Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 1941 The U.S.-Pakistan Allied Forces with Serious Differences

Chapter 1941 The U.S.-Pakistan Allied Forces with Serious Differences

There is one thing to say, Wilcox chooses referees from southern Africa as much as possible, the purpose is not to cheat the Americans, but to create the golden sign of the Olympic Games.

At present in 1932, the influence of the Olympic Games is far from being as great as it will be in the future.

In this era when TV just came out and live broadcasting technology was not yet available, ordinary people knew very little about the Olympic Games, and the enthusiasm of various countries for the Olympic Games was not too high, so if we engage in black-box operations now, we might just play the Olympic Games directly die.

Wilcox's purpose is obvious. Since the referee level in southern Africa is relatively high, then use southern African referees as much as possible. In a fair competition environment, Wilcox is really not worried about the competition of southern African athletes. force.

To put it bluntly, during the economic crisis in the past few years, most Americans were short of clothes and clothes, and couldn't even fill their stomachs. How much energy can they spend on physical exercise?

I still remember that the most popular activity in the United States during the Great Depression was listening to the radio, because listening to the radio saves money without going out.

Southern Africa is the least affected country in the world by the economic crisis, and the athletes are also the least affected. Wilcox is now more worried that if the southern African athletes win too many gold medals in the Olympic Games, one family will dominate , will affect the enthusiasm of other countries for the Olympic Games.

We agreed on a fair competition, but in the end, we all watched you southern Africans play at the beginning of the game, so what else to play——

While Los Angeles was preparing for the Olympic Games, American and government forces in Victoria were preparing to attack Belo Horizonte.

In the previous phase of the battle, the government troops suffered heavy losses in Victoria. In order to cooperate with the US attack, Barreto mobilized nearly [-] government troops and vowed to complete their efforts in one battle.

The war has been fought until now, with the addition of Victoria, the government army has lost 10,000+ before and after, and the elite troops have been exhausted. These [-] government troops have just been recruited in recent months and have only received simple training. The US military advisory group After observing a government army training, I was very dissatisfied with the state of the government army.

"This is a group of farmers who have just picked up guns. Maybe they have only learned how to shoot guns, and they haven't even learned how to maintain their weapons—" George Marshall finally realized now that he faced more difficulties than he imagined .

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of the Mizhou Army, just count on such a government army. George Marshall feels thankful that he can withstand the counterattack of the Mizhou Army.

As for the active offense, George Marshall now had no hope at all.

"Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs." Colonel Harrison complained quietly. This sentence has been spread all over the world since Roque used it to complain about the French army during the World War.

"We need more time to train them, Colonel Harrison, and tell General Barreto that the attack on Belo Horizonte will be postponed until three months later." George Marshall was cautious, and the government troops lost I'm sorry, and the US Marine Corps can't afford to lose.

The U.S. Marine Corps does not have a high status within the U.S. military, and the Navy is the first order of U.S. combat power.

With the development of new weapons, the status of the Air Force has gradually increased in recent years, while the status of the Marine Corps has gradually declined.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, especially in South American countries, the U.S. Marine Corps is still a symbol of the U.S. armed forces. If the Marine Corps suffers a major defeat in Brazil, the deterrence of the United States against South American countries will decline rapidly. This is unacceptable to Washington under any circumstances.

George Marshall could not afford this responsibility.

Anyway, for George Marshall, the life and death of the government army is not important. Without Fragozzo and Barreto, the US government can still support other agents.

For Barreto, as time goes by, the situation of the military government will become more and more unfavorable, so Barreto came to George Marshall immediately after learning that George Marshall had decided to postpone the offensive to three months .

"The attack time must not be postponed until three months later. After three months, Rio may have fallen. No matter what we do by then, it will be completely meaningless." Barreto was in a state of anxiety, let alone three months for Rio , I might not be able to stand it for a month.

"Rio has the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps to assist in the defense. It's no problem to hold it for three months. Look at your soldiers. Based on their performance, can they defeat the Michigan Army on the battlefield?" George Marshall was not polite, no The government army is required to be an elite force, at least it must be passable.

"Isn't there still the Marine Corps—" Barreto didn't expect to rely solely on the government army to win.

Victoria now has about 8000 marines, the only card in George Marshall's hand.

It can't even be said to be a trump card. In the previous battles, the performance of the Southern African Union troops was no less than that of the US Marine Corps.

Now George Marshall has been able to confirm that in the later stages of the Victoria offensive and defensive battle, the officers and soldiers of the Mississippi Army who participated in the battle had quietly been replaced by the Southern African Union troops, otherwise the US Marine Corps would not have suffered so many casualties.

This was the only reasonable explanation that George Marshall could accept.

Otherwise, the U.S. Marine Corps would not even be able to beat the Michigan Army, which is unreasonable anyway.

What worries George Marshall is that the Southern African Union troops are already so capable of fighting, and the Southern African Defense Forces may join the battle next.

The U.S. Marine Corps can't even beat the Southern African Union Army, can it beat the Southern African Defense Force——

George Marshall was not an arrogant man.

"The Marine Corps is not God, and the Mississippi Army is not as weak as you describe. Before the troops are ready, attacking will not be our choice." George Marshall was angry. Bad luck for the government.

There was another thing that made George Marshall angry. After a big quarrel with Barreto, the US military in charge of monitoring the Kitchener Port discovered that transport planes belonging to the Southern African military were dispatched frequently, and sometimes even ten of them were dispatched a day. sorties or more.

Compared with cheap fighter jets, large long-range transport aircraft can be included in the strategic force, and it is impossible for commercial companies to own umbrellas.

George Marshall immediately realized that the Port of Kitchener was using transport planes to resupply the Mississippi Army.

After realizing this, George Marshall contacted the Port of Kitchener as soon as possible, asking the Port of Kitchener to abide by the principle of neutrality and not to intervene in any form in the war between the Brazilian military government and the state of Michigan.

"Heh, if the Americans can participate in the war openly, southern Africa must stick to neutrality, what a domineering American." Qin Ling has already arrived in Belo Horizonte by transport plane and officially took over the command of the Mizhou Army.

In fact, in a sense, Barreto is right. The government army needs time to train, and the Michigan Army also needs time.

In the previous phase of the battle, the Mizhou Army also suffered heavy losses.

Vargas has given up all illusions, and in order to win the final victory, he is willing to gamble on the future of Michigan.

After the war, Vargas had already issued a mobilization order. A week ago, Vargas issued a second mobilization order to mobilize all adult males over the age of 16 and under 35 in the state of Michigan to join the army.

The reason why the upper age limit is set at 35 years is because the average life expectancy in Brazil is only 35.

After the second mobilization order was issued, the Mizhou Army swelled to an unprecedented 35 people, which also means that if the military government cannot be defeated in a short period of time, the Mizhou economy will also collapse rapidly.

In fact, it has almost collapsed now. After Victoria was occupied by the government army, the maritime traffic in Mizhou was completely cut off. The mines of the Iron Four Corners Company have stopped working. Anyway, the iron ore dug out cannot be transported out.

Fortunately, Mizhou is rich in resources, and food sources are not a problem.

However, military supplies are seriously insufficient, which is why the Port of Kitchener has to use transport planes to resupply the state of Mississippi.

"The Monroe Doctrine, in Brazil, we are also considered an extraterritorial country." Nelson Terry said seriously, the Salisbury Rifle has secretly gone to Michigan, if George Marshall rushes to attack, the Salisbury Rifle will let him George Marshall knew what a real trump card was.

"How's the situation of Krampus?" Qin Ling is most worried about the logistics. Using transport planes to supply supplies is only a stopgap measure. Qin Ling needs a stable logistics transportation route, so Krampus came into Qin Ling's sight.

Campos is located between Victoria and Rio, 180 kilometers from Victoria and about 200 kilometers from Rio.

Strictly speaking, Campos is not a port city. It is more than 30 kilometers away from the coastline, but this distance is not a problem for the Qinling Mountains. Campos has rivers leading to the Atlantic Ocean, and at the same time, it can connect to Beloo along the river. There are not too many small cities in the coastal areas of Brazil for the railway between Lizante and Victoria, and the joint efforts of the US Navy and the Brazilian Navy cannot completely block the coastline.

During the second Boer War, in order to deal with 45 Boers, the British government mobilized 45 troops to complete the blockade of the Boer national border.

Brazil is much bigger than the original Cape Colony.

"A cargo ship will arrive in Campos tomorrow night." Nelson Trillo worried that as long as the blockade of the U.S. Navy and the Brazilian Navy can be broken, the Michigan Army will be invincible.

"Ordering Augusto to launch a harassing attack on Victoria will draw the attention of the Americans, and the Americans should not be left too idle." Qinling has the essence of guerrilla warfare.

"Okay." Nelson Terry was succinct. Augusto led the Mississippi Army, and the Salisbury Rifle Regiment for this kind of combat is a waste.

Therefore, troop training is very important, but it is not so important as to overwhelm everything else.

The key is how to use it. Elite troops have the same usage as elite troops, and militias have the same usage as militia.

(End of this chapter)

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