover, most Brazilians live in densely populated coastal cities. The further you go inland, the more desolate it becomes. virgin forest.

This is also the dilemma Brazil is facing now. It has abundant natural resources, but is unable to develop them. It has neither money nor technology. It can only rely on foreign capital to develop Brazil's resources. However, most of the profits are taken by foreign countries. With the capital taken away, the Brazilian government can get very little.

"Since the Mississippi Army can survive in the wild, so can we." Lieutenant Lynch is confident that camping in the wild is commonplace for the US Marine Corps.

The training of the US Marine Corps may not be as rigorous as the Southern African Defense Forces, but it is certainly much better than the Brazilian government forces.

While the U.S. military didn't do well in the world wars, it wasn't that way in U.S. government propaganda.

What Americans are best at is staring and telling nonsense. Those unscrupulous media in the United States are also full of lies. In the propaganda of the American media, the participation of the US military in the war was the key factor for the Allies to win the world war. The turning point of the war, it can be said that if the US military did not participate in the war, the Allies could not even win the final victory.

In such a description, the United States becomes the savior of Europe.

So that's how America's self-confidence comes from.

Lynch believes in the propaganda of the US government. He is proud of his American identity, and even more proud of being a member of the US Marine Corps.

What Lynch didn't realize was that the U.S. government's propaganda was contradictory.

Since the United States is the savior of Europe, why does the Southern African Expeditionary Force have the myth of "invincible"?

Since the whole of Europe is grateful for the rescue of the United States, why didn't the United States even join the League of Nations after the end of the World War?

Even if Lynch is aware of these problems, it is estimated that he will not pay enough attention to the Michigan Army.

After all, the Michigan Army and the Southern African Army are two different things. The mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are just hideous war hyenas in the eyes of the U.S. Marine Corps, even though those war hyenas have taught the U.S. Marine Corps enough lessons in Victoria. But there are still many people who don't think so.

How could there be the saying "no tears without seeing the coffin".

"Actually, it's faster and safer for us to take a patrol boat." Captain Costa couldn't help complaining. After George Marshall came to Brazil, he directly took away the command of the Brazilian Navy. Marshall directs.

"No, no, no, the most dangerous thing is to take a patrol boat. On a wide river, if the enemy launches an attack, we cannot avoid it." Second Lieutenant Lynch didn't want to take a boat. Fighting back, was attacked on the river? Did he jump off the boat?

Don't forget that Costa just said that there are piranhas, crocodiles, and fucking anacondas and green anacondas in Brazilian rivers——

Lieutenant Lynch didn't want to face any of the above.

Moreover, Lynch led the troops along the railway, and the railway would become a natural shelter for the troops.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the railway is the property of the Iron Four Corners Company, so if the Michigan Army launches an attack on the troops led by Lynch, it cannot use certain heavy weapons with relatively high lethality to avoid damage to the railway.

At this time, the Marine Corps and the government army can let go of their hands and feet. Anyway, even if the railway is damaged, it will be credited to the Mizhou Army.

The only thing that made Lynch more depressed was that the troops were moving too slowly.

The trains were all driven away by Iron Sijiao. Costa tried his best to find only a few donkeys, and more supplies still needed to be carried by civilians.

Under normal circumstances, when soldiers leave the camp to fight, they must carry at least three days' worth of supplies with them.

If the US Marine Corps is well equipped, it needs to carry more supplies. Even so, the weight of equipment carried by each Marine has exceeded 40 kilograms.

This is a long journey, and you have to carry supplies weighing more than 40 kilograms with you. Who knows what it feels like.

The U.S. Marine Corps is fairly well-trained, at least the players seem to be okay.

The performance of the soldiers of the Brazilian government army is a bit worse. Less than an hour after leaving the train station, some government soldiers were injured and left behind. The collarbone is simply horrible.

"We need to take a break." Captain Costa couldn't help it either. The wounded soldiers had to be sent back to Victoria for treatment. On average, it took two people to send one person back. , If this continues, the soldiers will run away.

"Your subordinates are too useless. Can't you be more strict in training?" Lynch was a little curious. It's okay for the military government to be bad. The three-member regiment was all soldiers. It's amazing that the army can be so bad. No wonder Can't beat the Mizhou people.

"Training also requires funds. When the war did not break out, the troops could not even conduct live ammunition training once a month." Costa is also very wronged, and this matter is not up to him.

Before Lynch could speak, there was a sudden gunshot ahead.

Lynch and Costa immediately jumped off the tracks for cover.

There were no gunshots in the follow-up, and it is estimated that it was a sporadic attack by the Michigan Army.

"We were attacked by snipers from the Mississippi Army. A soldier was wounded and needed to be sent back to Victoria for treatment." Soon a soldier came to report.

"Shet——" Lynch knew that, if the war hyenas didn't cause some trouble, they wouldn't be dogs.

"Order the troops in combat formation and move on." Lynch asked the troops to move on.

"No, we should ask for support." Costa had a faint feeling that the situation in Victoria's offensive and defensive war was too similar.

This was the case when the government army attacked Victoria some time ago. The endless harassment of the Mizhou Army led to the exhaustion of the attacking government troops. The snipers of the Mizhou Army have now appeared, so I am afraid that grenades, bombs, and shells will follow. One after another, railroads don't give enough protection to marines and government soldiers.

"We haven't even seen the shadow of the enemy, how can we ask for support? Send someone back to Victoria to report that we were forced to abort the mission because a soldier was injured?" Lynch was aggressive, and this attitude was unacceptable.

"Then we can't move on without understanding the situation. Who can guarantee that there is only one sniper ahead instead of an entire army?" Costa was worried. If there was an entire army waiting ahead, then Costa and Lynch are just delivering food.

"That's why we continue to advance in combat formation." Lynch insisted that if we encounter an entire army, it will not be too late to withdraw.

Then move on.

However, what made Costa very dissatisfied was that Lynch, who insisted on moving forward, sent Costa's men to go ahead, and Lynch's men followed behind. This was clearly forcing Costa's men to die.

Although he was dissatisfied, Costa did not dare to resist Lynch's order. Although Costa was a captain and Lynch was a second lieutenant, in Brazil, even a Brazilian general had to show enough respect to an American soldier.

This is probably the Brazilian version of "give foreigners a face".

The attacks did come one after another as the troops moved on.

The Mississippi Army did not restrain itself in order to protect the property of Iron Four Corners as Lynch imagined.

When the troops were searching and moving forward, a soldier suddenly triggered a landmine, not just one, but about three to four mines exploded at the same time, and the steel balls carried fragments and gravel flying, 11 soldiers died on the spot, 17 soldiers were injured, among them Including two U.S. Marines.

Looking at the twisted rails and hearing the screams of the wounded, Lynch finally fell silent.

The railroad tracks were blown up like this, even if Lynch found the locomotive, the railroad would no longer be usable.

It doesn't make any sense to move on in this situation.

"Retreat, return to Victoria—" Lynch finally gave the order to retreat.

Looking at the slowly retreating marines and government troops, Sun Meng, who was using a telescope to observe, looked regretful.

"Who is to blame, who told you to plant so many landmines, it's over now, let's scare people away—" Rex also regretted.

"I didn't expect that the Marine Corps would be so careless—" Sun Meng was indeed using too much force. Now that he thought about it, it might be better to design an encirclement circle directly.

But this is not bad, the Americans have already started to investigate in the direction of Belo Horizonte, so it is not far from the dispatch of large forces, and there will always be some battles.

"Do you want to catch up?" Rex seemed to see Rand beckoning. Those marines and government soldiers were all money for Rex.

ps: I get up at four o'clock every morning to code words, and I am scolded as a dog in two chapters. Is my conscience eaten by dogs! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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