Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1936 Adults should be responsible for what they do

Chapter 1936 Adults should be responsible for what they do

When the U.S. military in Victoria took the initiative to attack, the U.S. military in Rio was strengthening its defenses.

The government army alone cannot defend Rio de Janeiro. Although the government army still maintains an advantage over the Mizhou army in terms of strength, the government army has completely lost courage when fighting the Mizhou army. A company of the Mizhou Army, chasing a regiment of government troops in hot pursuit.

What is even more surprising is that more than 1000 government soldiers all knelt down and surrendered after a little resistance, and the total number of casualties was less than ten.

The news was sent back to Rio, and the U.S. military in Rio completely lost trust in the government forces, so the U.S. military took over the city defense under the pretext of protecting American expatriates.

Vargas has not yet made preparations to directly turn against the U.S. military, so the front line in Rio has fallen into a stalemate.

The strange thing is that after the initial panic, the order in Rio has gradually returned to normal under the maintenance of the US military. Restaurants in the city center have resumed business, the music is playing again, and the samba is still enthusiastic. It is a club opened exclusively for the US military. There are so many people in the city, a large-scale indescribable industry has emerged around the US military camp, and the sales of family planning products have increased greatly.

General Hunter Lance, commander of the [-]rd Brigade of the U.S. Marine Corps, has become accustomed to this situation. The only requirement he asks his subordinates is to pay attention to disease prevention. In Brazil in this era, the hygienic situation is also shocking.

"We need tanks and armored vehicles, but why did they send us cotton coats and red wine? Didn't anyone tell those idiots in the logistics department that March is summer in the southern hemisphere?" Hunter Lance was very dissatisfied with the work of the logistics department , such a mistake is simply unforgivable.

In fact, we can’t blame the poor logistics staff. The U.S. military has not conducted such a large-scale logistical support for a long time. During the World War, the United States went to Europe to participate in the war, and the logistics work was handled by the United Kingdom. When the U.S. military arrived in Europe, it was empty-handed and shot None of them were brought, and all the equipment was in charge of the UK, so the US military logistics department seriously lacked experience in this area.

"Even in winter, Rio de Janeiro doesn't need cotton coats." Hunter's chief of staff is Jim Sara, who participated in the World War. He just turned 50 this year, with little hair left and bloodshot eyes. Can't sleep at night.

The situation that Rio is currently facing is too bad. The Mizhou army is approaching the city, and more than 50 U.S. and government troops are compressed in a city of less than [-] square kilometers. Although they can be replenished by sea, if it continues for a long time, there will definitely be troubles.

The performance of the Mizhou Army is also very strong. Although the Mizhou Army did not launch a ground attack on Rio, the battle in the air has become intense.

The aircraft purchased by the government forces from the United States have basically been lost in the previous phase of operations.

In order to counter the air superiority of the Michigan Army, Washington added an emergency loan to the Brazilian military government to purchase American aircraft and hire pilots from the United States to fight.

"Employment" is a good way to say it. In fact, the pilots who came to Brazil to participate in the war were all serving US military pilots.

Even so, the pilots of the Mississippi Army did not fall behind in the face of American pilots. This made Jim Sara very sure that the pilots who flew the Mississippi planes to participate in the battle must also be military pilots from southern Africa .

Only this reason is acceptable to Jim Sara.

if not--

Well, no otherwise.

"Tell those brats, let them all pay attention to me, if anyone accidentally contracts a disease that shouldn't have, repatriation is the only end." Hunter Lance was also upset, facing the enthusiastic Brazil Beauty, those boys from the farm are mostly unable to resist the temptation, and the US military has never been disciplined at all, and it is a common occurrence to be infected with diseases.

"Last night, some soldiers had something that shouldn't have happened in the officers' club. General Fragozzo is still waiting for our explanation—" When Jim Sara spoke, he felt embarrassed.

"And what the hell happened?" Although Hunter Lance didn't know what happened, he probably still couldn't control his lower body with American virtues.

"Last night there was a ball at the officers' club, and some Brazilians were invited to it, and something bad happened after the ball—the problem is, some of the Brazilians who attended the ball were family members of Rio officials— —” Jim Sara scratched his little hair, this kind of thing is actually normal in Rio now, but since it involves some so-called "high society" members, it still has to be handled with caution.

"Families of officials? Why did they appear at the ball? Are they social butterflies?" Hunter Lance was also surprised. The family members of those officials should know the nature of this ball.

Since they knew the nature of the ball and still participated with great interest, then they couldn't blame the American soldiers for not being human.

"There should be some misunderstandings." Jim Sara could only bite the bullet and find an angle. He couldn't say that American soldiers would turn into beasts after drinking a little wine. It's pretending to be crazy by drinking.

"Then explain it clearly to the Brazilians." Hunter Lance didn't care about the fate of the family members of those officials. If the military government fell, most of the family members of the current officials would go to the surrounding areas of the US military camps to find jobs.

While Jim Sara and Henry Lance were worrying about city defense, the Rio Presidential Palace, Fragozzo was also listening to the report from his subordinates.

During this period of time, Fragozzo's life was not easy. The government army was defeated again and again on the front line. Rio de Janeiro had become an isolated city and was heavily surrounded by the Michigan Army.

Although the Michigan Army has not yet launched a ground attack, God knows when Vargas will go crazy. At that time, Rio will definitely not be able to keep it. The Americans can pat their butts back to the United States. What about Fragozzo?
Surrender to the Michigan Army?

It is estimated that Vargas does not accept it, and other people may be able to escape. Fragozzo, Noronha, and Barreto will definitely be punished by Qiuhou.

I am afraid that by then, exile will be Fragozzo's only option.

Until the last moment, Fragozzo will definitely not leave Rio.

Stay in Rio, the war will have a turning point.

Leaving Rio, Fragozzo will lose all his power. Even if Fragozzo relies on these years of searching for food and clothing, how can he make up for the regret of losing power.

"A man named Firmino organized this dance, and he was just to please the American soldiers. Firmino found a few women, but the number was far from enough, so Firmino found a woman named Anne. This woman knows some family members of officials, so more and more family members of officials attended the banquet.” Fragozzo’s secretary Tania blushed, and this kind of thing is very popular for all Brazilians humiliation.

American rampage is not uncommon in South America.

But for the sake of domineering, it still exceeds the bottom line of many people.

Any decent Brazilian would be outraged when he learns about it.

"How many people know about this?" Fragozzo's first reaction was not to pursue responsibility, but to block the news.

"I didn't know much at the beginning, but this kind of thing spread quickly. It is said that some people committed suicide after the incident—" Tania was expressionless. In a passionate nation, the attitude towards this kind of thing is very different it's the same.

The key is still the object.

White people don't really care much about chastity. The King of England has so many lovers, and many lovers' husbands are proud of it.

If it was an American soldier, many people would not be able to accept it. Their mood was probably the same as when they saw Prince Duan’s woman looking for a beggar on the side of the road. What's going on, let's just say it——

"Block the news, prohibit anyone from discussing it, and strictly prohibit newspapers from publishing it. The other guy named Firmino should not continue to live, and the woman named Anne, let them remain silent forever." Fragozzo killed decisively , I have to endure it even if I feel sick at the moment, and I can't damage the relationship with the Americans.

Tania looked at Fragozzo, did not speak, and did not carry out Fragozzo's order.

"What else?" Fragozzo said angrily.

"Those women—" Tanya wanted justice for the victims.

Although there are many families in Brazil who play their own way like the British and Americans, after all, they are all based on the premise of voluntary.

Tania insisted that although the family members of the officials who participated in the ball also had certain responsibilities, it is obvious that Americans are more responsible.

"They deserve it! They are all adults and should be responsible for what they do." Fragozzo made a final decision.

"Among them were minors—" Tania insisted.

"What's the matter with you? As I said, we are all adults and should be responsible for what we do." Fragozzo was very dissatisfied with Tania's ignorance. This is not what a mature secretary should do.

"Okay——" Tania was silent for a long time, and finally reluctantly accepted Fragozzo's order.

Fragozzo has made it very clear.

Although both Hunter Lance and Fragozzo wanted to block the news, the spread of this gossip among the people is unimaginable.

The people of Rio are very dissatisfied with the officials of the military government. This kind of thing happened, in the eyes of ordinary Rio people, it is like a dog biting a dog.

So even though the military government strictly prohibited anyone from discussing this matter, the news spread like wildfire.

Two days later, the French "National" first published the news. On the same day, the special investigation team sent by the League of Nations arrived in Macaé to investigate the truth of the Macaé massacre.

It is worth mentioning that it is still the umbrella company that provides security protection for the special investigation team of the League of Nations.

ps: On the last day of July, two more beasts are working hard to evolve into three more beasts——

(End of this chapter)

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